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1852 Sass.11, 1Scudo pink carmine; very nice classic stamp with certificate Sismondo, cat. 6.000€ U:A5
1852-1868 Sass.1A-7, 13,15-20, 22, 24-30, first issue 1/2Baj - 6Baj, 2nd issue 2c-80c imperforated and 3rd issue 2c-80c perforated, nominal complete sets; stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, various signature - Bolaffi, Senf, Rieger and oths., cat. min. 4.020€, ex. Dr. Rieger, perfect and rare set! U:A5
1858 Sass.1-11, Coat of arms 1/2Gr-10Gr, various colors and printing plates; always two stamps from each value, 2Gr - 4 pieces; very nice quality, cat. min. 2.860€ U:A5
1860 Sass.15, Newspaper 1/2 Tornese blue, cancel. ANNULATO; several small flaws and thin declared in certificate, certificate Sismondo, cat. Sassone 20.000€, Scott $11.000, Mi.12.000€, very rare classic stamp! U:DR
1861 Sas.17-24, 10 pcs of, 2x 5C, 2x 20C; very nice quality, stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 2.200€, ex. Dr. Rieger, rare set! U:A5
1853-1859 Newspaper stamp Sass.1(*),2 * and G. Provvisorio Sass.12,14,15,17 (*), Sass.12 blue-green 5C is rare, several usual small thins, perfect margins; overall very fine, stamps without gum considered according to the catalogue, cat. 3.400€, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1859 Sass.18, issue of provisional government 80c brown-orange (bistro arancio); without gum, rare classic stamp in very nice quality, exp. Diena, certificate Ceremuga, cat. (*) 5.000€ (for * 18.000€) U:A5
1851 FORGERIES Sass.1-3, general forgeries of sought classical stamps Victor Emanuel II, 5C-40C; interesting! U:A5
1851 Sass.2, 2d, Viktor Emanuel II. 20C blue, 2 shades; perfect quality, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1855-1863 Sass.13-18, 15 pcs of 5C-3Lire, various shades, various margins, overall very nice compilation; stamps without gum considered according to catalogue, cat. min. 3.750€, except one 40C "carminio" Sass.16Ca, included to sum all as basic color varieties, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1851 Austrian occupation (1849-1854), Sass.6, "Heraldic lion" 6Cr dark grey-blue, rare with Austrian field post pmk FIELD-POST No. 2 company in Florencii; right margin cut in outer line, overall nice and rare stamp! U:A5
1857 Sass.11, "Heraldic Lion" 1Soldi ochre, black grid pmk, left tearing 1mm, cat. 9.000€ (!), rare classic stamp missing in most collections, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1851-1857 compilation of 26 stamps from I and II issues "Heraldic Lion", in addition pair 1Cr, also i.a. Sass.8, value 9Cr brown 3x , Sass.10, 1Cr black, Sass.12, 1Cr; large margins, overall very nice quality, incl. rarer color variants, Sass.5b, 7f, 8a (rare violet brown on blue paper - viola bruno); cat. min. 10.900€, ex. Dr. Rieger, very low starting price! U:A5
1860 Sass.1, Savoy Cross 1C violet brown; original gum, R filled margin, rare stamp, cat. 5.500€ U:A5
1860 Sass.17a,17c,18,18b,19 (3),20, 20 pt, 20d, 21, 21b, Savoy Cross 1C-40C, all 2x or 3x in various colors; very nice compilation, cat. 5.700€, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1809-1812 NAPOLEONIC WARS - French occupation of Tuscany; 5 letters with postmarks of PONTE D´ERA, N2 FLORENCE, L´ARNO, MARENGO, LOMBRONE, all with sought postmarks with imperial eagle, 1x rarely in red color, very nice and rare set U:A5
1861 KINGDOM OF NAPOLI Sass.19 (2x) and pair, 20 (2x), 21, 22, comp. of stamps all with genuine postmarks; cat. min. 1040€ U:A5
1861 KINGDOM OF NAPOLI Sass. 21, 5x 5Gr, i.a. shades rosso carminio, vermiglio, lilla; cat. * min. 2.200€ , ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1862-1863 Sass.1(2x), 2 (2x), 3 (2x), 10(2x), 11(4x), comp. of 11 stamps from first issues and cut square Sass.2+3, 20C+40C, various shades, all with genuine postmarks, cat. min. 2.400€ , offer of fafourite values 10C yellow-brown is rare, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1862-1863 Sass.2 (2x), 3 (3x), 4 (2x), 10 (2x), 11 (5x), comp. of 14 stamps from first issues, various shades, i.a. 40C rosa Sass.3d, 80C with margin without perf Sass.4I, imperforate 15C celeste latteo Sass.11d and 15C indaco Sass.11g, 2x small thins, otherwise very nice; cat. min. 2580€, ex. Dr. Rieger U:A5
1908-20 Mi.90, 92, 133, mainly used stamps with advertising coupons, values 15C, 30C and 50C; cat. 550€ U:A5
1929 Mi.304, 305, 307, Victor Emanuel III. 25C, 30C and 50C, compilation of blocks of 8 with 4 stamps and 4 variants of coupons U:A5
1944 Mi.642-644, overprint Victor Emanuel III. 25C, 30C and 50C, Opt REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA, compilation of blocks of 8 with 4 stamps and 4 types of coupons U:A5
1981 Mi.1785, Day of Stamp 200L, block of four, double impression of violet color!; for comparison common block of four U:A5
1912-1944 6 entires, letters and postcards, i.a. Reg postcard, 2x Reg letter to Vienna and decorative Reg letter to Czech Mikulášovice, censored postcard abroad 74C, uprated answer part of postcard 30C abroad; all in very nice quality U:A5
