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1993 PLATE PROOF Pof.6, Beauties of Our Homeland 5CZK, comp. 5 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print gravures, from that 3 pcs of various stage and 1 pcs of definitive making, else/yet with original name state and with nominal value Koruna (!) + 1 pcs of phase print in black color with new name state; 3 pcs of on/for strong white carton and 2 pcs of on/for smooth white paper, without gum; rare offer, interesting multiple, on/for plate A4 U:A4
1995 Pof.70, Venkovská architecture 40h, comp. 6 pcs of stripe and blocks with dates of print, contains all variants paper, colors and size perforation hole - fluorescent paper No.2 omitted perforation hole, SPO, SPO with vyhnutým perforation hole in/at blk-of-10; Spanish paper - omitted perforation hole omitted perforation hole, SPO (very rare, 14.VII.00) also MPO; exceptional collection U:A4
1995 Pof.A87, miniature sheet Personalities liberated theatre, ca. 200 pcs of with CDS PRAGUE 1, zaznamenány printing coincidence, shifts color, high format, landscape format etc.. U:O4
1995 Pof.94, Roentgen 6CZK, block of 6 with shift podkladové ochre color up above frame; still unpublished U:A5
2001 Pof.283, Zodiac - lion 12CZK, corner blk-of-6, production flaw - significant incomplete-printing OT on/for two pos. (pos. 90 whole right noha, půlka tail, thin/light right/genuine inscription - variant vyobrazená in/at c.v.. Pofis on/for page. 53 and pos. 100 (very thin/light CZK and „publi“); interesting U:A5
2004 Pof.380, Rosa on/for Prague 6,50CZK, stmp with coupon from counter sheet V31 (VSP PF 2004); single additional printing coupon on this value combinations ofsetu and termotisku; sought U:A5
2005 Pof.A439–A442, miniature sheet Krkonoše, violet zvonek, also with common miniature sheet with blue zvonkem; c.v.. 560CZK U:A5
2007 Pof.514 production flaw, PRAGA 2008 11CZK, horizontal pair with lower margin, production flaw - slepá the bottom horiz. perf; c.v.. 4.200CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 1/7 - circle in/at corner coat Joseph + block of 6 with production flaw 4/36 - „slunce“; sought U:A5
2012 Pof.708, Tradition of Stamp Production - Liesler 10CZK, complete sheet with significantly shifted cut downward, in lower margin 11x 2 perforation hole from odříznuté dividing perf on/for printing plate between counter sheet and sešitkem; quite exceptional, isn't known by/on/at no other stamps U:A4
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas value A, upper corner blk-of-4, significantly double pin hole all stamps also čárového pin hole between field; exceptional U:A5
2013 Pof.772 production flaw, St. Wenceslas 13CZK, vertical pair with significant shifted perforation downward and L-wards to picture of stmp; from sole known dochované parts of sheet, rare! U:A5
2014 Pof.798 production flaw, Paraolympiáda Soči 13 CZK, corner blk-of-10 with production flaw 32/2 - white circle below CZK (normal shade) + block of 8 (so all position) dark blue (rare shade, still objeven single sheet) U:A5
2014 Pof.A808, Rubens 37CZK, shift red color downward outside frame on/for both U:A5
1993-2009 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 37 pcs of various PB, mainly motive Art, on 5 pages A4 two-sided, face-value 2.380Kč U:O4
2013 Vlastní stmp V22 - Postal saving bank (Adolf Born); complete sheet! U:A4
1993-95 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on album sheets, several printing sheet, 2 black prints; face-value 890CZK U:Z
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in album A4 + 1x card A4, contains souvenir sheets, printing sheet and basic stamps + part used; estate of dealer, face-value over 3.100CZK U:Z
2010 Pof.VZS01 Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet with double pin hole, field 6; rare, zajímavé
2010 Pof.VZS01, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet with double pin hole, field 6; rare, interesting U:A5
2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele, booklet from field 4, on all stamps significantly double pin hole; interesting, c.v.. 1.700CZK U:A5