1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection in spring folder on album sheets, contains some more interesting item/-s, i.a. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Postage due stmp - Big numbers 5 Koruna, opposite facing pair issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, Festival, Prague, Tatras, I. and II. air issue, SO 1920 etc.., smaller part used, hinged, c.v.. by estimation 10.000CZK + duplication album with several zajímavějšímpoložkami, i.a. Festival *, Hradčany, overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ, SO 1920 and duplication part/-s from several collections on album sheets + supplemented with about/by ca. 50 pcs of PC CDV Charles, i.a. 4x small/rare initials etc..; suitable to examination, all in cardboard box
1918-39[COLLECTIONS] accumulation in 5 stockbooks (1x superb stockbook in/at leather), divided according to issues, contains Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, Airmail etc.., unstamped also used + several part/-s archoviny, lot of of material; high catalogue value, in cardboard box
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps various issues on/for cover A4 in spiral stockbook, contains blocks of four stamp. Hradčany, perforated also imperforated, Airmail - definitive issue, various values, part with plate number, Newspaper stamps, Pof.14-21, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, part plate variety, various quality etc.., Postage due stmp blocks of four with plate number, Pof.348-349, R and L bands etc..; part hinged, high catalogue value
1920-1938 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in/at full 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains mainly issue Country, castles, town, Pof.304-313, bands, parts of sheets, blocks of four also corner pieces with plate number etc.. and other postage stmp issue from 30. years; cat. according to owner through/over 8.000CZK
1920-26 disparate comp. 13 pcs of stamps, contains Pof.148B type II with coupon L, hinged on coupon in front, exp. by Mrnak., Pofis; Pof.154A type I., corner piece with control-numbers, exp. by Mrnak., Pofis; Pofis. 153N as Pr, the bottom stamp. fold - excluded from sum, exp. by Karasek.; Pof.157N, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Pofis; Pof.166B, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek; Pof.169A; Pof.193A P1; Pof.170-171; good quality, on paper slip A5, cat. over 1.500CZK
1918-34 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS, EXPRESS, OT, POSTAGE-DUE specialized collection on 9 full cards A4 in spiral stockbook zaměřená on/for plate variety, contains blocks, marginal pieces, parts of sheets, bands with plate number and control-numbers etc.., i.a. complete 100 pcs of counter sheet Express 5h light green, pos. by/on/at single plate variety determined; major-part stamp. mint never hinged, suitable to/at research purposes
1918-19[COLLECTIONS] FORERUNNER - PARALLEL big selection of hundreds cut-square from Hungarian telegrams also larger part/-s Hungarian and Austrian dispatch-notes, all franking various Hungarian issues, i.a. blk-of-20 Turul 6f, mainly postmark from Slovak territory, alespoň as arrival, expertly sorted according to period and post offices, very interesting and hodnotný material to/at research purposes!
1921-37 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 45 pcs of various entires, part as Reg or Reg and Express, several 1. flight, with Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, T. G. Masaryk, stamp. from miniature sheets Anthem-issue, issue from 30. years etc..
1919 CPŘ2, Crown 10h carmine, part I double PC abroad sent to Slovakia, uprated with stamp 1+1+3h Hradčany, broken-out CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1.VI.19; wrinkled LR corner
1934-37 comp. 7 pcs of various PC, contains: CDV52/7 Jasina-Huculové with special postmark PRAGUE 10/ 20. Anniv establishment Czechosl. army/ 28.IX.34, postally Un; CDV54/1 and 54/4, both with MC PRAGUE/ III. Workers' Olympiad/ 5.VII.34, 1 pcs of at top 6mm torn; CDV103A, 106, 107 and 115, all on reverse with trojmístnými numbers číslovačkou; as multiple dobré
1924 CPP16, whole Us international dispatch note, rare shading, CDS KRASLICE/ 19.IX.24 and red off. customs cancel. KRASLICE, sent to Turkey, postal labels "Parkan 2" and "Mailing with accompanying sheet", CDS PARKAN 2/ 23.IX.24, other additional cancel., on reverse Turkish franking (!) 4x 1Pi, CDS CONS-PLE/ COLISARRIVES/ 21.OCT.1924, transit pmk BUDAPEST, KONSTANTA and commercial cancel. addressee; standard quality, interesting
1918-55 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 34 PC, mainly period Czechoslovakia I., several postcard Hradčany, part Us and uprated, then picture PC, 1x sent by air mail and uprated with stamp III. air-mail issue, several PC CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.; part Un