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1858-1866 comp. of 9 letters and COB, Hannover COB 1Gr + Mi.15, Prussia COB 1Sgr + Mi.17, 3x letter Mi.18, 2x letter Mi.12, Schleswig letter Mi.4, Saxony letter Mi.14+17; Prussian Mi.12 over margin, otherwise all in very nice quality, very low starting price! U:A5
1851-58 Mi.1b, Numeral in circle 1 Kr black, vertical strip of 3, at top cutting to outer line, otherwise nice cut; cat. min. 960€++ U:A5
1861-64 Mi.11B, Coat of arms in oval 1Sgr, on all sides trial pin hole instead of perf; owner's mark, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1861-65 Mi.11B, Coat of arms in oval ½Gr/5Pf, trial pin hole instead of perf; owner's mark, tiny thin on left, cat. 4.000€ U:A5
1864 Mi.13A, Coat of arms in oval 1/3Sgr 4Spf black / white; cat. 2.800€ U:A5
1852-65 chosen compilation of 19 stamps (2x cut square), contains: Mi.1-9, 12, 14A, 15-20, also with 3 letters, 1x with Mi.6 and 1x Mi. 18 + pre-philatelic letter from 1828; various, mostly good margins, cat. ca. 4.500€ U:A5
1850-64 Mi.1, 2, 9, 11, 14, 15, 19, 23, 25, comp. of 9 classical stamps, 7x on cut square; cat. min. 400€ U:A5
1890 Mi.18h, Coat of arms 20 Pf "graurot / hellgelb / hellgraugrün", ** PB 10-Blok; exp. Lemberger Mi. 240€ U:A4
1856-1864 Mi.1, 2a, 2b, 3, 5a, 5b, 6a, 7I, 7II, 8x, various quality, favourite classic stamps, cat. ca. 1.700€ U:A5
1864 Mi.2, 4-6, Coat of arms in rectangle 1/3Sgr, Coat of arms in octagonal 1Gr, 2Gr, 3Gr; very nice quality, original gum, favourite classic stamps, cat. 385€ U:A5
1850-66 compilation of 18 stamps, part as pairs, 1x strip of 3, contains: Mi.1-2 (3x), 4, 5(2x), 7, 8, 10 + Official Mi. 20-21; cat. min. 1.100€ U:A5
1857-58 2 letters, 1x letter to Berlin, with Mi.7, CDS MAGDEBURG + 1x letter to Karlovy Vary, with Mi.12, CDS HAMBURG + pair on cut square with CDS KEMPEN U:A5
1851-63 compilation of 55 classical stamps, contains i.a. Mi.2, 3-6, 8-11, 12-13, 14-19, some values more often, i.a. Mi.10, horizontal strip of 4 *, various shades, various margins and quality; high catalogue value U:A5
1859 Mi.15, Coat of arms 18Kr blue, single circle used, very wide margins; rare stamp, cat. 1.800€ U:A5
1870-1871 2 postal stationery covers sent to Geneva, 3 Kreuzer red uprated 1+3Kr and 6 Kreuzer blue uprated 1 Kr, CDS ESSLINGEN, arrival GENÈVE, nice quality U:A5
1872-74 Mi.11, Eagle with small shield 18Kr; cancel. highest value, cat. 500€ Mi.11, Eagle with small shield 18Kr; used, highest value, cat. 500€ U:A5
1900 Mi.63Sp-66Sp, Reichspost 1-5RM with Opt SPECIMEN, for UPU; rare exp. E. Ludin, catalogue price for mint 5.600€ U:A5
1927 Mi.407-409, International work office 8Pf-25Pf, complete set; cat. 240€ U:A5
1933 Mi.Bl.2, souvenir sheet NOTHILFE, average quality with small flaw, 2 spots out of stamps; fold in corner and others., very low starting price! size 209x148mm, cat. for ** 7000€ U:A4
1935 Mi.Bl.3, OSTROPA, right size, UR corner quite small fold, at the back 2 hinges; cat. 1100€ U:A5
1935 Mi.601X-603X, Winter Olympic Games Ga-Pa, 3 complete sets, 1x upper corner pieces with control-numbers, 1x set MNH, 1x set *; cat. 140€+ U:A5
1936 Mi.Bl.5 + Bl.6, Olympic Games BERLIN 1936, both souvenir sheets 2x, from that 1x both with special postmark BERLIN Olympia - Stadium/ 1.8.36, with gum, ribbed paper and 1x both with CDS BERLIN C/ 17.8.36; on plate A4, cat. 360€ U:A4
