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1939 Pof.DL4, 30h red, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 4-40 and print protective frame on/for L margin counter sheet, very wide print; rare occurrence, quite rare offer!, c.v.. - , - U:A5
1939 Pof.DL4x-y, 30h red, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 2-39/2A-39, L margin perforated, R margin unperforated; folded in perforation gutter, very interesting, absolutely rare offer! U:A3v–
1939 Pof.DL6, 50h red, 2-stamps gutter cut at top with plate number 3-40 and 3A40; c.v.. at all doesn't report, very rare, quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
1939 Pof.DL6y-x, 50h red, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 1-39/1A-39, L margin unperforated, R margin perforated; folded in perforation gutter, very interesting, rare offer U:A3v–
1939 Pof.DL10x-y, 1,20 Koruna light blue, complete 50 pcs of counter sheet! with plate number 4A-40; extraordinary offer, rare occurrence! U:A4
1940 comp. 4 pcs of check orders from May and June 1940, on reverse mounted various values postage-due stamps, Pof.DL5, resp. DL6, DL9, or DL11, various CDS, 2x also cancel. Obecních offices; interesting, fine quality, c.v.. 1.100CZK U:A5
1942 insufficiently franked commercial Reg and express letter, with Pof.86 (2x) and 101, CDS BRÜNN 6/ 17.XII.42, marked postage due 4 Koruna, mounted Postage due stamp Pof.DL11 (2x), from that 1x the bottom corner piece with plate number "1-39"!, on reverse arrival postmark MAIN TELEGRAPF OFF. PRAGUE/ 18.XII.42; envelope light wrinkled, interesting entire U:A5
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.DL1-14, collection postage-due stamps in/at full 6-sheet stockbook A4, contains lot of corner pieces and blocks with plate number, detached gutter with plate number, i.a. 2-stamps and 4-stamps. 20K with plate number 1-39 and 1A-39 etc.., 14-zn. counter sheet values 5h-10K etc..; major major-part stamp. mint never hinged, cat. according to owner more than 20.000CZK U:Z
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.DL1-14, duplication collection postage-due stamps on 4 two-sided full cards A4, contains corner pieces, detached 2-stamps gutter., i.a. Pof.DL13 and 14 with plate number 1-39/1A-39, Pof.DL6 with plate number 2-39/2A-39, then complete imperforate gutter with upper margin etc..; cat. according to owner more than 7.000CZK, good quality U:O4
1941 Pof.SL1VV, the first issue 30h light brown, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 1-41, production defect perf - double stroke perf hřebenu in/at upper řadě(!); sought by specialists, perfect condition! U:A3v–
1943 Pof.SL22, 3 Koruna yellow-green, corner piece with plate number 2-43 and wide protective frame; c.v.. 850CZK U:A5
1939-40 Pof.PD1KD, Definitive issue 1 Koruna red, LR corner piece with coupon and plate number 1A + used piece + Pof.PD9B used; c.v.. 4.300Kč U:A5
1940 Pof.PD1KD + KH, Definitive issue 1 Koruna red, 1x LR corner piece with coupon and plate number 1! + 1x UR corner piece with coupon; c.v.. 6.400Kč U:A5
1941-44 comp. 8 pcs of entires with postal agency pmk, i.a. KŘEMEŠNÍK (PELHŘIMOV) on/for printed matter, PODLESÍ, BUDISLAV, ŽĎÁRNÁ etc..; 2x letter, 5x postcard + postcard U:A5
1940-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 31 entires sent to Slovak Rep., all passed through censorship, one recipient U:O5
1945 TRANSPORT SUSPENDED whole credit note on/for 47RM and 40Rpf, with A. Hitler. 40Pfg, CDS KARWIN - FREISTADT (OBERSCHLES) 28.4.45, on reverse notice "Peněžní traffic closed" and rubber violet cancel. KARVINNÁ 23.7.; interesting, good condition U:A5
1939 PRAČ2A, forerunner cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) PLZEŇ/ 4.VI.39/ 1e in/at orange color, 2 print on Ppc Plzeň with stamp. 25h Coat of arms and 50h Štefánik; postally Un, sought, sound condition U:A5
1940 letter with MC advertising print "KAŽDÝ ČECH JEDNOU V PRAGUE", with Prague 1 Koruna, CDS PRAGUE 25, 4.IV.40; on reverse small hinge / label of storage U:A5
1940 PRA1A + PRA1D, 2 pcs of Ppc with oranžovými postal imprints mobile post-office (on a bus), PRAGUE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 2.IV40/ 1d and 15.IX.40/ 1c, jarní and podzimní Prague sample fair; nice print, good condition U:A5
1940-43 comp. 6 pcs of letters with various Bohemian and Moravian machine advertising postmarks: SPR30 -Praha 25, SPR31 -Praha 25, SPR33 -Praha 25 and Brno 2, SPR35 -Praha 25 and SPR37 -Praha 25; 4 pcs of commercial correspondence, 1x window envelope, usual quality U:A5
