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1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of classic and interwar period in full 12-sheets stockbook A4, contains various countries of Europe as German states, Belgium, Switzerland etc. and also colonies, various quality, part quality should be inspected, also contains Protectorate with Overprint issues and discharge stamp of Terezín (spots); high catalogue value, various quality U:Z
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE collection, almost all countries of Europe in 10 big stockbooks A4, basic, mainly used material, mainly inter-war and postwar period, contains various sets and its parts, perfins, small part classic stamps etc.; in cardboard box, over 20kg of material U:K
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY, AUSTRIA, GREECE, Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, MOTIVE etc. compilation of material after businessman, in 2 stockbooks, on free sheets, paper bags also on cards, classic also modern stamps, all in one box with lid, suitable for resale U:K
1944-80 [COLLECTIONS] ROMANIA, ALBANIA, BULGARIA collection of souvenir sheets in stockbook A4, contains used and unused souvenir sheets, mainly from period after 1945, collection value lies mainly in Romania, i.a. Mi.Bl.38, 39, 40, 41, 42 etc. Albania Mi.Bl.4 and oths.; high catalogue value U:Z
1875-1951 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY interesting compilation of 24 p.stats from various states, Germany, Bavaria, Poland, Finland, England, Norway, Netherlands etc., 7 pcs uprated by., 2 pcs Un; good quality U:O5
1820-2000 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of ca. 100 entires, mainly Austria - part prephilatelic letters, several letters of Czechoslovakia I., Slovakia, Germany etc. U:K
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE larger compilation mainly modern entires from countries as FRANCE, BELGIUM, Czechoslovakia, GERMANY, contains also part of FDC, several Zeppelin letters from Germany, Brazil, USA, several better items, supplemented with older selection of used stamps etc., estate of dealer, suitable for elaboration, definitely it is worth seeing U:K