1937 Mi.Bl.9, souvenir sheet Support of Culture, margins with pin hole; on several places light dented paper and fingerprints on gum, cat. 320€ U:A5
1939 Mi.716-729, Postage stamp Danzig with Opt "Deutsches Reuich", complete set, all outer, both highest values corner pieces; cat. 220€+ U:A5
1942-1944 Mi.823, block of 15 incl. Mi.823III; 896 sheet incl. Mi.896I; Mi.862 sheet; Mi.886 sheet (2 stamps spots) incl. Mi.886II, this plate flaw luxury; Mi.869-872 sheets of 200 stamps from that 5 damaged; Mi.866-868 sheets of 150 stamps from that 2 damaged; cat. 695€ ++ U:O4
1912 Mi.I-III, Airmail 10Pf-30Pf, 30Pf with very small hinge; cat. 70€ U:A5
1916-1917 Mi.S7ba, S8ba, gutter-pair 7½ + 15Pfg brown and 7½ + 15Pfg violet, always 2x as blocks of four from HB; cat. 640€ U:A5
1917-1918 Mi.HB16baA, sheet booklet 9, with 4x 7½ + 2x 15Pfg; cat. for * 480€ U:A5
1917-1918 Mi.HB17aaA, sheet booklet 9, with 4x 5 + 2x 15Pfg, cat. for * 480€ U:A5
1917-1918 Mi.HB18aaA HAN2, sheet booklet 9, with 1x 5 + 5x 10Pfg, rarely with marginal number H 4215.17; cat. for * 850€ U:A5
1931 Mi.S97 (Mi.460), Towns 15 + Pfg, sheet variant; train post, cat. 550€ U:A5
1918-1919 Mi.MH10.2A, number on envelope "7"; 2. and 4. sheet only with one stamp; cat. for complete booklet 4.000€ U:A5
1939 stamp-booklet Mi.MH39, stamp booklets Hindenburg; complete, cat. 200€ U:A5
1941 Mi.MH48.3, complete booklet A. Hitler., advertising part Van Dyke Kopierstift; perfect quality, stamps **, cat. 160€ U:A5
1922 Registered express airmail letter to Berlin, franked with complete airmail set Mi.210-218, CDS LEIPZIG LUFTPOST 13/ 22.8.22, on the back side arrival postmark.; cat. only stamps min. 140€ U:A5
1937 4 letters franked with Mi.Bl.7, 48. birthday of A. Hitler., with commemorative postmarks BERLIN, NURNBERG, BERCHTESGADEN, MUNCHEN U:A5
1923 INFLATION Ppc addressed to Prague, with 500M, Mi.223, MC HAMBURG 28.7.23, sought single franking (!); sound condition, cat. Mi.-Briefe 700€ U:A5
1922 MEMEL, rare additional franking on two-sided used Austrian PC 2 + 2 Kreuzer, posting Austrian CDS SCHEIBBS, on return franked with stamps MEMELGEBIET i.a. Mi.25, 26, 35, CDS COADJUTHEN - very small village, today in Lithuania; extraordinary entire from rare destination! U:A5
1923 MEMEL, atypical letter to Charlotenburg, with Mi.110, 88, and strip of 5 Mi.71, 9 Marks Opt on "Merson" 5Fr, CDS MEMEL, 1 stamp bent over margin; very nice quality and unusual franking U:A5
1920 OLSZTYN Mi.4b, 4bI, overprint Germania 15Pfg carmine brown, used, small flaw + Mi.4bI *; exp. Wiatrowski PZF, cat. 445€ U:A5
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mi.125, Klb.3, souvenir sheet 5. Anniv General Government 10+10Zl, No. 3 with significant shifted perforation; in right lower corner light oblique bend, interesting offer U:A4
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mi.125, Klb.4, souvenir sheet 5. Anniv of General Government 10+10Zl, No. 4 with omitted vertical and significantly shifted horiz. perf; interesting offer U:A4
1940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT TCP Mi.17, Official 8Gr, vertical imperforated strip of 3, trial printing without nominal value U:A5
1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mi.I-III, Unissued, values 6Gr, 24Gr, 40Gr; hinged, certificate and marked Caffaz, cat. 600€, rare set U:A5
