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1905 SG.8-12, Edward VII., wmk Mult Crown CA, cat. £75 U:A5
1921 SG.69-83, George V., complete set with wmk Mult Script CA, cat. £140 U:A5
1938 SG.115-126, George VI., complete set of Lanscapes with all varieties of perf and color, total 23 stamps, cat. £298 U:A5
1953 SG.148-161a, Elizabeth II., ¼P-1£, luxury and complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1962 SG.165-179, Elizabeth II., complete set of 15 stamps; cat. £85 U:A5
1855-1856 Edifil 5A, Isabella II., Opt ¼R on/ll 2R, type II; very fine piece with certificate Cuban Phil. Society, cat. 490€ U:A5
1873-1920 [COLLECTIONS] basic nice presented collection on 7 album sheets, contains various classic issues, Spanish and also part of US period; mainly used U:Z
1902 SG.20-28, Edward VII. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £120 U:A5
1916-22 SG.49-59, George V. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1932 SG.84-93, George V. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £160 U:A5
1866-1870 NEVIS SG.14, Allegory 1Sh green, perf 15; very nice piece, cat. £850 U:A5
1910 letter via London to German Gera with SG.27, 29, 31, 43, Victoria ½P, 1P, 2½P and St. Ursula ½P, CDS ROAD TOWN TORTOLA, Reg cancel TORTOLA and ST. THOMAS (Danish West India, rare!), transit pmk LONDON and arrival GERA, only SG.29 1P light red on letter cat. £1.050 U:A5
1877-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small basic collection on 6 album sheets, contains classic issues, incomplete sets, several better pieces, Spanish and also US period; part used U:Z
1903 SG.1-10, Motives ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £140 U:A5
1920-22 SG.24-36, George V. - Double Medallion; complete set, cat. £325 U:A5
1891-98 SG.43-52, Victoria ½P-10Sh; complete set, perfect quality, cat. £200 U:A5
1902-3 SG.58-62, Edward VII. ½P-1Sh; complete set, cat. £65 U:A5
1904-10 SG.64-77, Edward VII. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £300 U:A5
1921-30 SG.91-105, George V. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £130 U:A5
1936 SG.113-124, George V. - Motives; complete set, cat. £90 U:A5
1897 letter to Nova Scotia with SG.43, 44 (2), 46, CDS ST. LUCIA., transit NEW YORK and arrival CANZO, interesting tricolour and exact franking 5P U:A5
1872 SG.17, Victoria 1Sh dark pink-red, perf 11; original light fold in gum on R, overall very nice quality and intact gum, certificate BPB - M. Eichele "perfect and rare stamp", cat. £750 + ca. 100% U:A5
1872-1875 SG.19, 6P blue/green; very nice quality, cat. £2.000, rare stamp, as unused always missing in collections! U:DR
1872-1875 SG.19a, Victoria 6P dark blue-green; 2 small spots, otherwise very nice piece with significant color, rarely with part of MARGIN WATERMARK "ST", cat. £1500 ++ U:A5
1875-1878 SG.26, Victoria 6P green, unused and used with red numeral cancel; very nice quality, two types of perf, cat. £2.050 U:DR
1881 SG.33a, Victoria 6P green, provisional overprint issue of "bisected" with red Opt 1/2P, unseparated pair (!); perfect piece with typical irregular perf, old mark Octave Roumet (born 1875), cat. £475 U:A5
1881 SG.34, Queen Victoria bright green, local overprint 1P/6P; very nice piece with part original gum, cat. £450 U:A5
1881 SG.37, 38, Victoria 1P light olive-grey + 4P blue, very nice quality and color, cat. £1.900 U:A5
1885-1893 SG.50, Victoria 4P red-brown; very nice piece with perfectly preserved color, cat. £950 U:A5
1899 SG.67-75, Victoria ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £130 U:A5
1904-11 SG.85-93, Edward VII. ½P-£1; complete set, cat. £350 U:A5
1907-8 SG.94-98, 102-107, Peace and justice ½P-3P and ½P-6P; 2 complete sets, cat. £85 U:A5
1913-17 SG.108-120, George V. ½P-£1; complete set, cat. £120 U:A5
1987 Mi.1071, "Leeds United" 2$, complete counter sheet of 10 stamps; also unissued - imperforated PB 2$ with yellow (!) inscription ST. VINCENT, popular motive U:A4
1895 Reg letter via London to Hamburg with SG.58, Victoria 1Sh orange, CDS KINGSTOWN 26.6.95, transit pmk LONDON and arrival HAMBURG; out of stamp on upper margin letter insignificant tearing, very nice entire and rare destination! U:A5
