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1911-222 SG.196-215, George V. 1c-50c; complete set of 8 values, heavier hinges, cat. £275 U:A5
1937-43 SG.368-370, 389-393, George VI.; 2 complete sets "coil stamps", cat. £62 U:A5
1859-1936 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 album sheets, contains classic issues of Victoria, George VI.; mainly used, i.a. SG.39, 42, part of Jubilee issue etc. U:Z
1857-1964 SG.3, Heraldic Flowers 3P green, wide to very wide margins, lower margin to ajoining stamp; without gum, with small hinge, cat. * £1.900, very nice piece U:A5
1857-64 SG.22, Heraldic Flowers 8P , "rose - lake", large margins on 3 sides; at the back heavy hinge, part original gum, cat. £130 U:A5
1929-31 SG.179-187, Promotional issue 1c-20c; complete set, cat. £100 U:A5
1933 SG.236-249, complete set; part MNH, cat £110+ U:A5
1939 SG.D1-D6, Postage due stamp 1c-10c; complete set, cat. £45 U:A5
1861 Sc.20, Franklin 1c blue; new gum, overall very nice classic stamp, certificate P.F.N.Y., Sc. for (*) $375 U:A5
1857 Sc.32, Washington 10c type II green; right repaired perf, cat. for (*) $2150, rare stamp U:A5
1863 Sc.76, Jefferson 5c brown; new gum, otherwise very nice quality, cat. for (*) $525 U:A5
1898 Sc.285-293, OMAHA 1C-2$, complete set in very fine quality; cat. $4.185, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1870 small format letter to Canada, franked with pair of Sc.114, on the back side cancellation MONTREAL and WATERLOO; patina U:A5
1886 commercial letter to Germany, with Garfield 5c, Sc.205, CDS NEW YORK FEB.26; on the back side arrival postmark U:A5
1926 first flight ELKO - PASCO - ROUTE, airmail letter to New York, franked with airmail stamp 8c, Sc.C4 3x, 552, CDS WALLA WALLA 15.4.29, on the back side circle red cachet of the first flight 6.4.26 and arrival NEW YORK 8.4.26; bend in margin of envelope U:A5
1914 US POSTAL AGENCY IN SHANGHAI Ppc to USA, franked with American stamp. 1C, CDS US POSTAL AGCY SHANGHAI CHINA JUL 12; bend in lower margin U:A5
1861-1862 Sc.2, 8, Davis 5c blue (fold in margin lower) and Jackson 2c brown-red; cat. $220 U:A5
1864-65 Sc.21, numeral issue 5c UKU LETA, blue on light blue paper; close margin on two sides, nice piece, cat. $900 U:A5
1938 SG.150-161, George VI. - Motives; complete set, lightly hinged, cat. ca. £90 U:A5
1930 Mi.259var, Airmail "Dionisio de Herrera" 20C light brown Mi.180 with Opt SERVICIO AEREO 1930, marginal block of 4, with red Opt of new values VALE 10CTS ORO (Mi.250), and in addition with INVERTED black Opt SERVICIO AEREO VALE 5 CENTAVOS ORO MAYO, which were optd Mi.180 without previous two Opt; neither unissued stamp, or printing error, catalogues don't report, very interesting multiple! U:A5
1930-39 comp. of 7 air-mail letters sent to Germany, Czechoslovakia and Protectorate, various frankings of air-mail and also postage stamps., i.a. Mi.618, 653, 718, 716, 719,720, 1x letter with arrival round postmark MIT LUFTPOST... BERLIN C2 from year 1930, arrival airmail postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT; good condition U:A5
1937-40 comp. of 10 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia and Protectorate, interesting frankings of air-mail and postage stamps, arrival postmarks; good condition U:A5
1906 PANAMA CANAL - US administration, Sc.23c, Panama stamp Fernandez de Cordoba 2C red / black with Opt "CANAL ZONE", DOUBLE OVERPRINT, very nice piece, rare printing error, cat. $700, printing only 100 pcs! U:A5
1912 PANAMA CANAL - US administration, Sc.39e, Panama stamp Fernandez de Cordoba 2C orange / black with Opt "CANAL ZONE", printing error INVERTED CENTRE; new gum, very nice piece, rare, cat. $650, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1921 PANAMA CANAL - US administration, Sc.61a-63a, Panama stamps 100 years of independence 2C, 5C, 10C with INVERTED OVERPRINTS "CANAL ZONE"; perfect quality U:A5
1924 PANAMA CANAL - US administration, Sc.71d, 1C green, printing error Opt "ZONE CANAL" instead "CANAL ZONE", perfect quality, cat. $500, issued only 180 printing errors! U:A5
1926 PANAMA CANAL - USA administration, Sc.84b, 2C carmine, printing error Opt "ZONE CANAL" instead "CANAL ZONE", perfect quality, cat. $500, issued only 180 printing errors! U:A5
1936-39 SALVADOR, PANAMA, GUATEMALA, PARAGUAY, COSTA RICA, CUBA, HAITI comp. of 14 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, part franked with airmail stamps, 1x as Registered, arrival postmark; good condition U:A5
1903 SG.31-40, Seal and Edward VII.; complete set, highest value 5Sh mint never hinged, cat. SG.325 U:A5
1908-17 SG.41-50, Seal; complete set, cat. £170 U:A5
1897-98 SG.116-124, Jubilee; complete set, cat. £275 U:A5
1912-16 SG.170-180, George V.; complete set, part stamps MNH, cat. £200+ U:A5
1916 SG.181-191, "Colonial seal"; complete set, cat. £130, popular set U:A5
1920-21 SG.201-212, Allegory; complete set, cat. £150 U:A5
1938-47 SG.248-256a, Allegory; complete set, cat. £45 U:A5
1907 Bridgetown, two lithographic Ppc with atypical small format, bianco franked SG.152 1P "Olive Blossom" and SG.135 1/4P "Seal"; perfect U:A5
1875 SG.16, Queen Victoria 3P yellow-brown with Opt new face value "ONE PENNY"; very nice piece, cat. £450 U:A5
1883-1904 SG.21-29, Victoria ½P-1Sh; complete set, cat. £170 U:A5
1921 SG.59-67, Tercentenary of Self-government, 2. issue; complete set, cat. £95 U:A5
1922-34 SG.77-87, Sailing Ship ¼P-1Sh; complete set, cat. £65 U:A5
1906-1907 5 pcs of Ppc with local motives, town St. Thomas, natives, and others.; all bianco franked with stamps 5Bit with CDS ST. THOMAS; perfect quality U:A5
1924 SG.71-91, George V., Medailon, complete set ½P-1£;, cat. £375 U:A5
1907 TCP for issue 1908 (SG.82-88) "Coat of arms of colony - sailing-ship / Clarior e Tenebris, trial master die before hardening the plate, in black color on chalky paper, date 25 OCT. 07 and cancel. "BEFORE HARDENING"; very rare TCP, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1925 postcard 3Cts green uprated with 3x15Cts +3Cts, issue 1920, sent registered to Bremen, in text interesting description of capital Port au Prince; CDS GONAIVES, PORT AU PRINCE, NEW YORK, BREMEN; perfect quality, rare p.stat and also destination! U:A5
1925 Reg letter franked with 17x 3Cts issue 1920, to Bremen, CDS ST. MARC, PORT AU PRINCE, NEW YORK, BREMEN; perfect quality, rare franking U:A5
1964 SG.217var, Jamaica national flower 1C, brown, green and blue violet, green color (leaves) significantly moved, rare printing error; catalogues still don't report! U:A5
1935 SG.96-107, George V., Landscape complete set of 12 stamps, cat. £200 U:A5
1950 SG.135-147, George VI., Landscape, complete set of 13 stamps, luxury, cat. £80 U:A5
1894-95 FISCAL STAMPS comp. of 3 blocks of 6 - fiscal stamps, values 50C, 35C and 5C; 50C with upper margin U:A4
1951 SG.123-135, George VI. - Motives; complete set, cat. £65 U:A5
1905-8 SG.11-21, Motives ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £100 U:A5
1954 SG.106a-118, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, cat. £65 U:A5
1912-21 SG.78-88, George V. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £75 U:A5
1881 SG.F4, F8, postage fiscal stamps "Shilling Stamp" orange and "Four Penny Stamp" yellow, forerunner hand obliteration, according to notice in SG the hand obliterations were often removed and stamps then postally used, cat. for unused stamps £2700 U:A5
1902 SG.76-84, Edward VII. ½P-5Sh; complete set, cat. £140 U:A5
1921-32 SG.131-141, George V. ½P-£1; complete set, cat. £130 U:A5
1987 Mi.1064, "Everton" 2$, 2x complete counter sheet of 10 pcs of UNISSUED - imperforated PB 2$ with yellow (!) and definitive red inscription ST. VINCENT., favourite motive U:A4
1987 Mi.1068, "LIVERPOOL" 2$, complete counter sheet 10 pcs; UNISSUED - imperforated PB 2$ with yellow (!) inscription ST. VINCENT., and phase print of definitive red inscription ST. VINCENT., rare! U:A4
1987 Mi.1071, "Leeds United" 2$, complete counter sheet 10 pcs of; and UNISSUED - imperforated PB 2$ with definitive red inscription ST. VINCENT., popular motive U:A4