Public auction 45 / Collections
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1845-1965 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 1 stockbook, classic stamps used, later issues unused and hinged, incomplete sets, part souvenir sheets, various quality, cat. ca. 3.000€ U:Z
1879-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. first issues Coat of arms, better sets from 1930s as 2. Balkanian games, Mi.242-248, Airmail Mi.249-251 used, also Mi.252-257, 286-290, also postage-due etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 3.000€ U:Z
1879-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. first issue Coat of arms, several better sets from 30. years as Mi.242-248 *, Block No.1, more complete after 1945, also souvenir sheets; high catalogue value U:Z
1870-2003 [COLLECTIONS] larger business supply of used stamps in two 32-sheets stockbooks A4, contains a lot of material, various sets etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 6.000€ U:Z
1870-90 [COLLECTIONS] chosen compilation of round numeral postmarks on stamps Coat of arms, various values, on 3 cards A4, ca. 200 stamps; interesting! U:O4
1875-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of more than 1.000 stamps, all with radial pmks; all described and with indentification of post offices, in addition several entires and dublets; placed in full stockbook A4, interesting offer U:Z
1910-78 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used bloks of four in 32-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets and issue, various postmarks; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€ U:Z
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] PERFINS more than 1.400 perfins in luxury spiral stockbook A4 with descriptions, also several entires + specialized catalogue of Danish perfins "Catalogue over danske firmaperforinger, 2001" + lots of doublets in envelopes; interesting rare offer! U:Z
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting! U:Z
1975-76 [COLLECTIONS] FDC/ FREDERICIA compilation of 88 FDC with additional-printing; placed in spiral album U:Z
1848-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 30-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic issues Ceres, Napoleon III., inter-war and postwar issues, common values; used also mint never hinged, all described, cat. according to owner ca. 5.000€ U:Z
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic issue Victoria, Edward VII., George V. George VI., major part period Elizabeth II., various sets, motives, souvenir sheets, stamp-booklet etc.; higher catalogue U:Z
1876-2003 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 15-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic issues, i.a. Mi.6 (*) with certificate, Mi.147-149 with certificate, Mi.Bl.1, Mi.247-253, 278-280 etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.800€ U:Z
1919-2000 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in full 24-sheet stockbook A4 + 1x card A4, contains various issues, incl. overprint Bosnia and Herzegovina, complete also incomplete sets, used also unused, incl. several souvenir sheets; high catalogue value U:Z
1900-1950 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, CROATIA, SERBIA, MONTENEGRO nice collection in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains various issues, blocks of four, also souvenir sheets, overprint issues etc.; high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1941-46 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, SERBIA, CROATIA smaller collection unused stamps from war and closely postwar years, part sets 2x, Yugoslavia 1944 - 46 total cat. 370€, Serbia from 1941-43, total cat. 230€ and Croatia 1941-44 total cat. 200€, all in 1 older stockbook, cat. ca. 800€ U:Z
1912-1939 [COLLECTIONS] good collection of Liechtenstein up to 1939, contains many interesting items, also complete sets, for example. Mi.1-3 (2x), 11-16, 53-60, 71, 72-74, 75-77, 78-81, 94-107, 116-118, *119-121(!), *126-142(!), 156-169; air-mail Mi.108-113, 114-115, 143-147, 149-150, 173-179; official Mi.9-10, 20-27; on album sheets Stiburek in spring folder, cat. 3.900€, interesting price U:Z
1852-1960 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection in 1 stockbook, mainly used stamps, various quality, according to owner cat. 1.500€ U:Z
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 21 album sheets, contains overprint issues BANAT BACSKA, WEST HUNGARY, SZEGEDIN, ARAD, TEMESVÁR, BARANJA etc.; high catalogue value U:Z
1919 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL ISSUE AND OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, small collection, contains Szeged, Arad (French occupation), Banat, etc.; higher catalogue U:Z
1871-1940 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY (1871-1940), it contains e.g. Mi.128-144 (without nr. 143), 162-178,183-285, 292-323, 369-379, 398-410, 455-62, 511-15, 517-27, Bl.3, 585-615 and other + BULGARIA (1879-1939), it contains e.g. Mi.3, 8, 10, 12-20, 25-44, 50-77, 90-99, from 1916-1930 almost complete; semifinished basic collections on album sheets Stibůrek, in spring folder U:Z
1852-65 chosen compilation of 19 stamps (2x cut square), contains: Mi.1-9, 12, 14A, 15-20, also with 3 letters, 1x with Mi.6 and 1x Mi. 18 + pre-philatelic letter from 1828; various, mostly good margins, cat. ca. 4.500€ U:A5
![171315 - 1870-1915 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN COLONIES excellent collectio](
