Public auction 44 / TOP100 Bidding

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167682 - 1892 G.12 Coat of arms 5 Pounds sage green; fiscal usage, ve
1892 G.12 Coat of arms 5 Pounds "sage green"; fiscal usage, very nice piece, cat. for used stamp £450
Starting price: CZK
168419 - 1963 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1285, Sport - table tennis 30h, plate
1963 PLATE PROOF Pof.1285, Sport - table tennis 30h, plate proof - master die in black color, on yellow paper without gum
Starting price: CZK
167730 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  incomplete basic collection in spring
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection in spring folder on album sheets, contains some more interesting item/-s, i.a. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Postage due stmp - Big numbers 5 Koruna, opposite facing pair issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, Festival, Prague, Tatras, I. and II. air issue, SO 1920 etc.., smaller part used, hinged, c.v.. by estimation 10.000CZK + duplication album with several zajímavějším položkami, i.a. Festival *, Hradčany, overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ, SO 1920 and duplication part/-s from several collections on album sheets + supplemented with about/by ca. 50 pcs of PC CDV Charles, i.a. 4x small/rare initials etc..; suitable to examination, all in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
166651 - 1925 Pof.191A I P4, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I., with omitted
1925 Pof.191A I P4, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I., with omitted perf on 2 sides (!); sought by specialists, c.v.. 1.000Kč++
Starting price: CZK
166597 - 1926 Pof.NV13, Newspaper stamps - to exhaustion-issue 10h br
1926 Pof.NV13, Newspaper stamps - to exhaustion-issue 10h brown, comp. 5 pcs of complete 100-stamps. sheets, in the middle folded
Starting price: CZK
167707 - 1939 Flight postcard to South Africa, with mixed franking of
1939 Flight postcard to South Africa, with mixed franking of czechosl. and Bohemian and Moravian stamp., Pof.L15 5x, 352, 35, CDS PRAGUE 15/ 2.XI.39, in corner same CDS from 7.XI.39 with by hand writen notice "Odesílatel unknown"; light fold, after all very interesting document
Starting price: CZK
166694 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller accumulation in 4 albums (1x
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] smaller accumulation in 4 albums (1x A5) and on 14 stock-cards A4, contains used also nerazítkováné stamps, part Hradčany, more issue 30. years, blocks etc..; estate of dealer, placed in smaller cardboard box, through/over 8Kg of material
Starting price: CZK
168237 - 1886 envelope of Russian brewery Archive sent as Reg to Vien
1886 envelope of Russian brewery Archive sent as Reg to Vienna, sent to František Ladislav Rieger!, franked on back side with 7x Coat of arms 2 K, CDS worse readable, on the back side arrival WIEN; interesting
Starting price: CZK
165959 - 1918-1975 [COLLECTIONS]  Czechoslovakia I., Protectorate BOH
1918-1975 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Slovak Rep. and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., big selection philatelic of material from Czechosl. territory, in/at stockbooks A4 (7 pcs of) and A5 (1 pcs of), on free album sheets and in 2 wooden boxes + mainly incomplete collection used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 on album sheets POFIS, in spring folder; we advice viewings, in cardboard box, interesting price
Starting price: CZK
166271 -  Pof.146B, 10h olive, complete print sheet incl. margins wit
Pof.146B, 10h olive, complete print sheet incl. margins with ochranými frames, contains 10x thin (Pof.146TBa) and 10x wide (Pof.146TBb) opposite facing pair, in addition whole plate flaws - listing and drawing including, interesting also as research material, cat. min. 2.200Kč+
Starting price: CZK
167984 - 1940-41 2 richly franked air-mail letters sent to Bohemia-Mo
1940-41 2 richly franked air-mail letters sent to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with. i.a. Mi.726-728, 770, 789, 804-805, CDS MOSCOW, at the back arrival postmark PRAGUE, passed through German censorship; good condition
Starting price: CZK
168564 - 1908 Spa Luhačovice -  B/W photo postcard, villa Prague; up
1908 Spa Luhačovice - B/W photo postcard, villa Prague; upright, Us, bumped corners, interesting
Starting price: CZK
167709 - 1939 Flight commercial letter to Nigeria , franked with. mix
1939 Flight commercial letter to Nigeria , franked with. mixed franking forerunner air-mail and postage stmp., Pof.L15, L11, L9, L7, 352, 305, CDS KAMENICE N. LIPOU 27.V.39, on reverse transit air-mail (!) postmark SUDAN AIR MAIL/ WADI HALFA 2.VI.39 and arrival SAPELE 8.6.39, on reverse also additional printing f. Baťa; several folds, after all rare entire from quite rare destination air-mail transport in/at přechodném period!
