Public auction 43 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-1992 - Collections

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165893 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] TRIAL PRINTS  exceptional and extrao
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] TRIAL PRINTS exceptional and extraordinary collection of trial printings and gravures of Czechosl. stamps from 1945-1992, in 4 luxury spiral albums Lindner on 150 sheets, contains over 1.700!! items, much complete, arranged chronologically, exceedingly interesting trial colors and stage prints of stamps and souvenir sheets, contains i.a. partial print of unissued souvenir sheet Svoboda, Pof.A2175N and oths.; supplemented with about ca. 1.600 pcs of other TCP and duplicates in 5 stockbooks and on ca. 420 cards, collection also contains TCP for added prints for envelopes and FDC and photocopies of designes of the stamps; total 3.380 trial printings, unrepeatable and exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
163478 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  nice basic collection in 6 spring f
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection in 6 spring folder on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. vertical and horiz. 4-stamps. Košice-issue gutter, miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, Praga 1955, Praga 1962 "linen", Pof.PL2024 type I., Pof.PL1927-1932, Pof.PL2263-2266, Pof.PLL69-71, A2747A-C, air-mail with coupons, postage-due etc.., without PB I. art; souvenir sheets very fine, nice collection
Starting price: CZK
165863 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of plate flaws, producti
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection of plate flaws, production flaw and types in/at full 16-sheet stockbook A4, types, plate variety and production flaw described and identified, contains i.a. Pof.498 type II., 619 with plate variety 20/1, 1084 with plate variety 3/1, 1570 ST I. + II., 2422 with plate variety 40/1 etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 36.000Kč
Starting price: CZK
165866 - 1945-92 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice, almost complete collection
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, almost complete collection miniature sheets and printing sheet in 2 superb albums Leuchtturm, contains i.a. miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, Praga 1955, "Praga 1962", printing sheet I. art, Pof.PL1574 with plate variety 3/2 -"slza" etc..; cat. according to owner ca. 33.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
164782 - 1945–67 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in 6 stockbooks, con
1945–67 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in 6 stockbooks, contains a lot of 50. and 60. years, contains also some blocks of 10 (for example. Butterflies 1961, Tokio, Praga 1962 air-mail); incomplete set excluded from sum, in addition for free smaller stockbook CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39, cat. ca. 59.000Kč
Starting price: CZK
164783 - 1953–67 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in two stockbooks, m
1953–67 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in two stockbooks, mainly sought thematic issues in multiblocks, contains also some blocks of 10 (Tokio, Lidice, FIP 1962, Flowers 1964), also for example. 3x „Prádlo“ etc.; cat. above 32.000Kč
Starting price: CZK
163869 - 1945-1981 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in two stockbooks, pract
1945-1981 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two stockbooks, practically set incl. major-part miniature sheets and much PB, in addition other 2 stockbooks with duplication, various ** set and PB more times, a lot of of material after/behind very low price
Starting price: CZK
163707 - 1945-84 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting selection of better items
1945-84 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of better items CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, contains especially souvenir sheets, PB and some set, for example. Pof.A408/412, A435 II., A564 (2x), A853/857A + B (2x), A1216, A1268A + B (2x), A2175A + B (2x), A 2653 (3x), PL1013 (2x), PL1017 (2x), PL1263b/64b (4x), PL1574/78, PL1695 (3x), or Pof.558/561 (3x), 840-43 (4x), L50-53 (13x), 1263-67 (8x), 1961-62 (13x) and then 8 pcs of special commemorative print and other material, PL757 defect -nepočítáno; suitable to other sale, in stockbook A4, c.v.. Pofis 14.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
165238 - 1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  estate of collector, contains espec
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] estate of collector, contains especially period 1945-1951 in blocks of four, i.a. complete London-issue with plate number 1A and 1B, Kozina with coupons, St. Adalbert., Lidice and other issue in blocks of four, incl. some miniature sheets, placed in 2 stockbooks A4, high catalogue value + supplemented with about/by used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on pages and in stockbook A4 + stamp. abroad in/at envelopes and stamp. Austria in blocks in fold A4; placed in box
Starting price: CZK
164617 - 1945-1967 [COLLECTIONS]  complete collection, contains also
1945-1967 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection, contains also souvenir sheets, i.a. Bratislava 1952 light hinged, PRAGA 1955, without miniature sheet "Praga 1962", incl. several printing sheet; high catalogue value, placed in 3 stockbooks
Starting price: CZK
163866 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
164310 - 1945-57 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply mint never hinged sta
1945-57 [COLLECTIONS] business supply mint never hinged stamp., complete set also single values, mostly in blocks of four, interesting are especially set with coupons "old" currency and period years 1953-57 or dates of print Airmail 1955 Towns, in addition on 2 pages small addition BOHEMIA-MORAVIA; in stockbook A4/ 16 sheets, cat. over 6.300CZK, set USA Mi.512-24 "Flags" excluded from sum
Starting price: CZK
165241 - 1945-89 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation in 3 full stockbooks A4,
1945-89 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in 3 full stockbooks A4, contains lot of bloks of four, air-mail, postage-due etc.., several miniature sheets, printing sheet etc.., old also new currency; cat. according to owner ca. 13.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
