Public auction 44 / Collections

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167056 - 1879-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ALBANIA, BULGARIA, small collection
1879-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ALBANIA, BULGARIA, small collection on 23 album sheets from old collection, contains various issues, part classic period, 8 sheets Bulgaria, the rest Albania; various quality
Starting price: CZK
165985 - 1986-92 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply of better stamps, sou
1986-92 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of better stamps, souvenir sheets and stamp booklets, interesting motives, for example. Mi.Klb.2510-11 (EUROPA, 7x), 2470-72 (Flora, 13x), souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.90 (Sport, 9x), Bl.92, 93, 94, 95 (all 2x), stamp bklt Mi. MH 1B with imperforated stamps Mi.2290-91 (Flowers, 12x à 45€), all mint never hinged, cat. over 1.000€ + on next 8 pages of stockbook A4 used stamps and souvenir sheets with motive of ART; in addition 11 souvenir sheets and several motive issues from various countries; it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
165189 - 1849-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection in album Kabe
1849-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in album Kabe on sheets, contains classic period, also contains interwar period, war and postwar years, many complete sets, part unused, almost all souvenir sheets (without Mi.Bl.3); high catalogue value, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
167261 - 1849-63 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice and interesting specialized
1849-63 [COLLECTIONS] very nice and interesting specialized collection of classical stamps, issue 1849–1863 Mi.1-13, incl. examples of usage - entires, contains variants of wmks, papers, perf, printing coincidence, perf varieties, various postmarks, also with other issues of stamps on cut-squares, bisected stamps, blocks and strips etc.; cat. over 15.000€, placed on album sheets in 3 luxury spiral albums SAFE, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
165986 - 2005-07 [COLLECTIONS]  FAROE ISLANDS  interesting compilatio
2005-07 [COLLECTIONS] FAROE ISLANDS interesting compilation of various complete issues, contains especially joined printings Mi.Klb.547/556, 562/571, 576/583, 586/595, 599/606, souvenir sheet Bl.20, cat. 140€ + many other motive sets from 70. and 80. years from various countries, especially Norway (for example. stamp from automatic stamps Mi.6 with values 6,50; 8,50; 10,50Kr + 3 stamps without printed of face value!, Neatherlans, Spain, Iceland, Switzerland and some oversea countries (for example. Brasil), in addition from USA 4x PB Flags (face-value 9,60$); in stockbook A5, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
166616 - 1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps in full 16-she
1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic period, inter-war and also war period, various sets, part used also unused, part mint never hinged; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
167552 - 1863-1953 [COLLECTIONS]  extraordinary, practically complete
1863-1953 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary, practically complete used collection containing almost all expensive and better stamps and sets, postage stamps, pneumatic-tube, air-mail, occupation issue, postage-due etc.; i.a. issue 1879-82 complete, long sets from 1929-33 incl. air-mail, complete annual volumes 1934-37, Posta Aerea complete, Espressi and Posta Pneumatica complete, Repubblica Sociale - GNR, after 1945 i.a. rare set Firenze 1951, strong postage-due, incl. provisionals 1918, from occupied territories especially issue Estero; cat. Sassone 59.200€, exceptional offer, great collection
Starting price: CZK
1870-1939 [COLLECTIONS] MONTENEGRO, SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA SHS small collection on 17 album sheets, from old collection, contains various issues, Opt etc.; used also unused
Starting price: CZK
165947 - 1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS]   semifinished collection on album s