Starting price: CZK
1961 HANBUCH DER ENTWERTUNGEN VON AUSTRIA UND LOMBARDEI-VENETIEN 1850-1864 special manual for identification of postmarks on Austrian stamps I.-V. issue, author Edwin Müller; in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
166523 - 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / PRAGUE - NEW YORK, Reg and airmail le
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / PRAGUE - NEW YORK, Reg and airmail letter to USA, franked with. 30-blokem airmail stmp 30h, Pof.L15, CDS PRAGUE 14/ 30.VI.39, on reverse air-mail framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 30.VI.39, arrival NEW YORK 10.7.39, passed through censorship, redirected; in good condition letter with interesting franking airmail stamps 30h
Starting price: CZK
167605 -  [COLLECTIONS] part of collection Express - rectangle 2h and
[COLLECTIONS] part of collection Express - rectangle 2h and 5h, in blocks of four, coupons, various perf, supplemented with corner blocks of four Newspaper stamps, on 4 unbound album sheets; all with "American" hinges without oil stains, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
166499 - 1920 comp. 13 pcs of various entires and 1 cut-square from p
1920 comp. 13 pcs of various entires and 1 cut-square from period of plebiscite, 2x PC from that 1x overprint, 4x richly franked philatelic entires with almost whole sets stmp with overprint., postcard, printed matter, various CDS as SLEZSKÁ OSTRAVA, FRÝDEK, RADVANICE, PETŘVALD etc.., various quality
Starting price: CZK
167536 -  Pof.120 Pop, Charles 20f brown, L the bottom corner blk-of-
Pof.120 Pop, Charles 20f brown, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with conversely inverted opt (!) and strong shift to margins stamps; on 1 stmp American label without hints mastnoty, exp. by Gilbert., in larger blocks sought
Starting price: CZK
168774 - 1860 Mi.1b, Kingdom of Poland 10K, blue / carmine, dark shad
1860 Mi.1b, Kingdom of Poland 10K, blue / carmine, dark shades from beginning of print, unworn plate, on small cut-square with red postmark "76" Nowo – Alexandrya ( present Pulawa), signed, perfect quality, in cat. Fischer only for postmark ca. 2 000,-zl., extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
167192 -  Pof.151N-161N, 20h - 250h imperforated, set without 156N an
Pof.151N-161N, 20h - 250h imperforated, set without 156N and 159N, good margins, value 40h in both types; total 10 pcs of, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Pithart, Karasek
Starting price: CZK
167614 - 1919 Pof.S1, S2, complete 100 stamps sheet values 2h violet
1919 Pof.S1, S2, complete 100 stamps sheet values 2h violet and 5h dark green, folded
Starting price: CZK
168241 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter, small size, with nice print
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter, small size, with nice print of postmark BISTRITZ/ 10.JULI.1838 (Vot.A.2.o=400b)!! (Bystřice u Benešova); rare
Starting price: CZK
166722 -  Pof.SO5Pp, 15h red, with lower margin and control-numbers,
Pof.SO5Pp, 15h red, with lower margin and control-numbers, inverted overprint; in lower margin out of stamp light fold, exp. by Mrnak., cat. 2.000Kč+
Starting price: CZK
166600 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation in 5 stockbooks (1x supe
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in 5 stockbooks (1x superb stockbook in/at leather), divided according to issues, contains Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, Airmail etc.., unstamped also used + several part/-s archoviny, lot of of material; high catalogue value, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
166951 - 1942 insufficiently franked commercial Reg and express lette
1942 insufficiently franked commercial Reg and express letter, with Pof.86 (2x) and 101, CDS BRÜNN 6/ 17.XII.42, marked postage due 4 Koruna, mounted Postage due stamp Pof.DL11 (2x), from that 1x the bottom corner piece with plate number "1-39"!, on reverse arrival postmark MAIN TELEGRAPF OFF. PRAGUE/ 18.XII.42; envelope light wrinkled, interesting entire
Starting price: CZK
166440 -  Pof.SO19A, 200h ultramarine, L the bottom corner blk-of-8 w
Pof.SO19A, 200h ultramarine, L the bottom corner blk-of-8 with perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;
Starting price: CZK
166236 -  Pof.24, 400h blue-violet, lower corner blok of 4 with contr
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet, lower corner blok of 4 with control-numbers, wide margins, cat. 750Kč+
Starting price: CZK
168207 - 1945 Registered and Express letter to Kežmarok, cash paid,
1945 Registered and Express letter to Kežmarok, cash paid, provisional postmark LUBICA with date stamp 16.FEB.1945, on reverse certificate of mailing
Starting price: CZK
168246 -  Pof.SO32 type II., Newspaper stamp - Soklol in flight 30h b
Pof.SO32 type II., Newspaper stamp - Soklol in flight 30h brown, corner piece, type II - open "Š"; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
168637 - 1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black frame cancel POHR
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black frame cancel POHRLITZ FRANCO (catalogue Votoček. doesn't report); light fold over postmark
Starting price: CZK
167083 - 1920 Pérové folder - decorated, gilt with plastickými rel
