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1937 SG.1-12, Sailing Ship; complete set, values ½A-8A all 2x, various shades, hinged, cat. ** ca. £1050 U:A5
1942 SG.1-11, Sultan Seiyun, complete first set in blocks of four with margins, cat. £220 U:A4
1938-41 SG.32-37, George VI. 1R-25R, Opt BAHRAIN; compilation of highest values, cat. £350 U:A5
1948-49 SG.51-60a, George VI., complete overprint set; mint never hinged, cat. £100 U:A5
1963 Mi.18A,B-25A,B, air mail set "Falcon", 20NP-1Rp, complete set - perforated and imperforated; small edition U:A5
1957-1958 7 interesting letters of field post, units in Sinai and in Gaza during Suez Crisis; marine, tank brigade, legendary 1st Brigade "Golani" (!) U:A5
1926 Mi.1-3, issue Imam from Sanna, "Crossed swords" 1/16, 1/16 and 1/8 Imani, black onr white and yellow ribbed paper; cat. 240€, rare offer U:A5
1940 NORTH JEMEN Mi.8, Crescent 10B, block of four with "HAN" - number sheet (!); rare U:A5
1939 NORTH JEMEN Mi.21U-26U, Arabian aliance, 4 Bogasch - 1 Imadi; complete imperforated set, luxury corner pieces, cat. shows "-" U:A5
1939 NORTH JEMEN Mi.21U-26U, Arabian aliance, blocks of four, 4 Bogasch - 1 Imadi; complete imperforated set, cat. shows only "- , -", in 4- blocks extraordinary! U:A5
1940 NORTH JEMEN Mi.28-40, complete set Ornaments 1/2 Bogasch - 1 Imadi, marginal block of 4, cat. 240€++ U:A4
1942 NORTH JEMEN Mi.41-44 and Mi.41U-44U, two sets 4B-14B; perforated and imperforated, luxury marginal pieces, cat. 200€ ++ U:A5
1965 KINGDOM OF JEMEN (1962-1970), Mi.144Ba, 144Bb, (pair), royal issue "Prince Hosein" 4B violet-blue / red with Opt "In memory of sir Winston Churchill...."; imperforated with red resp. black Opt; cat. 360€, very small edition! U:A5
1975 NORTH JEMEN, Mi.1547,1547A,1448-1551, 6 overprint values on former stamps UNICEF, Mosque, Anniv of Revolution, cheap Mi.1547 with tearing at top, interesting U:A5
1930-1993 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH JEMEN, collection in album of Jemen ministry with stamps, souvenir sheets and sets, incl. better values, i.a. r. 1930, 1959, 1963, 1975, annual issues, air-mail, overprint, motives, favourite "golden stamps" and others., cat. ca. 930€, rare adjustment and offer! U:Z
1924 SG.122, 122a, 122b, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, ½; Pia, 3 lines Opt, whole printing sheet of 36, lower sheet inscription with year, on pos. 24 and 27 with plate flaw of inscription: "Shabal" and "Shabn" instead "Shaban"; cat. £586 ++, very rare multiple! U:A4
1961 SG.27-37, Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali al-Thani 5 N.P. - 10R; complete set, cat. £100 U:A5
1954-1960 WEST BANK - JORDAN OCCUPATION, 15 letters with Jordan stamps, sent to Austria, 3 letters from post offices RAMMALAH, BATTIR, HEBRON; 12x with rarer postmarks - HABTA violet, EL BIREH blue, TURMUS AIYA blue, ETH TURI, BIR ZEIT, HAWARA and others.; nice quality, extraordinary compilation from unusual destination U:A5
1957-1961 EAST JERUSALEM (Jordan occupation), comp. of 4 Reg and airmail letters with Jordan stamps, sent to Vienna, CDS JERUSALEM and JERUSALEM CITADEL; very nice frankings and attractive destination! U:A5
1961-1964 GAZA - EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT, 5 letters to Vienna (3 pcs in Austria payed off), with Egyptian overprint stamps, Arabian / English Opt PALESTINE, postmark RAFA and small post offices in Gaza - DEIR EL BALAH, KHAN YOUNIS, GAZA EL MAHATA, GABALIA U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.13b, postage-due 20Pa red with blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija....", CDS DJEDDA, Mi. shows only * 700€ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.P13a, 14a, 20Pa red with 2-lines red Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija..."; perfect and rare stamp; in addition 1Pia blue with the same Opt used, cat. 558€ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.P16, 17, 20Pa red postmark and 1Pia blue, both with three-line blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasia...."; cat. 735€ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.59, Sc.L67, issue Ornament ½Pia with black Opt "1340 WITHOUT FRAME (Mi.17) and in addition with blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija...", R short tooth, very rare and according to our opinion genuine stamp with guarantee, catalogues Scott and Michel shows only * stamp, cat. Michel 4.000€, extraordinary offer U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.60-67, issue Ornament 1Pa-2Pia with black Opt "1340 Hasemit kingdom 1340", in addition with blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija...", value 