1879-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ALBANIA, BULGARIA, small collection on 23 album sheets from old collection, contains various issues, part classic period, 8 sheets Bulgaria, the rest Albania; various quality
1986-92 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of better stamps, souvenir sheets and stamp booklets, interesting motives, for example. Mi.Klb.2510-11 (EUROPA, 7x), 2470-72 (Flora, 13x), souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.90 (Sport, 9x), Bl.92, 93, 94, 95 (all 2x), stamp bklt Mi. MH 1B with imperforated stamps Mi.2290-91 (Flowers, 12x à 45€), all mint never hinged, cat. over 1.000€ + on next 8 pages of stockbook A4 used stamps and souvenir sheets with motive of ART; in addition 11 souvenir sheets and several motive issues from various countries; it is worth seeing
1849-63[COLLECTIONS] very nice and interesting specialized collection of classical stamps, issue 1849–1863 Mi.1-13, incl. examples of usage - entires, contains variants of wmks, papers, perf, printing coincidence, perf varieties, various postmarks, also with other issues of stamps on cut-squares, bisected stamps, blocks and strips etc.; cat. over 15.000€, placed on album sheets in 3 luxury spiral albums SAFE, it is worth seeing!
2005-07 [COLLECTIONS] FAROE ISLANDS interesting compilation of various complete issues, contains especially joined printings Mi.Klb.547/556, 562/571, 576/583, 586/595, 599/606, souvenir sheet Bl.20, cat. 140€ + many other motive sets from 70. and 80. years from various countries, especially Norway (for example. stamp from automatic stamps Mi.6 with values 6,50; 8,50; 10,50Kr + 3 stamps without printed of face value!, Neatherlans, Spain, Iceland, Switzerland and some oversea countries (for example. Brasil), in addition from USA 4x PB Flags (face-value 9,60$); in stockbook A5, nice quality
1876-1886 Mi.64I,II, 65II, 59II, 67II, 71-74, 80, Allegory 10 stamps, Mi.64I with small thin place; 2 stamps with fold, otherwise all very nice, cat. min. 1.960€, low starting price
1927 Mi.218, 219, 5Fr+10Fr with coupon, from souvenir sheet Exhibition Strasbourg Mi.Bl.2, on front-side of exhibition envelope with CDS STRASBOURG/EXPOSITION - PHIL-INTERN; only single 500€
1927Mi.220, 221, air-mail overprint POSTE AÉRIENNE 2Fr and 5Fr, on face-side of letter with CDS air-mail exhibition in Marseille; only single stamps 400€
1852 Sas.10a, 10g, Coat of arms 40C blue, PRINTING ERROR "49" instead "40", at the back thin place; and "4C" instead "40" with small flaw in the middle; otherwise nice with original gum, 1x exp. Diena, Modena printing errors are rare, cat. 1.700€
1855-1857 Sas.4b, newspaper Coat of arms 10C grey-violet, PRINTING ERROR "CEN1" instead "CENT"; at the back at top small thin place, very nice piece with original gum, wide margins, cat. 550€
1859 Sas.14e,16e, 16c, Provisional government issue, Coat of arms 15C with plate flaw "dot by C in "CENT"; 20C with plate flaw "without dots behind "20"; 20C with significant and sought PRINTING ERROR "ECNT" instead "CENT"; all with common thins, original gum, 2x exp. Diena, cat. 1.880€
1860Mi.23, Sas.23, Coat of arms 3 Lire ochre - legendary stamp, in catalogue the most expensive European stamp; with light pen and blue pmk "PD"- "Port payé jusqu´a Destination", usual margins and small repair in L lower, otherwise very nice quality, sign. Raybaudi, certificate Raybaudi (grande rarità;) and Dr. Colla, cat. Sassone 180.000€; prestigious rarity!
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sas.18, Austrian Coat of arms 10K, issue 1916, with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918; perfect opt forgery (cat. for geniune stamp 100.000€), signature "TR", offered "as it is" for low starting price!
