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1860 Mi.1b, Kingdom of Poland 10K, blue / carmine, dark shades from beginning of print, unworn plate, on small cut-square with red postmark "76" Nowo – Alexandrya ( present Pulawa), signed, perfect quality, in cat. Fischer only for postmark ca. 2 000,-zl., extraordinary offer! U:A5
1948 Mi.515-517, Airmail - 160. years of US constitution; complete set, all stamps with sheet margins, cat. 150€ U:A5
1926 Reg letter to Netherlands Indies, franked on back side with postage stamps 2x 24Gr, 10Gr and 2x 1Gr, CDS WARSZAWA1/ 12.VII.26, arrival postmark.; interesting destination, good condition U:A5
1929 air mail postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with air mail stamp Mi.230, 227 + postage stamp Mi.263, CDS POZNAN WYSTAWA 1.7.29 supplemented with frame air-mail postmark, at the back transit WARSZAWA PORT LOTNICZY 2.7.23; good condition U:A5
1934 letter transported by baloon "LEGJONOWO" at baloon race "Challenge 1934", franked with airmail stamps Mi.289, 290 for this event and Mi.227 (2x), 229, special postmark WARSZAWA/ GORDON BENNET/ 23.IX.34 (last day), advertising label and cachet + exhibition envelope KATOWICE 1934 with mounted stamps Mi.285, 286 and special postmark WSZECHSLOWIANSKA WYSTAWA/ KATOWICE/ 10.V.1934, unused, only as used stamp. cat. 80€; quality should be inspected U:A5
1934 air-mail letter transported by baloon by occasion of Baloon race of Gordon Bennett / Warsaw, richly franked letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with air mail stamps, i.a. also with Opt Challenge 1934, Mi.289-290, posting special postmark MEZINARODOWE ZAWODY BALONOWE WARSZAWA 23.IX.34, on the back side advertising label and postmark from places of landing SZCZYCZYNIE BIALOSTOCKIM 24.9.34, supplemented with straight line postmark LEGIONOWO; blackened name addressee U:A5
1937-38 comp. 3 forms of congratulatory telegrams: Nr.1026/1937; 1017/1938; 1007/1938; very good condition U:A4