1940-45 selection of 92 pcs of cards with commemorative postmarks, contains i.a. PR117, BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY! 29.I.45, cut with cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) PRAGUE 4.IV.40 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) with special postmark EXHIBITION POSTAL CENIN etc.. some more times same U:O5
1941 VIKTORIA! GERMANY VÍTĚZÍ ZA EVROPU red bilingual propagandistic postmark, superb print, on/for official Reg letter franked with. service stmp., CDS CHRUDIM 1/ 16.VIII.41; good condition U:A5
1941-42 V - GERMANY VÍTĚZÍ NA VŠECH FRONTÁCH ZA EVROPU and "V" in circle, 2 pcs of official entires with propagandistic red postmarks, 1x big frame bilingual cancel. on R letter franked with. service stmp with CDS KAMENICE N. LIPOU 12.VII.41, other ordinary letter with CDS HRANICE 16.IV.42; superb print, good condition U:A5
1942 commemorative sheet - Birthday of Hitler, mounted 4 stamps with coupons, Pof.74-77, 5 copy-print PR96d in black color and PR97c in red color, good condition U:A4
1942 commemorative sheet with picture Prague castle, mounted stamp. with additional-printing 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia and 4 print PR86, PRAG 1/a, b, c, d; good condition, only wrinkled corners U:A3v–
1944-45 comp. of 2 Ppc Karlštejna, 1x with A. Hitler. 60h, 1x Linden Leaves 60h with orange special postmark HRAD KARLSTEIN 6.VIII.44 and 20.VII.45 and additional red special postmark; interesting U:A5
1945 CDV16, philatelically motivated PC 60h sent as Reg, uprated. stamp. Pof.120-121, 2x special postmark PRAGUE 1/ BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY 2.II.1945!, PR117!, in addition letter-card Bolshevism never!; rare entire, very sound condition U:A5
1945 letter to Loun, with A. Hitler. 60h (2x), special postmark PRAGUE 1/ BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY! 29.I.45!, PR117; sought U:A5
1939 SRP1, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Dálnice bridge republic, ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ 2/ 22.III.39, nice print on letter with 1CZK T. G. Masaryk, Pof.303; sought, very sound condition U:A5
1939 SRP12, forerunner machine slogan pmk - International telephone hovory levnější...., HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 22.XI.39, very nice print on letter franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Brno 1 Koruna, Pof.31; sound condition, sought cancel., catalogue price - , - U:A5
1943 SRP36a, machine slogan pmk - Spinnstoff- and/ Schuhsammlung / Sběr textilií and footwear, with missing print denního postmark (!); very well readable print on Ppc Plzeň, with 60h A. Hitler; for comparison also with postcard with same SRP36, with CDS PRAGUE 15; SRP36a is specialist zoufale sought, still known only this single piece, in/at c.v.. Pofis price - , -; RR! U:A5
1940-41 compilation of 18 various postal official labels, all corner or outer, from 10 with printing notice (Druckvermerk) in lower margin, some less usual, for example Na cestách, Firma zanikla, Odcestoval etc.; quite rare offer, probably complete set, nice quality U:A5
1942 GESTAPO BRNO - frame service pmk with eagle on service letter with CDS BRÜNN German Service post Bohemia and Moravia 20.8.42, supplemented with red straight line postmark official post, good condition U:A5
1943 service letter sent from Cikánského camp in/at Letech (!), with Pof.SL7, CDS MIROWITZ 12.I.43, supplemented with straight line postmark "Zigeunerlager Flights, Post Mirowitz, Fernruf 22", addressed to to Rokycany; usage entires from this camp is absolutely rare, on reverse damaged upper lapel near/in/at ungentle opening letter, otherwise sound condition U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT card to Portugal, Poděkování for parcel, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp A. Hitler 50h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE N. O. 29.II.44 + arrival postmarkl LISBOA 8.4.44, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition, interesting! U:A5
1943-44 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT pre-printed PC with thank for parcel, with 30h A. Hitler, CDS PRAG 2/ 5.IV.44, addressed to to Nová Paka; L at top defect - hole ca. 4mm + certificate of mailing on/for mailing odeslanou from Wien (Vienna) to ghetto Terezín, CDS WIEN 2/ 14.7.43, usage mailing after/around so-called. "anšlusu" Austria to Terezin (Theresienstadt) is rare; good quality U:A5
