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1938 BAAROVÁ Lída (one's own name Ludmila Babková, 1914–2000), Czech actress; own photo postcard with signature; very good condition U:A5
cca 1965 BARDOT Brigitte (* 1934), important French actress; autograph and dedication on/for portrait postcard; photo from legendárního Sama Levina (1904-1992) U:A5
1935? DAVIS Bette (1908-1989), světoznámá American actress, držitelka price/-s Oscar; autograph on photograph, interesting, rare U:A5
1910? DESTINNOVÁ Ema (one's own name Emilie Kittlová, 1878–1930), Czech opera singer, autograph on photograph, mounted on carton U:A4
1925 DESTINNOVÁ Ema (one's own name Emilie Kittlová, 1878–1930), Czech opera singer, autograph with printings on Ppc sent from Opava to Prague U:A5
1918 DESTINNOVÁ Ema (one's own name Emilie Kittlová, 1878–1930), Czech opera singer, autograph with dedication opernímu pěvci Zdeňkovi Knittlovi on/for own Ppc; interesting, photo mounted on carton paper U:A4
1970 THEATRE JÁRY CIMRMANA signatures of actors on playbill to/at play "Hospoda on/for mýtince", contains Zdeněk Svěrák, Miloň Čepelka, Jaroslav Vozáb, Oldřich Unger; interesting U:A4
1938 WERICH John (1905–1980), Czech film and theatre actor, dramatist and scenarist, autograph on joined/common photo postcard with Jiřím Voskovcem from theatre performance U:A5
1938 FABIÁNOVÁ Vlasta (1912–1991), Czech actress, autograph on own photo postcard, atelier Ströminger U:A5
1975 FILIPOVSKÝ Francis (1907-1993), important Czech film and theatre actor; handwritten written dedication with signature U:A4
1941 GLEICH Jaroslav (1900-1976), opera singer (member National theatre) and movie actor, zasloužilý artist; autograph on private photograph, good condition U:A5
1937 GROSSLICHTOVÁ Truda (1912-1995), slavná Czech actress, prvorepubliková film star, signature on portrait postcard; atelier Ströminger, perfect condition U:A5
1937 KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, colored, less frequent samostatný autograph, atelier Ströminger; good condition U:A5
1930 KLIČKA Joseph (1855-1937), Czech violinist, varhaník, composer, conductor; signature on handwritten photo postcard U:A5
1936 KOČOVÁ Míla (1898 -1951), Czech opera singer working in/at National divadle, signature on photograph U:A5
1981 KOPECKÝ Miloš (1922-1996), Czech theatre and movie actor + ŠIMEK Miloslav (1940-2004) + SOBOTA Luděk (1943); comp. of 3 autografů on/for New Year's wish with photo U:A5
1943 KRONBAUEROVÁ Jarmila (1893-1968), Czech actress and songstress, členka National theatre (1913-60, excepting years 1942-45); own photo postcard with signature, on reverse handwritten written PF 1944, very good condition U:A5
1914-30 LAUDOVÁ-HOŘICOVÁ Mary (1869-1931), important Czech actress National theatre, cabinet card with signature, atelier Langhans + signature on děkovném card; interesting, good condition U:A4
1935? LUDIKAR Paul (one's own name Paul Vyskočil, 1882-1970), important Czech opera singer and pedagogue, i.a. působil in years 1926-32 in/at Metropolitní opeře in/at N. York, Professor salzburského Mozartea (1944-1970), own photo postcard with signature, good condition U:A5
1938 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), Czech movie actress, autograph on portrait photograph + program to film Holka or kluk; supplemented with B/W reproduction; placed on exhibit sheet U:A4
1916 MAŘÁK Otakar (1872–1939), Czech opera singer, autograph on own photo postcard; atelier Langhans U:A5
1930? NIKOLSKÁ Jelizaveta (1904-1955), origin Russian dancer – baletka, primabalerína National theatre in Prague; autograph on photo postcard, atelier Wildt Prague, interesting U:A5
1927 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera singer and movie actress, for example. in years 1935-1956 sólistka Metropolitní opera in New York, autograph on own photo postcard; good condition U:A5
1976 PEŠEK Ladislav (one's own name Ladislav Pech, 1906-1986), important Czech actor, autograph on letter - acknowledgments to his 70. birthday; good condition U:A4
1925 PLAŠKE Frederic (1875-1952), important Czech opera singer, member opera in Dresden and ND in Prague; autograph on original photograph U:A4
1940? SEDLÁČKOVÁ Jiřina (1914-2002), movie actress, songstress and modelka, signature on own photo postcard; atelier Ströminger, good condition U:A5
1978-80 comp. of 3 signatures important Czech zpěváků on/for own fotopohlednicích: Charles Gott, George Korn, John Kratochvílová; good condition U:A5
1976-81 selection of signatures popular of actors, contains: Miroslav Horníček, Miloslav Šimek 2x, Luděk Sobota 2x, Felix Holzmann and songstress Miluše Voborníková; good condition, interesting U:A5
1974-85 selection of signatures known of actors and hereček, contains: Ladislav Pešek, Miroslav Donutil, Ljuba Hermanová, Helena Růžičková, Valerie Čižmárová, Vladimír Ráž (2x) U:A4
1970-90 selection of signatures known zpěváků, contains: John Kratochvílová, Michael Tučný, Charles Gott (2x), Hana Zagorová, Charles Vágner, Peter Spálený, George Brabec, Joseph Laufer, Charles Černoch U:A4
2000 Sir ELTON JOHN (1947-), světoznámý Brit. singer, pianist composer, B/W photo with dedication and signature; at our place rare U:A4
1929 SKUPA Joseph (1892–1957), Czech puppeteer, founder Theatre Spejbla and Hurvínka; signature on strojopisném letter with heading loutkového theatre; interesting, good condition U:A5
1936 ŠEJBALOVÁ Jiřina (1905-1981), Czech opera singer and actress, member of the National theatre, signature on own photo-PC with dedication; atelier Balzar, mounted on carton, very good condition U:A4
1939 ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ Štěpánka (1906-1992), important Czech opera songstress, sólistka National theatre (1933-1977), signature on own photo postcard; good condition U:A5
1939 TAUBEROVÁ Mary (1911-2003), Czech opera singer, soprano National theatre, photo postcard from performance "Kouzelná flétna" with autograph; good condition U:A5
1935? VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981) and WERICH John (1905–1980), Czech actors, handwritten signatures on/for joined/common photograph from performance; good condition, interesting U:A5
1977 VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981), čeký actor, autograph on card + also with photo postcard, atelier Ströminger U:A5
1935? WANKA Rolf (1901–1982), Austrian actor, representative much rolls in/at Czech prvorepublikových filmech, signature on own fotpohlednici U:A5
1940 ZÍTEK William (1890-1956) important Czech opera singer, member National theatre (1912-25 and 1931-47), national artist (1946), pohřbený on/for Slavíně; autograph on vizitce, on reverse with pozn.: "Odmítal with podepisovat, prý only 29.2. ..."; well preserved U:A5