Public auction 45 / Exclusive items
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1859 Sass.18, issue of provisional government 80c brown-orange (bistro arancio); without gum, rare classic stamp in very nice quality, exp. Diena, certificate Ceremuga, cat. (*) 5.000€ (for * 18.000€) U:A5
![171315 - 1870-1915 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN COLONIES excellent collectio](
1870-1915 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN COLONIES excellent collection of German colonies in big 32-sheet stockbook, all sorted according to territories and single issues with descriptions, contains stamps and sets from all German colonial territory, from German New Guinea to Togo, also German postoffice in China, Morocco and in Turkey, mainly used stamps, better stamps expertized or with certificates, part also unused, mostly hinged, contains i.a. : from each country set Emperors yacht, from better values for example Cameroon Mi.25aA, value 5M, CDS DUALA 4.12.13 - 2x photo-certificate, cat. 6.500€, KIATSCHOU Mi.24-27 dollar highest values, hinged, cat. 4.200€, Marianen Mi.1I hinged, cat. 2.000€, Mi.19 used with CDS SAIPAN 1/3 10 with photo-certificate, Marschall - Inseln Mi.V37e with CDS JALUIT 15.4.95 and photo-certificate, cat. 1.000€, Mi.25, Mi.1 Ia with pmk JALUIT 10.11.99, photo-certificate, cat. 2.600€, Samoa Mi.19, 5M with pmk SALAIULA 13.2.07, photo-certificate, cat. 600€, Togo Mi.9, pmk AVHEGAME 13.6.12, photo-certificate, cat. 3.000€ etc., various postmarks, cut-squares, strips and blocks etc., according to owner total catalogue 52.000€, rare collection with many valuable stamps, great offer U:Z
1850 Mi.2X, Ferch.2, strip of 3, 2 Kreuzer HP IIIa type, on cut-square with CDS WIEN; cat. 1200€ +25% U:A5
1850 Mi.3y, Ferch.3MIIIb, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer dull pink (stumpf rosa); perfect piece with full original gum, tiny usual fold in gum, exp. by Ferchenbauer, Wallner, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. 650€ + 50% U:A5
1851 Mi.6, Blue Mercury, strip of 6 (!), IIIb. type of pmk,. newspaper expedition TRIESTE; except horiz. margins very fine multiple, cat. for strip of 5 - 1.700€, for strip of 6 we estimate 2.200€ U:A5
1931 Mi.402C-405C, Standard 290A-293A, Graf Zeppelin and Malygin 30K-2R, complete set in blocks of four!, perf 12:12½; quite extraordinary offer, rare U:DR
1951 Mi.1608-1612, Standard 1572-1576, Soviet - Czechoslovak friendship, complete set in blocks of four!; luxury, most valuable set of postwar USSR, in blocks of four quite exceptional offer U:A5
1854 SG.17, Victoria 1P red-brown, IMPRIMATUR from plate 187, letters A-B, with upper margin; perfect quality; cat. £1.300, from plate 187 is known only 21 pcs of these imprimatur! U:A5
1854-1857 SG.23, Victoria 2P blue, plate 4, letters T-D, perf 14, wmk "Small crown"; in the middle original light bend, several dots, original gum (!) and perfectly preserved perf, cat. £12.000, very rare stamp! U:DR
1884 SG.177, IMPRIMATUR 10Sh ultramarine, letters D-E, imperforated, blued paper with wmk "anchor"; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £6.250, rare stamp U:DR
1883-84 SG.190 "Colour trial", Victoria 2½P yellow - TRIAL PRINT De La Rue before issue of this stamps 1.4.1884 in definitive violet color, on white paper with wmk "Crown"; hinges, original gum, very nice and rare stamp, cat. £2.100 U:A5
1853 Sc.6, Kamehameha 13C dark red, clear imprint of daily postmark HONOLULU; perfect piece, certificate Hawaiian Phil. Society, cat. $1.700, ex. David Golden Collection U:DR