1920 Pérové folder - decorated, gilt with plastickými reliéfy and mosaznou sponou; good condition
Starting price: CZK
166952 - 1939 card without franking transported německlou field post
1939 card without franking transported německlou field post, CDS FIELD-POST/ 29.12.39, burdened with postage-due, mounted Postage due stamp Alb.DL5 and DL8 (2x), CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES/ 5.1.43; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167327 - 1940-45 selection of 92 pcs of cards with commemorative post
1940-45 selection of 92 pcs of cards with commemorative postmarks, contains i.a. PR117, BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY! 29.I.45, cut with cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) PRAGUE 4.IV.40 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) with special postmark EXHIBITION POSTAL CENIN etc.. some more times same
Starting price: CZK
167570 -  [COLLECTIONS]  part of collection of overprints, issue Post
[COLLECTIONS] part of collection of overprints, issue Postage - small and large format, on 9 unbound album sheets, mainly blocks of 6, production defects as inverted Opt, offsets; all blocks with 1 "American" hinge, without oily traces, all exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
167620 -  Pof.152A, 25h brown, complete 100 stamps sheet, fold in per
Pof.152A, 25h brown, complete 100 stamps sheet, fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
168212 - 1866 DONAU DAMPFSHIFFAHRT GESELLSCHAFT Mi.1A, 2, 3,  four st
1866 DONAU DAMPFSHIFFAHRT GESELLSCHAFT Mi.1A, 2, 3, four stamps, values 3x 10Kr, 1x 17kr; cat. 175€
Starting price: CZK
166478 -  Pof.SO22 production flaw, 500h brown with production flaw -
Pof.SO22 production flaw, 500h brown with production flaw - joined paper!; for specialist interesting, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
166607 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS]  gift album with nepřijatými designs le
1919 [COLLECTIONS] gift album with nepřijatými designs legionaire stamps + Charitable stamps stamp. (silhouette); stamps mounted on pages, interesting
Starting price: CZK
167932 -  Pof.155DV1, 50h red, as blk-of-4, from that 1 pcs of with p
Pof.155DV1, 50h red, as blk-of-4, from that 1 pcs of with plate variety "little-egg in waist"; decorative, marked and exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
166890 - 1930 Karel Seizinger, original printing of design of airmail
1930 Karel Seizinger, original printing of design of airmail stamp 1Kč, Pof.L8, pencil on yellow carton, size 13x15cm, mounted on passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
167228 -  Pof.22, value 200h with lower margin without control-number
Pof.22, value 200h with lower margin without control-numbers and with unofficial line perforation 11½;, lightly hinged
Starting price: CZK
168054 - 1854 Franz Joseph I./  cut square with extraordinary frankin
1854 Franz Joseph I./ cut square with extraordinary franking of Revenues issue C.M. 1854, values 20fl + 18fl + 16fl + 12fl !!, cancelled black cancel. tax office in/at Telči; c.v.. Bouček 22.500CZK, exceptional offer, in the middle fold outside revenues
Starting price: CZK
166017 - 1939 Zsf.2, Coat of arms 5h blue, LR corner block of 4, vert
1939 Zsf.2, Coat of arms 5h blue, LR corner block of 4, vertical shifted Opt (ZPP); very rare appearance, exp. No, Šablatúra, Mahr, cat. Fö. 800SKK
Starting price: CZK
166193 - 1940 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), covering sheet insurance co
1940 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), covering sheet insurance contract/-s bank Slavia, format A3; very good condition without tearing or brownish, folded, incl. original cover, interesting
Starting price: CZK
166483 -  Pof.SO20, SO9, SO12 production flaw, comp. of stamps with �
Pof.SO20, SO9, SO12 production flaw, comp. of stamps with šikmými paper creases, value 300h in/at bottom block of four, 30h yellow in/at marginal pair and 50h violet the bottom corner piece,; 2x exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
166711 - 1933 first flight UZHHOROD - KLUŽ, pictorial PC T. G. Masar
1933 first flight UZHHOROD - KLUŽ, pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h sent 1. flight Prague - Bucharest, franked with. i.a. already invalidated II. issue airmail stamps Pof.L4, L5, on reverse mounted air stamp. 50h The 3rd issue., Pof.L7, posting air-mail CDS UZHHOROD 11.IX.33, arrival CLUJ 11.9.33; interesting
Starting price: CZK
168581 - 1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection bank-notes Czechos
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection bank-notes Czechoslovakia and abroad, various issue, values, set etc..; various quality, placed in/at carton little-box
Starting price: CZK
168658 - 1937-39 comp. of 7 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslova
1937-39 comp. of 7 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, various interesting frankings of airmail stamps, part arrival postmarks; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167129 -  PLATE PROOF  palte proof of the value 50h in red color, sma
PLATE PROOF palte proof of the value 50h in red color, small format, as blk-of-4 with larger mezerami, on stamp paper with gum; interesting, on/for upper stamp. minor gum fault.