1928 SG.123-132, George V., 50th Anniversary of British government, complete set, all mint never hinged, only value 6p small yellowing in gum, cat. £300
1919[COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, Banat complete also with rarer colors of Opt, Baranya almost complete, Szegedin complete, also Debrecen, Temesvar, West Hungary and part of territory given to Romania (New Romania), for example. incl. Mi.31II (!), some color of Opt and also basic stamps are in catalogue undervalued, cat. ca. 950€
1867-1980[COLLECTIONS] large business supply in 14 full stockbooks, contains used also unused stamps, part hinged, various issues incl. part of classic period, postage-due, imperforated stamps, Opt, souvenir sheets, blocks, dublets etc.; placed in 2 boxes, almost 35Kg of material
1880-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collectionof unused and used stamps in full 15-sheet stockbook A4, contains various issues, set, blocks, several souvenir sheets i.a. Mi.Bl.25 etc.; cat. according to owner over 1.500€
1943ZANTE (ZAKYNTOS) Mi.I, 1-3, all in both colors of Opt "ELLAZ" on Italian ISOLE JONIE, i. e. 8 values as complete issue of this territory; luxury, exp. Diena + certificate Colla, cat. 1.840€, minimum edition - for example Mi.I only 500 pcs (!)
1945Mi.17K, A. H. 3Pfg brown, overprint issue for FP units in Ruhr, INVERTED OVERPRINT "Feldpost; perfect quality, exp. Dub, Pickenpack, certificate C. Petry, very rare stamp with edition only 200 pcs!
1922 MEMEL airmail registered and express letter to Leipzig with multicolor franking of overprint airmail stamps Mi.72-76, CDS MEMEL 29.9.22, at the back red straight line postmark KÖNIGSBERG and arrival LEIPZIG 2.10.22; horiz. fold in lower part of envelope
1938-44 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation - business supply of bloks of four, parts of sheets and souvenir sheets from period of the Third Reich, on 4 sites in album, blocks of four hinged in margins or upper of stamps, i.a. 6 pcs of souvenir sheets Bl.7, cat. 1.000€
1860Mi.1b, Kingdom of Poland 10K, blue / carmine, dark shades from beginning of print, unworn plate, on small cut-square with red postmark "76" Nowo – Alexandrya ( present Pulawa), signed, perfect quality, in cat. Fischer only for postmark ca. 2 000,-zl., extraordinary offer!
1784complete folded letter from 20.8.1784, the first Prague postmark "From Prag" (catalogue Votoček. č.1863/1.), in addition in favourite red color (!), marks by ruddle, at the back whole paper seal; fine quality, rare offer
1819-1850 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 50 prephilatelic letters with Czech countries, many interesting postmarks, for example blue Hohenmauth (Vot.802/2.), Horosedel (Vot.825/2.), blue Iglau (Vot.875/1.=160bd), blue Heřzmanmiestez (Vot.764/2.=100bd) and others, good quality; on 25 album sheets, part of exhibit, it is worth seeing; only CDS according to cat. catalogue Votoček 3.200 points
1850 Mi.3X, Ferchenbauer. 3, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer Ia HP "ziegelrot", on cut-square with two light prints of blue postmark MIES (2x 100 Müller points); fold in paper below stamp, very nice and attractive piece, cat. 350€
1917TELEGRAM from Polish Rozdol (now Ukraine) from military unit - Pionierbatalion No.10, notice "priv. Gebuhren bezahlt ", and franked with 5 postage stamps issue 1916 and REVENUE 25H AS POSTAGE STAMP, with hand-made cancellation from postal clerk in Rozdol, same by pencil (Bleistift) as were written dates on telegram, in addition postmark of K.u.K.. Gerdarmeriekompagnie No.5, extraordinary entire with unique mixed franking!
1851 Mi.6, Ferch.6, Blue Mercury light blue !, type IIIb, pair, CDS BRESCIA; right close but complete margins, otherwise luxury piece and rare color, cat. ca. 800€
1851Mi.8, Ferch.8, Rose Mercury 30kr, pink, CDS REICHENBERG, nicely visible picture with clear signes of type Ib; very nice piece with large margins, cat. 17.500€; very scarce (!), exp. Friedl, certificate A. Diena, exclusive offer!
1930 1. OCEAN FLIGHT of waterplane Dornier DO X, - airmail letter to USA, franked with airmail stamps M.477, 483, 485, 486, CDS WIEN 28.X.30, supplemented with red flight cachet, airmail postmark WIEN FLUGPOST 28.X.30, transit FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 13.11.30 and on board DORNIER FLUGPOST 30.1.31, and next transit pmk, at the back RIO DE JANERO; light fold
1853 Mi.3, 15Cmi bricky red, as Pr, L and at top wide margins, framed pmk MILANO: 1.5.53 + 2x Mi.5, from that 1x with plate flaw and 1x light blue with CDS VICENZA 14.10.; from old collection, nice
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA mainly complete basic collection on album sheets Stiburek, it contains e.g. Mi.1-8I., 1-8II., 29-44, 45-60, 64-84, 99A-116A, 124-141; sound condition, cat. over 800€