1944 comp. 3 pcs of official entires from various labour výchovných táborů: 2 letters franked with. service stmp Pof.SL19, from camps in/at Plané n./L. and Břežanech by/on/at Týnce n./S.; PC from official pre-printing addressed to starostovi community with notification about/by discharge from camp in Prague - Ruzyň; interesting and rather rare documents/attributes, in good quality U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] exceedingly nice and mainly complete collection in 5 ring folders on hingeless sheets, collection vyvářena according to catalogue Engel 1990, contains issue Country, castles, town I-III with plate mark, plate number, blocks of four, corner pieces, bnd-of-10 etc.., coupons with *, **, *** etc.. incl. high values, then postage stmp A. Hitler. - bands, coupons, blocks, horseshoe etc.. incl. values 20K, 30K, 50K etc.., other issue - coupons, blocks etc.., (without Overprint issue); důraz kladen on/for quality, cat. according to owner ca. 80.000CZK, extraordinary offer, suitable for continuation U:K
1941-43 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS, OFFICIAL nice collection duplication and surplus on 10 cards A4 in spiral stockbook, contains Newspaper stamps (issue II.), Pof.NV11-NV18, corner pieces with plate number - protective frame type A, B, also bnd-of-20 with type frame A; then Pof.NV11 with plate number, type frame C; complete bnd-of-20 with plate number Pof.NV11 - type frame A, then incomplete with type frame C + Official I. and issue II - corner pieces with plate number, bands with plate number etc..; good quality, cat. according to owner through/over 25.000CZK, interesting offer U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in/at full 12-sheet stockbook A4, contains lot of bloks of four, corner pieces with coupons also plate number, bands etc.., various postage stmp issue, Newspaper stamps, Official etc..; major-part mint never hinged, cat. according to owner ca. 8.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets Trojan (I-III) in spring folder, contains complete ** Overprint issue; Country, town with coupons; asterisk, corner pieces, plate number, Postage due stmp - gutter etc..; small part stamp. mounted, cat. according to owner ca. 8.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection surplus in spiral stockbook on stock-sheets A4, contains blocks, variants of coupons issues Towns, country, Pof.36, 37, 38-40, 46-49, then Pof.50-53, 62-63, variants of coupons on stmp A. Hitler. 10K and 20K + R and L bands etc..; good quality, cat. according to owner min. 15.500CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] complete basic collection incl. overprint set Pof.1-19, without admission stamps Terezín; on album sheets Stiburek, sound condition U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] small collection and accumulation, contains general collection incl. Overprint issue on album sheets (all hinged) + parts of sheets, Overprint issue (defects gum), used and unstamped set etc.., placed i.a. in 3 albums A5, 1x A4 + free sheets and cards A4; estate of dealer, placed in smaller cardboard box U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] small business supply of stamps on/for cards, contains i.a. Pof.20-27 - gutter with upper and bottom margin, coupons, Pof.45-49 with upper coupon, coupons Pof.32-35, Pof.72-73, blocks of four and marginal pieces with *, **, Pof.78-99, 96-99 with L coupons, Pof.98 VK2, Official in blocks of four etc.., supplemented with about/by group of 9 Un PC, i.a. CDV1, CDV8, CDV20 etc..; cat. according to owner through/over 5.500CZK, placed in small little-box U:K
1943-44 CDV4 + CDV17 II, comp. 2 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian PC, 1x 60h Linden Leaves sent Reg and Express, uprated by. Surtax stamp. 10K, Pof.115, provisional ručné written Reg label, CDS SUCHOMASTY 11.VIII.44, 1x 2. part double PC A. Hitler. 60h, sent pneumatic-tube post, uprated with stamp Pof.108, 78 3x, right franking 1,50 Koruna, CDS PRAGUE 9/ 30.VI.43, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 9; good condition U:A5
1940 CDV5/ part I., addressed to to prison in Olomouc, orange CDS mobile post-office (on a bus) PRAG - PRAGUE/ 11.IX.40/ 1c, signature censor + CDV2/ part II., uprated with stamp 10h, Pof.21, CDS OLMÜTZ 1/ 22.VIII.40, sent from same prison, signature censor in front and from part/-s přeškrtaný text on reverse; both p.stat interesting U:A5
1941 CAZ1Pa, Linden Leaves 50h, hnědošedý paper, postally Us, CDS MALÉ PROSENICE 19.XII.41; good condition, c.v.. 4.200CZK U:A5
1939 CMO7aP, forerunner international reply coupon 3.35K, CDS OKŘÍŠKY 27.V.39; very good condition, c.v.. 2.400CZK U:A5
1941 CMO4, international reply coupon with value 2,60K, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 20.XI.41; good condition, c.v.. 1.500CZK U:A5