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1875-99 comp. of 6 PC, cat. JPSC No.10, 12, 2x 13 (I. and II. part), 16 and 18; all used inlandly, 1x additional franking due to increase of postage; good condition U:A5
1920 Reg letter addressed to Czechoslovakia with issue Peace treaty, Mi.133D in front + Mi.130A (2x), 131D and 132A at the back, CDS HAKODATE/ 9.1.11 (= 11.1.1920), 2x Reg label, 2x cancel "REGISTERED" (1x in red and 1x in violet color), transit pmk YOKOHAMA + at the back transit pmk TOKYO 13.1. and NEW YORK 18.2.1920; small format, sent from Russian consulate in Hakodate (!), on left top oblique fold over Reg label, otherwise nice; interesting entire U:A5
1957-59 2 FDCs sent to USA, from that 1x as Registered: a) 50. Anniversary of scouting, with Mi.238 (2x), 239 (2x) and postage stamp 15H, special postmark for this event; b) 60. Anniversary of Korean railways, with Mi.291 2x in front and 5x at the back + postage stamp 5h , violet CDS SEOUL/ KOREA/ 19.SEP.1959, arrival BROOKLYN, N.Y./ 21.SEP.1959 at the back; nice quality U:A5
1951 Mi.47, Order of admiral Li Sun-Sin with Opt 5W/6W red-orange, horizontal strip of 5!; issued without gum, cat. 3.000€+, rare, interesting offer U:A5
1955 registered airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with 3 stamps, Korean cancel with date 17.2.55 worse readable, framed pmk PAR AVION; sender: captain. Ch., member of Czechoslovak delegation in DKNS KESONG; nice quality U:A5
1956 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with 5 special and postage stamps, Korean cancel with date 14.3.56 worse readable, framed pmk PAR AVION, at the back transit pmk COREA/ PHYONG-YANG/ 17.3.56; sender: Dr. V.J., hospital Czechosl. Red Cross (!), Čondžin; interesting decorative entire, light wrinkled envelope with slight tearings in margins, after all nice U:A5
1957 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, in front multicolor franking of 7 special and postage stamps + other stamps at the back, only Korean cancel with date 26.7.57; interesting entire, on vertical sides lightly cut envelope U:A5
1958 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, in front rubber Reg cancel JAN PENG, at the back multicolor franking of 8 special stamps, transit pmk COREE/ PHYONG-YANG/ 8.3.58 and arrival postmark OSTRAVA 16.III.58; nice quality U:A5
1911 commercial Reg letter (Siemens) to Germany, with tricolor franking, issue 1903, CDS MACAU, orange Reg label PROVINCIA DE MACAO; redirected to recipient during January to April 1911, through Hongkong and Siberia to Berlin, sent back and redirected to different addressee to Hong Kong, again it was not delivered, and redirected to Shanghai and returned again to Macao; unique entire from rare destination! U:A5
1960-75 comp. of 14 entires, all to Czechoslovakia, various franking and CDS; interesting U:A5
1937 SG.1-12, Sailing Ship; complete set, values ½A-8A all 2x, various shades, hinged, cat. ** ca. £1050 U:A5
1942 SG.1-11, Sultan Seiyun, complete first set in blocks of four with margins, cat. £220 U:A4
1938-41 SG.32-37, George VI. 1R-25R, Opt BAHRAIN; compilation of highest values, cat. £350 U:A5
1948-49 SG.51-60a, George VI., complete overprint set; mint never hinged, cat. £100 U:A5
1963 Mi.18A,B-25A,B, air mail set "Falcon", 20NP-1Rp, complete set - perforated and imperforated; small edition U:A5
1957-1958 7 interesting letters of field post, units in Sinai and in Gaza during Suez Crisis; marine, tank brigade, legendary 1st Brigade "Golani" (!) U:A5
1926 Mi.1-3, issue Imam from Sanna, "Crossed swords" 1/16, 1/16 and 1/8 Imani, black onr white and yellow ribbed paper; cat. 240€, rare offer U:A5
1940 NORTH JEMEN Mi.8, Crescent 10B, block of four with "HAN" - number sheet (!); rare U:A5
1939 NORTH JEMEN Mi.21U-26U, Arabian aliance, 4 Bogasch - 1 Imadi; complete imperforated set, luxury corner pieces, cat. shows "-" U:A5
1939 NORTH JEMEN Mi.21U-26U, Arabian aliance, blocks of four, 4 Bogasch - 1 Imadi; complete imperforated set, cat. shows only "- , -", in 4- blocks extraordinary! U:A5