1922 Reg and Express letter to Milan, with postage stamps Mi.89, 91 and 92 + Express stamp 50C, Mi.132, CDS TRIESTE 2.2.22, on reverse arrival postmark.; envelope opened unprofessionally U:A5
1934 first flight ROME - BUENOS AIRES, air mail postcard to Argentina by the first flight, franked with i.a. airmail stamp with additional-printing, Mi.460 and postage stamp 75C, CDS ROMA FERROVIA 26.1.34, also cancellation ROMA 1.VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 supplemented with red flight cachet + in front frame cachet TRANSPORTADO...BUENOS AIRES; good condition U:A5
1937-41 4 entires, from that 3x airmail, contains i.a. letter to Austria, franked with airmail stamp Mi.556 and 558!, also 2x letter to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 1x airmail and 1x Registered, both passed through censorship + 1x airmail card to flight Venezia-Prague + 1x VATICAN: airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with stamp Mi.31, CDS CITA DEL VATICANO 11.3.39; overall good condition U:A5
1943 Reg letter addressed to Vienna, with Mi.308, 309 (2x), CDS ROMA 1/ 30.6.43, passed through censor, on reverse arrival postmark WIEN 62/ 8.VII.43; in the middle horiz. folded U:A5
1951 Reg letter to Zagreb, with issue Mi.834-836, also stamp Monte Cassino Mi.838, CDS GENOVA 24.8.51, on reverse arrival ZAGREB 28.VIII.51; good condition, photo-certificate Caffaz, cat. only as used stamps 810€ U:A5
1933 ITALIAN COLONIES - general issue, Sass.23-31, A15-21, Football championship 10C-10L and 50C-50L, complete incl. air-mail, cat. for * 400€, rarely offered set! U:A5
1933 ITALIAN COLONIES - general issue, Sass.32-41, A22-29, 10. years Anniv of March on Rome, 5C-10L and 50C-50L, complete incl. air-mail; cat. for * 280€, rarely offered set! U:A5
1934 ITALIAN COLONIES - general issue, Sass.46-50, A31-37, Football championship 10C-10L and 50C-50L, complete incl. air-mail, cat. for * 720€, rarely offered set! U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue before ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamps, Sass. Posta Aerea 1-5, pairs of Greek stamps (1935) with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, 50lepta brown with light stains, otherwise very nice and signed, Sass. * 820€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation issue, provisional issue before ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, letter with Sass.11, pair of Greek 5L+5L (1937) as one stamp with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, CDS ARGOSTOLI 1.9.41, to Naples, transit postmark ROMA FERROVIA 9.9.41; rare! U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation issue, provisional issue before SOLE IONIE on Italian stamps, letter with Sass.12, pair of Greek 10L+10L (1937) as one stamp with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, CDS ARGOSTOLI 20.8.41, to Naples, arrival postmark NAPOLI DISTRIBUZIONE 28.8.41 ; rare! U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation issue, provisional issue before ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamps, letter with Sass.16, pair of Greek 80L+80L (1937), as one stamp with Opt ITALIA OCCUPATIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, CDS ARGOSTOLI 5.8.41, to Naples, arrival postmark NAPOLI DISTRIBUZIONE 12.8.41; rare! U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation issue, provisional issue before ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamps, letter with Sass.30, pair of Greek 50L+50L (1939) as one stamp with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, CDS ARGOSTOLI 4.8.41, to Naples, rare! U:A5
1941 MONTENEGRO, Italian occupation, letter with Italian overprint CRNA GORA, Sass.18, 23 CDS CETINJE, to Vienna, censored, rare! U:A5
1909-1911 JANINA, overprint highest value 20Pia/5Lire and 40Pia/10Lire; VF perforation, cat. £376 U:A5
1909-1911 SALONICCO, overprint highest value 20Pia/5Lire and 40Pia/10Lire; several short tooth - usual for this issue thanks to thin paper, cat. £686 U:A5
1943 TUNISIA, Sass.1, occupation issue "Franchigia Militare", block of 6 (complete printing sheet) "El Djem" blue, stamps for transporting mailing of Italian expedition forces, so-called. UNISSUED; nice quality, certificate Diena, rare offe! U:A5
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA, Sass.1-17, Crown, Charles and Coat of arms issue 1916, complete set without highest value 10K with Opt "REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 18.", MNH (!) in perfect quality; the most expensive pieces 40H, 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna exp. Caffaz + photo-certificate Caffaz from 2012, MNH stamps absolutely rare, cat. 10.000€ U:DR
1942 Italian war prisoner in India, letter addressed to Rome, N7/4 P.O.W. Camp, Bombay, passed through Brit. also Italian censorship, arrival postmark ROMA 28.6.42; good condition U:A5