Public auction 44 / Complete auction

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Philately / Europe / Albania

167673 - 1914 UNISSUED - Coat of arms 50Cts Indenpendance Albanaise,
1914 UNISSUED - Coat of arms 50Cts "Indenpendance Albanaise", pair and corner piece, from this issue are common values 25Cts and 1Fr, stamps 50Cts are rare
Starting price: CZK
167484 - 1925-39 Mi.126-132, 144-150, 228-234, 295-297, complete airm
1925-39 Mi.126-132, 144-150, 228-234, 295-297, complete airmail set, 4 issues, lightly hinged, set Mi.295-297 mint never hinged, cat. 130€
Starting price: CZK
167011 - 1928 Reg airmail letter to USA (!) franked with airmail stam
1928 Reg airmail letter to USA (!) franked with airmail stamp Mi.144 (3x) and Mi.145 with Opt "Rep. Shqiptare" in front + multicolor franking of 19 (!) postage stamps at the back, CDS SHKODÉR/ 21.11.28, Reg label No.107 and handwritten notice "Via Tirané - Vlon - Brindisi"; at the back total of 14 postmarks, i.a. TIRANE 21.11.28, NEW YORK 5.12.28 and other, in USA redirected; small format, rare offer, exhibition entire
Starting price: CZK
167056 - 1879-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  ALBANIA, BULGARIA, small collection
1879-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ALBANIA, BULGARIA, small collection on 23 album sheets from old collection, contains various issues, part classic period, 8 sheets Bulgaria, the rest Albania; various quality
Starting price: CZK
165985 - 1986-92 [COLLECTIONS]  business supply of better stamps, sou
1986-92 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of better stamps, souvenir sheets and stamp booklets, interesting motives, for example. Mi.Klb.2510-11 (EUROPA, 7x), 2470-72 (Flora, 13x), souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.90 (Sport, 9x), Bl.92, 93, 94, 95 (all 2x), stamp bklt Mi. MH 1B with imperforated stamps Mi.2290-91 (Flowers, 12x à 45€), all mint never hinged, cat. over 1.000€ + on next 8 pages of stockbook A4 used stamps and souvenir sheets with motive of ART; in addition 11 souvenir sheets and several motive issues from various countries; it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Belgium

167340 - 1930 Mi.291-297, Castles; complete set, cat. 180€
1930 Mi.291-297, Castles; complete set, cat. 180€
Starting price: CZK
167414 - 1935 Mi.402-404, Philatelic Exhibition Brussels, complete se
1935 Mi.402-404, Philatelic Exhibition Brussels, complete set, blocks of 10, MNH, value 25c several offsets printing color, cat. 170€
Starting price: CZK
168084 - 1851-1863 3 letters, with stamps Mi.4, 8, 11+13; 2x 20C Leop
1851-1863 3 letters, with stamps Mi.4, 8, 11+13; 2x 20C Leopold I, CDS TOURNAY and red ATH (!); also bicolored franking 20C+40C to Vienna, CDS ANVERS; very nice quality, cancel. ATH is rare!
Starting price: CZK
168085 - 1856-1861 2 letters with, Mi.3 (2x) Leopold I. 10C, numeral
1856-1861 2 letters with, Mi.3 (2x) Leopold I. 10C, numeral cancel "24" and CDS BRUSSELS + 2x heavier letter with pair Mi.8, 20C, also from Brussels; pair closer margin, otherwise very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
166707 - 1887 saving printed matter with 10 mounted stamps Mi.42, CDS
1887 saving printed matter with 10 mounted stamps Mi.42, CDS DESSELGHEM 14.7.1887, vert. fold; good condition
Starting price: CZK
168105 - 1935 BRUSSEL - BRNO, commercial air-mail letter addressed to
1935 BRUSSEL - BRNO, commercial air-mail letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with surtax stamps Mi.396-398, CDS OSTENDE 10.7.35, BRUSSEL 10.7.35 supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 11.VII.35 and arrival airmail frame postmark BRNO 2; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
168101 - 1937 BRUSSEL - PRAGUE, 2 airmail express letters addressed t
1937 BRUSSEL - PRAGUE, 2 airmail express letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 1x franked with airmail and special delivery stamps, Mi.399, 304 and 1x with multicolor franking of postage and two airmail stamps, Mi.399 2x, 424 6x, 419, CDS BRUSSEL 19.4.37 and BRUSSEL LUCHTHAVEN 16.5.37, arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT and PRAGUE TGF, through Prague pneumatic-tube post; good condition
Starting price: CZK
165189 - 1849-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection in album Kabe
1849-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in album Kabe on sheets, contains classic period, also contains interwar period, war and postwar years, many complete sets, part unused, almost all souvenir sheets (without Mi.Bl.3); high catalogue value, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
167261 - 1849-63 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice and interesting specialized
1849-63 [COLLECTIONS] very nice and interesting specialized collection of classical stamps, issue 1849–1863 Mi.1-13, incl. examples of usage - entires, contains variants of wmks, papers, perf, printing coincidence, perf varieties, various postmarks, also with other issues of stamps on cut-squares, bisected stamps, blocks and strips etc.; cat. over 15.000€, placed on album sheets in 3 luxury spiral albums SAFE, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Bulgaria

