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1839 LOWER AUSTRIA (Nieder Osterreich), 2 letters addressed to France, pmk SCHREMS + FRANCO and W. NEUSTADT, red border French pmk; nobiliary correspondence, very small size U:A5
1842-1843 AUSTRIA/ Kärnten, 3 letters with cancel. KNITTELFELD + RECOMANDIRT + FRANCO, SPITAL + FRANCO, GMUND, Müller 70P + additional postmark U:A5
1837-1839 AUSTRIA/ TIROL,3 letters addressed to France, straight line postmark RIVA, frame TRENTO red and the same brown (!), all with additional T.S. (Transit Sarde), 2x other additional arrival L.I. (Lettre Italienne) and border ITALIE/ PONT DE BEAUVOISIN, Müller ca. 350P U:A5
1840 AUSTRIA/ TIROL letter with rare green cancel. SILIAN, cat. Müller 70P; rare occurrence, extraordinary U:A5
1845 AUSTRIA/ TIROL letter with blue cancel. MUEHLBACH, cat. Müller 100P, rare occurrence U:A5
1744-1802 AUSTRIA/ VORARLBERG,3 letters from BREGENZ to Switzerland, two to Constanz, one to Schaffhuasen, letter from this destination from 1744 is very rare,also letter from 1790 with red cancel. "D ´BREGENZ" U:A5
1818-1840 AUSTRIA/ VORARLBERG, letter to Switzerland with postmark VON BLUDENZ - rare very early usage 1818 (Müller 170P++); and letter to Switzerland with cancel. BLUDENZ - oblique writing, in catalogues unknown postmark (!); in addition letter with date postmark BLUDENZ to Württemberg U:A5
1829-1836 AUSTRIA/ VORARLBERG, 2 letters, small size, with cancel. BREGENZ black and red, both to Switzerland U:A5
1921-1946 AUSTRIA/ VORARLBERG, 2 letters, with pmk FELDKIRCH to Switzerland and money letter (!) with blue pmk FELDKIRCH, notice "Citto" U:A5
1784 complete folded letter from 20.8.1784, the first Prague postmark "From Prag" (catalogue Votoček. č.1863/1.), in addition in favourite red color (!), marks by ruddle, at the back whole paper seal; fine quality, rare offer U:A5
1810 CZECH LANDS/ letter - envelope (!) from Chotěšov, by hand marked "Von Chotieschau", sent as registered, ruddle "nota bene", perfect, complete seal U:A5
1817 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black pmk WEISKIRCHEN IN MÄHREN (Vot.100b); nice print U:A5
1820 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with rare black cancel. STERNBERG (Vot.180b); interesting U:A5
1823-36 CZECH LANDS/ 3 prephilatelic letters, 1x blue 2-lines TETSCHEN/ 7 JUNI, (Vot.2420/2=100b), 1x black straight line postmark KLATTAU (Vot.1003/5=80b), 1x black straight line postmark V.MIES (Vot.1412/1=120b.) U:A5
1825 comp. of 5 "Vorphila" letters (2 pcs opened from 3 sides), i.a. red cancel ROCOMANDIERT EGER FRANCO, black V. MIES, KAADEN, PLAN FRANCO + 2x receipt black line GABLONZ and blue MIES U:A5
1825-48 CZECH LANDS compilation of 16 prephilatelic letters and covers, with many interesting cancel., for example. blue CŽASLAU (Vot.296/8.=60bd), blue CHRUDIM + red FRANCO (Vot.1091/3.= min.80bd), PRZESTITZ (Vot.1941/2.=50bd), SUDOMIERZITZ (Vot.2377/4.=60bd), HORŽOWITZ, KLATTAU, BÖHM. KRUMAU and other; standard quality, nice U:O5
1827 CZECH LANDS/ V: GITSCHIN straight line postmark on folded letter Ex offo, postmaster notes by red ruddle, luxury print U:A5
1828 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black cancel. UHRITZ FRANCO in oval (Vot.160b); rare, nice print U:A5
1830-45 CZECH LANDS/ 4 letters and cut-square with various postmarks BRÜNN: V:BRÜNN, red BRÜNN/ FRANCO, blue straight line postmark supplemented with red FRANCO, or REGISTERED, 1x cut square supplemented with cancel. LAUT ANGABE; good condition U:A5
