Public auction 44 / Philately / Occupations

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167344 - 1938 RUMBURG  comp. 3 pcs of cut-squares with mounted stamp.
1938 RUMBURG comp. 3 pcs of cut-squares with mounted stamp. Mi.3, 5, 6, 8, 27, 29, all with overprint "Wir sind frei!"; all exp. Brunel
Starting price: CZK
167375 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.7, Beneš 50h with overprint Wir sind frei!
1938 RUMBURG Mi.7, Beneš 50h with overprint Wir sind frei!, vertical blk-of-20!; exp. Brunel, c.v.. 160€
Starting price: CZK
167279 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint
1938 RUMBURG Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint Wir sind frei!, L the bottom corner blk-of-15 with plate number; exp. Brunel, cat. min. 120€
Starting price: CZK
167280 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint
1938 RUMBURG Mi.25, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint "Wir sind frei!", L marginal blk-of-20; cat. min. 160€
Starting price: CZK
167377 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.26, Newspaper stamp 50h/7h orange with over
1938 RUMBURG Mi.26, Newspaper stamp 50h/7h orange with overprint Wir sind frei!, blk-of-50 with L sheet margin with plate number 2!; exp. Brunel, horiz. folded, c.v.. without plate number 400€
Starting price: CZK
167278 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.30, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint
1938 RUMBURG Mi.30, Newspaper stamp 100H/9H with overprint Wir sind frei!, LR corner blk-of-15 with plate number, right vertical threesome stamps with vyhnutou swastika; exp. Brunel, cat. min. 252€
Starting price: CZK
167273 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.40, Postage due stmp 100H/40H with overprin
1938 RUMBURG Mi.40, Postage due stmp 100H/40H with overprint "WSF!", vertical pair; c.v.. 90€
Starting price: CZK
167274 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.41, Postage due stmp 100H/50H with overprin
1938 RUMBURG Mi.41, Postage due stmp 100H/50H with overprint "WSF!", block of four, plate variety overprint in/at right pair stamp. - right swastika vyhnutá R; c.v.. 168€
Starting price: CZK
167277 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.41, Postage due stmp 100H/50H with overprin
1938 RUMBURG Mi.41, Postage due stmp 100H/50H with overprint "WSF!", block of four; exp. Brunel, c.v.. 112€
Starting price: CZK
167271 - 1938 Pof.A335, miniature sheet T. G. Masaryk - For Children-
1938 Pof.A335, miniature sheet T. G. Masaryk - For Children-issue, with overprint "Wir sind frei!"
Starting price: CZK
168061 - 1939 Pof.L14C, Air - definitive issue 20CZK grey-blue, line
1939 Pof.L14C, Air - definitive issue 20CZK grey-blue, line perforation 13¾; : 12¼; (!), with local overprint "Wir sind frei"; in this form with exceedingly rare perf evidently unique rarity!, exp. by Gilbert else/yet before/(in front of) pořízením overprint, c.v.. price stamps without overprint 32.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
167345 - 1938 CDV151, pictorial PC Beneš 50h, Teplice-Šanov, to Sch
1938 CDV151, pictorial PC Beneš 50h, Teplice-Šanov, to Schönfeldu, broken-out CDS TEPLITZ-SCHÖNAU 9.X.38, additional printing "WIR SIND FREI! with swastika" in black color, supplemented with red straight line postmark "Sudetenland kehrt heim ins Reich!"; rare
Starting price: CZK
167350 - 1940 reply form from Šternberku, arrival postmark FRIEDRICH
1940 reply form from Šternberku, arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSDORF ÜBER DEUTSCH (GERMAN) LIEBAU 11.3.40