167681 - 1884 Mi.23II, 24II, Lion 15St/25St red Opt, 50St/1fr black O
1884 Mi.23II, 24II, Lion 15St/25St red Opt, 50St/1fr black Opt; lithographies, 1x short tooth, otherwise nice, cat. 530€
Starting price: CZK
168379 - 1963 EXIL  2 values,  souvenir sheets Kennedy, In Memorian,
1963 EXIL 2 values, souvenir sheets Kennedy, In Memorian, issue of postoffice in exil; both pieces with vertical fold and wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
166551 - 1927-46 3 airmail letters:  a) first flight Sofia - Varna, w
1927-46 3 airmail letters: a) first flight Sofia - Varna, with Mi.203, 206, 208, all attributes; b) Reg + airmail letter to Prague with Mi.235, 237, 238, CDS SOFIA 25.IV.36, small faults at the back - cut out return address; c) Reg + airmail letter to Prague with Mi.510 and strip of 3 of parcel (!) stamps Mi.26, CDS VARNA 2.XII.46, transit pmk SOFIA 3.XII. and arrival PRAGUE 1/ 6.XII.46 at the back, 1x vert. fold outside franking; overall good
Starting price: CZK
167866 - 1928 SOFIA - BERLIN,  Registered airmail letter to Germany,
1928 SOFIA - BERLIN, Registered airmail letter to Germany, franked with i.a. 1st airmail issue, stamps with Opt, Mi.206-209, CDS SOFIA 10.9.28, transit WIEN FLUGPOST 11.IX.28, air-mail frame red cancel. BERLIN C.2. and on the back side arrival BERLIN C 11.9.28; only vertical light fold in envelope, sound
Starting price: CZK
167864 - 1929 SOFIA - PRAGUE, commercial Reg and airmail letter to Cz
1929 SOFIA - PRAGUE, commercial Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. airmail overprint stamp. 2L and 10L, Mi.209, 207, 199 2x, CDS SOFIA 14.8.29, arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 15.VIII.29, commercial envelope of company "CIDNA"; envelope opened from 2 sides
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Montenegro

167038 - 1913 UNISSUED: complete set of 19 various values prapared to
1913 UNISSUED: complete set of 19 various values prapared to issue, in blocks of four, almost all outer, value 25Para double overprint
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Denmark