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection on album sheets Stiburek, it contains e.g. Mi.1-16, 28-29, 33-50, 212-221, cat. 390€ + small collection of Italy from 1863-1937, also on sheets Stiburek, incomplete sets, with Mi.362-367 and 576-585, cat. 220€; in spring folder, total catalogue value over 600€
Starting price: CZK
165937 - 1912-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  good collection of Liechtenstein up
1912-1939 [COLLECTIONS] good collection of Liechtenstein up to 1939, contains many interesting items, also complete sets, for example. Mi.1-3 (2x), 11-16, 53-60, 71, 72-74, 75-77, 78-81, 94-107, 116-118, *119-121(!), *126-142(!), 156-169; air-mail Mi.108-113, 114-115, 143-147, 149-150, 173-179; official Mi.9-10, 20-27; on album sheets Stiburek in spring folder, cat. 3.900€, interesting price
Starting price: CZK
167703 - 1867-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  large business supply in 14 full st
1867-1980 [COLLECTIONS] large business supply in 14 full stockbooks, contains used also unused stamps, part hinged, various issues incl. part of classic period, postage-due, imperforated stamps, Opt, souvenir sheets, blocks, dublets etc.; placed in 2 boxes, almost 35Kg of material
Starting price: CZK
165920 - 1871-1940 [COLLECTIONS]   HUNGARY (1871-1940), it contains e
1871-1940 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY (1871-1940), it contains e.g. Mi.128-144 (without nr. 143), 162-178,183-285, 292-323, 369-379, 398-410, 455-62, 511-15, 517-27, Bl.3, 585-615 and other + BULGARIA (1879-1939), it contains e.g. Mi.3, 8, 10, 12-20, 25-44, 50-77, 90-99, from 1916-1930 almost complete; semifinished basic collections on album sheets Stibůrek, in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
167051 - 1871-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller old collection on 11 album
1871-1939 [COLLECTIONS] smaller old collection on 11 album sheets, contains various issues, part classic period, Opt, postage-due + local issue, supplemented with 3 sheets with stamps Czechoslovakia 1919-39; used also unused
Starting price: CZK
166618 - 1880-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  collectionof  unused and used stamp
1880-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collectionof unused and used stamps in full 15-sheet stockbook A4, contains various issues, set, blocks, several souvenir sheets i.a. Mi.Bl.25 etc.; cat. according to owner over 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
167758 - 1873-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of more than 50 entires
1873-1970 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 50 entires, contains letters, PC, letter-cards etc., sent mainly to Czechoslovakia, various issues, incl. older issues, part FDC and letters after 1945
Starting price: CZK
168743 - 1850-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  mainly complete specialized collect
1850-1920 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete specialized collection of unused stamps in big 32-sheets stockbook, also with issue 1849, and then almost complete, major-part better stamps, expertised, and part with foto certificates, also with quantum of parts of sheets also whole sheets of later issues etc., cat. 14.000€
Starting price: CZK
166937 - 1947-1959 [COLLECTIONS]  SAARLAND  incomplete, but very nice
1947-1959 [COLLECTIONS] SAARLAND incomplete, but very nice collection, without souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, it contains e.g. Mi.255-59, 267-271, 272-288, 290-92, 299-303, 309-13, 319-337; only 6 sed and 1 pcs hinged, in stockbook A5, nice quality, cat. according to owner over 900€
Starting price: CZK
166713 - 1949-89 [COLLECTIONS]  almost complete collection, used, in
1949-89 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection, used, in 2 luxury screw folder on sheet + business supply of unused and used stamps in 8 full stockbooks A4!, various sets, devided according volumes, without souvenir sheets, big part many times, cat. of better used and unused sets min. 1.500€, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
165340 - 1949-82 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in stockbook on hingeless
1949-82 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. Mi.111-112, 113-115, 123-132 expertized, 177-196 etc., also quantum of souvenir sheets, joined printings etc.; high catalogue value, nice collection!