1835 CZECH LANDS/ letter - envelope (!) from Řenč, with postmark V. RENTSCH and additional FRANCO, porto 18kr completely paid by sender; perfect, whole seal U:A5
1836 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black round pmk SAAR (Vot.120b); nice, interesting U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black frame cancel POHRLITZ FRANCO (catalogue Votoček. doesn't report); light fold over postmark U:A5
1837-1849 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters from Jičín with cancel. V. GITSCHIN, GITSCHIN with date and additional red FRANCO, also GITSCHIN with hand-made transcription of date error (!), notice i.a. "franco tutto porto", interesting compilation! U:A5
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter, small size, with nice print of postmark BISTRITZ/ 10.JULI.1838 (Vot.A.2.o=400b)!! (Bystřice u Benešova); rare U:A5
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with oval cancel. TSCHEITSCH (catalogue Votoček. doesn't report); light fold over pmk U:A5
1838-47 CZECH LANDS/ comp. of 4 folded letters with cancel. FRANCO ZNAIM (1x FRANCO black, other orange); interesting U:A5
1839 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black cancel. FRAINKENSDORF in oval (Vot.100b); nice print U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Sudoměřice with cancel. SUDOMIERZITZ with dates, one half paid and with note. "gegen abgabsrezepisse" U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ letter sent from Bor u Tachova with pmk HAYD and with atypical decorative OBERAMTHAYD; perfect quality U:A5
1840-1845 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Jáchymov with 2 various cancel. ST. JOACHIMSTHAL, weight 1 loth -12Kr and weight 2 Loths - 24Kr, half postage paid by sender U:A5
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black cancel. GOLDENBRÜNN and hand-made date 29/1; interesting U:A5
1843 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black cancel. HRADISCH with date 1843/20.12.; interesting U:A5
1844 CZECH LANDS/ letter from Černošín with cancel. TSCHERNOSCHIN, rare postmark; perfect quality U:A5
1846 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with blue postmark KROMAU 2.JUN. (Vot.120b), on the back side arrival ZNAIM 4.JUNI; nice U:A5
1846-1847 CZECH LANDS/ 2 Reg letters from Prague, to German Schweising, postmarks PRAG and RECOMANDIRT, "nota bene" and "uber Pilsen", nice small size U:A5
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded cover addressed to Millitary Headquarters in Mainz, straight line postmark CZECHTITZ/ 6.Decb. (catalogue of Votoček č.300/1.= 100 pt.) - luxury print, at the back transit pmk BENESCHAU/ 7.DEC., BUDWEIS/ 8.DEC. and LINZ/ 9.DEC. - nice print U:A5
1856 CZECH LANDS/ ex offo letter, envelope letter from Domažlice to Kdyně and again used from Kdyně to Klatovy, CDS TAUS, NEUGEDEIN, KLATTAU; rare double usage U:A5
1772-1793 HUNGARY/ comp. 3 letters with postmarks BUDA, PEST and with by hand marked Altofen (Ó-Buda - part of Budapest), sent to Belgium; small formats, tariff notices, rare destination U:A5
1818-1847 HUNGARY/ 8 letters with postmarks PEST and OFEN, i.a. F. OFEN blue and PESTH red U:A5
1821-1846 HUNGARY/ 6 prephilatelic letters from Hungary, with fine postmarks CZECLED, DEBRECZIN, GYÖNGYÖS, PESTH - oval, PESTH - line and SATHMAR; small size, usual quality, 2x whole seal U:A5
1829-1839 HUNGARY/ 3 letters, with red decorative postmark TÁLLYA, frame TOLNA and rare decorative V.MISKOLCZ, Müller 365P U:A5
