1872 folded letter without franking sent to Korcula, blue (!) CDS DURAZZO 19.8.72, on reverse transit pmk RAGUSA 21.8. (Sicilie) and arrival postmark CURZOLA 22.8.72; interesting destination, at our place rare, sound condition
1913 letter of the Association for National Albanian Bank from Valone to Sofia, with Mi.24-28, CDS VLONE/ 15.12.13; folds out of stamps; very nice entire
1928 Reg airmail letter to USA (!) franked with airmail stamp Mi.144 (3x) and Mi.145 with Opt "Rep. Shqiptare" in front + multicolor franking of 19 (!) postage stamps at the back, CDS SHKODÉR/ 21.11.28, Reg label No.107 and handwritten notice "Via Tirané - Vlon - Brindisi"; at the back total of 14 postmarks, i.a. TIRANE 21.11.28, NEW YORK 5.12.28 and other, in USA redirected; small format, rare offer, exhibition entire
1928 letter to Netherlands, franked with 3x Mi.180, with CDS MORLANWELZ, with decorative two-sided color additional-printing of Chocolate factory "KWATTA"; perfect quality
1928 SOFIA - BERLIN, Registered airmail letter to Germany, franked with i.a. 1st airmail issue, stamps with Opt, Mi.206-209, CDS SOFIA 10.9.28, transit WIEN FLUGPOST 11.IX.28, air-mail frame red cancel. BERLIN C.2. and on the back side arrival BERLIN C 11.9.28; only vertical light fold in envelope, sound
1851-54 comp. 2 folded letters, small format, franked with 1x stamp Coat of arms 4S black-brown, Mi.1 (cat. AFA 1IIa), various margins, 1x to Fleusburg from Glückstadu, 1x to Duchy of Schleswig, CDS HUSUM; 1x patina, 1x fold over stamp
1859 folded letter to Sweden, franked with horiz. strip of 4 (!) 4S brown, cat. Mi.7, triple circle numeral pmk "1" and CDS KJÖBENHANV 13.9., inside hand-made "13.Sept.1859", transit pmk HELSINGBORG 16.9. in front, arrival postmark at the back badly readable; rare frankings
1928-33 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with airmail stamp Mi.143-145 and postage overprint stamp Mi.151, CDS COPENHAGEN 6.10.28, additional red frame MIT LUFTPOST BEFORDERT..., on the back side transit pmk BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN + airmail card to Prague franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.144, special postmark COPENHAGEN, transit BERLIN, arrival PRAGUE-AIRPORT; decorative
1934air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.143-145, CDS KOBENHAVEN 23.3.34, arrival on front side PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 24.III.34; good condition
1870-2003 [COLLECTIONS] larger business supply of used stamps in two 32-sheets stockbooks A4, contains a lot of material, various sets etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 6.000€
1910-78 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used bloks of four in 32-sheet stockbook A4, contains various sets and issue, various postmarks; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€
1890-1960[COLLECTIONS] PERFINS more than 1.400 perfins in luxury spiral stockbook A4 with descriptions, also several entires + specialized catalogue of Danish perfins "Catalogue over danske firmaperforinger, 2001" + lots of doublets in envelopes; interesting rare offer!
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting!
1866 Mi.5Bx, 7Bx, 5Cx, 7Cy, Coat of arms 5P and 10P stamps, perf B and C, without gum, new gum, 2x with small part original gum, cat. * 3.500€, very nice quality of perf!