Starting price: CZK
166283 - 1918 Pof.RV138, 143 etc.., Žilina issue (Šrobár's overpri
1918 Pof.RV138, 143 etc.., Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. of 5 stamps and 1x block of four with various varieties overprint, contains i.a. 1x overprint on gum on stmp Charles 10f, then corner blk-of-4 Charles 10f with inverted opt, Reaper 3f with inverted opt, Postage due stmp 2f with vertical overprint etc..; I. and II. printing
Starting price: CZK
167120 - 1889 RICHTER Hans (1843-1916), LEVI Hermann (1839-1900), Ger
1889 RICHTER Hans (1843-1916), LEVI Hermann (1839-1900), German skladatelé, Hermann was/were one from best known dirigentů his/her/its period of, cabinet card; on reverse signatures, atelier Hartmann
Starting price: CZK
166737 -  Pof.21c, 120h black-grey, LL corner block of 4 with control
Pof.21c, 120h black-grey, LL corner block of 4 with control-numbers, on position 81 lightly dented paper; cat. 750Kč+
Starting price: CZK
166268 -  Pof.144B, 5h violet, complete print sheet incl. margins wit
Pof.144B, 5h violet, complete print sheet incl. margins with ochranými frames, contains 10x thin (Pof.144TBa) and 10x wide (Pof.144TBb) opposite facing pair; interesting also as research material, cat. min. 1.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
163227 - 1920 insufficiently franked printed matter in the place, fra
1920 insufficiently franked printed matter in the place, franked with. newspaper stamp. Pof.SO28, CDS SLEZSKÁ OSTRAVA 2/ 20.III.20, mounted Postage due stamp Pof.5; III. postal rate, envelope at top unprofessionally open
Starting price: CZK
166581 - 1892-1922 BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY  comp. of stamps Coat
1892-1922 BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY comp. of stamps Coat of arms and George V. on card A4, contains various issues, shades, various perf, several blocks etc., i.a. SG.6, corner block of 4, also SG.1-9, SG.26, block of four etc.; high catalogue value, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
167362 - 1948 Pof.485-489, Gottwald, complete issue in complete 100 s
1948 Pof.485-489, Gottwald, complete issue in complete 100 stamps sheets + value 3Kčs carmine, Pof.487, in sheet of 50
Starting price: CZK
167376 - 1949 Pof.498-499 and 500-501, Lenin + K. Gottwald, complete
1949 Pof.498-499 and 500-501, Lenin + K. Gottwald, complete set in 100 stamps sheets with coupons
Starting price: CZK
167491 - 1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 16 unbound albu
1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 16 unbound album sheets, incomplete classic period with various quality
Starting price: CZK
167700 - 1920 Reg letter in the place from III. postal rate, franked
1920 Reg letter in the place from III. postal rate, franked with. 8-tuple franking 10h green, Pof.6C, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 31.V.20; good condition
Starting price: CZK
167999 -  off. air-mail směrovky for all 4 tracks, in vertical margi
off. air-mail směrovky for all 4 tracks, in vertical marginal pairs, issued 25.9.1920: Prague - Strasbourg, Prague - Paris, Prague - London and Prague - Warsaw; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
168163 - 1919 Reg letter with multicolor franking Crown 3h violet, Po
1919 Reg letter with multicolor franking Crown 3h violet, Pof.33, 15 pcs of, from that 2x joined subtype with normal type STB, round "9" + Crown 5h green, Pof.34, block of 6, posting nationalized CDS BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 17.XII.19, larger format envelope/-s; several tearing esp. in/at back flap, viewing of quality recommended, after all nice franking with joined subtypes on/for really Us mailing
Starting price: CZK
168421 - 1963 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1286, Sport - cycling 60h, plate proof
1963 PLATE PROOF Pof.1286, Sport - cycling 60h, plate proof - master die in black color, on yellow paper without gum
Starting price: CZK
168561 - 1827 CZECH LANDS/ V: GITSCHIN  straight line postmark on fol
1827 CZECH LANDS/ V: GITSCHIN straight line postmark on folded letter Ex offo, postmaster notes by red ruddle, luxury print
Starting price: CZK
168590 - 1940-45 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 31 entires sent to Slova
1940-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 31 entires sent to Slovak Rep., all passed through censorship, one recipient
Starting price: CZK
168659 - 1935-41 comp. of 8 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslova
1935-41 comp. of 8 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia and Protectorate, commercial correspondence from that 2x as Registered, interesting frankings of airmail stamps., transit and arrival airmail postmarks; good condition
Starting price: CZK
168660 - 2003-2013 [COLLECTIONS]  MICHEL  comp. 12 pcs of catalogues
2003-2013 [COLLECTIONS] MICHEL comp. 12 pcs of catalogues Michel, contains i.a. complete group of Europe 1. -7. part, year 2011; Deutschland (Germany) Spezial 2010, I. also II. part; then Germany 2011, South Europe 2012/2013, North and eastern Africa 2005 + Central and East Asia 2003; good condition
Starting price: CZK
166596 - 1934 PRAGUE - SANTIAGO, commercial heavier Registered airmai
1934 PRAGUE - SANTIAGO, commercial heavier Registered airmail letter addressed to Chile, franked with i.a. 6x 20Kč, Pof.L14 6x, L7 2x, 279, exact franking 125Kč, CDS PRAHA 1/ 6.IX.34, at the back framed pmk PRAHA 7 and arrival postmark SANTIAGO 13.Sep.34; exp. by Mahr., very decorative entire, interesting destination!
