1922 letter to Erfurt, with extraordinary franking of issue Christian X., i.a. strip of 7 Mi.83, CDS REYKJAVÍK, transported by ship through Edinburg, then with rare German train postmark BPA 10/ KOLN-DEUTZ!, rare occurrence
1852 Sas.10a, 10g, Coat of arms 40C blue, PRINTING ERROR "49" instead "40", at the back thin place; and "4C" instead "40" with small flaw in the middle; otherwise nice with original gum, 1x exp. Diena, Modena printing errors are rare, cat. 1.700€
1855-1857 Sas.4b, newspaper Coat of arms 10C grey-violet, PRINTING ERROR "CEN1" instead "CENT"; at the back at top small thin place, very nice piece with original gum, wide margins, cat. 550€
1859 Sas.5, newspaper Eagle with crown - TASSA GAZZETE 10C, on cutsquare, on 2 sides complete margins, upper margin cut in outer line; on the back side exp. Diena, cat. 3.600€, nice piece
1859 Sas.14e,16e, 16c, Provisional government issue, Coat of arms 15C with plate flaw "dot by C in "CENT"; 20C with plate flaw "without dots behind "20"; 20C with significant and sought PRINTING ERROR "ECNT" instead "CENT"; all with common thins, original gum, 2x exp. Diena, cat. 1.880€
1853 Sas.4-6, Viktor Emanuel II., embossed printing on colored paper, 5C green with CDS VERCELLI, 20C blue NIZZA MARITTA, 40C pink BIELLA (small thin place, quite usual thanks to very thin paper used for embossed printing); all with full to wide margins, nice classic stamps, cat. 3.850€
1860Mi.23, Sas.23, Coat of arms 3 Lire ochre - legendary stamp, in catalogue the most expensive European stamp; with light pen and blue pmk "PD"- "Port payé jusqu´a Destination", usual margins and small repair in L lower, otherwise very nice quality, sign. Raybaudi, certificate Raybaudi (grande rarità;) and Dr. Colla, cat. Sassone 180.000€; prestigious rarity!
1863 Mi.16, 17, 21, Viktor Emanuel II. 5C, 10C, 60C; stamps with gum, counted as without gum, cat. Michel for * 4.200€, Sas.* 3.375€, Sas. (*) 1.000€, rare classic stamps!
1867 Mi.26a (2), 26b, 3x Victor Emanuel II. 20C; stamps with gum, counted but as without gum, cat. Michel for * 3.100€, Sas. * min. 2.250€, Sas. (*) 655€
1879 Mi.38-40, Viktor Emanuel II. 10C (2 shades - cat. Sassone 38a, b), 20C, 25C; stamps with gum, considered as without gum, cat. Michel * 1.750€, Sas.* 1.400€, Sas. (*) 485€
1934first flight ROMA - BUENOS AIRES, newspapers sent by airmail with whole newspaper wrapper to Argentina by the first flight, franked with i.a. airmail stamp with additional-printing Mi.459 and postage stamp Mi.304, CDS ROMA POSTA AERE 26.1.34, over Surtax stamps postmark ROMA 1.VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 supplemented with red cachet, at the back frame cachet TRANSPORTADO...BUENOS AIRES; very decorative!
1934first flight ROMA - BUENOS AIRES, airmail letter to Argentina, carried by the first flight, franked with. i.a. airmail stamp with additional-printing of this flight, Mi.461 and postage stamp Mi.426, CDS ROMA POSTA AERE 26.1.34, over Surtax stamp postmark ROMA 1.VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 supplemented with red cachet, at the back frame cachet TRANSPORTADO...BUENOS AIRES; good condition
1934 ROCKET MAIL letter to Germany with special postmark ESPERIMENTO DI POSTA PER RAZZO ESPRESSO with advertising label on front and back side, franked with 2 stamps 15C + 10C, on the back side arrival postmark
1937 commercial Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, rich franking of airmail stamps, Mi.230, 556, 555, 549, 547, CDS FIUME 22.1.37, at the back transit TRIEST 23.1.37, without attributes of air forwarding
1943TUNISIA, Sas.1, occupation issue "Franchigia Militare", block of 6 (complete printing sheet) "El Djem" blue, stamps for transport mailing of Italian Expedition forces, UNISSUED; perfect quality, certificate Diena, rare offer
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sas.1-14, Coat of arms, issue 1916, complete set 3h-1K, with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918; all expertized and in perfect quality, cat. 360€
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sas.15, Coat of arms 2 Koruna blue, issue 1916 with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918, exp. B. Czekula / Luzern and signature R; very nice piece, cat. 500€
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sas.16, Coat of arms 3 Koruna red, issue 1916 with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918, CDS TRIESTE, overprint genuine, on this value with typical shift to the right; with guarantee, perfect quality, cat. 1.000€
1918VENEZIA GIULIA, Sas.17, Coat of arms 4 Koruna green, issue 1916 with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918; exp. Dr. Enzo Diena, mark Th. Champion and "SS", perfect and rare stamp with very small edition, cat. 1.400€, extraordinary offer!
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sas.18, Austrian Coat of arms 10K, issue 1916, with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918; perfect opt forgery (cat. for geniune stamp 100.000€), signature "TR", offered "as it is" for low starting price!
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO, 4 pcs of Coat of arms, issue 1916 with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918 or REGNO D´ ITALIA / TRENTINO / 3. NOV. 1918, CDS TRIESTE and TRENTO; 1x exp. Kossack and marked TR (same mark as on values 10K offered in this auction!); 1x short tooth, otherwise nice, cat. 1.030€
1863-1953[COLLECTIONS] extraordinary, practically complete used collection containing almost all expensive and better stamps and sets, postage stamps, pneumatic-tube, air-mail, occupation issue, postage-due etc.; i.a. issue 1879-82 complete, long sets from 1929-33 incl. air-mail, complete annual volumes 1934-37, Posta Aerea complete, Espressi and Posta Pneumatica complete, Repubblica Sociale - GNR, after 1945 i.a. rare set Firenze 1951, strong postage-due, incl. provisionals 1918, from occupied territories especially issue Estero; cat. Sassone 59.200€, exceptional offer, great collection
1945 SLOVENIEN Local issue Mi.8KD, postage stamp 1,25L, Mi.52, with inverted (!) Opt "Jugoslavija/ Slovenija/ 9.5.1945"; sought by specialists + stamp with normal Opt
1919 Reg letter from Dubrovnik to Vienna, with rare mixed franking "parallel" 20h +15h Charles I., issue 1916 and SHS HRVATSKA 10f + 20f; sent to "former K.u.K.. War Department - marine"; rare letter from transitional period after the end of A-H monarchy!
1945 PROVISORY comp. of 3 letters sent to Belgrade, from that 2x Registered, franked with overprint stamps Mi.451 and 453, various CDS, provisional registry label, passed through censorship; interesting