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1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.27, International year family, plate proof on card křídového paper with signature of engraver Činovský U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.28, Personalities (I) 8Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper with signature of engraver Činovský U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.29, Personalities (I) 9Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper in black color with signature of engraver Činovský U:A5
1994 TCP Zsf.41,Nad Tatrou sa blýská 34Sk, trial printing on card křídového paper in black color with signature of engraver Činovský U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.44, Beauties of Our Homeland 20Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper in black color with signature of engraver Horniak U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.45, Banská Bystrica 3Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper in black color with signature of engraver Horniak U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.46, Christmas 2Sk, plate proof on card with gum, in/at printings year 1993, signature Činovský U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.48, Personalities (II) 6Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper, signature Činovský U:A5
1994 PLATE PROOF Zsf.49, Personalities (II) 10Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper, signature Činovský U:A5
1995 PLATE PROOF Zsf.60, Nitra 2Sk, plate proof on card křídového paper, signature Činovský U:A5
1993 Reg and airmail letter to USA, franked with. 12x Zsf.3, Ružomberok 5Sk, CDS BRATISLAVA 31.1.93 - FDC; arrival postmark., incl. certificate of mailing, LR corner torn U:A5
1993 Reg and airmail letter to USA, franked with. 2x Zsf.5, Kováč 2Sk + 7x Zsf.6, Nepomucký 8Sk, CDS BRATISLAVA 11.3.93 - FDC; arrival postmark., incl. certificate of mailing, open from two sides U:A5
1993 Reg and airmail letter to USA, franked with. 4x Zsf.4, Košice 10Sk + on reverse Pof.2529, 1Kčs, CDS BRATISLAVA 31.1.93 - FDC, arrival postmark.; incl. certificate of mailing, Zsf.4 on entires very rare usage U:A5
1994 CDV3, 5VCHc, comp. 2 pcs of celin: CDV3VCHa - omitted blue and silver background print, CDV5VCHc - on both sides print, on one side omitted blue, silver and orange color, interesting U:A5
1994 CDV3, comp. of 2 p.stat Coat of arms 2Sk with significant shift joined printing colors; every other shift U:A5
1999-2002 [COLLECTIONS] CSO5 2x, 6, 7, 8 2x, comp. 6 pcs of off. envelopes incl. PF, CSO8 1x color variety added-print ministry in black color place blue-green, without PF, c.v.. Sberatel 188€ U:O5
1993-2004 U.N. comp. 4 pcs of entires sent members Slovak units on a mission in terms of UN, UNPROFOR Zagreb, UNFICYP Nicosia 2x, UNDOF Golany; good condition U:A5