1940 NORTH JEMEN Mi.28-40, complete set Ornaments 1/2 Bogasch - 1 Imadi, marginal block of 4, cat. 240€++ U:A4
1942 NORTH JEMEN Mi.41-44 and Mi.41U-44U, two sets 4B-14B; perforated and imperforated, luxury marginal pieces, cat. 200€ ++ U:A5
1965 KINGDOM OF JEMEN (1962-1970), Mi.144Ba, 144Bb, (pair), royal issue "Prince Hosein" 4B violet-blue / red with Opt "In memory of sir Winston Churchill...."; imperforated with red resp. black Opt; cat. 360€, very small edition! U:A5
1975 NORTH JEMEN, Mi.1547,1547A,1448-1551, 6 overprint values on former stamps UNICEF, Mosque, Anniv of Revolution, cheap Mi.1547 with tearing at top, interesting U:A5
1930-1993 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH JEMEN, collection in album of Jemen ministry with stamps, souvenir sheets and sets, incl. better values, i.a. r. 1930, 1959, 1963, 1975, annual issues, air-mail, overprint, motives, favourite "golden stamps" and others., cat. ca. 930€, rare adjustment and offer! U:Z
1924 SG.122, 122a, 122b, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, ½; Pia, 3 lines Opt, whole printing sheet of 36, lower sheet inscription with year, on pos. 24 and 27 with plate flaw of inscription: "Shabal" and "Shabn" instead "Shaban"; cat. £586 ++, very rare multiple! U:A4
1961 SG.27-37, Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali al-Thani 5 N.P. - 10R; complete set, cat. £100 U:A5
1954-1960 WEST BANK - JORDAN OCCUPATION, 15 letters with Jordan stamps, sent to Austria, 3 letters from post offices RAMMALAH, BATTIR, HEBRON; 12x with rarer postmarks - HABTA violet, EL BIREH blue, TURMUS AIYA blue, ETH TURI, BIR ZEIT, HAWARA and others.; nice quality, extraordinary compilation from unusual destination U:A5
1957-1961 EAST JERUSALEM (Jordan occupation), comp. of 4 Reg and airmail letters with Jordan stamps, sent to Vienna, CDS JERUSALEM and JERUSALEM CITADEL; very nice frankings and attractive destination! U:A5
1961-1964 GAZA - EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT, 5 letters to Vienna (3 pcs in Austria payed off), with Egyptian overprint stamps, Arabian / English Opt PALESTINE, postmark RAFA and small post offices in Gaza - DEIR EL BALAH, KHAN YOUNIS, GAZA EL MAHATA, GABALIA U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.13b, postage-due 20Pa red with blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija....", CDS DJEDDA, Mi. shows only * 700€ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.P13a, 14a, 20Pa red with 2-lines red Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija..."; perfect and rare stamp; in addition 1Pia blue with the same Opt used, cat. 558€ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.P16, 17, 20Pa red postmark and 1Pia blue, both with three-line blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasia...."; cat. 735€ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.59, Sc.L67, issue Ornament ½Pia with black Opt "1340 WITHOUT FRAME (Mi.17) and in addition with blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija...", R short tooth, very rare and according to our opinion genuine stamp with guarantee, catalogues Scott and Michel shows only * stamp, cat. Michel 4.000€, extraordinary offer U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.60-67, issue Ornament 1Pa-2Pia with black Opt "1340 Hasemit kingdom 1340", in addition with blue Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasija...", value 1/8Pia orange is according to us forgery (3.800€), počítáme only remaining stamps - cat. 1.200€+ U:A5
1925 HEJAZ Mi.71a,b, 2x Ornament 1/4 Para green, with red and blue three-line Opt "Al Hukumat al Hedschasia..."; perforation 13, guarantee of authenticity, cat. 545€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.3-8, complete 2nd issue, total 14 postage stamps Hejaz with Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" i. e. "Sultanate Nejd" in various colors, 5x 1/8 Pia, ½Pia, 1½Pia, 2x 2Pia, 5x 3Pia; perfect set, cat. 500€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.9-11a, 11c, complete 3rd issue., Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" on revenue stamps of kingdom Hejaz, complete set 1Pia, 1Pia, 2 Pia, 2Pia; all expertized, small edition, cat. underalues, cat. 80€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.24, 25, VIII. issue, postage stamp Hejaz with black Opt (Mi.26, 27), in addition with red and blue Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" i. e. "Sultanate Nejd"; cat. 150€ U:A5
