1945 HLUBOKÁ N. V. total 40 pcs of, overprints "Hvězda" on/for A. Hitler. 10h-8K, II. Newspaper stamps 2h-1K, Official 30h-5K; several overprints also on/for sheet margins, overprints on issue Official occur only rarely
1945 JIHLAVA total 40 pcs of, round overprints "Czech lion" on/for A. Hitler. 10h-50K , St. Vitus 1,50 Koruna and 2,50 Koruna, Official 30h-5K and 5. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia (on this issue rare)
1945 LITOVEL, BÍLÁ LHOTA, JAVOŘÍČKO total 18 pcs of, overprints on stamp. A. Hitler. 10h-80h "Liberated Czechoslovakia 1945..." red and modrý(!); 10h-1,20K Coat of arms "Republic ...1945" brown and black; 60h-2,50K "Republic Czechoslovak"; revolutionary issue from these village/community occur only rarely
1945 OLOMOUC comp. 6 pcs of numbered miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, only value 120h green with anulací round hole, value 380h with minor faults + supplemented with 5 stamp. 60h, 80h, 120h, 380 with minor gum fault, 420h
1945 PLZEŇ selection of 45 pcs of stamp. with two varieties overprint 6.V.45/ AM. ARM./ OSVOB./ PLZEŇ and 6.V.1945/ PLZEŇ/ OSVOB., issue postage-due (4 pcs of stamp. with plate number), newspaper (all with plate number 39) and service stmp
1945 PLZEŇ, KROČEHLAVY, St. Vitus 1,50 Koruna and 2,50 Koruna with violet overprints "USA osvobodila Plzeň" (frame) and "Kročehlavyzbavenyokupantů 5.5. 1945", blocks of four
1945 PLZEŇ/ complete set Bohemian and Moravian stamp A. Hitler. Pof.78-99 + 122 with overprint Czechoslovakia USA OSVOBODILA PLZEŇ 6.5.1945; hinged, 30K minor faults
1945 PLZEŇ/ complete set Bohemian and Moravian stamp A. Hitler. Pof.78-99 + 122 with golden overprint Czechoslovakia USA OSVOBODILA PLZEŇ 6.5.1945; hinged, 2,50 Koruna minor gum fault
1945PROSINOVICE, total 25 pcs of, overprints on A. Hitler. 10h-50K "Czechoslovak Post 8.5. 1945 PROSINOVICE"; in addition St. Vitus 1,50 Koruna and 2,50 Koruna
1945 PROSTĚJOV/ black frame overprint PROSTĚJOV ZBAVENGERMÁNSKÝCHZLOČINCŮ 9. KVĚTNA 1945 on/for Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.78-99, 120-122 in str-of-4, always one normal and one inverted overprint!; interesting, on 3 album pages A4
1945TICHÁ, total 39 pcs of with "Czechoslovakia 1945", A. Hitler. 10h-50K, Smetana, St. Vitus., Official 30h-5K; rare provisional issue this beskydské community!
1945 PRAGUE Reg letter franked with. 7 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler with overprint "Free/ Czechoslovakia/ in/ free/ Europe", CDS PRAG 33/ 5.V.45, postal-charge 4,20 Koruna; good condition
1945 comp. of 8 bloks of four St. Vitus., both values, with provisory overprints "Pravda zvítězila / Czechoslovakia"; red Opt "Hvězda"; "Hvězda" in circle + 1945; black frame overprint "Czechoslovakia"
1945 comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, contains 9 stamp. Slovak Rep. with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO (off. issue Varin) + comp. of 3 first day cards (GEO 340) Pardubice + 1x block of four Pof.121 with red cancel. PRAGUE 9.V.45
1945KARTOUZY - VALDICE, comp. 2 pcs of letters franked with. overprint stamp., 1x ordinary with stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna with nationalized CDS KARTOUZY - VALDICE 12.V.45, 1x Reg letter with 2 stamp. with overprint values 5 Koruna and 40h with nationalized CDS VŠELIBICE 13.V.45, provisional handwritten R + on reverse arrival VELIŠ U JIČÍNA 14.V.45; good condition
1945 LITOVEL letter with 10h, 30h and 80h A. Hitler with revolutionary overprint "Liberated Czechoslovakia 1945 Red Army", CDS LITOVEL 12.V.45 and red cachet to same event/-s + unpaid commercial letter with frame cancel. "STRÁŽNICE/ zbavenagermanských felons/ 13. April 1945", marked postage due "T 1.20", envelope at top ca. 2cm torn
1945 SLOVAKIA / KUNOVATEPLICA letter franked with. 4 pcs of Hungarian stamp. with black overprint Czechoslovak Post, Hungarian CDS KUNTAPOLCA 9.3.45, addressed to to Rožňava; good condition, rare!
1945 ZBRASLAV N. V. / FINISCH GERMANIAE 10.V.45 two prints of revolutionary pmk on envelope franked with B.-M. stamp A. H. 1 K + 2x 10h, without filled address, sought revolutionary postmark!