Starting price: CZK
167048 - 1860-1923 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of Russia Empire a
1860-1923 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of Russia Empire and R.S.F.S.R. on album sheets, from old collection, includes various issues Coat of arms, also part stamps with overprint Levant + 2 sheets of local issue Wenden
Starting price: CZK
166437 -  Pof.SO22, 500h with blue overprint, LR corner blk-of-4
Pof.SO22, 500h with blue overprint, LR corner blk-of-4
Starting price: CZK
166351 - 1969 Pof.PL1783-1785, Tatra National Park, complete set blk-
1969 Pof.PL1783-1785, Tatra National Park, complete set blk-of-10; c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
166461 -  Pof.SO4C, 10h green, block of four with perf comb perforati
Pof.SO4C, 10h green, block of four with perf comb perforation 11¾;, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
167200 - 1969 AVIATION  passport transport pilot civil aviation; inte
1969 AVIATION passport transport pilot civil aviation; interesting
Starting price: CZK
167951 - 1939 NISKO / WORK CAMP   comp. of 4 personal cards of Jewish
1939 NISKO / WORK CAMP comp. of 4 personal cards of Jewish prisoners from Moravská Ostrava , camp ZARZECZE; interesting
Starting price: CZK
166964 - 1917 K.u.K.. Kriegsgefangenenlager Theresienstadt, compilati
1917 K.u.K.. Kriegsgefangenenlager Theresienstadt, compilation of 23 camp coupons, various values, contains values 1 K (5x) all with postmarks, strong folds; 2 K 12x without postmarks, from that 1 pcs without number, quality 1-2; 5 K (5x), all with postmarks, strong folds; 10K without postmark with fold; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
167871 - 1876 MENDEL Gregor Johann (1822–1884), founder of genetics
1876 MENDEL Gregor Johann (1822–1884), founder of genetics, stamped release with autograph, documentary stamps issue 1875, print seal augustiniánského monastery St. Thomas in Alt-Brünn (Staré Brno); very good condition, exceedingly interesting, sought also abroad!
Starting price: CZK
168393 -  [COLLECTIONS]  study collection issue issue Chainbreaker on
[COLLECTIONS] study collection issue issue Chainbreaker on/for 135 album pages (!) in glassine envelopes, rozčleněno according to single values, various plate variety, retouch, perf, flaw print etc..; nice elaborated
Starting price: CZK
167050 - 1862-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 12 album sheets
1862-1940 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 12 album sheets, from old collection, contains various issues, part classic period; used also unused
Starting price: CZK
167402 -  Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), values 3h
Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), values 3h - 1 Koruna with overprint in red color; c.v.. ca. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
168338 - 1900 TŘEBÍČ - collage  future Future port in/at Třebíč
1900 TŘEBÍČ - collage future "Future port in/at Třebíč", Us, light bend at top, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
1941-42 V - GERMANY VÍTĚZÍ NA VŠECH FRONTÁCH ZA EVROPU and "V" in circle, 2 pcs of official entires with propagandistic red postmarks, 1x big frame bilingual cancel. on R letter franked with. service stmp with CDS KAMENICE N. LIPOU 12.VII.41, other ordinary letter with CDS HRANICE 16.IV.42; superb print, good condition
Starting price: CZK
167554 -  Pof.105a, Magyar post 10f red, marginal block-of-4; 1 stamp
Pof.105a, Magyar post 10f red, marginal block-of-4; 1 stamp. with American label without nastných hints, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 850Kč+
Starting price: CZK
167646 -  Pof.345-356 Ms(4), vertical 4 stamp. gutter, UL corner str-
Pof.345-356 Ms(4), vertical 4 stamp. gutter, UL corner str-of-4 + print frame in L margin, without fold, superb, cat. only single gutter 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
168052 -  Pof.45 Pp+VV, Coat of arms 80h, block of 6 with additionall
Pof.45 Pp+VV, Coat of arms 80h, block of 6 with additionally mounted 1 row stamp. before/(in front of) making overprint, 4x inverted overprint; 3x American label with mastnými stains, viewing of quality recommended, exp. by Gilbert., after all interesting documentation multiple production
Starting price: CZK
168708 - 1904-1919 SG.18a, 64, 64var, Edward VII. 1A, corner pair, mu
1904-1919 SG.18a, 64, 64var, Edward VII. 1A, corner pair, multiple wmk CA with plate number 1 and nr. of sheet 0001 (!) + strip of 3 George V. 4C/6C with shifted overprint and with OMMITED BARS, 1 stamp damaged + block of four George V. 4C/6C with significant shifted overprint, interesting specialties!