167848 - 1931 air-mail card to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail s
1931 air-mail card to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamp 25Ore, Mi.145, CDS COPENHAGEN LUFTPOST 22.8.32, transit BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN 22.8.31, supplemented with red air mail postmark BERLIN and arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 22.VIII.31, redirected, sent by pneumatic tube mail; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167846 - 1933 air-mail card to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed fra
1933 air-mail card to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps Mi.143 + 182 3x, posting special postmark DANSK ARBEJDES JUBILAEUM UDSTILLING COPENHAGEN 17.3.33, transit BERLIN 18.3.33 and arrival PRAGUE - AIRPORT 18.III.33; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167032 - 1945 GREENLAND  Mi.8-16, Issue New York 1ore-5Kr; complete s
1945 GREENLAND Mi.8-16, Issue New York 1ore-5Kr; complete set, cat. 260€
Starting price: CZK
165986 - 2005-07 [COLLECTIONS]  FAROE ISLANDS  interesting compilatio
2005-07 [COLLECTIONS] FAROE ISLANDS interesting compilation of various complete issues, contains especially joined printings Mi.Klb.547/556, 562/571, 576/583, 586/595, 599/606, souvenir sheet Bl.20, cat. 140€ + many other motive sets from 70. and 80. years from various countries, especially Norway (for example. stamp from automatic stamps Mi.6 with values 6,50; 8,50; 10,50Kr + 3 stamps without printed of face value!, Neatherlans, Spain, Iceland, Switzerland and some oversea countries (for example. Brasil), in addition from USA 4x PB Flags (face-value 9,60$); in stockbook A5, nice quality
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Estonia

167836 - 1929 TALIN - PRAGUE, Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovaki
1929 TALIN - PRAGUE, Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, richly franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps Mi.40-52, 74-77, 82 2x, 83, CDS TALLINN 30.X.29, at the back transit BERLIN 2.11.29 and arrival PRAGUE - AIRPORT 2.XI.29; good condition
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Finland

166455 - 1875-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 350 postage stamp
1875-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 350 postage stamps, from better values it contains e.g. Mi.12A, 12B, 15B, 53 (6x), 34A (cat. 90€), many color shades, various perf also wmk and several interesting postmarks; on 4 sheets A4, good quality and interesting price, cat. min. 380€
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / France / 1849-1918

167454 - 1849 2 letters with Mi.3x (2), 3y, Ceres 20C black, white pa
1849 2 letters with Mi.3x (2), 3y, Ceres 20C black, white paper, pair (!) on letter with grid postmark and CDS St. LO; also 20C black, yellow paper on letter with grid postmark and CDS STRASSBOURG; very wide margins, small formats, attractive entires
Starting price: CZK
168067 - 1853-1862 7 letters with stamps Napoleon III., two-colour al
1853-1862 7 letters with stamps Napoleon III., two-colour also multiple franking, Mi.23a, 80C pink and others; various quality, interesting staritng price!
Starting price: CZK
167455 - 1852 letter with Mi.9a, Napoleon III. 25c blue, issue with B
1852 letter with Mi.9a, Napoleon III. 25c blue, issue with "B" in medallion, numeral postmark "2017" and CDS MOISSEY, at the back missing 1 lapel of envelope; otherwise perfect, stamp with wide margin
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / France / After 1918

