Public auction 44 / Philately / Europe / Bulgaria

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167681 - 1884 Mi.23II, 24II, Lion 15St/25St red Opt, 50St/1fr black O
1884 Mi.23II, 24II, Lion 15St/25St red Opt, 50St/1fr black Opt; lithographies, 1x short tooth, otherwise nice, cat. 530€
Starting price: CZK
168379 - 1963 EXIL  2 values,  souvenir sheets Kennedy, In Memorian,
1963 EXIL 2 values, souvenir sheets Kennedy, In Memorian, issue of postoffice in exil; both pieces with vertical fold and wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
166551 - 1927-46 3 airmail letters:  a) first flight Sofia - Varna, w
1927-46 3 airmail letters: a) first flight Sofia - Varna, with Mi.203, 206, 208, all attributes; b) Reg + airmail letter to Prague with Mi.235, 237, 238, CDS SOFIA 25.IV.36, small faults at the back - cut out return address; c) Reg + airmail letter to Prague with Mi.510 and strip of 3 of parcel (!) stamps Mi.26, CDS VARNA 2.XII.46, transit pmk SOFIA 3.XII. and arrival PRAGUE 1/ 6.XII.46 at the back, 1x vert. fold outside franking; overall good
Starting price: CZK
167866 - 1928 SOFIA - BERLIN,  Registered airmail letter to Germany,
1928 SOFIA - BERLIN, Registered airmail letter to Germany, franked with i.a. 1st airmail issue, stamps with Opt, Mi.206-209, CDS SOFIA 10.9.28, transit WIEN FLUGPOST 11.IX.28, air-mail frame red cancel. BERLIN C.2. and on the back side arrival BERLIN C 11.9.28; only vertical light fold in envelope, sound
Starting price: CZK
167864 - 1929 SOFIA - PRAGUE, commercial Reg and airmail letter to Cz
1929 SOFIA - PRAGUE, commercial Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. airmail overprint stamp. 2L and 10L, Mi.209, 207, 199 2x, CDS SOFIA 14.8.29, arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 15.VIII.29, commercial envelope of company "CIDNA"; envelope opened from 2 sides
Starting price: CZK