Public auction 44 / Philately / Europe / Poland

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168774 - 1860 Mi.1b, Kingdom of Poland 10K, blue / carmine, dark shad
1860 Mi.1b, Kingdom of Poland 10K, blue / carmine, dark shades from beginning of print, unworn plate, on small cut-square with red postmark "76" Nowo – Alexandrya ( present Pulawa), signed, perfect quality, in cat. Fischer only for postmark ca. 2 000,-zl., extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
167485 - 1948 Mi.515-517, Airmail - 160. years of US constitution; co
1948 Mi.515-517, Airmail - 160. years of US constitution; complete set, all stamps with sheet margins, cat. 150€
Starting price: CZK
167043 - 1926 Reg letter to Netherlands Indies, franked on back side
1926 Reg letter to Netherlands Indies, franked on back side with postage stamps 2x 24Gr, 10Gr and 2x 1Gr, CDS WARSZAWA1/ 12.VII.26, arrival postmark.; interesting destination, good condition
Starting price: CZK
167895 - 1929 air mail postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with air m
1929 air mail postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with air mail stamp Mi.230, 227 + postage stamp Mi.263, CDS POZNAN WYSTAWA 1.7.29 supplemented with frame air-mail postmark, at the back transit WARSZAWA PORT LOTNICZY 2.7.23; good condition
Starting price: CZK
166554 - 1934 letter transported by baloon LEGJONOWO at baloon race C
1934 letter transported by baloon "LEGJONOWO" at baloon race "Challenge 1934", franked with airmail stamps Mi.289, 290 for this event and Mi.227 (2x), 229, special postmark WARSZAWA/ GORDON BENNET/ 23.IX.34 (last day), advertising label and cachet + exhibition envelope KATOWICE 1934 with mounted stamps Mi.285, 286 and special postmark WSZECHSLOWIANSKA WYSTAWA/ KATOWICE/ 10.V.1934, unused, only as used stamp. cat. 80€; quality should be inspected
Starting price: CZK
167898 - 1934 air-mail letter transported by baloon by occasion of Ba
1934 air-mail letter transported by baloon by occasion of Baloon race of Gordon Bennett / Warsaw, richly franked letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with air mail stamps, i.a. also with Opt Challenge 1934, Mi.289-290, posting special postmark MEZINARODOWE ZAWODY BALONOWE WARSZAWA 23.IX.34, on the back side advertising label and postmark from places of landing SZCZYCZYNIE BIALOSTOCKIM 24.9.34, supplemented with straight line postmark LEGIONOWO; blackened name addressee
Starting price: CZK
167896 - 1937-38 comp. 3 forms of congratulatory telegrams: Nr.1026/1
1937-38 comp. 3 forms of congratulatory telegrams: Nr.1026/1937; 1017/1938; 1007/1938; very good condition
Starting price: CZK