Starting price: CZK
166772 - 1929 FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ - KASSEL, sent by air mail pictori
1929 FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ - KASSEL, sent by air mail pictorial PC 50h T. G. Masaryk, uprated by. mixed franking postage and airmail stamps., i.a. Pof.L4, L5, CDS FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ 1/ 1.VIII.29, mounted big parcel air-mail label, as arrival print red air-mail postmark KASSEL; interesting
Starting price: CZK
166477 -  Pof.SO2 production flaw, value 3h violet as blk-of-4 with p
Pof.SO2 production flaw, value 3h violet as blk-of-4 with production flaw - joined paper with rozdílnými tloušťkami paper (!); exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
166613 - 1942-79 [COLLECTIONS]  incomplete basic collection in 4 spri
1942-79 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection in 4 spring folder on album sheets, 40. and 50. years mainly hinged, several ** souvenir sheets from 50. years, modern stamps mostly mint never hinged, contains various, also better sets and its parts, i.a. Mi.847-854, 883-884, 972-980 etc.; cat. according to owner for * more than 2.500€
Starting price: CZK
166740 -  Pof.21, 120h black, LR corner block of 4 with control-numbe
Pof.21, 120h black, LR corner block of 4 with control-numbers; cat. Pofis this shade doesn't report, interesting
Starting price: CZK
168304 - 1954 PLATE PROOF  Pof.770, V. Congress of Communists, plate
1954 PLATE PROOF Pof.770, V. Congress of Communists, plate proof - print original gravure in dark blue color, on lightly yellowy paper without gum; interesting
Starting price: CZK
168580 - 1939 SRP1, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Dálnice bridge r
1939 SRP1, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Dálnice bridge republic, ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ 2/ 22.III.39, nice print on letter with 1CZK T. G. Masaryk, Pof.303; sought, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
163769 - 1930? ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), Czech painter, graphi
1930? ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator; handwritten written New Year's wish with signature
Starting price: CZK
166608 - 1934 PRAGUE - TIENTSIN, Registered airmail letter addressed
1934 PRAGUE - TIENTSIN, Registered airmail letter addressed to China, franked with airmail stamps Pof.L13, L10, exact franking 13Kč, CDS PRAHA 1/ 3.XII.34, air-mail frame PRAHA 7, transit ATHENS 6.12, SINGAPORE 14.12 and arrival TIENTSIN 23.12.34; envelope opened from two sides, small tearing in margins, interesting destination
Starting price: CZK
166609 - 1932 PRAGUE - SINGAPORE, air-mail letter addressed to Malaya
1932 PRAGUE - SINGAPORE, air-mail letter addressed to Malaya, franked with airmail stamp 20Kč, Pof.L14, CDS NOVÉ SEDLO U LOKTE 29.XI.32, at the back air-mail framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 29.XI.32, transit pmk ATHENY 2.12. and PENANG 11.12, arrival MC SINGAPORE 12.12.32; all attributes, rare destination
Starting price: CZK
167345 - 1938 CDV151, pictorial PC Beneš 50h, Teplice-Šanov, to Sch
1938 CDV151, pictorial PC Beneš 50h, Teplice-Šanov, to Schönfeldu, broken-out CDS TEPLITZ-SCHÖNAU 9.X.38, additional printing "WIR SIND FREI! with swastika" in black color, supplemented with red straight line postmark "Sudetenland kehrt heim ins Reich!"; rare
Starting price: CZK
167514 - 1925 Pof.187B-189B, Neoptypie 40h-60h, 4 set, line perforati
1925 Pof.187B-189B, Neoptypie 40h-60h, 4 set, line perforation 13¾;, complete set according to wmk P1 - P4; 6 pcs of marked and exp. by Gilbert., or Pofis, c.v.. ca. 1.300CZK
Starting price: CZK
167566 -  Pof.132-138, Red numerals 2f-20f (without 1f and 30f), all
Pof.132-138, Red numerals 2f-20f (without 1f and 30f), all in/at corner or marginal blocks of four; every block of four with 1 American label without greasy hints, in blocks of four rare usage; all exp. by Gilbert., cat. min. 2.600Kč++
Starting price: CZK
167690 -  maculature print of values 500h grey + 1000h brown as block
maculature print of values 500h grey + 1000h brown as block of 4 on common paper, on the back side printed text
Starting price: CZK
167740 - 1925 Pof.187A-189A, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h-60h, in blo
1925 Pof.187A-189A, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h-60h, in blocks of four, all with wmk P2; c.v.. 790CZK
Starting price: CZK
167956 - 2003-2004 [COLLECTIONS]  collection miniature sheets, printi
2003-2004 [COLLECTIONS] collection miniature sheets, printing sheet and PB in stockbook A4; face-value ca. 6.800Sk
Starting price: CZK
168508 - 1925 Pof.199x, Gravure 1CZK red, IV. type without bands in g
