1939 VATICAN - PRAGUE, air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.30, 28, 27 CDS CITA DEL VATICANO/ POSTA AERA 1.3.39, supplemented with airmail cachet in red color and arrival PRAGUE 55/ 3.III.39; good condition
1939 VATICAN - PRAGUE, airmail + express letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with i.a. stamp 2,75L, Mi.33, special delivery stamp 2,50L, Mi.38, CDS CITA DEL VATICANO/ POSTA AERA 11.3.39, supplemented with airmail cachet, at the back arrival PRAGUE 55/ 13.III.39; good condition
1840 SG.2, 5, Penny black 1P, letters R-L, lower full, on other sides narrow to close margins, red cancellation of Maltese cross + Penny blue 2P, letters S-F, wide margins on 3 sides, lower close margin, black Maltese cross; cat. min. £1.275
1840 SG.5, Two Pence Blue, plate 2, letters I-H, black Maltese cross; left lower light fold, very nice piece with wide margins, full bright color, cat. £1.000
1876-1928 7 pcs of entires, 6x letter with Victoria, issue 1873-80, (6x 2½P), various destination, 2x France, 4x Sweden + 1x Ppc to Sweden with issue George VI.; various quality
1890 GUERNSEY letter to Vienna with Mi.89, CDS GUERNSEY 24.DE.90, arrival postmark ALSERGRUND 27.12.90 at the back; mailing from XIX. century from island Guernsey addressed abroad are scarce, RR!
1899 Reg p.stat. envelope, private origin with printed stamps Queen Victoria 3½P yellow + 2P vine red, uprated with stamp Mi.65, CDS BUSHEY NEW TOWN/ 3.JY.99 + Reg pmk WATFORD and LONDON, in addition oval "R", sent registered to Switzerland; signs of age
1908 Reg p. stat. envelope addressed to Luxemburg, with printed stamp 3½P Edward VII. and uprated by the same stamp cut from p.stat + Mi.103 and 104, CDS REGISTERED/ COLCHESTER/ 9.AP.08, at the back 2 transit pmk and arrival DIEKIRCH 10.4.08; light wrinkled envelope
1840-1997 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection in 5 folders on album sheets, contains issue Victoria, incl. 2 letters with franking of Penny Black, also contains other issues of QV incl. several entires, i.a. used SG.14, 54, 57, 59, 183 etc., also issue Edward VII., i.a. SG.265, 320, George V., i.a. SG.403, 416, 438 etc., Edward VIII., George VI. and Elizabeth II., each issue with several entires; interesting offer, estate, also with literature, i.a. Stamp World London 90 - Souvenir Hanbook etc.; in cardboard box, high catalogue value, min. £10.000, it is worth seeing!
1928-48[COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL STAMPS OF EUROPE small collection in older album and several stock-book sheets with mainly mint air-mail stamps, various issues of Europe, often in more pcs., older issues hinged, small part used; various quality, interesting to other elaboration
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN, EUROPE accumulation of stamps of Europe in 7 big full albums A4 + on cards A4, contains i.a. 1x album Switzerland, 3x album BRD, GDR etc., mainly inter-war and postwar modern period, souvenir sheets, blocks, duplicates, basic material, used and also unused, i.a. 1x card A4 with stamps of Croatia 1941-45; in cardboard box
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] RUSSIA, ROMANIA, BULGARIA, HUNGARY, ALBANIA etc. collection of East and Southeast Europe in 22! stockbooks A4, from that 12 stockbooks Lux, i.a. Russia 7 stockbooks; all mainly basic used material, several better sets, quantum of souvenir sheets etc., suitable to continue, placed in two carton boxes, ca. 40kg of material
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of almost all countries of Europe in 22 big stockbooks A4, basic, mainly used material, each country with basic stamps, suitable to continue, contains mainly inter-war and postwar period, various sets and their parts, also perfins, small part of classical stamps etc.; placed in 2 carton boxes, over 45kg of material, ca. ½ well preserved albums Lux, personal taking is recommended
1915-1940 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND + GENERALGOUVERNEMET + PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY mainly incomplete basic collection, without souvenir sheets and more expensive values, Generalgouvernement overprint issue incomplete, from Plebiscitních territory it contains e.g. Allenstein Mi.15-28, Marienwerder Mi.26-29, Upper Silesia Mi.18-29, Schleswig Mi.1-14, Saargebiet * Mi.104-107; on album sheets Stibůrek, in spring folder
1918-24 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND, LITHUANIA, LATVIA, ESTONIA small collection on album sheets, from old collection, 6 sheets of Poland, 5 sheets Lithuania (1 sheet local issues), 2 sheets Latvia + 1 sheet Estonia, various issues and parts, part used