1859 Sc.13, "Numeral issue" 2C light blue, red CDS HONOLULU, Left small tear, standard quality, certificate A.P.E.S, cat. $5000, rare classic stamp! U:DR
1864 Sc.21, "Numeral issue" without inscription INTER ISLAND, 5C blue on blue paper, nice piece with slight thin place at top, very wide margins, certificate Hawaiian Phil. Society, cat. $900 U:A5
1861-1862 SG.4, Chalon Head 1P dark red (lake), "rough perforation." 14-16; unwatermarked, perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £650, extraordinary quality! U:A5
1861-1862 SG.6a, Chalon Head 6P light dull violet; perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £3250, rare stamp! U:DR
1916 SG.S1c, 5P black / orange SPECIAL DELIVERY, INVERTED OVERPRINT; very nice piece with certificate The Philatelic Foundation N.Y. and BPA; cat. £1.300, rare U:A5
1863 SG.34a, Britannia 1Sh blue color, instead of black color, LEGENDARY COLOR ERROR; 14 pcs recorded, mostly with removed pen stroke and more or less damaged, this example damaged in upper part in the place of original stroke, otherwise nice and very representative piece, full "rough perforation"; certificate A.P.S. and Friedl Exp. Committe - H. Bloch and E. Müller, according to notice on certificate bought in auction Harmer, Rooke Co. 1959 by Ezra D. Cole, then ex. Peter Jaffé (Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, Tapling Medal, FIP Class d’Honneur), cat. £18.000, one from the rarest rarities of the British Empire! U:DR
1867 SG.20, St. Ursula 1Sh black / pink-carmine, wide frame, greyish paper; VF, certificate RPSL, cat. £750 U:A5
1888 SG.42, St. Urshula 1Sh black / pink-carmine with violet Opt of new face value 4P, 3 single pcs and strip of 3 with sought plate flaw "LONG S" in "Islands" and two pairs; on sheet from specialized collection; perfect quality, cat. min. £1.760, rare U:A4
1881 SG.33a,33b, strip of 4 of overprinted provisional bisected QV 6P green with red Opt 1/2P, on right pair ERROR "without fraction line" in pair with normal Opt; on left pair uncatalogued plate flaw " single quote mark by nr. 2"; very nice multiple with original gum, cat. £4725 ++, extremely rare U:DR
1900 TCP for issue "Coat of arms of colony" small size SG.101-107, print gravure without value in black color on chalky paper 40x50mm; handwritten notice 26.2.1900, attractive motive, ex. De La Rue, unique trial printing for 1. issue of Turks and Caicos! U:DR
1858 BUENOS AIRES Sc.1-3 5, Barquito ("Steamer"), comp. of 6 used stamps, 1 IN Ps brown Sc.1 + 2x 2Ps blue Sc.2 + 1x 3Ps green with certificate The Philatelic Foundation N.Y., Sc.3 + 1x 3Ps dark green, Sc.3a + 5Ps orange with certificate Moorhouse, Sc.5; cat. $5.250, various margins, all with faults or repartions; favourite issue, interesting price U:DR
1922 TCP for issue "King Fuad I." 5Mill, catalogue Nile Post E219, essay Harrison & Sons (printing of stamps after De La Rue) with Arabian and English inscriptions; final gravure, die-stamping in blue color on card; very rare trial printing! U:A5
1922 TCP for issue "King Fuad I." 5Mill, catalogue Nile Post E223, essay Harrison & Sons with Arabian and English inscriptions, final gravure, die-stamping in dark green on card; rare trial printing U:A5
1912 REPRINT 1912/ SG.1, 2, 1P orange red and 2P blue " POST OFFICE ", issue 1847, official reprint from original printing plates on MS without gum, 2x each value; at the back marked "REPRINT"; perfect and rare, extraordinary offer U:DR
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation, SG.M21, war provisional, hand-made green-blue Opt OHBMS MAFIA on German revenue GERMAN EAST AFRICA WAAREN- VERKEHRS 24 Pesa; certificate BPA, cat. £850; very rare!
