Public auction 44 / Philately / Asia / Near East / Palestine

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168091 - 1954-1960 WEST BANK - JORDAN OCCUPATION, 15 letters with Jor
1954-1960 WEST BANK - JORDAN OCCUPATION, 15 letters with Jordan stamps, sent to Austria, 3 letters from post offices RAMMALAH, BATTIR, HEBRON; 12x with rarer postmarks - HABTA violet, EL BIREH blue, TURMUS AIYA blue, ETH TURI, BIR ZEIT, HAWARA and others.; nice quality, extraordinary compilation from unusual destination
Starting price: CZK
168087 - 1957-1961 EAST JERUSALEM (Jordan occupation), comp. of 4 Reg
1957-1961 EAST JERUSALEM (Jordan occupation), comp. of 4 Reg and airmail letters with Jordan stamps, sent to Vienna, CDS JERUSALEM and JERUSALEM CITADEL; very nice frankings and attractive destination!
Starting price: CZK
168088 - 1961-1964 GAZA - EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT, 5 letters to Vienna (3
1961-1964 GAZA - EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT, 5 letters to Vienna (3 pcs in Austria payed off), with Egyptian overprint stamps, Arabian / English Opt PALESTINE, postmark RAFA and small post offices in Gaza - DEIR EL BALAH, KHAN YOUNIS, GAZA EL MAHATA, GABALIA
Starting price: CZK