167675 - 1876-1886 Mi.64I,II, 65II, 59II, 67II, 71-74, 80, Allegory 1
1876-1886 Mi.64I,II, 65II, 59II, 67II, 71-74, 80, Allegory 10 stamps, Mi.64I with small thin place; 2 stamps with fold, otherwise all very nice, cat. min. 1.960€, low starting price
Starting price: CZK
168068 - 1919 sheet with 18 stamps Sower, Merson, War victims, i.a Mi
1919 sheet with 18 stamps Sower, Merson, War victims, i.a Mi.130, 132, all with postmarks of Peace congress ST. GERMAIN EN LAYE, 10.9.19
Starting price: CZK
167544 - 1922 Mi.144, War victims 2C+1C, complete sheet incl. margins
1922 Mi.144, War victims 2C+1C, complete sheet incl. margins and gutter and plate number, total 150 stamps; sheet crosses are very favourite, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
167542 - 1924 Mi.175, Art crafts 75C, complete sheet incl. margins an
1924 Mi.175, Art crafts 75C, complete sheet incl. margins and gutter, total 75 stamps; cat. only single stamps 300€
Starting price: CZK
167448 - 1927 Mi.218, 219, 5Fr+10Fr with coupon, from souvenir sheet
1927 Mi.218, 219, 5Fr+10Fr with coupon, from souvenir sheet Exhibition Strasbourg Mi.Bl.2, on front-side of exhibition envelope with CDS STRASBOURG/EXPOSITION - PHIL-INTERN; only single 500€
Starting price: CZK
167449 - 1927 Mi.220, 221, air-mail overprint POSTE AÉRIENNE 2Fr and
1927 Mi.220, 221, air-mail overprint POSTE AÉRIENNE 2Fr and 5Fr, on face-side of letter with CDS air-mail exhibition in Marseille; only single stamps 400€
Starting price: CZK
168586 - 1928 Mi.230-31, overprint Airmail 10Fr/90C and 10Fr/1.50Fr;
1928 Mi.230-31, overprint Airmail 10Fr/90C and 10Fr/1.50Fr; lightly hinged, rare stamps, signed Bisek; cat. ca. 8.000€, as ** 16.500€, rare
Starting price: CZK
167450 - 1931 Mi.264-266, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement, on ftont si
1931 Mi.264-266, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement, on ftont side of letter with CDS BOURGOIN ISERE; cat. 220€
Starting price: CZK
167689 - 1908-1929 Postage due stamp Mi.38, 53-56, 62-63, value 30cts
1908-1929 Postage due stamp Mi.38, 53-56, 62-63, value 30cts - four outer MNH gutters and corner MNH block of 6; cat. only as single stamps 715€, very low starting price
Starting price: CZK
167456 - 1853 local printed matter (!) - strip of 2 with Mi.10a (2),
1853 local printed matter (!) - strip of 2 with Mi.10a (2), Napoleon III. 5C green, pair, irregular margins, numeral postmark and CDS VERDUN SUR SAONE, sent to Gergy (very small village); very nice and rare franking, only stamps cat. 200€
Starting price: CZK
168062 - 1936 PARIS - BUENOS AIRES, air-mail letter to Argentina tran
1936 PARIS - BUENOS AIRES, air-mail letter to Argentina transported by 100th flight, franked with air mail stamps Mi.310, 308 2x and 306, special MC I E BOURGET PORT AVION 19.7.36, at the back arrival BUENOS AIRES 22.7.36; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
168069 - 1937 PARIS - PRAGUE, air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, fran
1937 PARIS - PRAGUE, air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with multicolor franking of airmail stamps., Mi.305-310, special cancel. EXPOSITIONE DE 1937/ 3.7.37, at the back air-mail MC PARIS AVION 3.7.37 and arrival PRAGUE 5.VII.37; horiz. fold in envelope
Starting price: CZK
165057 - 1939 letter to Marseille with Mi.393 and 410 (2x), ship canc
1939 letter to Marseille with Mi.393 and 410 (2x), ship cancel MARSEILLES and KOBE/ No. 5/ 18.2.39; at the back pmk MARSEILLES, good condition
Starting price: CZK
168071 - 1949 6 entires from exhibition CITEX (100. Anniv of French s
1949 6 entires from exhibition CITEX (100. Anniv of French stamps), franked i.a. 2x strip of five Mi.840-843 and two Bl.4 Ceres 10Fr (!), with postmark FDC 1. JUIN 1949; cat. min. 200€
Starting price: CZK
167447 - 1937 airmail letter-card with franking of 4 countries, trans
1937 airmail letter-card with franking of 4 countries, transfered by Air France, i.a. with 2x Mi.327 10Fr (!); perfect quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / France / Collections

166616 - 1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps in full 16-she
1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic period, inter-war and also war period, various sets, part used also unused, part mint never hinged; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Gibraltar

166452 - 1886-87 SG.8-14, Victoria ½P-1Sh; complete set, value 1
1886-87 SG.8-14, Victoria ½P-1Sh; complete set, value 1P short tooth, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
168718 - 1886 TCP for SG.11, Victoria 2½P blue, trial print of c
1886 TCP for SG.11, Victoria 2½P blue, trial print of complete gravure before hardening, in black color on chalky paper, date 30 APR. 86 and cancel. "BEFORE HARDENING", very rare TCP, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Europe / Croatia