1/8Pia orange is according to us forgery (3.800€), počítáme only remaining stamps - cat. 1.200€+ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.71a,b, 2x Ornament 1/4 Para green, with red and blue three-line Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasia..."; perforation 13, guarantee of authenticity, cat. 545€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.3-8, complete 2nd issue, total 14 postage stamps Hejaz with Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" i. e. "Sultanate Nejd" in various colors, 5x 1/8 Pia, ½Pia, 1½Pia, 2x 2Pia, 5x 3Pia; perfect set, cat. 500€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.9-11a, 11c, complete 3rd issue., Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" on revenue stamps of kingdom Hejaz, complete set 1Pia, 1Pia, 2 Pia, 2Pia; all expertized, small edition, cat. underalues, cat. 80€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.24, 25, VIII. issue, postage stamp Hejaz with black Opt (Mi.26, 27), in addition with red and blue Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" i. e. "Sultanate Nejd"; cat. 150€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.27-36, (without Mi.26), otherwise complete IX. and X. issue, total 11 postage stamps Hejaz with Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" i. e. "Sultanate Nejd", ½Pia - 5Pia and new face-values 1Pia/½Pia, 1½Pia/½Pia, 2Pia/3Pia; cat. 370€ U:A5
1934 SG.316-327, the first issue of Saudi Arabia as a kingdom, so-called. "Proclamation set", 1/4 Guerche - 1Sovereign; signed Th. Champion, cat. £2.750, rare set missing in most collections! U:DR
1960-1961 3 airmail letters with mixed frankings, sent from Khobar and Hayel to PALESTINE - (Jordan occupation), arrival P.A. BATTIR, BETLEHEM; interesting U:A5
1975 Mi.I-III, UNISSUED set "2. championship in swimming", 10 Fils, 75 Fils, 2 Dirham; only very small edition, cat. 360€, Sc. $500, rare issue U:A5
1923 SG.89, 92, 93, 132, 133, 134, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", and with year 1342 , 1/8 , 1½;, 2 , 3, 5, 10Pia, block of 10 and 5x block of 15, some marginal; sporadically loosened perf, mostly MNH, cat. only as * stamps £595 U:A4
1923-1924 SG.89-97, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, mostly 2x, SG.96 strip of 6, SG.110, 117-120 Opt "Visit of Arabian King (King Hussein in Jordan), SG.125-134 - blocks of four and block of 9 10 Pia; many pieces MNH , cat. as * £750+, rare compilation! U:A4
1924 SG.134, 134d, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, Coat of arms 10 Pia, lower block of 18 with larger part of sheet margins, on pos. 31 - plate flaw Arabic year 1242 instead 1243; cat. as single * stamps £355, in this MNH multiple ramarkably more U:A4
1924 SG.134, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ 1342, 10 Pia, highest value in block of four, 2x with gutter from printing sheet 6x6 stamps, between stamps folded; multiples with gutter are rare! U:A5
1928 SG.172-182, Emir Abdulah - new constitution 2m-200m; complete set, 5m dusky tooth, cat. £180 U:A5
1923 SG.D112, D112a, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due 1/2 Pia on 3 Pia brown with additional Arabain line Opt, 2x block of four, from that one block of four with INVERTED OVERPRINT ; cat. £360 U:A5
1923 SG.D113 (2), D113a, D113b (2), British Mandate Territory, Arabian three-line Opt, Postage-due 1 Pia with additional Arabian line Opt, 2x normal Opt, 1x 3-LINED INVERTED, 2x with INVERTED; cat. £224 U:A5
1923 SG.D114 (8), D114a, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due 1½; Pia with additional line Opt "doplatit", 2x block of four normal Opt (several dots); in addition stamp with INVERTED, cat. £328 U:A5
1923 SG.D115 (4), D115a (4), D115b, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due 2Pia with additional Arabian line Opt "surtax", block of four normal Opt (several dots); block of four with INVERTED "surtax" and stmp with DDOUBLE "Opt"; cat. £457 U:A5
1923 SG.D116, D116a, D116c, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due ½Pia on 3Pia with Opt T12 and with additional Arabian four-line Opt; Opt normal, INVERTED, and original Opt T12 OMITTED (!), several dots, cat. £480 U:A5
1923 SG.D117-122, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt, 4x postage-due ½Pia - 5Pia, mainly blocks of four, cat. £240+ U:A5
1926 SG.D165-170, overprint Postage due stamps 1m/1m-5p/13m; complete set, cat. £85 U:A5
1923 SG.O117,117a, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov. 1342", OFFICIAL, ½Pia red, stmp with normal Opt and pair with one PRINTING ERROR 1242 (!), cat. £224++ U:A5