Starting price: CZK
168601 - 1921-43 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of 20 various entires fro
1921-43 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 20 various entires from 1921-43 from various countries, for example Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Argentina, USA etc., 1x Reg and airmail letter from Romania, all through German, Bohemian and Moravian or Czechosl. censorship ; usual quality
Starting price: CZK
167784 - 1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller business supply in 2 spring
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] smaller business supply in 2 spring folders + 6x stockbooks Lux, contains part of classical stamps of German states, Deutches Reich, GDR, BRD etc., part also colonyies, occupied territories; major-part used, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
167078 - 1938-44 [COLLECTIONS]   accumulation - business supply of bl
1938-44 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation - business supply of bloks of four, parts of sheets and souvenir sheets from period of the Third Reich, on 4 sites in album, blocks of four hinged in margins or upper of stamps, i.a. 6 pcs of souvenir sheets Bl.7, cat. 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
167696 - 1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of mainly used stamps in
1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps in album A4 + on cards and sheets A4, contains part of classic period, various issues, postmarks etc.; various condition, higher catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
166944 - 1819-1850 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of 50 prephilatelic let
1819-1850 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 50 prephilatelic letters with Czech countries, many interesting postmarks, for example blue Hohenmauth (Vot.802/2.), Horosedel (Vot.825/2.), blue Iglau (Vot.875/1.=160bd), blue Heřzmanmiestez (Vot.764/2.=100bd) and others, good quality; on 25 album sheets, part of exhibit, it is worth seeing; only CDS according to cat. catalogue Votoček 3.200 points
Starting price: CZK
163706 - 1863-64 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection IV. and issue V., co
1863-64 [COLLECTIONS] small collection IV. and issue V., contains values 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer, 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer, total 31 stamps, 25 cut-squares and 7 letters; many rarer cancels, for example. BEICHSTADT, BIECHOWITZ, DROHOBYCZ, KARLSSTADT, MANDOK, ROSENBERG /on this issue exceptional/, SCHÖNSTEIN, TREBNITZ /blue/, ZBRASLAWITZ and other; 1x Mi.24 ** - forged gum /excluded from sum/, otherwise sound condition, on 11 album sheets,
Starting price: CZK
166680 - 1950-76 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of 210 envelopes of FDC, i
1950-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of 210 envelopes of FDC, incl. several letters, from that 9 pcs from 1950-55 (cat. 250€), 28 pcs from 1957-62 (min. 130€) and 166 from 1969-76; mostly used, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
168605 - 1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  2 basic collections on free album s
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] 2 basic collections on free album sheets Stibůrek - unused and used, unused mainly complete, contains i.a. imperforated Landscapes 1906 and various types of perf, complete set of postage stamps F.J. 1912, set of Postage due stamps 1904 and 1916, issue 1879 incomplete and both only used; good quality
Starting price: CZK
165935 - 1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA  mainly comp
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA mainly complete basic collection on album sheets Stiburek, it contains e.g. Mi.1-8I., 1-8II., 29-44, 45-60, 64-84, 99A-116A, 124-141; sound condition, cat. over 800€
Starting price: CZK
167049 - 1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 7 album sheets
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 7 album sheets and 2 cards A4, contains various issues, blocks of four, also postage-due etc., part used
Starting price: CZK
168593 - 1850-1914 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection in 8-sheet s
1850-1914 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, mainly I.-VI. issues, aimed on cancellations, types, colors, contains also newspaper, cut-squares, several entires, marginal pieces etc.; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
167257 - 1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on sheets in spring fold
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets in spring folder, contains various issues, i.a. I., II., VI. issue, Jubilee 1910 incl. used 2, 5 and 10K, newspaper, postage-due + part stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina; hinged and used
Starting price: CZK
167695 - 1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply in 7 full stockbook
1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in 7 full stockbooks A4 / A5 + 3x A5, contains quantum of material, blocks, control-numbers, various issues and their parts, postage-due, newspaper, postmark + 1x album B. and H.; various quality, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
167054 - 1850-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 23 album sheets
