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1935 AVIATION/ PAVLOVSKÝ Lewis (1901-1991), Czechoslovak pilot, world's rekordman in/at seskoku padákem, i.a. in 1935 - seskok from height 8.705m (world's rekord), signature on back side small photo; interesting U:A5
1935 FOOTBALL postcard Birmingham with signatures Czechoslovak football týmu as Plánička, Zjíček, Laufer and other, CDS BIRMINGHAM 16.Nov.1935; good condition U:A5
1985 FOOTBALL/ BECKENBAUER Franz (* 1945), slavný German footballer, world champion and Europe; signature on photo postcard U:A5
1970-84 FOOTBALL/ set photos and documents with signatures Czechoslovak footballers, i.a. Nehoda, Vízek, Masopusut, Kozák, Jurkemik, Masný etc..; U:A5
1962-66 ICE HOCKEY comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with signatures hockey-players, 1x sent from tour Red star Brno to Kiev, 1x postcard sent from World Championship in Lublani U:A5
1960-90 OLYMPIC GAMES/ set signatures Czechoslovak Olympians and other sportsmen, contains i.a. Jaroslav Holík, Anton Tkáč, Zdeněk Dohnal, John and Henry Pospíšilové, Jaroslav Pouzar and much other U:A4
1947 JUMPS plate variety VODY selection of signatures Czechoslovak representatives, i.a. Kocourek, Bartůšek etc.., near/in/at occasion evropského šampionátu; interesting also as postcard U:A5
1972 TENNIS/ CONNORS Jimmy (*1956), KODEŠ John (*1946) and other, postcard with signatures participants tenisového turnaje Masters in 1972, including card with identifikací other tennis-players U:A5
1975 TENNIS/ LENDL Ivan (*1960), světoznámý tennis-player; signature on back side postcard sent from France; attached other signatures U:A5
1973 TENNIS/ NAVRÁTILOVÁ Martin (*1956), světoznámá tenistka, victress all turnajů Grand Slam, signature with dedication from turné in USA from start profesionální kariéry; interesting U:A5
1960? ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922–2000), Czech sportsman, 4-tuple Olympic champion; signature on own photo U:A5