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1931 air-mail card to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamp 25Ore, Mi.145, CDS COPENHAGEN LUFTPOST 22.8.32, transit BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN 22.8.31, supplemented with red air mail postmark BERLIN and arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 22.VIII.31, redirected, sent by pneumatic tube mail; good condition U:A5
1933 air-mail card to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps Mi.143 + 182 3x, posting special postmark DANSK ARBEJDES JUBILAEUM UDSTILLING COPENHAGEN 17.3.33, transit BERLIN 18.3.33 and arrival PRAGUE - AIRPORT 18.III.33; good condition U:A5
1945 GREENLAND Mi.8-16, Issue New York 1ore-5Kr; complete set, cat. 260€ U:A5
2005-07 [COLLECTIONS] FAROE ISLANDS interesting compilation of various complete issues, contains especially joined printings Mi.Klb.547/556, 562/571, 576/583, 586/595, 599/606, souvenir sheet Bl.20, cat. 140€ + many other motive sets from 70. and 80. years from various countries, especially Norway (for example. stamp from automatic stamps Mi.6 with values 6,50; 8,50; 10,50Kr + 3 stamps without printed of face value!, Neatherlans, Spain, Iceland, Switzerland and some oversea countries (for example. Brasil), in addition from USA 4x PB Flags (face-value 9,60$); in stockbook A5, nice quality U:Z