1850-1939 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 23 album sheets and 7 cards A5, from old collection, contains various issues, newspaper, mostly incomplete sets, also Lombardy-Veneto, Levant, Feldpost (Field-Post) etc.; used and also unused, various quality
Starting price: CZK
165980 - 1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  quite complete basic collection wit
1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] quite complete basic collection with based on years 1945-55, local issues Mi.674-692, 693-696, 668 Ib without atests, it contains e.g. 772B-775B, 838-853, 878-884, 893-926 incl. 911, 929-932, 952-954, 960-963 and other, missing souvenir sheets Renner and issue Birds; used stamps excluded from sum, in stockbook A4 (12 sheets), cat. over 4.000€
Starting price: CZK
167050 - 1862-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 12 album sheets
1862-1940 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 12 album sheets, from old collection, contains various issues, part classic period; used also unused
Starting price: CZK
165922 - 1872-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  semifinished basic collection, it c
1872-1939 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished basic collection, it contains e.g. Mi.33, 46a, 48-51, 54, 89, 99-109, * 161-64, 165-68, 169-72, 187-207 (without No.183 and 192), complete * Mi.197-207! (cat. 260€), 286-92, 303-07, 346-51, 402-05, 406-12, 413-17, * 419-23, 450-47, 484-88, 524-35; on album sheets f. H. Noltsch, in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
167961 - 1872-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  basic collection in 4 stockbooks (1
1872-1960 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in 4 stockbooks (1x spring folder), contains part of classic period, various sets and parts, several souvenir sheets, *, used also several mint never hinged sets; contains mainly prewar and inter-war period
Starting price: CZK
167538 - 1915-80 [COLLECTIONS]  ROMANIA, BULGARIA, POLAND  business b
1915-80 [COLLECTIONS] ROMANIA, BULGARIA, POLAND business balance of used, and also unused stamps in two full 30-sheets stockbooks A4, from that Romania complete one album, various sets, souvenir sheets; many stamps multiplied
Starting price: CZK
167697 - 1918-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  large business supply in 12 stockbo
1918-2000 [COLLECTIONS] large business supply in 12 stockbooks and albums (i.a. 5x luxury spiral albums), contains a lot of material, for example USSR period 1937-49 used, some better sets, smaller part unused i.a. Mi.391, Mi.Bl.4 etc., also postwar and modern period i.a. with complete sheets, printing sheets, souvenir sheets, succession states and modern Russia; high catalogue value, in cardboard box, over 30Kg of material
Starting price: CZK
166613 - 1942-79 [COLLECTIONS]  incomplete basic collection in 4 spri
1942-79 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection in 4 spring folder on album sheets, 40. and 50. years mainly hinged, several ** souvenir sheets from 50. years, modern stamps mostly mint never hinged, contains various, also better sets and its parts, i.a. Mi.847-854, 883-884, 972-980 etc.; cat. according to owner for * more than 2.500€
Starting price: CZK
167048 - 1860-1923 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of Russia Empire a
1860-1923 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Russia Empire and R.S.F.S.R. on album sheets, from old collection, includes various issues Coat of arms, also part stamps with overprint Levant + 2 sheets of local issue Wenden
Starting price: CZK
165915 - 1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in two full stockbooks A
1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two full stockbooks A5, contains part of Russia Empire period, part blocks of four with margins and coupons, also interwar sets of USSR, local issues, overprint issues etc. + stamps of TUWA + part stamps scattered in paper bag; suitable to examination
Starting price: CZK
167958 - 1880-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller dublet collection in stockb
1880-1960 [COLLECTIONS] smaller dublet collection in stockbook A4, mainly used stamps, various parts of sets from period of Russian Empire, R.S.F.S.R also USSR, several souvenir sheets, 1 sheet Azerbaijan and Ukraine
Starting price: CZK
167392 - 1930-49 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of mainly mint never hinged sta
1930-49 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of mainly mint never hinged stamps in 1 older stockbook, complete sets, interesting; cat. total 1.580€ from that mint never hinged stamps 1.180€
Starting price: CZK
167070 - 1953-66 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 12 album sheets L
1953-66 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 12 album sheets Leuchtturm, contains i.a. Mi.493-501 and 513-522; cat. ca. 150€
Starting price: CZK
165190 - 1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection in album Kabe on sh
1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in album Kabe on sheets, contains part of classic period, better sets i.a. Pro Juventute - Coats of arms Mi.143-144, 149-151, 153-155, 172-174, 175-178 etc., air-mail Mi.256-258, etc.; higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
166617 - 1854-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  basic collection in 16-sheet stockb