1866 Mi.6Bx, Coat of arms 8P black, vertical pair on ordinary green paper, light black CDS, small thin on L (thins in this paper are common); superb quality, bottom stamp with luxury perf, cat. 640€ ++
1866-1872 Mi.8Cx, 9Cy, Coat of arms 20P blue on ordinary paper and 40P pink - carmine on striped paper, both with blue CDS HELSINGFORS; very nice quality, stamp 40P on cut-square and with luxury perf, cat. 390€ ++
1910-1928 13 mostly complete dispatch-notes with frankings of issue Russian Finland 1901 and issue Republic of Finland 1917-1925, several with postmarks of small villages, i.a. rare postal-agency KUTALA; interesting compilation
1881-1884 Mi.D22, D23, Postage due stamps 2Fr black (900€), very nice piece exp. Thier + 5Fr black, right with tearing (1.700€), sought and rare stamps, cat. 2600€, both offered for the price of 2Fr stamps
1848-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 30-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic issues Ceres, Napoleon III., inter-war and postwar issues, common values; used also mint never hinged, all described, cat. according to owner ca. 5.000€
1944 TCP Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet State labour service 32+16K, trial printing of unperforated souvenir sheet in violet-red color on original Japan paper, design by Antonini, gravure Seizinger; unusual large size, incl. plate number; perfect condition, certificate Zrinjscak 1998
1943Local issue for SPLIT, preparedbut officially unissued stamps after capitulation of Italy and joining Split to Croatia, 2 Italian postage stamps, 30c brown and 1,25L blue, both with double (!) red Opt 3,50Kuna; photo-certificate P. Zrinjščak from 2009, cat. 1.000€
1943Local issue for SPLIT: prepared but officially unissued stamps after capitulation of Italy and joining Split to Croatia, 17 various Italian stamps, from that 10 postage, 2 airmail, 2 express and 3 postage-due; sought by specialists, all 17 signed "PZ 0114" on reverse, 4 exp. Petric + for whole set photo-certificate P. Zrinjšćak BPP from 2008
1941 3x postcard 1DIN blue-green, uprated, sent to Austria, from that 1x Reg with stamp Mi.16 5DIN; also 2 Reg letters from same correspondence with stamps overprint issue 1941, CDS GAREŠNICA and ZAGREB, 1x fold, otherwise very nice
1876-2003[COLLECTIONS] collection in 15-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of classic issues, i.a. Mi.6 (*) with certificate, Mi.147-149 with certificate, Mi.Bl.1, Mi.247-253, 278-280 etc.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.800€
1852-1868 Sass.1A-7, 13,15-20, 22, 24-30, first issue 1/2Baj - 6Baj, 2nd issue 2c-80c imperforated and 3rd issue 2c-80c perforated, nominal complete sets; stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, various signature - Bolaffi, Senf, Rieger and oths., cat. min. 4.020€, ex. Dr. Rieger, perfect and rare set!
1858 Sass.1-11, Coat of arms 1/2Gr-10Gr, various colors and printing plates; always two stamps from each value, 2Gr - 4 pieces; very nice quality, cat. min. 2.860€
1860 Sass.15, Newspaper 1/2 Tornese blue, cancel. ANNULATO; several small flaws and thin declared in certificate, certificate Sismondo, cat. Sassone 20.000€, Scott $11.000, Mi.12.000€, very rare classic stamp!
1861 Sas.17-24, 10 pcs of, 2x 5C, 2x 20C; very nice quality, stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 2.200€, ex. Dr. Rieger, rare set!
1853-1859Newspaper stamp Sass.1(*),2 * and G. Provvisorio Sass.12,14,15,17 (*), Sass.12 blue-green 5C is rare, several usual small thins, perfect margins; overall very fine, stamps without gum considered according to the catalogue, cat. 3.400€, ex. Dr. Rieger
1855-1863 Sass.13-18, 15 pcs of 5C-3Lire, various shades, various margins, overall very nice compilation; stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 3.750€, except one 40C "carminio" Sass.16Ca, included to sum all as basic color varieties, ex. Dr. Rieger
1851Austrian occupation (1849-1854), Sass.6, "Heraldic lion" 6Cr dark grey-blue, rare with Austrian field post pmk FIELD-POST No. 2 company in Florencii; right margin cut in outer line, overall nice and rare stamp!
1857Sass.11, "Heraldic Lion" 1Soldi ochre, black grid pmk, left tearing 1mm, cat. 9.000€ (!), rare classic stamp missing in most collections, ex. Dr. Rieger
1851-1857compilation of 26 stamps from I and II issues "Heraldic Lion", in addition pair 1Cr, also i.a. Sass.8, value 9Cr brown 3x , Sass.10, 1Cr black, Sass.12, 1Cr; large margins, overall very nice quality, incl. rarer color variants, Sass.5b, 7f, 8a (rare violet brown on blue paper - viola bruno); cat. min. 10.900€, ex. Dr. Rieger, very low starting price!
1860Sass.17a,17c,18,18b,19 (3),20, 20 pt, 20d, 21, 21b, Savoy Cross 1C-40C, all 2x or 3x in various colors; very nice compilation, cat. 5.700€, ex. Dr. Rieger