Starting price: CZK
167337 - 1938 AUSSIG + KOPITZ  postcard to Berlin, with Hindenburg 10
1938 AUSSIG + KOPITZ postcard to Berlin, with Hindenburg 10Pf, provisional violet cancel. AUSSIG 29.X.1938 + PC addressed to to Kladno, with 4Pf and 6Pf Hindenburg, black cancel. KOPITZ 1938, passed through censorship, in addition interesting text
Starting price: CZK
167349 - 1938 bianco envelope with mixed german-czech franking of sta
1938 bianco envelope with mixed german-czech franking of stamps 2x 1Pfg Hindenburg + Pof.305, broken-out CDS FISCHERN 4.X.38 (Rybáře, Karlovy Vary) and red cancel. POSTAMT FISCHERN BEI KARLSBAD VOM EGERSTRAND DEM FÜHRER DANK!; in addition same cancel. on stamp. Bahmač 50h with R coupon
Starting price: CZK
167713 - 1938 BRÜX, GRÄTZ, BENNISCH  comp. 3 pcs of entires with pr
1938 BRÜX, GRÄTZ, BENNISCH comp. 3 pcs of entires with provisory rubber postmarks, from that GRÄTZ with swastika; nice print good condition
Starting price: CZK
1938 DEUTSCH (GERMAN) GABEL, GROSS MERGTHAL, KARBITZ, LOBOSITZ etc.., comp. 7 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks annexed post offices, various frankings, i.a. Czechosl. PC Coat of arms, German Hindenburg etc.., nice print, good condition
Starting price: CZK
167351 - 1938 letter to Dresden, with Fügner 2CZK, Pof.341, provisor
1938 letter to Dresden, with Fügner 2CZK, Pof.341, provisory straight line postmark ABERTHAM/ 4.X.38/ with swastika (Abertamy) + double-circle BÄRRINGEN with swastika; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167341 - 1938 letter to Wien (Vienna), with mixed Czechosl. - German
1938 letter to Wien (Vienna), with mixed Czechosl. - German franking, III. air-mail issue 2x 50h + 1CZK and Hindenburg 10Pf + 20Pf, broken out cancel WÜRBENTHAL 7.X.38 and other 2 propagandistic line cancel. with swastika
Starting price: CZK
167352 - 1938 commercial letter to Prague, with Comenius 40h and Füg
1938 commercial letter to Prague, with Comenius 40h and Fügner 1CZK with coupon, all with overprint "WIR SIND FREI!" and with provisory cancel. AM AMT KREIS MAIMEDN; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
167712 - 1938 KARBITZ + KREIBITZ  comp. of 2 cards, provisional line
1938 KARBITZ + KREIBITZ comp. of 2 cards, provisional line cancel.; nice print good condition
Starting price: CZK
167711 - 1938 LOBOSITZ  comp. 4 pcs of entires with provisory postmar
1938 LOBOSITZ comp. 4 pcs of entires with provisory postmark LOBOSITZ 10.OKT.1938/ ... ADOLF HITLER with swastika, whole newspaper wrapper on 6 copies/imprints with Czechosl. franking newspaper stmp 20h and 10h, window Reg letter, postcard and commercial envelope with 2 print same propagandistic postmark in red color; all good condition
Starting price: CZK
162323 - 1938 Reg letter with multicolor franking German stamp. Mi.51
1938 Reg letter with multicolor franking German stamp. Mi.512, 518, 662 (2x) and W134, all with 2-lines provisory cancel. "Wir sind frei/ Gross-Waltersdorf + swastika", changed Czechosl. Reg label, addressed to to Olomouc, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
167154 - 1938 comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. Czechosl. stamp. w
1938 comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. Czechosl. stamp. with provisory postmarks: letter with negativnim cancel. MELTSCH with swastika and commercial PC with violet round cancel. LOBOSITZ 10.10.1938/ Heil Hitler!; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167339 - 1938 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x to Kladno, with 5Pf, cancel.
