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1869 Mi.1-6a, Franz Joseph 2K-25K, lithography; 3 Kreuzer thin place, various postmarks, various quality of perf, cat. ca. 2.300€ U:A5
1871 Mi.1-6, 8-13, compilation of 29 stamps Franz Joseph, lithography and copper print, mainlyused, i.a. 2x cut square; part quality should be inspected, cat. according to owner 6.000€ U:A5
1871 Mi.8-13a, Franz Joseph 2K-25K, copper print; various cancel., various quality of perf, cat. ca. 260€ U:A5
1903-14 Mi.1-9A, 10-17A+B, 27-29X, 33X, compilation of postage-due stamps, issue 1903, 1905 and 1914; cat. ca. 485€ U:A5
1876-1884 2 postal stationery covers 3 Kreuzer (!) green uprated with stamp Mi.21 2 Kreuzer violet, sent to Bavaria and to Bohemia, also 5 postal stationery covers uprated to Registered with stamps of various issues 1874-1881, i.a. CDS ROZSNYÓ, VIHODNA, GARA, KOLCSE, HODMEZO-VASARHELY, good condition, various signs of age; interesting compilation U:A5
1904-1915 6 letter cards Crown 10F red, uprated to Reg with stamps Turul, CDS RIMASZOMBAT, GALGOCZ, BONYHÁD and oths., all very nice U:A5
1871-1874 compilation of COB from Mi.U1, issue Franz Joseph I. 3 Kreuzer (2), 10Kr, 15 Kreuzer (!); also COB issue "Letter with numeral" 3 Kreuzer (2), 5 Kreuzer red (2), 5 Kreuzer orange, 10Kr, perfect, cat. 125€ U:A5
1913-1914 3 postally used COB Mi.EU3, 35F Crown violet for registered mailing, CDS TEMESVAR, BESZTERCZE, NAGYBECSKEREK, 1x vertical fold, overall very nice U:A5
1870-1910 10 various chosen entires, contains i.a. money letter for 4000K to Vienna; letter with VI. issue Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer with CDS SZAMOS UJVÁR; whole bilingual dispatch-note Letter with cipher 5f uprated with stamp 5f, CDS OSIJEK 4; 1x postal stationery cover, first issue Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer, postcard first issue Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer; uprated p.stat to Paris, letter to USA, commercial letter to Norway, post. blank form franked with Postage due stamps 5f etc.; interesting compilation U:A4
1871 2 letters, small size: 1x to Pest, with Franz Joseph I. 15 Kreuzer brown, lithography, Mi.5, CDS KASSA + 1x to Vienna with 15 Kreuzer, copper print, Mi.12, CDS KASSA U:A5
1900-1904 comp. of 7 Reg letters with Turul frankings, CDS N. BÁNYA, TAPIOGYORGYE, KISUJSZALLAS, GYONGYOSPATA, GYIROK, FELSOBANYA, KORMOCZBANYA, 6x small format; perfect quality U:A5
1906-1914 comp. of 14 commercial PC with 5F Turul, all with TRAIN POSTMARKS, i.a. 2 x BROOD (Slavonski Brod); some rarer, interesting compilation U:A5
1915-1918 7 larger parts of money and parcel cards, mostly with stamps Parliament, CDS BÁRTFA, BECZKO, HONCZTO, ZALAEGERSZEK, SZILSARKANY, NAGYBECSKEREK, railway SARKANY-CZUKORGYAR U:A5
1871 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.8-13, Franz Joseph, ca. 150 copper prints in stockbook A5, various color and postmarks, i.a. 14x 15 Kreuzer, 9x 25 Kreuzer; cat. for cheap variants 3.480€ U:Z
1934 Mi.Bl.1, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition Budapest, luxury, cat. 170€ U:A5
1942 Mi.Klb.691-694, Red Cross 3f - 20f, complete set of blocks of 10; cat. 120€ U:A5
1920-1921 comp. of 15 parcel cards with nice frankings, issue Parliament 1917, mostly with CDS of small villages U:A5
1925 postcard for flight ESTERGOM-BUDAPEST, franked with airmail stamps Mi.383-386 + postage stamp Mi.378, CDS ESTERGOM and arrival BUDAPEST; decorative U:A5
1929 Express registered card sent airmail from Budapest to Berlin, multicolor franking of 8 airmail stamps, Mi.430-437, CDS BUDAPEST 929 Jan.24., arrival BERLIN 25.1.29; good condition U:A5
1918-1933 5 airmail entires, contains i.a. Reg airmail letter to Vienna, i.a. franked with stamps Mi.210-211 REPÜLÖ POSTA, CDS BUDAPEST 918.JUL.12, on the back side arrival FLUGPOST WIEN 12.VII., also 2 postcards for flights BUDAPEST-ESTERGOM and ESTERGOM-BUDAPEST, 1x R+let letter to Prague + 1 airmail postcard issued for exhibition WIPA; overall good condition, interesting compilation U:A5
1920 BARANYA Reg letter-card Crown 10f, to Switzerland, uprated on front side and on reverse with 7 stamps with overprint., CDS PÉCS 920 Aug.3., arrival ZÜRICH 10.VIII.20; good condition, incl. 2 margins U:A5
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 21 album sheets, contains overprint issues BANAT BACSKA, WEST HUNGARY, SZEGEDIN, ARAD, TEMESVÁR, BARANJA etc.; high catalogue value U:Z
1919 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL ISSUE AND OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, small collection, contains Szeged, Arad (French occupation), Banat, etc.; higher catalogue U:Z
1916-1917 POSTAL-AGENCIES 3 entires with postal agency pmk from Slovak territory, 1x frame ALSÓKOROMPA (Dolná Krupá) 916.JUL.6 + BOGDÁNY POSZONY (Bohdanovce nad Trnavou) 917.OKT.21 + LUBOKA (Hlboké) 916.JUN.13; sought U:A4
1871-1940 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY (1871-1940), it contains e.g. Mi.128-144 (without nr. 143), 162-178,183-285, 292-323, 369-379, 398-410, 455-62, 511-15, 517-27, Bl.3, 585-615 and other + BULGARIA (1879-1939), it contains e.g. Mi.3, 8, 10, 12-20, 25-44, 50-77, 90-99, from 1916-1930 almost complete; semifinished basic collections on album sheets Stibůrek, in spring folder U:Z