1925 Pof.199x, Gravure 1CZK red, IV. type without bands in gum, complete set according to wmk P5-P8; 3 pcs of marked, 2 pcs of exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 730CZK
Starting price: CZK
168518 - 1960 Ba.94a2, 10Kčs, set F25; very small bend
1960 Ba.94a2, 10Kčs, set F25; very small bend
Starting price: CZK
168629 - 1836 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black round pmk SAAR (V
1836 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black round pmk SAAR (Vot.120b); nice, interesting
Starting price: CZK
168359 - 1965 PLATE PROOF  Pof.A1466, miniature sheet Obrazárna Prag
1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.A1466, miniature sheet Obrazárna Prague castle 5Kčs, comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print gravures, from that 9 pcs of various stage and color trial/expertization + 2 pcs of definitive making - 1x in black color and 1x in original colors, on various sorts paper without gum; in this rozsahu rare, 4 pcs of with signature of author J. Švengsbír, interesting multiple, on/for plate A4 two-sided
Starting price: CZK
167831 -  Pof.155TV2, 50h red without head!, vertical corner str-of-3
Pof.155TV2, 50h red without head!, vertical corner str-of-3 with lower margin with control-numbers, pos. 71, 81 and 91, small oblique bend through/over the bottom stamp.; favourite and collector sought decorative printing flaw!, exp. + certificate Šablatúra, cat. min. 45.000CZK, suitable objekt to exhibit
Starting price: CZK
166191 - 1840-1997 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection in 5 folders
1840-1997 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection in 5 folders on album sheets, contains issue Victoria, incl. 2 letters with franking of Penny Black, also contains other issues of QV incl. several entires, i.a. used SG.14, 54, 57, 59, 183 etc., also issue Edward VII., i.a. SG.265, 320, George V., i.a. SG.403, 416, 438 etc., Edward VIII., George VI. and Elizabeth II., each issue with several entires; interesting offer, estate, also with literature, i.a. Stamp World London 90 - Souvenir Hanbook etc.; in cardboard box, high catalogue value, min. £10.000, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
167405 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS with omitted černošedou color, wi
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS with omitted černošedou color, without value 5 Koruna and without state emblem / symbol (!); unique piece with original gum (smudges from dirty), still known only 3 pieces: 1 pcs of with skartačním uhlopříčným cancel yellow by pencil, 1 pcs of without gum (prodán on/for auction Majer after/behind 250.000 CZK) and this single with gum; here for the first time in auction, quite exceptional offer!, suitable also as investment
Starting price: CZK
166881 - 1943 Pof.A111; Mi.Bl. I, Heydrich's miniature sheet / Heydri
1943 Pof.A111; Mi.Bl. I, Heydrich's miniature sheet / Heydrich Block, about 2mm larger size 101x148mm, type II., perf A, number "225"; edition only 1.000 pcs, but only ca. 500 pcs distributed!, rare offer, according to catalogues most valuable souvenir sheet from complete world philately (!), missing in most collections; exceedingly nice quality, only very lightly hinged on upper and bottom margins, exp. by Mahr BPP, superb offer
Starting price: CZK
167471 - 1924 SG.42a, overprint issue Weapons and idols 5P on 2½
1924 SG.42a, overprint issue "Weapons and idols" 5P on 2½P ultramarine, INVERTED OVERPRINT, certificate R.P.S. London; cat. £3.500, according to records only 20 exists, extremely rare
Starting price: CZK
167467 - 1854-1857 SG.23, 2P blue, plate 4, perf 14, wmk Small crown;
1854-1857 SG.23, 2P blue, plate 4, perf 14, wmk "Small crown"; R light fold, new gum, perfectly preserved perf and bright deep color; overall very nice piece, certificate BPA, cat. * £12.000
Starting price: CZK
167261 - 1849-63 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice and interesting specialized
1849-63 [COLLECTIONS] very nice and interesting specialized collection of classical stamps, issue 1849–1863 Mi.1-13, incl. examples of usage - entires, contains variants of wmks, papers, perf, printing coincidence, perf varieties, various postmarks, also with other issues of stamps on cut-squares, bisected stamps, blocks and strips etc.; cat. over 15.000€, placed on album sheets in 3 luxury spiral albums SAFE, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
168204 - 1851 Mi.8, Ferch.8, Rose Mercury 30kr, pink, CDS REICHENBERG
1851 Mi.8, Ferch.8, Rose Mercury 30kr, pink, CDS REICHENBERG, nicely visible picture with clear signes of type Ib; very nice piece with large margins, cat. 17.500€; very scarce (!), exp. Friedl, certificate A. Diena, exclusive offer!