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation, SG.M24, war provisional, hand-made green-blue Opt OHBMS MAFIA on German revenue GERMAN EAST AFRICA WAAREN- VERKEHRS 50h; certificate BPA, cat. £950; very rare! U:DR
1915 TANGANYIKA - MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation, 1915, SG.M25, war provisional, hand-made green-blue Opt OHBMS MAFIA on German revenue GERMAN EAST AFRICA WAAREN- VERKEHRS 1 Rupee; certificate BPA, cat. £950; rare issue with very small edition, scarce U:DR
1915 MAFIA ISLAND - Brit. occupation, SG.M26, war provisional, hand-made gree-blue Opt OHBMS MAFIA on German revenue GERMAN EAST AFRICA UBERSETZUNGS-GEBUHREN 25h; certificate BPA, cat. £950; scarce U:DR
1902 SG.93a, British East Africa, Victoria 2½; Annas dark blue with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "UGANDA", with upper sheet margin, VF, certificate BPA, cat. £600, ex. Roy Dunstan Collection (Fellow of RPSL), Sotheby´s 1985 U:A5
2000 SG.663a, "Dawn 2000" 30P, IMPERFORATED block of four; rare, according to available records exist only 25 pairs! U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J20, 3$/1C, "Brunei River" black with red Opt "Japanese imperial government" (SG.J1) and in addition with orange Opt "Imperial Japanese post. service 3$"; original gum, several dots owing to tropical weather, exp. Herbert Bloch, certificate BPA, cat. £9000; the second most expensive stamp from all British Colonies from period of Japanese occupation, extremely rare, recorded only several pieces U:DR
1912-1923 SG.240d, George V. 500$, multiple wmk script "Crown CA", on cut-square with whole red fiscal pmk SINGAPORE $500 and hand obliteration; superb piece U:A5
1898 SHANGHAI, postal stationery cover for local usage 1C, with red CDS SHANGHAI, uprated 1 Candareen with hand-made cancellation, sent via US post off. in Shanghai, here then uprated with tricolor franking 1C+2C+5C issue 1895 CDS U.S. POSTAL AGENCY SHANGHAI and sent via San Francisco and New York to Teplice (Bohemia - Austria-Hungary), arrival postmark TEPLITZ STADT; signs of age, unique mixed franking and entire! U:DR
1878-1879 Sc.40, Pers.28A, Heraldic Lion 1 Toman bronze red on blue paper; very nice quality, exp. Thier with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Scott $8.000, very rare stamp with edition only 500, today preserved max. 80 pieces! U:DR
1964-1965 SG.R58, Ryal Issue "Qara", pair originally consular stamps 5 + 5 Bogshas dark purple, for post. purpose with green provisional Opt "YEMEN, porto and Arabic year", from period of civil war; on ministry FDC as Reg letter to Sidah, CDS CAMP MANSUR and ROYAL MAIL QUARA, notice "cease fire day 8.nov 64"; perfect quality, certificate RPSL, cat. only as used stamps £1.500, very rare stamps with minimum edition, on letter unique! U:DR
1923 SG.1E, India stamp George V. ½P green, OVERPRINT "KOWEIT"!!, essay; perfect piece, rare stamp with originally intended type of Opt, then used definitive Opt "KUWAIT", only 24 pieces recorded!, very scarce, unrepeatable offer, certificate Ceremuga from 2003 U:DR
1923 SG.1b, vertical pair of India stamp George V. ½P green, on lower stamp showing OMITTED OVERPRINT "KUWAIT"; rare variety, ex. Dr. L. Phillips, cat. £1.800, rare offer U:DR
1920 SG.28, Bale 28F, 3mill light brown, London issue 1918 with Arabian - Hebrew - English Opt PALESTINE, ERROR PALESTINF; perfect quality, certificate Kaufmann, SG no records., Bale $2.200, according to certificate is known only 5 of these printing errors! U:A5
1784 Joseph II., banknotes sampler of issue 1784 containing all values 5-10-25-50-500-1000G on blued paper as appendix of the circular from year 1785, appendix with banknotes only with very small stains, in excellent condition, circular in margins lightly damaged, scarce in this condition, market value min. 4.000€, RRR U:A3s|
1884 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), crown prince, large cabinet card 250x145mm, Adéle Wien, signature "Franz ObrstLt (Oberstleutnant), Enns 8.7.84", light patina, otherwise very good condition, extraordinary offer! U:A4
1901 JIČÍN - collage town in future, B/W; long address, Us, quite small tearing L lower, otherwise superb U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Champenois, Serie 5 (Weill.67), Austro-Hungarian benevolent society; long address, Un, superb U:A5
1935? ZDENĚK BURIAN (1905-1991) advertisement poster on/for časopisecky published román Smrt vládne prérií, size 80x37cm; křižně folded, otherwise very good condition without usual tearing, extraordinary offer U:A3s|
