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1929 Mi.365BX-374BX, Labours, complete imperforated set with wmk No.7, chosen margins, 5x outer; cat. 350€ U:A5
1930 Mi.388X, Riding army 14K,bottom corner block of four with two plate flaws - deformed 1st "O" and "Q" instead 2. "O" in "KONNOI", cat. Standard 300€++, rare multiple U:A5
1930 Mi.388X, Riding army 14k, two blocks of four with two plate flaws, deformed "1" "in "10 years" and known "Stain before the horse" (Soloviev 500Rb nett), only stamps without plate flaw Mi 160€+ U:A5
1930 Mi.390A,391B, LZ 127, 40k perf 12½;, 80k perf 10½; perfect, cat. 60€ U:A5
1931 Mi.398BX+BY, 2x Zeppelin 15k, both types of wmk; in addition Mi.400BY, all with incomplete offset!, 1x quality should be inspected U:A5
1931 Mi.402B-405B, Flight of Zeppelin LZ 127 to the North pole, complete imperforated set, cat. 150€ U:A5
1930 Mi.440, Nations of USSR 15k, partial offset; rare U:A5
1933-1934 Mi.453-455, 462Z-466Z, Stratospheric Flight and 10 years of civil aviation, unwatermarked, various CDS; cat. 125€, Mi.453 short tooth U:A5
1934 Mi.483-487, Zeppelins, cat. 100€ U:A5
1935 Mi.539CX, M. Frunze 2k violet, line perforation 14, upper corner block of 4, vertical wmk Mi. Wz.7; cat. Michel 1.200€+ U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet Air exhibition Moscow; small omission of gum, otherwise good quality, cat. 350€ U:A5
1941 Mi.814-818, Surikov, luxury, cat. 250€ U:A5
1942 Mi.827-828, Alisher Navoi, cat. 130€ U:A5
1944 Mi.892-894, Stratospheric baloon Osoaviachim 1, cat. 30€ U:A5
1945 Mi.972-980, Day of Soviet air forces, cat. 40€ U:A5
1947 Mi.Bl.9, souvenir sheet 29th Anniv. of Revolution., light print color on gum and small folds, cat. 170€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1203-1211, Postage stamp Workers, with inscription "Pocta СССР" at top, complete set in blocks of four, from that 4 pcs of outer; cat. 300€++ U:A5
1948 Mi.1275-1279, Pioneer organization, cat. 150€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1290-1291, Day of artillery, cat. 50€ U:A5
1950 Mi.1522-1524, Ajwazovskij, 40k+50k joined printing + 1R single stamp; cat. 70€, (cat. Soloviev only joined printing 1584+1585 1000Rb nett) U:A5
1954 Mi.1711, 1714, 1715, 1717, complete counter sheets Sport 40k, 40k, 1Rb, first issue (!), 1Rb "basketball" with still plate flaw on pos. 15 (printing stain below legs of L player); cat. Michel doesn't report PB neither plate flaw, catalogue Soloviev No. 1771 8800Rb nett = ca. 220€ market price! U:O4
1955 Mi.1764-1779, Agricaltural exhibition, all 3 known PB, Mi.I 25 stamps, Mi.II 25 stamps, PB III 30 stamps, CDS MOSCOW, for PB Mi. price doesn't report, cat. Soloviev 1500Rb nett, rare occurrence! U:A3v–
1956 Mi.1871IIc, Makhmud Aivazov 40k, corner blocks of 4; cat. 80€ ++ U:A5
1957 Mi.1922B, 1945B, 1948B, 1949B, 1980B, 6th Youth games, imperforated, luxury; cat. 230€ (Soloviev 2038-2042, 8000Rb nett) U:A5
1958 Mi.2064, Rudnev, 40K, printing error "RUDČEV", favourite plate flaw U:A5
1958 Mi.2138, Metallurgist 60k red-brown, die-stamping, complete sheet of 150, CDS MOSCOW, cat. 1.950€ only as single stamps U:A3v–
1966 Mi.3181-3183, Exploring of Antarctica, complete counter sheet; only pairs blocks of four cat. 160€ U:A3v–
1984-86 Mi.5046/7 and 5361, 2 ministerial printing sheets, J. Gagarin block of 8 and Icebreaker M. Somov block of 8, cat. 300€ U:A5
1926-1927 UNISSUED Mi.AXVIII, Pioneer 20K, 2 stamps, with wmk and unwatermarked; cat. 80€ U:A5
1927 Registered airmail letter with Mi.240, 246, 302, 315 and 326, CDS MOSCOW/ 19.9.27, five coloured franking, at the back 3 transit and arrival postmarks; left lower corner lightly torn off, otherwise good U:A5
1935 Ppc of Czech pavilion from exhibition in Moscow, sent to Czechoslovakia, with 14K, CDS 20.12.35; interesting also as Ppc U:A5
1940-41 2 richly franked air-mail letters sent to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with. i.a. Mi.726-728, 770, 789, 804-805, CDS MOSCOW, at the back arrival postmark PRAGUE, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1941 Reg and airmail letter to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia with Mi.785a 3x, 782A, 282IA, CDS MOSCOU 16.1.41, passed through German censorship U:A5
1941 2 commercial Reg letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. franked with Mi.708, 785, CDS MOSCOW 12.2.41 and 28.4.41, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1951 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, i.a. franked with. imperf stamps issue UPU, Mi.1383-84B, CDS MIASS 7.10.51; good condition U:A5
1935 TUVA Reg letter to Genoa, franked with complete set Mi.59-65, CDS TURAN 20.III.35 U:A4
1952 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1659-1662, Metro, whole set, complete counter sheet, issue II., in addition all combination of joined printings, 1x plate flaw on value 40k violet; interesting set, only as PB in cat. Soloviev 3000Rb U:Z