Starting price: CZK
168751 - 1949 Pof.VT1, stamp Gottwald 3Kčs as miniature sheet, with
1949 Pof.VT1, stamp Gottwald 3Kčs as miniature sheet, with signature "Neumann", used as postage stamp on official envelope of Post Office Department, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 20.III.49, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
167668 - 1858 Mi.2, Bull's Head 54 Parale blue-green on green paper,
1858 Mi.2, "Bull's Head" 54 Parale blue-green on green paper, on cut-square with red CDS JASSY MOLDOVA; beautiful color, exp. Richter, Kohl, Bühler; certificate Heimbüchler, cat. 6.000€ ++, extraordinary quality
Starting price: CZK
167671 - 1858 Mi.4, Bull's Head 108 Parale blue on pink paper, on sma
1858 Mi.4, "Bull's Head" 108 Parale blue on pink paper, on small cut-square with red CDS JASSY MOLDOVA, ordinary quality with reparation, exp. Thier; certificate Heimbüchler, cat. 15.000€, attractive and very rare stamp, evidently unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
168736 - 1942 [COLLECTIONS] Japanese occupation SG.J1-J26, up to 2$ a
1942 [COLLECTIONS] Japanese occupation SG.J1-J26, up to 2$ and 3$ nominal complete set Ch. Brooke 1C-10$ with single-line violet Opt "Japanese imperial government", most of stamps incl. dollar values **, on sheet from old collection, cat. * £3.345, ** ca. £6.700, SG doesn't even evaluate this set, only as single stamps, unrepeatable offer !
Starting price: CZK
168743 - 1850-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  mainly complete specialized collect
1850-1920 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete specialized collection of unused stamps in big 32-sheets stockbook, also with issue 1849, and then almost complete, major-part better stamps, expertised, and part with foto certificates, also with quantum of parts of sheets also whole sheets of later issues etc., cat. 14.000€
Starting price: CZK
168744 -  Pof.A360/362N, unissued Kosice MS with arc inscription; neo
Pof.A360/362N, unissued Kosice MS with arc inscription; neoříznutý upper margin, very good quality, preserved maximálně 15 pieces, exceptional offer at our place as 3. piece!
Starting price: CZK
168747 - 1967 Pof.A1606N, miniature sheet Montreál 1967, imperforate
1967 Pof.A1606N, miniature sheet Montreál 1967, imperforated (!); exceedingly rare miniature sheet, nejhezčí known piece in a luxury state, quite exceptional offer!; small production defects gum, here for the first time in auction, c.v.. Pofis 120.000CZK (very underprized)
Starting price: CZK
168748 - 1967 Pof.PL1651, Art 67 - St. Bartoloměj and St. Thomas 1,6
1967 Pof.PL1651, Art 67 - St. Bartoloměj and St. Thomas 1,60Kčs, whole PB 4+1KN, only with one coupon (!), very rare; photo-certificate Profil, c.v.. 90.000CZK italic
Starting price: CZK
168749 - 1945 PLATE PROOF  Moscow-issue, Pof.385, value 1 Koruna, exc
1945 PLATE PROOF Moscow-issue, Pof.385, value 1 Koruna, exceptional collection five schvalovacích plate proofs, in colors green, light brown, dark grey-green, grey-violet and brown, all mounted on cardboard paper, lower below stamp. Russian inscription with date 16. January 1945 + R lower approving signature with date; exceedingly rare
Starting price: CZK