1938 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x to Kladno, with 5Pf, cancel. FRANZENBAD 2.11.38, 1x with 20Pf, cancel. KRASLITZ 17.10.38, censorship
Starting price: CZK
167342 - 1938 comp. of 4 envelopes + 1 front side envelope/-s, variou
1938 comp. of 4 envelopes + 1 front side envelope/-s, various cancel. i.a. round HAIDA (SUDETENL) BÖMISCHES WERTGLAS, then GLASSTADT HAIDA, POSTAMT KRUMMAU, MARIA-RATSCHITZ
Starting price: CZK
167155 - 1938 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. German stamp. with
1938 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. German stamp. with provisory postmarks - 3x commercial letter with postmark GRÄTZ (1x mixed German. - Czechosl. franking), from that 2x with swastika + 1x letter with blue frame cancel. POSTAMT KALSCHING with swastika; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167347 - 1938 comp. 7 pcs of letters + 2 front sides, with various  w
1938 comp. 7 pcs of letters + 2 front sides, with various with provisory postmarks: i.a. violet round GROSSDORF b. BRAUNAU (2x), AUSSIG1, ASCH (2x), HAIDA GLASSTADT etc.., various franking + commemorative postmarks
Starting price: CZK
167283 - 1938 ZEPPELIN  letter to Teplice, transported flight LZ 130,
1938 ZEPPELIN letter to Teplice, transported flight LZ 130, with 2x Hindenburg 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark and additional printing
Starting price: CZK
167285 - 1938 ZEPPELIN  card to Brno, transported flight LZ 130, fran
1938 ZEPPELIN card to Brno, transported flight LZ 130, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38
Starting price: CZK
167284 - 1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, years to Sudetenland,
1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, years to Sudetenland, card to Jiříkovic, forwarded by LZ 130, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38
Starting price: CZK
167286 - 1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, comp. 2 pcs of entire
1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter to Liberec, forwarded by LZ 130, recipient Robert Köhler, franked with. 3 air stamp. 25pf (2x) and 50Pf, Mi.532, 669-670, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38; 1x card to Brno, transported flight LZ 130, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38
Starting price: CZK
167281 - 1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, years to Sudetenland,
1938 ZEPPELIN - SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, years to Sudetenland, comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x letter to Liberec, forwarded by airship LZ 130, franked with. 6 postage stamp. Mi.730, 732, 735-738, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red flight cachet; 1x card to Jiříkovic, forwarded by LZ 130, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse cancel. REICHENBERG 2.12.38
Starting price: CZK
167348 - 1938, 43 letter to Prague with T. G. Masaryk 1CZK, line prov
1938, 43 letter to Prague with T. G. Masaryk 1CZK, line provisional postmark OBERLEUTENSDORF dated cancel 18.10.1938, passed through censorship + dispatch-note, franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler. and Hindenburg 30, 40 and 5Pf, CDS OBERLEUTENSDORF-MALTHEUERN 11.3.43, arrival OBECNICE 12.III.43
Starting price: CZK
167380 - 1939 letter to Nové Bělá with Comenius 40h and Štefánik
1939 letter to Nové Bělá with Comenius 40h and Štefánik 60h with overprint WIR SIND FREI!, CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 24.III.39, red frame cachet MÄHR.-OSTRAU...TAG DER BEFREING 14.3.1939 + round cancel.; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
167282 - 1939 ZEPPELIN -  comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT
1939 ZEPPELIN - comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x DEUTSCHLANDFAHRTEN 1939, years to Cheb, postcard to Cheb transported Zeppelins Graf Zeppelin, franked with. airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 13.8.39, red cachet this flight and arrival special postmark EGER/ 1. ZEPPELINLANDUNG/ 13.8.39; 1x SUDETENLANDFAHRT 1938, letter to Teplice, transported flight LZ 130, with 2x Hindenburg 50Pf, CDS FLUG UND LUFTSCHIFFHAFEN RHEIN-MAIN 1.12.38, red circle flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark and additional printing
Starting price: CZK
167346 - 1940 Express letter to Protectorate, with 12Pf + 2x 20Pf, CD
1940 Express letter to Protectorate, with 12Pf + 2x 20Pf, CDS PIHANKEN/ über TEPLITZ-SCHÖNAU 31.12.40, additional cancel. "Durch Eilboten!/ Bote bezahlt."; sought, very good condition
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 44 / Philately / Occupations - Information

V této kategorii zařazujeme položky poštovní historie z období 1938 a dělíme jej na Německý zábor - Sudety, Polský zábor a Maďarský zábor na Slovensku.

Do kategorie Protektorát Čechy a Morava zařazujeme emise poštovních známek z období 1939 - 1945. Mnohé emise poštovních známek vycházely v tomto období v atraktivních tiskových úpravách jako varianty kuponů, desková čísla a značky, tisk na okrajích, meziarší u doplatních poštovních známek, varianty zoubkování, odlišné úpravy zmenšených přepážkových archů atd. V té době byla velmi používaná příležitostná razítka. Generální sbírka obsahuje 182 poštovních známek.