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1849 2 letters with Mi.3x (2), 3y, Ceres 20C black, white paper, pair (!) on letter with grid postmark and CDS St. LO; also 20C black, yellow paper on letter with grid postmark and CDS STRASSBOURG; very wide margins, small formats, attractive entires U:A5
1853-1862 7 letters with stamps Napoleon III., two-colour also multiple franking, Mi.23a, 80C pink and others; various quality, interesting staritng price! U:A5
1852 letter with Mi.9a, Napoleon III. 25c blue, issue with "B" in medallion, numeral postmark "2017" and CDS MOISSEY, at the back missing 1 lapel of envelope; otherwise perfect, stamp with wide margin U:A5
1876-1886 Mi.64I,II, 65II, 59II, 67II, 71-74, 80, Allegory 10 stamps, Mi.64I with small thin place; 2 stamps with fold, otherwise all very nice, cat. min. 1.960€, low starting price U:A5
1919 sheet with 18 stamps Sower, Merson, War victims, i.a Mi.130, 132, all with postmarks of Peace congress ST. GERMAIN EN LAYE, 10.9.19 U:A4
1922 Mi.144, War victims 2C+1C, complete sheet incl. margins and gutter and plate number, total 150 stamps; sheet crosses are very favourite, rare offer U:A3v–
1924 Mi.175, Art crafts 75C, complete sheet incl. margins and gutter, total 75 stamps; cat. only single stamps 300€ U:A3v–
1927 Mi.218, 219, 5Fr+10Fr with coupon, from souvenir sheet Exhibition Strasbourg Mi.Bl.2, on front-side of exhibition envelope with CDS STRASBOURG/EXPOSITION - PHIL-INTERN; only single 500€ U:A5
1927 Mi.220, 221, air-mail overprint POSTE AÉRIENNE 2Fr and 5Fr, on face-side of letter with CDS air-mail exhibition in Marseille; only single stamps 400€ U:A5
1928 Mi.230-31, overprint Airmail 10Fr/90C and 10Fr/1.50Fr; lightly hinged, rare stamps, signed Bisek; cat. ca. 8.000€, as ** 16.500€, rare U:DR
1931 Mi.264-266, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement, on ftont side of letter with CDS BOURGOIN ISERE; cat. 220€ U:A5
1908-1929 Postage due stamp Mi.38, 53-56, 62-63, value 30cts - four outer MNH gutters and corner MNH block of 6; cat. only as single stamps 715€, very low starting price U:A5
1853 local printed matter (!) - strip of 2 with Mi.10a (2), Napoleon III. 5C green, pair, irregular margins, numeral postmark and CDS VERDUN SUR SAONE, sent to Gergy (very small village); very nice and rare franking, only stamps cat. 200€ U:A5
1936 PARIS - BUENOS AIRES, air-mail letter to Argentina transported by 100th flight, franked with air mail stamps Mi.310, 308 2x and 306, special MC I E BOURGET PORT AVION 19.7.36, at the back arrival BUENOS AIRES 22.7.36; good condition, decorative U:A5
1937 PARIS - PRAGUE, air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with multicolor franking of airmail stamps., Mi.305-310, special cancel. EXPOSITIONE DE 1937/ 3.7.37, at the back air-mail MC PARIS AVION 3.7.37 and arrival PRAGUE 5.VII.37; horiz. fold in envelope U:A5
1939 letter to Marseille with Mi.393 and 410 (2x), ship cancel MARSEILLES and KOBE/ No. 5/ 18.2.39; at the back pmk MARSEILLES, good condition U:A5
1949 6 entires from exhibition CITEX (100. Anniv of French stamps), franked i.a. 2x strip of five Mi.840-843 and two Bl.4 Ceres 10Fr (!), with postmark FDC 1. JUIN 1949; cat. min. 200€ U:A5
1937 airmail letter-card with franking of 4 countries, transfered by Air France, i.a. with 2x Mi.327 10Fr (!); perfect quality, high catalogue value U:A5
1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic period, inter-war and also war period, various sets, part used also unused, part mint never hinged; high catalogue value U:Z