1940-50 MLADÉ TESTER - 5 pcs of original graphic artist Czech umělců: Holý, Miroslav – Woman drhnoucí podlahu, color xylograph 108x177 + Kotík, Pravoslav – Dříví-uhlí, B/W xylograph 155x198 + Čapek, Joseph – Koupání, lino-cut 124x180 + Špála, Wenceslas – Woman with košíkem fruit, lino-cut 165x113 + Hofman, Vlastislav – Podobizna man, lino-cut 222x105; 5 graphic sheets, all signed by pencil, paspartovány, inserted in/at original papírovém cover, including introductory text Fr. Kovárny; rare album, on envelope folds, graphics sheets in very good status, interesting offer U:X
Pof.7b, 15h red, very wide margins, marginal piece, light first hinge; marked and exp. Štolfa, cat. 4.000Kč+ U:A5
Pof.5Ms(2), 10h red, darker shade, light folded 2x same facing 2-stamps gutter., as marginal Pr (!); exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, cat. min. 14.000CZK + 5 % U:A5
Pof.7L STk, 15h bricky red, special perforation line perforation 10½;, block of four with upper margin sheet, pos. 1-2/11-12, plate 1, contains combined joined types: 1x spiral type I and bar type II., on pos. 1 and pos. 12 bar subtype IIa; marked and exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. ca. 25.000CZK U:A5
PLATE PROOF 2. arrangement V. printings - horiz. lined heart, full plate, die proof on/for stronger white paper; sought by specialists, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
PLATE PROOF 2. arrangement V. printings - horiz. lined heart, empty white tie-on label, die proof on/for stronger paper; sought by specialists, marked and exp. by Karasek U:A5
Pof.145B, 10h dark green, line perforation 13¾;, horizontal pair, well centered; as Pr interesting, marked and exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek from year 1981, c.v.. 16.000Kč++ U:A5
1923 PLATE PROOF Pof.178, Jubilee 200h brown, plate proof in definitive color used for value 300h (!), marginal piece, on stamp paper with monogram in gum; on reverse light hinged., sought by specialists, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 5.000Kč+ U:A5
1928 PLATE PROOF Pof.238, Velehrad 1,20kč, plate proof - master die in brown color, on/for stronger carton; exp. by Stupka U:A5
1934 Pof.A283A, 284B, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, 1CZK 174/284mm, 2CZK 175/283,5mm, 2x covers; exp. by Gilbert Mrňák, superb, c.v.. 25.000CZK, in this quality quite rare occurrence! U:A4
1920 PRAGUE - STRASBOURG, registered airmail letter to Bern in Switzerland, flight CFRNA on 19.10., which landed in case of emergency in Germany (!), exact franking of airmail stamp 14Kč/200h, Pof.L1 + Masaryk 125h, issue Agriculture and Science 100h and Pigeon-issue 25h, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 18.X.20/ 4a, Reg label, number 34, at the back arrival BERNE 21.X.20; according to list of A. Tekel 4th known piece posted with this date (!), light fold in envelope, exceedingly rare entire! U:A5
1918-21 [COLLECTIONS] excelentní collection Express printed-matters, contains total 20 pcs of entires with whole row unikátních frankings, especially on/for dokladech "Lottery office of Jewish National Fund", vrcholem collection is registered express printed matter returned back also registered and spěšně(!), but with other combinations express stamps - 1x 10h brown and back 2x 5h green, Reg labels in this piece are mounted one above the other, then collection contains letter with stamp. T. G. Masaryk 125h with plate variety "short bar" by/on/at numeral(s) 2, are obsaženy pieces with express stamp. 5h in/at several shades, express R-tiskopisy combined with Dobírkou (!), express printed matter franked i.a. stamp. Hradčany 300h green etc..; all in very good quality, decorative, nevídané entires postal history hodné the best exhibits or collections Czechoslovakia I.!! U:Z
Pof.SO7, 20h carmine with R margin sheet, wide margins; exp. by Mrnak + signature, c.v.. 13.000Kč+ U:A5
1919 Pof.PP2-4, Charitable stamps, complete set of imperforated stamps in/at corner blocks of four, with exceedingly big margin (value 50kop to 9cm wide! with print green and red printing color on reverse), with registry points, paper without gum, exp. by Gilbert., rare! U:A4
1919 Pofis. PP3+PP2Mv, Charitable stamps, 2-stamps horiz. gutter values 50+25kop, in original colors on thin cigarette paper without gum, with wide bottom margin; sought by specialists, without fold, photo-certificate Karasek, c.v.. 10.500CZK U:A5