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1813, 1841 CZECH LANDS 2 folded letters from Pilsen: a) Reg letter with straight line postmark V:PILSEN (catalogue Votoček. č.1778/1.=50b), postmaster note by red raddle, addressed to Chlumec; b) letter with red cancel. PILSEN/ FRANCO (2x), addressed to Prague; good condition U:A5
1818-41 CZECH LANDS 5 covers with pmk KOLLIN (catalogue Votoček. nr.1048/2.=60b); POLITZ/ 28.9. (catalogue Votoček. nr.1836/1.) + Registered; REICHSTADT/ 10 Nove: (catalogue Votoček. nr.2008/1.=60b); REICHENAU./ 25 Juli. (catalogue Votoček. nr.2000/5.=80b) and blue RUMBURG (catalogue Votoček. nr.2083/1.=100b); nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1819 CZECH LANDS folded letter with oval pmk GR.AUGEST (=Velký Újezd), (Vot.638/1=120b); nice print U:A5
1823-1834 CZECH LANDS 2 letters with favourite framed pmk STAAB and BUCHAU; nice U:A5
1823-1837 CZECH LANDS 3x registered letter, marked "Nota Bene", with pmk LOBOSITZ, RUMBURG and STRZEDOKLUK; perfect quality U:A5
1826 CZECH LANDS folded letter with straight line postmark V: GITSCHIN, on reverse postmaster note by red raddle signed porto 12Kr, porto complete paid by sender; nice imprint of pmk U:A5
1827-47 CZECH LAND 3 letters sent from Jindřichův Hradec: cover with oval cancel. NEUHAUS (catalogue Votoček. č.1550/2.) + 2 folded letters with blue cancel. NEUHAUS/ 21 März (catalogue Votoček. č.1550/5. and 1550/12.); on all postmasters notes by red raddle, nice postal imprints, sound condition U:A5
1830 7 folded prephilatelic letters with various postmarks, for example decorative red OLMÜTZ, green KUTTENBERG and M.SCHOMBERG, 2x various KOLLIN and V.BRÜNN; nice print U:A5
1830 CZECH LANDS folded letter with straight line postmark KREMSIER., (Vot.1132/2=70b), addressed to Mikulov; sound condition U:A4
1830-1850 CZECH LANDS letter with straight line postmark B. KRUMAU and additional round pmk, with written date (rare!) + letter with oval BOHMISCH KRUMAU (April 1850); nice quality U:A5
1830, 1847 CZECH LANDS 2 letters with blue pmk from from Tábor: a) cover from 1830, with cancel. "v:Tabor" (catalogue Votoček. č.2393/1.=100b), addressed to Písek; b) cover from 1847 with straight line postmark TABOR/ am 8.April 1847 (catalogue Votoček. č.2393/2a=60b), addressed to Prague; nice quality U:A5
1831 CZECH LANDS folded letter with 2-lines oval cancel. JANOWITZ IN MÄHREN (=Janovice u Rýmařova), Vot.894/1=260b; small format, rare postmark U:A5
1832 CZECH LANDS folded letter with oval cancel. PILGRAM (catalogue Votoček. č.1776/1.= 120b), postmaster notes by red raddle, sent to Liberec, on reverse fine whole paper seal; nice quality U:A5
1832 CZECH LANDS folded letter with straight line postmark POSORITZ (Vot.1852/1=70b); perfect condition U:A5
1833 CZECH LANDS letter with oval pmk ELBOGEN (Loket), dotted postmark margin, very nice print, half porto 4Kr paid by sender U:A5
1833-1845 CZECH LANDS comp. of 4 letters with frame hexagon pmks: Commotau, Blattna, Podersam, Konigsaal; rare postmark types, for example Konigsaal 170bd! U:A5
1833-40 CZECH LANDS folded letter with frame pmk KÖNIGSAAL (catalogue Votoček. č.1074/1.=180b), postmaster note by red raddle, inside hand-made 11. Febr. 1833 (+ other date 12. and 19.2.1833) - about 1 year former usage then shows catalogue Votoček; interesting, good quality U:A5
1834 CZECH LANDS blue straight line postmark GROSS MESERITSCH (Vot.671/2=80b) on letter; nice print U:A5
1834-1858 CZECH LANDS letter up to weight 2 Loth from 1834 with rare pmk V.KLENTSCH, porto 20Kr crossed out and marked new 12Kr; in addition small letter to Vienna with CDS KLENTSCH, cash paid 10Kr, according to postage after 1.11.1858; perfect quality U:A5