1854-1970 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains mainly used stamps, incl. classic period, various sets etc.; smaller part unused, cat. according to owner over 3.000€
Starting price: CZK
166191 - 1840-1997 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection in 5 folders
1840-1997 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection in 5 folders on album sheets, contains issue Victoria, incl. 2 letters with franking of Penny Black, also contains other issues of QV incl. several entires, i.a. used SG.14, 54, 57, 59, 183 etc., also issue Edward VII., i.a. SG.265, 320, George V., i.a. SG.403, 416, 438 etc., Edward VIII., George VI. and Elizabeth II., each issue with several entires; interesting offer, estate, also with literature, i.a. Stamp World London 90 - Souvenir Hanbook etc.; in cardboard box, high catalogue value, min. £10.000, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
167490 - 1928-48 [COLLECTIONS]  AIRMAIL STAMPS OF EUROPE  small colle
1928-48 [COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL STAMPS OF EUROPE small collection in older album and several stock-book sheets with mainly mint air-mail stamps, various issues of Europe, often in more pcs., older issues hinged, small part used; various quality, interesting to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN, EUROPE accumulation of stamps of Europe in 7 big full albums A4 + on cards A4, contains i.a. 1x album Switzerland, 3x album BRD, GDR etc., mainly inter-war and postwar modern period, souvenir sheets, blocks, duplicates, basic material, used and also unused, i.a. 1x card A4 with stamps of Croatia 1941-45; in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] RUSSIA, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, HUNGARY, ALBANIA etc. collection of East and Southeast Europe in 22! stockbooks A4, from that 12 stockbooks Lux, i.a. Russia 7 stockbooks; all mainly basic used material, several better sets, quantum of souvenir sheets etc., suitable to continue, placed in two carton boxes, ca. 40kg of material
Starting price: CZK
167771 - 1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of almost all countries
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of almost all countries of Europe in 22 big stockbooks A4, basic, mainly used material, each country with basic stamps, suitable to continue, contains mainly inter-war and postwar period, various sets and their parts, also perfins, small part of classical stamps etc.; placed in 2 carton boxes, over 45kg of material, ca. ½ well preserved albums Lux, personal taking is recommended
Starting price: CZK
1915-1940 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND + GENERALGOUVERNEMET + PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY mainly incomplete basic collection, without souvenir sheets and more expensive values, Generalgouvernement overprint issue incomplete, from Plebiscitních territory it contains e.g. Allenstein Mi.15-28, Marienwerder Mi.26-29, Upper Silesia Mi.18-29, Schleswig Mi.1-14, Saargebiet * Mi.104-107; on album sheets Stibůrek, in spring folder
Starting price: CZK
1918-24 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND, LITHUANIA, LATVIA, ESTONIA small collection on album sheets, from old collection, 6 sheets of Poland, 5 sheets Lithuania (1 sheet local issues), 2 sheets Latvia + 1 sheet Estonia, various issues and parts, part used
Starting price: CZK
164803 - 1859-1936 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 album sheets,
1859-1936 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 album sheets, contains classic issues of Victoria, George VI.; mainly used, i.a. SG.39, 42, part of Jubilee issue etc.
Starting price: CZK
165969 - 1929-38 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of 6 airmail letters from South
1929-38 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 6 airmail letters from South America, sent from states Brasil, (2 pcs), Costa Rica, Columbia, Paraguay and Uruguay, from that 2 pcs as Registered; usual quality
Starting price: CZK
164798 - 1870-1910 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 6 album sheets,
1870-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 6 album sheets, contains classic issues Eagle with wings , Victoria, Edward VII.; mainly used, incl. several better pieces
Starting price: CZK
151605 - 1934-70 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of 33 pcs of en
1934-70 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of 33 pcs of entires delivered by TIN CAN MAIL; nice quality, on album sheets in folder
Starting price: CZK
168740 - 1877-1930 [COLLECTIONS] big collection of OLD INDIAN STATES
1877-1930 [COLLECTIONS] big collection of OLD INDIAN STATES - "Feudatory States" and "Convention States", from ALWAR to WADHWAN and from CHAMBA to PATIALA, in addition Tibet; many unusual destinations and issues, supplemented with p.stat and letters, on ca. 110 old sheets Yvert&Tellier; extraordinary collection
Starting price: CZK
166171 - 1930-50 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of stamp China and l
1930-50 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamp China and local issues, mainly 1930-50, issues Sun Jatsen, Chiang Kai-shek etc., first issues of Taiwan, contains also several sheets, blocks etc., supplemented with several entires; placed in stockbook A4 + on free sheets
Starting price: CZK