1940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Reg letter to Protectorate with multicolor franking also stamps with overprint, Mi.17 2x, 44, 49, CDS WARSCHAU 15.XII.40; good condition U:A5
1944 KOTOR, postcard Mi.P1-P2, Italian postcards 30C brown and 75C for abroad red with Opt DEUTSCHE MILITARVERWALTUNG KOTOR LIT. 1.- and LIT. 2,- ; once with CDS HERZEGNOVI, exp. Ludin BPP; perfect and rare, cat 450€ U:A5
1945 Mi.1-4, compilation of stamps with overprint A. Hitler. 6/5Pfg (stamp + pair), 6/10Pgf, 6/12Pfg (pair + 3x stamp) and 3x 12Pfg, various types and variants + FP card and cut square with stamp Mi.2 and 3 with inverted opt; major-part expertized by Dr. Dub, Pickenpack BPP etc., stamp. **, cat. 1000€ U:A5
1941 SERBIA Mi.54-57, War prisoner fund, complete set, Mi.55 and 56 complete 50-stamps sheets! + Mi.54 and 57 2x 25-stamps half-sheets (P+L); overall good quality, interesting U:A3v–
1941 SERBIA Mi.54-57, War prisoner fund, complete set, strips of 5, various variants I-IV; Mi.56 small gum flaw, interesting U:A5
1943 SERBIA, 3KL 1,50DIN green, CDS ABILJE, OBRENOVAC, ARANDELOVAC, censored, with 2 labels of war propaganda EUROPE POZNAJE BOLŠEVIZAM and violet frame cancel. RED-ŽIVOT / NERED-SMRT; interesting and very nice quality U:A5
1942 SERBIA, overprinted postcard SRBIJA 1,50DIN uprated to rate of Registered with stamp Mi.2, 5, 7, exact franking, CDS and Reg label BELGRADE, to labour camp for Yugoslavian war prisoners in Styria; very attractive piece, rare p.stat and destination! U:A5
1941-1942 SERBIA, overprint postcard SRBIJA 1,50DIN (violet Opt) CDS PETROVGRAD; also postcard SERBIA 1DIN (red Opt) from Belgrade, 2x censored, via Red Cross to Italian concentration camp Aversa for Yugoslav war prisoners - officers of former Yugoslavian army; rare! U:A5
1943 SERBIA, Reg letter with 4+4+1DIN issue Monastery, CDS KRAGUJEVAC and with violet frame pmk RED-ZIVOT / NERED-SMRT; also censored letter to Germany with 1+2+4DIN, CDS BELGRADE, in addition with 2x 2DIN charity stamp in support of nursery; 1x 1DIN damaged before mounting, overall very nice quality U:A5
1942 SERBIA Reg letter to Protectorate, franked with overprint stamp of 1. overprint issue, Mi.3 2x, 11, CDS POŽAREVAC 5.IX.42; passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1943 ZANTE (ZAKYNTOS) Mi.I, 1-3, all in both colors Opt "ELLAZ" on Italian ISOLE JONIE, i. e. 8 values as complete issue of this territory; VF condition, exp. Diena + certificate Colla, cat. 1.840€, minimum printing - for example Mi.I only 500 pcs(!) U:A5
1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Berlin, 2 pcs, 1x perforated, left lower blunt corner + 1x imperforated; cat. 120€ U:A5
1948-49 AMERICAN AND BRITISCH ZONE Mi.101-102 (2x), 103-105, 106-107 and 108-110, comp. of 5 complete sets + BRD Mi.111-112, Opening of Bundestag; total cat. over 200€ U:A5
1948 US AND BRITISCHE ZONE Mi.98II - 100II, Buildings 2DM, 3DM and 5DM, mint never hinged + Mi.98I and 99I, Buildings 2DM and 3DM "kurze Treppen" *; total cat. over 500€ U:A5
1946 OST SACHSEN (SAXONIA) comp. of 2 entires with issue Numerals, 1x Reg and C.O.D. with multicolor franking, CDS LOMMATZSCH 5.4.46, 1x Reg letter with CDS DRESDEN 1/ 14.2.46; good condition U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.1, 2, Airmail souvenir sheets Flood relief; mint never hinged, exact size, cat. 1.600€ U:A5