1835-40 CZECH LANDS comp. 3 wrappers a) 1835, decorative oval pmk KREMSIER (catalogue Votoček. č.1132/3.=120b); b) 1836, straight line postmark V:TREBITSCH (catalogue Votoček. č.2443/1.=130b), addressed to Tax office in Brno; c) 1840, framed pmk PODERSAM + date 31/1 (catalogue Votoček. č.1819/3a.=80b), addressed to Monetary office in Prague; all pmks well readable, sound condition U:A5
1835-47 CZECH LANDS 4 folded letters: a) 1835, with oval pmk CHRUDIM (catalogue Votoček. nr.352/3.=100b); b) 1838, with straight line postmark NEUTITSCHEIN (catalogue Votoček. nr.1573/1.); c) 1841, with straight line postmark JUNGWOSCHITZ/ 24.AUG. (catalogue Votoček. nr.2=60b); d) 1847, blue decorative double-circle PRAG/ 23.SEP. (catalogue Votoček. nr.1863/25.=70b); on all postmaster notes by red raddle, quality imprints, sound condition U:A5
1836-49 CZECH LANDS 4 covers with various pmk: a) 1836, straight line postmark BUDWEIS. (catalogue Votoček. č.274/2.), postmaster notes by red raddle, at the back whole paper seal "Bergamt Rudolphstadt"; b) 1840, straight line postmark BUDWEIS./ 4 Jänn: (catalogue Votoček. č.274/3.); c) 1843, green straight line postmark ROKITZAN./ 23 Juli. (catalogue Votoček. 2039/3.=90b), postmaster note by ruddle; d) 1849, straight line postmark PISEK (catalogue Votoček. č.1792/2.=80b); nicey postal imprints, sound condition U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS folded letter with combined pmk SAAR/ FRANCO (Vot.2964=200b); sound condition, rare occurrence U:A5
1837 CZECH LANDS, LUNDENBURG black straight line postmark (Vot.1323/1=60b) on folded letter; nice print U:A5
1837, 1848 CZECH LANDS 2 letters sent from Pardubice to Liberec: a) folded letter, oval pmk PARDUBITZ (catalogue Votoček. č.1734/4.), postmaster note by red raddle; b) cover Reg letter with blue cancel. PARDUBITZ/ 29.8. (catalogue Votoček. č.1734/5.) + red "Franco" + blue "Recommandirt."; sound condition U:A5
1838 CZECH LANDS folded letter with oval pmk NEUSTADTL, Vot.1569=140b; nice print U:A5
1838-48 CZECH LANDS 2 covers sent from Teplice, from that 1x as Registered, 3 red pmks, frame TEPLITZ/ 2.SEP. (Vot.2412/6.=200b) + FRANCO + Rekommandirt; 1x line black TEPLITZ/ 12.JAN. (Vot.24112/11.), arrival luxury pmk THERESIENSTADT/ 13.JAN. at the back; interesting U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS folded letter with 2-lines cancel. RAYGERN / FRANCO (=Rajhrad), Vot.2963=140b; light fold U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS folded letter with straight line postmark LECHWITZ (=Lechovice), Vot.1216/1a, interesting U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS folded letter with straight line postmark ZNAIM/ 25.April, on reverse arrival black frame pmk "arrow" REYGERN with date stamp 28/4 1840 (catalogue Votoček. 687/2ar=350b); sought rare postmark U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS official black three-line pmk in oval K.u.K.. POSTDIRECTION IN BRÜNN (catalogue Votoček. 3994), on ex offo letter U:A5
1840-47 CZECH LANDS 2 folded letters with blue pmk: a) 1840, oval pmk NIMES (catalogue Votoček. č.1604/3.=140b), at the back transit pmk JUNGBUNZLAU; b)1847, straight line postmark SOBIESLAU/ MAR 17. (catalogue Votoček. č.2275/2.=120b); nice postal imprints, sound condition U:A5
1841 CZECH LANDS letter sent from Bor u Tachova with pmk HAYD and with atypical decorative OBERAMTHAYD; U:A5
1841 CZECH LANDS money letter with pmk V RENTSCH + FRANCO and with atypical decorative NEUSTRASCHITZ, porto paid by sender; rare letter U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS letter with cancel. MORCHENSTERN/ 23.SEP. (=Smržovka u Jablonce), catalogue Votoček. 1458/1.=40b; nice quality U:A5
1842-49 CZECH LANDS 2 with blue pmk: a) cover from 1842, with oval pmk SCHELLETAU + 9.JUN: (catalogue Votoček. č.2130/4a=200b) + folded letter with straight line postmark SCHELLETAU/ 13.NOV. (catalogue Votoček. č.2130/5.=90b); overall good U:A5
