1872 folded letter without franking sent to Korcula, blue (!) CDS DURAZZO 19.8.72, on reverse transit pmk RAGUSA 21.8. (Sicilie) and arrival postmark CURZOLA 22.8.72; interesting destination, at our place rare, sound condition
1913 letter of the Association for National Albanian Bank from Valone to Sofia, with Mi.24-28, CDS VLONE/ 15.12.13; folds out of stamps; very nice entire
1928 Reg airmail letter to USA (!) franked with airmail stamp Mi.144 (3x) and Mi.145 with Opt "Rep. Shqiptare" in front + multicolor franking of 19 (!) postage stamps at the back, CDS SHKODÉR/ 21.11.28, Reg label No.107 and handwritten notice "Via Tirané - Vlon - Brindisi"; at the back total of 14 postmarks, i.a. TIRANE 21.11.28, NEW YORK 5.12.28 and other, in USA redirected; small format, rare offer, exhibition entire
1928 Mi.1-10, Spain postage stamps with Opt "CORREOS/ ANDORRA", incomplete set, various perf, for example. Mi.8C; only Mi.10C *, in addition Mi.14, Express stamp 20c orange; total cat. ca. 300€
1896-1941 comp. of 11 entires, mostly commercial sent as express, i.a. 2x German occupation during the WWI., printed matter to Ireland with commercial additional-printing, letter with Mi.471-477, promotional card Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond and others.
1928 letter to Netherlands, franked with 3x Mi.180, with CDS MORLANWELZ, with decorative two-sided color additional-printing of Chocolate factory "KWATTA"; perfect quality
1942-44 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL 2x 100F coupons as permition for sending parcel to Belgian war prisoners in Germany, postmark of Belgian Red Cross, mounted on address flap from prisoner card, 1x supplemented with certificate of sent parcel; good condition
1845-1965 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 1 stockbook, classic stamps used, later issues unused and hinged, incomplete sets, part souvenir sheets, various quality, cat. ca. 3.000€
1923-24 2 Registered letters addressed to Austria, 1x commercial LLOYD, multicolor franking with overprint stamps with CDS LOM 26.XI.24, redirected, at the back mounted Yugoslavian stamp 60D with Opt 20Para + Reg letter with CDS SOFIA 27.VIII.23; good condition
1928 SOFIA - BERLIN, Registered airmail letter to Germany, franked with i.a. 1st airmail issue, stamps with Opt, Mi.206-209, CDS SOFIA 10.9.28, transit WIEN FLUGPOST 11.IX.28, air-mail frame red cancel. BERLIN C.2. and on the back side arrival BERLIN C 11.9.28; only vertical light fold in envelope, sound
1879-1945[COLLECTIONS] nice collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. first issues Coat of arms, better sets from 1930s as 2. Balkanian games, Mi.242-248, Airmail Mi.249-251 used, also Mi.252-257, 286-290, also postage-due etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 3.000€
1879-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. first issue Coat of arms, several better sets from 30. years as Mi.242-248 *, Block No.1, more complete after 1945, also souvenir sheets; high catalogue value
1851-54 comp. 2 folded letters, small format, franked with 1x stamp Coat of arms 4S black-brown, Mi.1 (cat. AFA 1IIa), various margins, 1x to Fleusburg from Glückstadu, 1x to Duchy of Schleswig, CDS HUSUM; 1x patina, 1x fold over stamp
1852 folded letter, small format to Aarhuus, with Coat of arms 4S brown, Mi.1 (cat. AFA 1Ia), dumb postmark type II + CDS SOROE 21/7 1852; patina, light vertical bend
1855 folded letter, small format to Helsingor, with Coat of arms 4S red-brown, Mi.1 (cat. AFA 1IIb), on 3 sides complete margins, numeral pmk + CDS HELSINGOR 23.4.1855
1858-60 comp. 6 folded letters, 3x small format, with Coat of arms 4S, Mi.4, various numeral circular pmk, i.a. "121", "128", "182" etc., various CDS, 1x stains
1859 folded letter to Sweden, franked with horiz. strip of 4 (!) 4S brown, cat. Mi.7, triple circle numeral pmk "1" and CDS KJÖBENHANV 13.9., inside hand-made "13.Sept.1859", transit pmk HELSINGBORG 16.9. in front, arrival postmark at the back badly readable; rare frankings
1863 3 folded letters franked with Coat of arms 4S red-brown, Mi.9, 3x numeral circular cancel., 1x to Vyborg, 1x to Brunswick + 1x to Randers, various CDS
1872-75 4 folded letters with various frankings of stamps Coat of arms, issue 1870-71 and 1875, i.a. pair 2S, Mi.16, 2x 4S, Mi.18, pair 4S blue, Mi.23; various CDS; various quality
1928-33 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamp Mi.143-145 and postage overprint stamp Mi.151, CDS COPENHAGEN 6.10.28, additional red frame MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT..., on the back side transit pmk BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN + airmail card to Prague franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.144, special postmark COPENHAGEN, transit BERLIN, arrival PRAGUE-AIRPORT; decorative
1934air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.143-145, CDS KOBENHAVEN 23.3.34, arrival on front side PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 24.III.34; good condition
1931-41 DENMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY, FINLAND compilation of 16 airmail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia and Protectorate, 8x from Denmark, 2x Norway, 4x Sweden, 2x Finland, franked with various airmail and postage stamps, various CDS, part passed through censorship, mainly commercial correspondence; overall good condition
1935 GREENLAND - THULE, Mi.1-5, 25. anniv of settlement foundation 10Ore - 45Ore + memorial souvenir sheet issued in 1979 with the same stamps, issued without gum; cat. 100€, interesting
1870-2003 [COLLECTIONS] larger business supply of used stamps in two 32-sheets stockbooks A4, contains a lot of material, various sets etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 6.000€
1875-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of more than 1.000 stamps, all with radial pmks; all described and with indentification of post offices, in addition several entires and dublets; placed in full stockbook A4, interesting offer
1910-78 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used bloks of four in 32-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets and issue, various postmarks; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€
1890-1960[COLLECTIONS] PERFINS more than 1.400 perfins in luxury spiral stockbook A4 with descriptions, also several entires + specialized catalogue of Danish perfins "Catalogue over danske firmaperforinger, 2001" + lots of doublets in envelopes; interesting rare offer!
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting!
1866 Mi.5Bx, 7Bx, 5Cx, 7Cy, Coat of arms 5P and 10P stamps, perf B and C, without gum, new gum, 2x with small part original gum, cat. * 3.500€, very nice quality of perf!
1866 Mi.6Bx, Coat of arms 8P black, vertical pair on ordinary green paper, light black CDS, small thin on L (thins in this paper are common); superb quality, bottom stamp with luxury perf, cat. 640€ ++
1866-1872 Mi.8Cx, 9Cy, Coat of arms 20P blue on ordinary paper and 40P pink - carmine on striped paper, both with blue CDS HELSINGFORS; very nice quality, stamp 40P on cut-square and with luxury perf, cat. 390€ ++
1866 Mi.9Bx, 2x pair Coat of arms 40P pink - carmine (2 shades), on ordinary paper, 1x blue CDS of small town IKALIS; average quality of perf, cat. 400€ ++