1870-1915 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN COLONIES excellent collection of German colonies in big 32-sheet stockbook, all sorted according to territories and single issues with descriptions, contains stamps and sets from all German colonial territory, from German New Guinea to Togo, also German postoffice in China, Morocco and in Turkey, mainly used stamps, better stamps expertized or with certificates, part also unused, mostly hinged, contains i.a. : from each country set Emperors yacht, from better values for example Cameroon Mi.25aA, value 5M, CDS DUALA 4.12.13 - 2x photo-certificate, cat. 6.500€, KIATSCHOU Mi.24-27 dollar highest values, hinged, cat. 4.200€, Marianen Mi.1I hinged, cat. 2.000€, Mi.19 used with CDS SAIPAN 1/3 10 with photo-certificate, Marschall - Inseln Mi.V37e with CDS JALUIT 15.4.95 and photo-certificate, cat. 1.000€, Mi.25, Mi.1 Ia with pmk JALUIT 10.11.99, photo-certificate, cat. 2.600€, Samoa Mi.19, 5M with pmk SALAIULA 13.2.07, photo-certificate, cat. 600€, Togo Mi.9, pmk AVHEGAME 13.6.12, photo-certificate, cat. 3.000€ etc., various postmarks, cut-squares, strips and blocks etc., according to owner total catalogue 52.000€, rare collection with many valuable stamps, great offer U:Z
1919-44 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS compilation of 42 complete sheets from period of inflation - all in good quality incl. margins, also 11 sheets of postage stamps A. Hitler and Labour service, supplemented with parts of damaged sheets of GENERAGOUVERNEMENT; placed in office covers in letter file, high catalogue value U:Z
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY + COUNTRIES OF SOUTH EVROPY collection of ca. 250 entires mainly from Germany - inflation, Official, Feldpost, P.O.W. mail, Occupation zones after 1945 etc. supplemented with entires of Hungary, Italy, Yugoslavia, part overseas; various quality, nice compilation! U:K
1852-1960 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in full 16-sheet stockbook, mainly used stamps, incomplete sets, various quality, cat. according to owner 4.000€ U:Z
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of used also unused hinged stamps, all sets, some also more often, mixed perf etc., supplemented with dublets, all in one stockbook, cat. ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Stiburek in spring folder, also incomplete, incl. Lombardia Venezia, Levant, Feldpost also postage-due stamps, high catalogue value! U:Z
1945-49 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of postwar issues in older stockbook, major part sets 2x, Opt not expertized - without guarantee, cat. total ca. 1.800€ U:Z
1860-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 125 various p.stat as PC, double, international, for abroad, newspaper strips, letter-card and private p.stat, mainly used, part to abroad, R, Ex etc, interesting compilation U:K
1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 300 various entires mainly from period of imperial Austria, multicolor frankings issue 1908, Reg, Express, several pieces with stamps of I and II issues, multiple also multicolor frankings, perfins, Postal Agencies, commemorative postmarks, mixed frankings etc., interesting compilation, various quality, high catalogue value! U:K
1872-1950 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection in one 8-sheet stockbook, mainly used stamps, souvenir sheets, various quality, according to owner cat. 2.000€ U:Z
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] business supply in full 30-sheet stockbook A4, contains various issues, part classic period, various sets, used and unused, incl. souvenir sheets; higher catalogue U:Z
1919 [COLLECTIONS] NEU-RUMÄNIEN small collection, stamps with overprint on 7 sheets, contains various sets, types etc. + part of sheets ** Charles 20f and Coat of arms 10f and 15f; cat. ca. 600€ U:Z
1914-18 comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains i.a. issue 1914 and 1915, Mi.103-106A,B,C, Mi.124-126 etc., i.a. 7x block of four, 3x used; part hinged U:O4
1952-1991 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of sheets and PB, also joined printings, coupons etc. in big album; some interesting - Mi.1659-1662 in complete sheets, Mi.1717, Basketball 1Rubl in sheet 6x5 with plate flaw, etc., high catalogue value U:Z
1915-1959 [COLLECTIONS] chosen compilation of stamps and complete sets, mainly in blocks of four also blocks of 6, contains i.a. block of 6 Mi.589, also Mi.262-266, 1318-1324, 1809-1821 etc., part marginal pieces, stmps with overprint etc.; on 6 cards A5, very good quality, high catalogue value U:O5
1959 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets and single stamps in blocks of four!, all issues 1959, contains i.a. Mi.2195A, 2206-2207, 2208-2213, 2216, 2217-2218, 2232-2235, 2242-2243, 2259-2261, 2297-2298 etc., many outer pieces; excellent quality, high catalogue value, on 6 full cards A4, interesting offer U:O4
1857-1964 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of Russia Empire and USSR on hingeless sheets in spring folder and 2 ring folders A4, contains classic issues - Coat of arms, many complete sets, strong 1930´s and 1940´s, i.a. used Mi.1 (exp. BPP), 2, 5, 7, 9, 12-17, 19y, 22y, 82-98, 390-391, 397-400A, 402-404A, 410-411, 429-449, 453-455, 462-466, 483-487, 494-498, 499-508!, Levaněvskij with Opt Mi.527 etc., also several souvenir sheets, i.a. mi.Bl.6-8, 9 ( part quality should be inspected) etc.; major part of stamps and sets used, high catalogue value, by estimation 10.000€+, it is worth seeing U:Z