1925 NEJD Mi.27-36, (without Mi.26), otherwise complete IX. and X. issue, total 11 postage stamps Hejaz with Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd" i. e. "Sultanate Nejd", ½Pia - 5Pia and new face-values 1Pia/½Pia, 1½Pia/½Pia, 2Pia/3Pia; cat. 370€ U:A5
1934 SG.316-327, the first issue of Saudi Arabia as a kingdom, so-called. "Proclamation set", 1/4 Guerche - 1Sovereign; signed Th. Champion, cat. £2.750, rare set missing in most collections! U:DR
1960-1961 3 airmail letters with mixed frankings, sent from Khobar and Hayel to PALESTINE - (Jordan occupation), arrival P.A. BATTIR, BETLEHEM; interesting U:A5
1975 Mi.I-III, UNISSUED set "2. championship in swimming", 10 Fils, 75 Fils, 2 Dirham; only very small edition, cat. 360€, Sc. $500, rare issue U:A5
1923 SG.89, 92, 93, 132, 133, 134, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", and with year 1342 , 1/8 , 1½;, 2 , 3, 5, 10Pia, block of 10 and 5x block of 15, some marginal; sporadically loosened perf, mostly MNH, cat. only as * stamps £595 U:A4
1923-1924 SG.89-97, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, mostly 2x, SG.96 strip of 6, SG.110, 117-120 Opt "Visit of Arabian King (King Hussein in Jordan), SG.125-134 - blocks of four and block of 9 10 Pia; many pieces MNH , cat. as * £750+, rare compilation! U:A4
1924 SG.134, 134d, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov." on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ, Coat of arms 10 Pia, lower block of 18 with larger part of sheet margins, on pos. 31 - plate flaw Arabic year 1242 instead 1243; cat. as single * stamps £355, in this MNH multiple ramarkably more U:A4
1924 SG.134, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt on stamp Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ 1342, 10 Pia, highest value in block of four, 2x with gutter from printing sheet 6x6 stamps, between stamps folded; multiples with gutter are rare! U:A5
1928 SG.172-182, Emir Abdulah - new constitution 2m-200m; complete set, 5m dusky tooth, cat. £180 U:A5
1923 SG.D112, D112a, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due 1/2 Pia on 3 Pia brown with additional Arabain line Opt, 2x block of four, from that one block of four with INVERTED OVERPRINT ; cat. £360 U:A5
1923 SG.D113 (2), D113a, D113b (2), British Mandate Territory, Arabian three-line Opt, Postage-due 1 Pia with additional Arabian line Opt, 2x normal Opt, 1x 3-LINED INVERTED, 2x with INVERTED; cat. £224 U:A5
1923 SG.D114 (8), D114a, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due 1½; Pia with additional line Opt "doplatit", 2x block of four normal Opt (several dots); in addition stamp with INVERTED, cat. £328 U:A5
1923 SG.D115 (4), D115a (4), D115b, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due 2Pia with additional Arabian line Opt "surtax", block of four normal Opt (several dots); block of four with INVERTED "surtax" and stmp with DDOUBLE "Opt"; cat. £457 U:A5
1923 SG.D116, D116a, D116c, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov.", postage-due ½Pia on 3Pia with Opt T12 and with additional Arabian four-line Opt; Opt normal, INVERTED, and original Opt T12 OMITTED (!), several dots, cat. £480 U:A5
1923 SG.D117-122, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt, 4x postage-due ½Pia - 5Pia, mainly blocks of four, cat. £240+ U:A5
1926 SG.D165-170, overprint Postage due stamps 1m/1m-5p/13m; complete set, cat. £85 U:A5
1923 SG.O117,117a, British Mandate Territory, Arabian Opt "Arabian East Gov. 1342", OFFICIAL, ½Pia red, stmp with normal Opt and pair with one PRINTING ERROR 1242 (!), cat. £224++ U:A5