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1926 KAUNAS - KÖNIGSBERG, air-mail letter to Germany, franked with 3 airmail stamps Mi.243-245, CDS KAUNAS ORO PAŠTAS 27.X.26, arrival red framed pmk KÖNIGSBERG (Pr.)1.; good condition U:A5
1938 commercial air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed franking of airmail and surtax stamps with motive of scouting Mi.422, 386, 415, CDS KAUNAS 14.X.38, at the back transit BERLIN FLUGHAFEN 14.10.38 and arrival air-mail cancellation PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 15.X.38, sent by pneumatic tube mail and Czechosl. censorship; envelope opened from two sides U:A5
1943-44 2 Reg letters with mixed franking of German stamps and overprint provisionals for Ostland: a) franked with German stamps Mi.894-895 + Ostland Mi.13, CDS KAUNAS 7.VI.44 and provisional Reg postmark in front, arrival at the back; b) franked with German stamp Mi.830 (2x) + Ostland Mi.8 and 12, CDS KIMŠI 15.3.43, Reg postmark in front and arrival VILNIUS 18.III.43 at the back; sound condition U:A5