1984-87 TCP comp. of trial printings of issues "Engines", 12 various values, imperforated "Imprimaturs" and also with trials of colors, 1$ and 2$ contains all colors, all pairs; total 41 pairs, interesting U:A4
1891 SG.31b, Victoria 2½P Opt on 4P grey, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £3.500, very rare stamp U:DR
1852-1860 SG.13, Britannia 1P blue, so-called. I. lithographic issue; R close but complete margins, very nice piece with light cancel "1", cat. £1.700, very small edition U:DR
1859 SG.58/ Mi.14Da, sitting Britannia, 1Sh indigo, very nice color, white paper, worse apparent needle perf 16:14½; cat. SG: £250, cat. Mi.: 340€ U:A5
1860 SG.46a, Britannia 1P dark pink-red, horizontal pair, perf 14-16½, horizontal OMITTED, with upper margin and here with also omitted horiz. perf (SG. shows only omission of vertical perf); nice quality, part original gum, certificate BPA (i.a. Holcombe), cat. £1100 ++, rare pair U:DR
1862-1863 SG.63b, Britannia 6P dark green, perf 11½; : 12 and 11, left small tearing from perf (usual in this provisory perf ); overall very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £6.500, after Lady McLeod this is the most expensive and rarest stamp ofTrinidad, probably unrepeatable offer! U:A5
1913-23 SG.149-156, Sitting Britannia ½P-£1; complete set, cat. £300 U:A5
1922-28 SG.216-229, George V. 4P-£1; complete set, cat. £180 U:A5
1905-6 SG.S10-D17, Postage due stamps 1P-1Sh; complete set, mint never hinged, cat. 260 U:A5
1923 SG.D23-D25, Postage due stamps 6P-1Sh "SPECIMEN"; cat. ca. £80 U:A5
1883 Reg letter to San Fernando (Trinidad) with SG.98 (2x), 104, 106, 107a, CDS TRINIDAD (Port of Spain); back side damaged by cutting the seal, exact franking 3 pence, rare MIXED FRANKING type Perkins Bacon + De La Rue, only bisected 1P on letter cat. £950! U:A5
1900 SG.101-109, Coat of arms ½P-3Sh; complete set, cat. £130 U:A5
1909 SG.115-126, Coat of arms and Edward VII. ¼P-3Sh; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1938 SG.194-205, George VI. - Motives; complete set, cat. £120 U:A5
1957 SG.237-250, 253, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1896 Reg letter to Plymouth with SG.56, 61, 68, additionally franked SG.1 (excluded from sum), cancel "T I" and Reg-Turks Iceland; exact franking 6P, only overprint SG.68 1/2P on 4P on letter cat. £900, rare franking and destination! U:A5
po r. 1860 compilation of 18 colonial stamps - classic period, i.a. Bahamy SG.21, Bermuda SG.1, Grenada SG.11, Trinidad SG.25, Turks and Caicos SG.4b and other colonies as Vancouver SG.13, Canada SG.44, India SG.38, Tasmania SG.28 and oths.; 3 stamps with thin places, otherwise very nice, cat. min. £2.750 U:A5
1858 Mi.3a, 3b, Coat of arms 15C blue on cut square and 15C dark blue, decorative cancel and pmk. TANGA; 1x exp. Sismondo, the highest value of the 1. issue is often missing in perfect quality U:A5
1939 Mi.Bl.2, Bl.3, Exhibition Buenos Aires, 2 PB; luxury, cat. doesn't report U:A4
1858-1860 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1-3, I, II., specialised compilation of the 1. issue, i.a. block of 10 Mi.1a, block of four 3a; 2x 3b 15C dark blue; marginal str-of-9 3a; pair 4b 5C dark red; block of 16 4a; 3x unissued Mi.II 15C blue; all in very nice quality, on 2 sheets from exhibit, cat. only as singles 1.460€, larger blocks and especially pair Mi.Mi4b are rare! U:Z
1858-1920 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 14 album sheets, contains classic issues, various sets; mainly used U:Z
1867-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets in album Schaubek, contains part of classic period, various sets and its parts, mainly common sets etc. U:Z
1894 Mi.38-44, Coat of arms 1C-100C, large blocks, 40-46 stamps, perf 14; cat. ca. 2700€ U:A4
1854 Mi.21, 22, Numerals 280R and 430R so-called. "Coloridos", perfect quality, perfect color and original gum, in this state rare classic stamps (!), cat. 500€ U:A5
1845-1900 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 11 album sheets, contains classic issues, various sets, some better pieces; mainly used U:Z