163507 - 1950-92 [COLLECTIONS]  collection duplication in 3 stockbook
1950-92 [COLLECTIONS] collection duplication in 3 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. printing sheet, several miniature sheets etc.., mainly 70.-80. years
Starting price: CZK
165885 - 1957-1977 [COLLECTIONS]  collection used bloks of four, mini
1957-1977 [COLLECTIONS] collection used bloks of four, miniature sheets and printing sheet with gum in 3 superb ring folders, part bloks of four with special postmark first of day!, contains i.a. miniature sheet "Praga 1962", 3x imperforated miniature sheet Praga 1962, interesting representation issues from 60. years
Starting price: CZK
163867 - 1957-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection PB, souvenir sheets and s
1957-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection PB, souvenir sheets and some blocks of 10, PB to almost complete, incl. better, i.a. Pof.A2215 plate variety; high catalogue value, placed in 3 stockbooks A4
Starting price: CZK
162715 - 1968-92 [COLLECTIONS]  neroztříděná estate odebíraných
1968-92 [COLLECTIONS] neroztříděná estate odebíraných year, blk-of-10, blocks of four, PB, souvenir sheets, several booklets etc.., detached/free ložené in box, all in/at perfect status, suitable to supplement commercial reserve or to searching specialities, according to owner face-value 6.500CZK, high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
162496 - 1977-85 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of PB Art and Prague castle
1977-85 [COLLECTIONS] selection of PB Art and Prague castle from y. 1977 - 1985, supplemented with also blk-of-10 Intercosmos, Flora etc.., mint never hinged also used on pages in/at kancelářském šanonu, supplemented with commercial reserve stamp. from y. 1979-80, lot of stamp. from every issue, blocks with margin etc.. all in/at full stockbook, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
165639 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  NEWSPAPER STAMPS  Pof.NV23, NV26-32, sel
1945 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS Pof.NV23, NV26-32, selection of 20 pcs of corner bloks of four with plate number (outside values 10h and 15h), value 1Kčs with production flaw, blk-of-20 with rings in the picture 2 stamp. + block of 8 with thin paper crease in paper, supplemented with 3 pcs of address newspaper wrappers with franking 2x 5h, 20h and 6x 50h
Starting price: CZK
165288 - 1947-78 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of chosen bands and plate v
1947-78 [COLLECTIONS] selection of chosen bands and plate variety, contains: Pof.431 VK6 and VK7, then L and R band Pof.431 (2x), 447-449, 453, 467-469 (2x), 475-478 (2x), 490-491; upper and the bottom bands Pof.455, then counter sheet Pof.2066 and 2091-92, 2322 with plate variety 16/2 etc..; good quality, c.v.. ca. 5.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
165276 - 1945-92 [COLLECTIONS]  collection miniature sheets and print
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] collection miniature sheets and printing sheet, contains i.a. Pof.A360/362 combination 112, A435 type II., A691/692, miniature sheet Bratislava ** and *, 2x A564, A813 type II., folder C, D, E, H, A3006DV, miniature sheet Columbus EUROPA - CEPT, with plate flaw plate variety 6/2 "560. Anniv" etc..; high catalogue value, according to owner ca. 12.000CZK, index inserted
Starting price: CZK
165272 - 1945-80 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of plate flaws in spiral s
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection of plate flaws in spiral stockbook A5 on pages, contains a lot of sought plate variety, i.a. Pof.773DO - imprint of transfer roll, 2314 type II with RE 3/2, 2314ST, 2255 with plate variety 18, 20, 24, 30/1 etc..; all identified, index inserted, high catalogue value through/over 16.000CZK, interesting
Starting price: CZK
164624 - 1955-1985 [COLLECTIONS]  collection 263ks miniature sheets a
1955-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection 263ks miniature sheets and counter sheets, from that 35x blk-of-10, contains i.a. complete I. art, Pof.PL1574-1578, air-mail Pof.PLL74-79, National costumes Pof.PL2263-266 etc..; high catalogue value, placed in stockbook A3
Starting price: CZK
165282 - 1957-91 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of PB, contains i.a. Pof.PL
1957-91 [COLLECTIONS] selection of PB, contains i.a. Pof.PL.1574-1578, I. art, PL2024, type I., PL2263-2266, PL2519, PL2596 etc..; index inserted, cat. according to owner 6.750Kč
Starting price: CZK
165283 - 1972-82 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized selection of on/for paper
1972-82 [COLLECTIONS] specialized selection of on/for papers without opticaly clearing agent, optically cleared, fluorescent paper, chosen issue, part 4-bloky: i.a. Pof.1964 optically cleared paper, Pof.2111 paper without optical brightener, Pof.2508 fluorescing paper 2, Pof.2521 fluorescing paper 1 etc..; index inserted, cat. according to owner ca. 21.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
165794 - 1945-46 [COLLECTIONS]   collection of ca. 300 pcs of entires
1945-46 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 pcs of entires all with provisory postmarks from that 50 pcs of Reg or Reg and Express letters with provisory postmarks also Reg label, 50 pcs of usual letters, 50 pcs of philatelically influenced cards and 100 pcs of cuts dispatch notes, all in/at one little-box with lid, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
165573 - 1945-60 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 30 pcs of entires f
1945-60 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 30 pcs of entires from that 14 pcs of monetary reform, 3 pcs of valuable letters from y. 49-52, Us Slovak PC with overprint, censorship, whole newspaper wrapper with newspaper franking, letter of appointment Directory post Brno from year 1945, frankotypes etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
162714 - 1946-93 [COLLECTIONS]   collection of ca. 100 pcs of interes
1946-93 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of interesting entires, part parcel dispatch-note with frankings special stamps, air-mail, official, post. úzávěr, etc..; good quality, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK