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1942 [COLLECTIONS] Japanese occupation SG.J1-J26, up to 2$ and 3$ nominal complete set Ch. Brooke 1C-10$ with single-line violet Opt "Japanese imperial government", most of stamps incl. dollar values **, on sheet from old collection, cat. * £3.345, ** ca. £6.700, SG doesn't even evaluate this set, only as single stamps, unrepeatable offer ! U:DR
1875 [COLLECTIONS] TCP for SG.3-7, Ch. Brooke 2C-12C, compilation of imperforated TCP in definitive colors, 4C as block of 4, other in pairs, 8C in addition with trial perf 6½, all on sheet from old collection; rare TCP U:DR
1882 SELANGOR Sc.2, SG."-", 1. independent issue - red Opt " Crescent and star / S " on stamp Straits Settlements Victoria 2C brown, the same like Opt Perak SG.1 and Sungei Ujong SG.1; very nice quality, exp. Diena and certificate BPA, SG. shows £375, Scott $600 U:A5
1949-55 SG.90-110, Sultan Hisamud 1c-$5; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1921 SG.46s, Sultan Suleiman 50$, dark yellow /green, SPECIMEN; perfect piece, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1930-31 comp. of 4 air-mail entires addressed to Prague, from that 3x Reg+Airmail letter and 1x airmail letter delivered by Prague pneumatic-tube post; commercial correspondence, multicolor frankings, good quality U:A5
1932 airmail letter to Netherlands franked with airmail stamp Mi.166 + postage stamp 12½c, CDS BATAVIA 11.3.32; envelope on left lightly cut, otherwise nice U:A5
1895 SG.87a, Coat of arms provisional 4C/1$ red, rare printing error - DOUBLE OVERPRINT, 1x oblique; marginal piece, stamp with intact gum, cat. ca. £1.900 U:A5
1897-1902 SG.108a, Landscapes 18C green / black, vertical pair with margin, in the middle OMITTED PERF; cat. £700 U:A5
1899 SG.112s-124s, complete "Landscape and Coats of arms" 5C-10$ with Opt of new face value 4 CENTS, SPECIMEN; also UNISSUED 1C, 2C (*), 3C with the same Opt; several dots, otherwise perfect set; unissued values are rare (!), cat. £355 U:A5
1904-1905 SG.148a, Landscape 8C brown-purpur / black with Opt 4 CENTS, Opt INVERTED, very attractive printing error in perfect quality, cat. £300 U:A5
1918 SG.218a, marginal 4C red / black with Opt RED CROSS TWO CENTS; Opt INVERTED, stamp **, cat. ca. £900 U:A5
1918 SG.224a, 12C dark blue / black with Opt RED CROSS TWO CENTS, Opt INVERTED; perfect quality, cat. £700, the highest face value, which is known with inverted opt; rare and missing in most collections! U:A5
1922 SG.253fd, 1C brown / black with Opt Malayan exhibition, printing error "EXHIBITICN" instead "EXHIBITION"; perfect quality and rare stamp, cat. £800 U:A5
1954 SG.372-386, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, cat. £75 U:A5
1961 SG.391-406, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, cat. £160 U:A5
1895 SG.D1-D11, complete set of values, 8 values 2C-24C with Opt POSTAGE DUE, 5C pair, 8C and 12C on cut-square, all with round CDS, no common line cancel. from accounting sheets, cat. £395 ++ U:A5
1895 SG.D1, D1b, 2x "Deer" 2C dark red / black with Opt POSTAGE DUE, Opt normal and Opt REVERSED ; cat. £500 for linear postmark, thin place, otherwise very nice, total cat. £550, rare printing error! U:A5
1895 SG.D5, D5c, 2 x "Peacock" 5C orange / black with Opt POSTAGE DUE, Opt usual and Opt DOUBLE; light thin under hinge, overall very nice, cat. £930, rare printing error! U:A5
1895 SG.D7, D7ba, 2x "Malayan boat" 8C violet / black with Opt POSTAGE DUE, Opt normal and Opt INVERTED; nice quality, cat. £200 for linear postmark
1895 SG.D10, D10c, 2x "Landscape" 18C green / black with Opt POSTAGE DUE, 1x normal, 1x VERTICAL OVERPRINT; cat. £155 U:A5
1897-1899 SG.D12c, D13e, postage-due 2C dark red / black and 2C green / black, printing errors - Opt POSTAGE DUE - HORIZONTAL instead VERTICAL; perfect, cat. £650 U:A5
1901-2 SG.D27a, postage-due 3C violet / green, DOUBLE Opt POSTAGE DUE; popular type of printing error in perfect quality, cat. £275 U:A5
1909 TCP SG.165 "Indian elephant" 5C blue-grey / black instead brown, block of 9 with Opt WATERLOW & SONS LTD SPECIMEN and commercial perf L lower; rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1909 TCP SG.170, "Wild boar" 10C dark green / black instead grey-blue, block of 9 with Opt WATERLOW & SONS LTD SPECIMEN and commercial perf L lower, rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1909 TCP SG.174, "Tropical bird" 16C blue / black instead brown, block of 9 with Opt WATERLOW & SONS LTD SPECIMEN and commercial perf L lower, rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1942 Japanese occupation SG.J1-J15, complete set 1C-5$, stamps issue 1939 with single-line violet Opt "Japanese imperial government"; 50C L small flaw, otherwise all in perfect quality, cat. £4.640, SG doesn't even evaluate this set, only single stamp; very rare! U:DR
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J32, vertical pair 1$ carmine / brown with black Opt "Japanese imperial post. service North Borneo", Japanese CDS KUCHING, cat. £300 ++ U:A5
1944 Japanese occupation SG.J20-J32, complete set 1C-1$, stamps issue 1939 with Opt "Japanese imperial post. service in North Borneo", the highest values **; 2x marginal piece with number of printing sheet, cat. £300++ U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J22a, 3C green / slate with violet Opt (SG.J3 from y 1942) in addition with new black Opt "Japanese imperial post. service North Borneo"; cat. * £450, ** ca. £900, for Opt 1944 were used stamps Borneo 1939 and only small amount of already overprinted occupatain stamps from year 1942! U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J25a, 8C red with violet Opt (SG.J6 from y 1942) in addition with new black Opt "Japanese imperial post. service North Borneo", cat. * £450, ** ca. £900, for Opt 1944 were used stamps Borneo 1939 and only small amount of already overprinted occupatain stamps from year 1942! U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J27a, 12C blue / green with violet Opt (SG.J8 from y 1942) in addition with new black Opt "Japanese imperial post. service North Borneo", cat. * £450, ** ca. £900, for Opt 1944 were used stamps Borneo 1939 and only small amount of already overprinted occupatain stamps from year 1942! U:A5
1948-1956 VIETNAM, Yv.60-62, Ho Chi Minh, issue on rice paper, 2D brown, 5D red, 50D/5D red, complete sheets - blocks of 50!, issued without gum, perfect, cat. 12.500€ as single stamps, unique offer and investment chance! U:A3v–
1881 TCP - unaccepted design for I. THAILAND stamps, "White elephant in ornament" SIAM / O PENNY grey-violet and red; marginal piece, rare print and destination! U:A5
1881 TCP - refused design for I. THAILAND stamps, "White elephant in ornament" SIAM / O PENNY ultramarine and red; marginal piece, rare print and destination! U:A5
1881 TCP - unaccepted design for I. THAILAND stamps, "White elephant in ornament" SIAM / O PENNY green and red; lithographic trial printings, rare U:A5
1948-52 SG.1-15, 16-30, George VI., compilation of 20 stamps, complete nominal set, values 1c - $5, various perforations, for example values $1-$5 perf 14, value 40c perf 17½ : 18 etc.; cat. min. £250 U:A5
1913-23 Mi.148-158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 197, 199-205, compilation of 22 stamps from the set Junk and Rice fields, i.a. 2x value $1; 5x marked Borek, cat. 640€ U:A5
1951-73 compilation of complete and incomplete sets, contains: Mi.95-99, 1063, 1065, 1067-68, 1070 (short tooth); 1071 (hinged), 1073, 1074-77, 1094, 1096, 1100, 1102-1107 etc.; cat. over 1.500€ U:A4
1963 Mi.744-759, Lanscapes of Huangshan, complete set, cat. 340€ U:A5
1963 Mi.744-759, Landscapes Huangshan, complete set, cat. 340€ U:A5
1971 Mi.1079-1081, 50 years of Comunistic Party in China, sought strip of 3; issued without gum, cat. 550€ U:A5
1980 stamp-booklet Mi.MH2, Water delphine, complete stamp booklets; cat. 180€ U:A5
1981 stamp-booklet Mi.MH3, Year of Cock, complete stamp booklets; cat. 550€ U:A5
1981 stamp-booklet Mi.MH4, MH5, Chinese fables + Stamps in Japan; 2 complete stamp booklets; cat. 85€ U:A5
1982 stamp-booklet Mi.MH6, MH, Sable + Year of dog, 2 complete stamp booklets; cat. 110€ U:A5
1903 French Post - HOI-HAO Mi.17-32II; Yv.16-31; complete set, very nice quality, rare set missing in most collections, cat. Yvert 660€ U:A5
1908 Ppc of Imperial gate in Beijing sent to Plzeň, franked with overprint stamp 4C/10C, Mi.32I, CDS SHANGHAI 28.DEC.08; 1x folded corner, otherwise good condition U:A5
1955 envelope with additional-printing of Chinese field post without franking, sent by official post of Chinese delegation in Korea; rare at our place U:A5
1930-50 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamp China and local issues, mainly 1930-50, issues Sun Jatsen, Chiang Kai-shek etc., first issues of Taiwan, contains also several sheets, blocks etc., supplemented with several entires; placed in stockbook A4 + on free sheets U:Z
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in stockbook A4, contains used also unused stamps, various issues, parts of sets, part older period; supplemented with several entires U:Z
1892-1863 SG.1, 4, 6, Victoria 2C brown, 18C violet and 48C pink, all with whole blue (!) postmarks "B62"; cat. £525 U:A5
1863-1882 SG.19, 35, 38, 49, Victoria 96C grey (brownish grey), wmk "CC" (*) and faults in front; also values 5C, 10C "CA" and overprint 50C/48C with Chinese emblem, cat. £1.665, high catalogue value for very low starting price U:A5
1905 SG.90, Edward VII. $10; wmk Multiple CA, highest value, rare stamp, very fine, cat. £1900 U:DR
1875 Persiphila 5, 6, 15, 8A "Lion" 1 Chahi black *, 2 Chahis blue (*), 4 Chahis red * (thin place), 8 Chahis green (*), favourite classic issue; cat. $1150 U:A5
1940 postcard Reza Shah Pahlavi 90 Din red, uprated with mixed franking, to Vienna, CDS TEHRAN, red censor postmark, arrival postmark WIEN, rare entire! U:A5
1938 TEHRAN - PRAGUE, commercial Reg airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.674, 738, 731, CDS TEHRAN 25.XII.38, at the back transit BAGHDAD, VENICE 30.12.38 and arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES 1.I.39; good condition U:A5
1929 Mi.195-198, complete set of airmail stamps (value 9½Sen issued in 1934); well centered, cat. 240€ U:A5
1963-73 National Parks, compilation of 96 stamps, complete set and also single pieces, many from 2x same; on ful two-sided plate A4, VF U:A4
1900 JAPAN POST IN CHINA comp. of 12 Japanese stamps with Opt, issued for Japanese post offices in China, contains Mi.1, 2, 4-6, 8, 10, 11, 13 (2 pcs, color shades, 1x line perforation 12, 1x line perforation 12½;) and Mi.14 + Mi.15C, Wedding of Princess Yoshito with line perforation 12½;, at the back note by pencil; cheap stamp 1 Sen L short teeth - excluded from sum, cat. 125€ U:A5