1830-1846 HUNGARY/ 10 letters, i.a. with postmarks ALBA REGIA, KETSKEMET, decorative GR. WARDEIN and WERSCHETZ, line NYIREGYHAZA, Müller ca. 310P U:A5
1832-1845 HUNGARY/3 letters, rare brown cancel. LISZKA in decorative oval frame, also WAITZEN and oval SABARIA, Müller 310P U:A5
1838-1845 HUNGARY/ comp. of 3 letters with date decorative postmarks OEDENBURG, Müller 108P U:A5
1839-1842 HUNGARY/ 3 letters, decorative oval cancel. N.KALLO, GR.WARDEIN and line HALMI, Müller 220P U:A4
1823-1841 HUNGARY - SLOVAKIA/ 3 letters with postmarks NEUTRA, NEUTRA HUNGARY and very rare decorative SELMECZBANYA, Müller 400P U:A5
1830-1840 HUNGARY - SLOVAKIA/ 2 letters, larger format, frame oval cancel. S.A. UJHELY and red decorative UJHELY, Müller 170P U:A4
1922-1941 HUNGARY - SLOVAKIA/ 4 letters, with cancel. HORKA, red NEUTRA HUNGARY, red ROSENAU, METZENSEIFEN, Müller 350P U:A5
1830-1841 HUNGARY - Transylvania/ 4 letters, very rare red oval pmk VON HERMANSTADT FRANKO, red CRONSTADT, HERMANSTADT, SEPSI SZT. GYORGY, Müller 320P U:A5
1847-1850 HUNGARY - TRANSILVANIA/ 2 letters, cancel. SARKANYI and SZ. VAROS, Müller 130P U:A5
1826-1837 HUNGARY - CROATIA, 2 letters with postmarks V: VARASDIN and blue date ZENGG - superb clear print, Müller 220P U:A5
1849-1850 HUNGARY - CROATIA/ 2 letters, decorative 2-circle postmarks SÜMEG and VIZSOLY - rare (!), Müller 185P. U:A5
1832-1847 HUNGARY - VOJVODINA/ 3 letters with pmk M. THERESIOPEL and red BAJA, Müller 100P, rare destination! U:A5
1820 JUDAICA/ envelope with content written in Hebrew, sent from Kojetín to Mikulov, transit pmk V: WISCHAU; preserved seal, interesting U:A5
1824-52 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 22 prephilatelic letters and covers, many interesting postmarks, for example. v:PRAG (Vot.1863/9.=40bd), IAROMIERZ (catalogue Votoček. doesn't report), 2x PARDUBITZ (Vot.1734/4.=60bd), SUDOMIERZITZ (Vot.2377/1.=70bd), WISCHAU (Vot.2649/6.=50bd), WLASCHIM (Vot.2663/2.=60bd), frame red FREIBURG, line N.KAROLY, ROVIGO, or arrival frame K.K.POSTAMT/ IM HAUSE/ DER ABGEORDNETEN; usual quality U:O5
1832-1863 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 29 pre-philatelic and official (ex offo) letters without frankings, all addressed to military units, for example. to Písek, Budějovice, Jindřichův Hradec, but also to Linz, Venice and other places in Italy, interesting transit or arrival postmarks; very sound condition U:O5
1836-76 [COLLECTIONS] 14 pre-philatelic and official letters without franking, from that 7 covers, many interesting cancel., for example. BÖHM. AICHA (Vot.167/1.=40bd), IGLAU (Vot.875/1.=80bd), blue SAAZ (Vot.2090/4.=100bd), TURNAU (Vot.2489/2.=60bd), red WADOWICE+FRANCO (Müler=100bd), frame v.NIMES and several others; usual quality U:O5
1819-1850 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 50 prephilatelic letters with Czech countries, many interesting postmarks, for example blue Hohenmauth (Vot.802/2.), Horosedel (Vot.825/2.), blue Iglau (Vot.875/1.=160bd), blue Heřzmanmiestez (Vot.764/2.=100bd) and others, good quality; on 25 album sheets, part of exhibit, it is worth seeing; only CDS according to cat. catalogue Votoček 3.200 points U:K
1850 Mi.2X, 2 Kreuzer IIIa HP, intense black on small cut-square with CDS WIEN, strip of 3, strong paper 0,12mm, perfect piece, cat. Ferchenbauer 1200€ ++ U:A5
1850 Mi.3X, 3 Kreuzer Ia type HP, pink-red with blue CDS EBREICHSDORF; perfect quality, cat. Ferchenbauer 225€ U:A5