1945 pictorial PC Coat of arms 1,50 Koruna sent as Reg to Prague, uprated with stamp Coat of arms 2 Koruna and Linden Leaves 10h, provisional 2-lines violet cancel. 22.X.1945/ MISTROVICE and provisional registry label; on reverse arrival postmark and certificate of mailing
1945 selection of 20 pcs of Reg letters franked/paid cash, with provisory postmarks or Reg label, post offices as DUCHCOV, PRACHATICE, HRDLOVKA, CHCEBUZ, OLDŘICHOV, VELKÉ KARLOVICE, BUKOV, HRUŠOVANY N. J., BŘEZOVÁ N. S., SMRŽOVKA, KAMENICKÝ ŠENOV, PRAGUE - POSTAL SAVING BANK etc..; good condition
1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection 82 pcs of PC with provisory and nationalized cancel., i.a. provisional violet line POST OFFICE BOJKOVICE; BILINA; BRNO 25; BRNO 24; POST BŘVANY, red DĚDŘICHOV U FRÝDLANTU V Č. etc..; placed on pages in/at šanonu
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of various PC - broken out and provisional postmarks, from that 10 pcs of as Registered, PC Linden Leaves 60h (1x Bohemian and Moravian) and Beneš 1,20CZK, R mailing - all provisional registry labels as JABLONEC N.S., HODKOVICE, SRÁNDORF, PLESNA, HAVLÍČKŮV BROD, TEPLICE - ŠANOV, FILIPOV, RÝNOVICE, provisional postmark as ZNOJMO, SVINOV, TŘEBUŠICE etc..; good condition
1945-46 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 65 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, commercial, private also philatelic correspondence, contains i.a. post offices marks HORNÍ POLICE, STARÉ SPLAVY, LIBŠTEIN, BRNO 24, PROSIMĚŘICE, BRUMOV, BÍLÝ POTOK P. S., SPOŘICE, BOJKOVICE etc.., mainly good quality
1945-47 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of entires with broken out nádražními postmarks from that 4 pcs of as Registered, i.a. ČESKÁ LÍPA, NOVÝ BYDŽOV, ČELÁKOVICE, LETOVICE, ČASTOLOVICE, etc..; good condition
[COLLECTIONS] unique specialized collection of stmp and miniature sheets Košice issue, contains unissued Kosice MS Pof.A360/362N, big also small crosses in/at color variants, vertical and horiz. gutter, shades, plate number, printing defects, also line entires with rare frankings, postmark first of day and other specialties; excellent quality, quite extraordinary offer, all placed on 72 exhibit sheets A4 in 4 superb spiral albums SAFE
Pof.354Mv(4)-356Mv(4), values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, horiz. 4-stamp gutters in pairs, all with lower margin and plate mark "A1", resp. RE /retouch plate mark/, c.v.. 8.000Kč+
Pof.354-356 Mv(4), horiz. 4-stamp gutters, from every values light and dark color shade; only value 6 Koruna light blue minor gum fault, otherwise very fine, cat. over 5.000CZK
Pof.354Ms(4) - 356Ms(4), values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, vertical 4-stamp gutters in pairs, all with L sheet margin, mint never hinged; c.v.. 1.000Kč++
Pof.354Ms(4) - 356Ms(4), values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, vertical 4-stamp gutters in pairs, all with R margin sheet, mint never hinged; c.v.. 1.000Kč++
Pof.358, Košice-issue 13 Koruna, block of 8 with lower margin, rough pin hole under the pos. 87 also pos. 88, in addition interesting plate variety; cat. min. 2.200CZK
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS with omitted černošedou color, without value 5 Koruna and without state emblem / symbol (!); unique piece with original gum (smudges from dirty), still known only 3 pieces: 1 pcs of with skartačnímuhlopříčným cancel yellow by pencil, 1 pcs of without gum (prodán on/for auction Majer after/behind 250.000 CZK) and this single with gum; here for the first time in auction, quite exceptional offer!, suitable also as investment
Pof.A360/362N, unissued Kosice MS with arc inscription; neoříznutý upper margin, very good quality, preserved maximálně 15 pieces, exceptional offer at our place as 3. piece!
Pof.A360/362, 2 pcs of miniature sheets with various shades print grey color values 5 Koruna, light and dark, miniature sheet with dark color print fingers in gum
1945 Registered and Express letter to Bohemia, with Pof.353, 357-359 (Ruce), CDS TRNAVA 15.IX.45, on reverse arrival broken out cancel KOSTELEC N. Č. LESY 17.XI.45, philatelically motivated, but Us mailing
1946R+Tiskopis to Bohemia, with 9K, Pof.357, CDS DOLNÝ KUBÍN 27.II.46 (penultimate day validity), on reverse arrival, incl. certificate of mailing, Us, but philatelically motivated mailing