1843 CZECH LANDS letter with rare cancel. LIEBKOWITZ (catalogue Votoček. č.1265/1.=120b), to Vienna to countess Erna von Lažany, redirected to Hietzing, marked porto 12kr and then 14Kr; nice and interesting letter U:A5
1843 CZECH LANDS letter with pmk SELTSCHAN, originally for payment of half postage due by sender, but then diagonal mark of this payment crossed out and notice "Porto wird an die Partei angewiesen", atypical letter, in addition certificate of mailing U:A5
1843 CZECH LANDS letter with straight line postmark TSCHERNOSCHIN (catalogue Votoček. č.2474/1.=40b); usual quality U:A5
1844 CZECH LANDS letter sent from Jáchymov with cancel. ST. JOACHIMSTHAL, arrival SANDAU (Žandov); half porto paid by sender U:A5
1844 CZECH LANDS folded letter to Slavkov (Austerlitz), green (!) cancel. mär.OSTRAU (Vot.1341/2=50b); nice print U:A5
1845 CZECH LANDS Reg letter with cancel. TABOR + RECOMMANDIRT + FRANCO, porto completely paid by sender, note. "uber Beneschau against Aufgabsrezepisse" and "franco , nota benne", sent to Konopiště, interesting letter U:A5
1846 folded letter with line blue pmk STEINSDORF, on letter addressed to Brno; good condition, catalogue Votoček. 160 pt + folded letter with red straight line postmark OLBERSDORF, address side overwritten, catalogue Votoček. 120b U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS folded letter with oval pmk GOLDENBRUNN (=Zlaté Studně), Vot.618/2b=200b; sought postmark, sound condition U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS folded letter with oval cancel. KREMSIER/ RECOMMANDIRT, (catalogue Votoček. 3079=100b), on reverse arrival green! frame BRÜNN; interesting U:A5
1848 CZECH LANDS letter with blue (!) cancel. V. NEUGEDEIN U:A5
1849 folded letter addressed to Janovitz with green straight line postmark POHRLITZ, filled Porto 14Kr and other postmaster notices, preserved seal U:A5
1849, 1872 CZECH LANDS 2 letters with blue pmk: a) folded ex offo letter from 1849, cancel. KLATTAU/ 17.Novbr.; b) cover from 1872, with cancel. PŘESTIC/ 19.DEC.; nice imprints U:A5
1850 CZECH LANDS folded letter with blue oval pmk BATTELAU (=Batelov), Vot.99/1a=100b; nice quality U:A5
1850 CZECH LANDS folded letter with blue straight line postmark ZLABINGS/ 19.APR (=Slavonice), catalogue Votoček. č.2777=180b; sound condition, rare postmark U:A5
1760 folded letter sent from Vienna to Genoa; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1846 HUNGARY - SLOVAKIA, heavy money letter with bluegreen pmk HOLITSCH (Holíč), addressed to Vienna, transit pmk GODING (Hodonín), atypical tariff notice "P=16Kr" U:A5
1847 HUNGARY - SLOVAKIA letter with red pmk PRESBURG + FRANCO + RECOMANDIRT, attractive entire U:A5
1833 SLOVAKIA folded letter with very nice oval cancel. PRESBURG / FRANCO in red color; good condition U:A5
1829 HUNGARY letter with oval pmk PETERWARDEIN (Petrovaradín, Serbia), attractive letter with various notices about weight and porto U:A5
1842 HUNGARY letter with pmk WIMPASSING (today Austria), nice imprint of favourite oval postmark, arrival red CDS WIEN FRANCO U:A5
1844 HUNGARY - TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE letter with pmk V. MUNKÁTS, sent from military headquarters in Mukachevo on civil court in Vienna, porto 12Kr U:A5
1836 POLAND letter with rare oval cancel. PODHORCE U:A5
1841 POLAND folded Reg letter addressed to Brno with line red pmk BIELITZ / 23.MAI. 1841 supplemented with red cancel. RECOMMANDIRT and FRANCO, postmaster's note by ruddle 65; good condition, nice prints U:A5
1845-83 6 envelopes and skládabýchfolded letters with postmarks MUNKÁCS, TIRNAU (blue), RATIBOR, KRAINBURG, UDINE, FULDA; good condition U:A5