161661 - 1941 Mi.1, Postage due stamp 50P purple, horizontal strip of
1941 Mi.1, Postage due stamp 50P purple, horizontal strip of 3 with inverted opt used on postage stamps NEZAVISNA DRŽAVA HRVATSKA; certificate Ercegovič
Starting price: CZK
167040 - 1941 Mi.12, overprint issue 1,50Din, vertical pair, on upper
1941 Mi.12, overprint issue 1,50Din, vertical pair, on upper stamp double overprint!; hinged on upper stamp, certificate Zrinjščak from 2012, rare
Starting price: CZK
167041 - 1941 Mi.39, 40, II. philatelic exhibition, golden Opt, 1,50D
1941 Mi.39, 40, II. philatelic exhibition, golden Opt, 1,50Din+1,50Din and 4Din+3Din, comp. of 2 complete printing sheets, Mi.39 with initial "S"; Mi.40 small gum flaw
Starting price: CZK
167045 - 1941 Mi.48, Landscapes 0,50K, 1x perforated vertical 2-stamp
1941 Mi.48, Landscapes 0,50K, 1x perforated vertical 2-stamps gutter + 2x vertical imperforated 4-stamps gutter (1x TCP) + horiz. imperforated 2-stamps gutter (*); various papers, interesting compilation
Starting price: CZK
167546 - 1943 TCP  Mi.97klb, Zagreb, 2x trial printing for PB, 8x 3,5
1943 TCP Mi.97klb, Zagreb, 2x trial printing for PB, 8x 3,5Kn; original paper without gum, rare, cat. as imperforated PB 900€
Starting price: CZK
167044 - 1943 Mi.107U, Croatian legionnaires 1K+0,50K, imperforated p
1943 Mi.107U, Croatian legionnaires 1K+0,50K, imperforated pair, yellow-brown paper!; mint never hinged, certificate Zrinjščak from 2008
Starting price: CZK
161652 - 1943 Mi.Bl.5B, Croatian legionnaires, souvenir sheet with pl
1943 Mi.Bl.5B, Croatian legionnaires, souvenir sheet with plate flaw - blue line between characters "O" and "N" in the word "LEGIONARE"; certificate Zrincak, interesting
Starting price: CZK
161653 - 1943 TCP  Mi.149, Boskovic 12,50K, Seizinger´s trial printi
1943 TCP Mi.149, Boskovic 12,50K, Seizinger´s trial printing in brown color with wide margin; paper without gum, rare
Starting price: CZK
167037 - 1944 TCP  Mi.158-160, 3. State Anniversary, comp. of 9 trial
1944 TCP Mi.158-160, 3. State Anniversary, comp. of 9 trial printings colors, always 3x each value in various colors on stamp paper with gum
Starting price: CZK
167548 - 1944 TCP  Mi.161, Francetič, imperforated trial printing, 6
1944 TCP Mi.161, Francetič, imperforated trial printing, 60 pcs as 2 PB with gutter; single stamps cat. 1.800€
Starting price: CZK
163108 - 1944 Mi.5, surtax stamp War Charity 5Kn dark green, upper co
1944 Mi.5, surtax stamp War Charity 5Kn dark green, upper corner Pr with significant folded of paper; interesting
Starting price: CZK
167039 - 1945 TCP Mi.58-62, imperforated trial printing - trial for P
1945 TCP Mi.58-62, imperforated trial printing - trial for PB of Surtax stamps for the benefit of Croatian Olympic committee, in brown color, on white paper, in different sequence of stamps then was finally issued (!); very interesting, photo-certificate P. Zrinjščak 2012
Starting price: CZK
163078 - 1962-75 EXIL: comp. of 9 pcs of whole PB stamps with motive
1962-75 EXIL: comp. of 9 pcs of whole PB stamps with motive of EUROPA, issued for Croatian exil government; interesting and at our place rare
Starting price: CZK