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1939 Alb.1, Blue Štefánik 60h with L margin; c.v.. 900SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.1, Blue Štefánik 60h, block of four with lower margin; c.v.. 3.600CZK U:A5
1939 Alb.1, Blue Štefánik 60h, block of four with R margin; right the bottom stamp. minor gum fault, cat. min. 3.200CZK U:A5
1939 Zsf.N24, Hlinka 1 K red, horizontal pair, imperforated!; exp. by Gilbert., small gum flaw, minimum edition, cat. 8.000Sk U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing Slovak Rep. 1939 in red color, for stamp. Alb.24, Hlinka 1 Koruna with blue overprint, as blk-of-4; catalogue on this stmp red Opt doesn't report (!), ZP12-13, 32-33; exp. by Synek., extraordinary offer U:A5
1939 Zsf.N30(X), Hlinka 1Ks red, horizontal pair with lower margin; owner's mark, luxury, cat. Fö 8.000Sk U:A5
1939 Zsf.N46z, Palace 10 Ks blue, imperforated horizontal pair, wmk P4; cat. Fö 7.000Sk U:A5
1939 Zsf.N46z, Palace 10 Ks blue, imperforated upper left corner block of 4, wmk P3; exp. by Gilbert., Mahr BPP, suitable for exhibits, cat. Fö min. 14.000SKK U:A5
1939 Zsf.SK46y, Palace 10 Ks brown!, horizontal pair with left margin, imperforated trial printing!, wmk P3; very sought, quite rare offer, cat. Fö 30.000Sk U:DR
1943 Zsf.N111-N114, sports 70h+70h - 2Ks+2Ks, complete imperforated set in blocks of four!; value 2Ks+2Ks at the back marked M.D.V.P./ post; rare, rare offer, exp. by Mahr., Möbs, cat. Fö 84.000Sk U:DR
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, 5 pcs of, several minor faults, 2x light povolená perf; intact gum, undefined on/for printing field, eventuální retouch etc.., c.v.. 3.000Sk U:A4
1940 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and airmail letters addressed to Moscow (Москва), both with multicolor franking air-mail and postage stmp., 1x with general postage 12Ks, CDS TOPOLČANY 19.VI.40, on reverse transit WIEN FLUGPOST 20.VI.40(!) and arrival MOSCOW 24.6.40 (short tearing envelope/-s in lower margin) + 1x with general postage 6Ks, CDS BREZNO N. H. 31.VIII.40, on reverse arrival MOSCOW 9.9.40, supplemented with straight line postmark VOZDUŠNAJA, both mailing addressed to on/for tajemníka Slovak agency in Moscow; rare and rare destination with průkaznou airmail přepravou! U:A5
1942 Reg and airmail letter to Protectorate with multicolor franking air-mail, Surtax and delivery stamp., Alb.DR1, CDS BRATISLAVA 13.VI.42, passed through German censorship, neprokázaná air transport; good condition U:A5
1943 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.77 5x, Scholarship 1,30 Koruna, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 3.II.43, passed through censorship, on reverse arrival postmark; nice multiple franking U:A5
1943-1944 [COLLECTIONS] smaller accumulation bloks of four, contains 36x set Railway Alb.90-93, 40x "Frontoví bojovníci" Alb.87-89, 100x "sports fund" Alb.111-114, 20x "Cultural fund" Alb.94-97; total 185 bloks of four, c.v.. 3.096Sk, placed on cards A4 U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 36 pcs of letters sent to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 6x Reg, contains i.a. 3x letter with franking with stamp. Overprint issue, 1x franked with. 4-stamps. gutter Hlinka 50h green, various interesting frankings, censorship; overall good condition, interesting U:O5
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of various entires, from that 5 pcs of to Protectorate and 1 pcs of to Hungary, total 6x as Registered and 1x Express letter, 1x train post; various censorship, usual frankings U:O5