1913-64 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Russian Empire, R.S.F.S.R and USSR in full 12-sheets stockbook A4, contains various complete sets and its parts, also single stamps, i.a. Mi.82-95; 98 1383-1384A, B; 1450-1458; 1646-1647; 1664; 1669-1674; 1756-1758; 1809-1821; 1849-1862 etc.; mint never hinged, also hinged, higher catalogue value U:Z
1956-63 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps in full 12 sheets in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains single sets and stamps, incl. several souvenir sheets U:Z
1858-79 [COLLECTIONS] SG.43, Victoria 1P pink red, various shades, collection of unused 1P from 143 various (!) plates, from complete line of plates 71-225 missing only 9 pcs; overall very nice quality; cat. £10.100; great offer U:DR
1890-1991 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 12-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of issues from QV - George VI., incomplete sets, also period Elizabeth II. - various motives, blocks, joined printings etc.; high catalogue value U:Z
1995-2000 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of various motive printing sheets in album A4; face-value almost $100 U:Z
1880-1992 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 4-sheet stockbook A4, i.a. small part of classic issues, mainly motives, souvenir sheets etc.; mainly used U:Z
1919-1928 [COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection on 20 sheets, contains overprint issues, trial printings, single variants Opt (inverted, joined types atd.), several blocks etc.; all described, in addition with 2 specialized catalogues Vaccari - Ethiopia (R. Sciaky), cat. ca. $3.500, extraordinary offer U:Z
1933-1936 [COLLECTIONS] Sass.1-7, Viktor Emanuel III., 5 values as outer pairs and blocks of four, highest value 1,25L 6x; then Eritrea Sass.203-212, African motives, 7 values and 2 air-mail values also as outer pairs and blocks of four, cat. 1.700€, interesting compilation on 3 sheets from old collection U:Z
1860-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 15-sheet stockbook, contains various sets, also souvenir sheets, motives; major part used, all identified, higher catalogue U:Z
1855-1900 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets, from 1. issue, incl. better values, perf, high size stamps; cat. Yvert 1999 17.400Fr, from very old estate, originally ex. Rieger U:Z
1850-1900 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheet, from 1. issue, sought classic stamps, types, color, postage-dues, Stamp Duty and others.; cat. Yvert 1999 ca. 13.000Fr, from very old estate, originally ex. Rieger U:Z
1980-94 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1-41, 89, 188-190, 264-268, chosen, mainly thematic sets, interesting destination; on 2 cards A4, cat. ca. 160€ U:O4
1973-77 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.460-469, 619-628, D108-110, D159-161, small comp. of stamps with motive of "CPT. James Cook"; cat. ca. 180€ U:Z
1952-2000 [COLLECTIONS] COOK ISLANDS, SOLOMON ISLANDS, NAURU etc. small mainly motive collection in 6-sheet stockbook A4, various favourite motives as ships, aircraft, machine etc.; set, souvenir sheets, part used, cat. according to owner ca. 500€ U:Z
1891 [COLLECTIONS] Sc.177-179, F1 1. issue of Afganian kingdom "Small rectangle" with year 1309, 3 sets 1Abasi, 2Abasi, 1R, block of 9 of stamp for registered letters with inverted coil (!), in addition 2 letters with stamp 1Abasi, 1x with rare green postmark; on sheet from exhibit with English descriptions, rare offer, letters are rare! U:Z
1955-90 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 6-sheet stockbooks, contains various sets, souvenir sheets, motives, several imperforated sets; part stamps used U:Z
1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps in 6-sheet stockbooks, from 1960 unused, also several blocks; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100€ U:Z
1949-1952 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 20 airmail entires sent to Vienna, i.a. uprated postcard 15Pr, franking from first Israel issues, all with censorships in Austria, rare and attractive! U:A5
1948-67 [COLLECTIONS] PALESTINE - EGYPT OCCUPATION very nice old collection of overprint issues and other issue of Egyptian occupation of Palestine, contains complete sets, also various variants, some also not recorded, i.a. sets Mi.1-3, 4-14, 15-19, 33-51, airmail Mi.20-31, 52-63 (incl. double Opt atd.), 70-87 etc. + Transjordan occupation of Palestine, overprint issues 1948 -1949; in 16-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value, very nice quality, major part **, exceptional offer U:Z
1920-80 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of ca. 150 entires, large part sent by airmail, contains letters, postcards, cut-squares etc., Europe, overseas, etc., many addressed to Czechoslovakia, more interesting destination for example Curacao, China, Gibraltar, Cyprus and others., main part from 1930s, various frankings, Reg letters, censorships etc.; various condition, it is worth seeing U:K
1970-90 [COLLECTIONS] FAUNA smaller motive collection in 6-sheet stockbooks A4, i.a. butterflies, African fauna, birds, various stamp countries as Guinea, Congo, Mali etc., sets, several souvenir sheets etc. U:Z