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1858-1917 comp. of stamps of Russian Empire on card A4, contains mainly issues Coat of arms, i.a. Mi.5, 12, 15, 17-20, 34-41 used etc. U:A4
1884 Mi.38y, 39y, Coat of arms 3,50R and 7R, " without flashes", vertical bands, quality should be inspected, 1x complete CDS RIGA 1888; rare stamps, cat. 1.800€, 7R is interesting also for collections of Latvia! U:A5
1908 Mi.63-76, Coat of arms 1K-70K, 1R, compilation of bloks of four with gutters, LR corner block of 4 1R with margin; placed on card A4 U:O4
1908 Mi.63-76, Coat of arms 1K-70K, 1R, compilation of marginal blocks of 4; placed on card A4 U:O4
1908-10 Mi.77B, 71IIB, 72A, 73A, 75A, 76A 2x, comp. of 7 complete sheets of postage stamps incl. gutters and plate numbers; value 25k and 50k torn right margins U:A3v–
1913 Mi.82-94, House of Romanov 1K-70K; part of set without highest values, values 7K and 70K lightly hinged U:A5
1913 Mi.82-98, House of Romanov 1K-5R; complete set, part stamps hinged, i.a. * Mi.95-98 U:A5
1913 Mi.82-98, House of Romanov 1K-5R; complete set; only Mi.83 *, Mi.97 fold U:A5
1914-18 comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains i.a. issue 1914 and 1915, Mi.103-106A,B,C, Mi.124-126 etc., i.a. 7x block of four, 3x used; part hinged U:O4
1913-18 chosen compilation of blocks and bands of stamps on card A4, contains various issues and values; part various quality U:O4
1915-17 Mi.107-109, 110-112, 117-118, 119-121, comp. of 11 stamp. House of Romanov; on carton paper, stamps used also as provisional money U:A5
1917 Mi.Standard 152, Coat of arms 1R brown / orange with vertical chalk overprint, block of four with exceedingly wide gutter, usual sheet folds, overall nice quality U:A5
1870-1917 compilation of controll stamps on filled card A4, contains i.a. Mi.132-136, also stamps from the set Mi.138-148 etc. U:O4
1918 Mi.149, Standard 1, 35K blue, marginal block of 4, left lower plate flaw "thin zero", sought plate flaw U:A5
1919 Standard RO7, 1 rouble brown - orange, with horiz. imprint, imperforated marginal block of 4, cat. Standard 120€++ U:A5
1921-1922 Mi.157, 173, Standard 36Gp, Zverev 36, inflation 5000R/5R grey-blue, pairs joined as block of four with GUTTERS, on upper pair interesting printing flaw - printing line (plate defect?); also with Standard 9Cg, 200R brown, block of four with cross gutter from center of sheet, usual sheet folds, otherwise nice, cat. Standard 374€ U:A5
1921 Mi.158, Standard 10Gp, inflation 250R black-violet, 6x pair with gutter, several stamps with original sheet folds, cat. Standard 140€ U:A5
1921 Mi.162-164, Standard 14, 16, 17, October revolutin 100R, 250R, 1000R, pairs with gutters, cat. Standard 141€ U:A5
1922 Mi.173, Standard 36Gp, Zverev 36, inflation 5000R/5R grey-blue, luxury outer pairs joined as block of four with GUTTER and plate number, cat. Standard 154€ (Zwerev 225€) U:A5
1922 Mi.175bTK, Standard 32Ta, Zverev 32v, inflation 10000R/40R with INVERTED OVERPRINT; nice quality, lower with close margins (in corner little damaged frame); exp. Dr. Jem, cat. 250€ U:A5
1922 Mi.200, Standard 64, Airmail 45R, LR marginal block of 4; mint never hinged U:A5
1922 Mi.208A, Standard 91, Revolutionary forces 10R dark blue, block of four!, perf 14 : 14½; in block rare, excellent quality U:A5
1922 Mi.208A, Standard 91, Revolutionary forces 10R dark blue, block of 6!, perf 14 : 14½; in block rare, excellent quality U:A5
1922 Mi.211, Standard 93I, Revolutionary forces 100R, complete 1/4 of the sheet (25 stamps) with margin, on pos. 12 printing error - value 70R instead 100R; at the back on margins hinges, 1x hinged in lower margin sheet from picture side U:A5
1923 Mi.215B, 217B, 218B, Standard 0109, 0111-0112, Revolutionary forces 3R, 5R, 10R, imperforated!; excellent quality U:A5
1923 Mi.217A, Revolutionary forces 5R blue; complete 1/4 of sheet with plate number 2 U:A5
1913-20 comp. of stamps of Russian Empire and R.S.F.S.R., contains issues Coat of arms, various values and issues, also Mi.82-98 * (without Mi.97), overprint issues, inflation etc.; placed on card A4 U:A4
1918 LOCAL ISSUE - TARTU (DORPAT) overprint of Empire stamp Coat of arms 10K / 20Pfg and 20K / 40Pfg; 1x signed, interesting U:A5
1918-20 CIVIL WAR comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains various issues of revolutionary armies, i.a. North-West army General Yudenich, West army General Bermont-Avalov etc.; U:O4
1923 TRANSCAUCASIA - Azerbaidzhan, Reg letter to Germany, franked with overprint stamps "Star" on pairs of 25k, 50k, 1Rub, CDS BAKU, additional violet pmk of telegraph office", arrival STRANSBERG I; rare letter! U:A5
1924 Mi.267-270, Standard 59-62, Airmail 5K-20K, blocks of four; mint never hinged U:A5
1924-35 comp. of stamps and sets on card A5, mainly from 20´s and 30´s of 20th century, i.a. Mi.302-304, 326-327, 328-334, 361-362, 385-388 etc.; larger part hinged U:A5
1921-1949 chosen compilation of complete better sets and stamps, contains i.a. Mi.165-168, 305-307B, 390-391, 424-426, 467-471, 1445 etc.; all hinged, high catalogue value, placed on card A4 U:A4
1927 Mi.326-327, Standard 185-186, Air conference 10K and 15K, blocks of four, value 15K: right upper stamp with plate flaw - "damaged" letter A in the word AVIO; rare, mint never hinged
1927 Mi.343, Standard 191, Revolutionary forces 7K carmine, LR corner block of 12 with margin and controlling inscription "MAST. MASCH. No. 00; rare, mint never hinged U:A5
1929-61 compilation of 39 Various postage stamps issues "Professions" and "Socialism"; nice quality U:A5
1930 Mi.383-384, Standard 249-250, Children's Aid 10K+2K and 20K+2K, complete set, blocks of four U:A5
1930 Mi.389, Standard 255, Educational exhibition 10K, block of four; mint never hinged U:A5
1931 Mi.402C-405C, Standard 290A-293A, Graf Zeppelin and Malygin 30K-2R, complete set in blocks of four!, perf 12:12½; quite extraordinary offer, rare U:DR
1932 Mi.406, Standard 301, Zeppelin 15K, UL corner block of 4, perf 12½; mint never hinged U:A5
1933 Mi.429-449, Standard 317-337, Nations of USSR; complete set, part stamps hinged, value 35K MNH U:A5
1933 Mi.456, Standard 344, Order of the Red ribbon 20K, block of four U:A5
1935 Mi.532, Kalinin 3 K, half sheet of 50; cat. Standard 400€, Zverev 450€ U:A4
1935-45 comp. of stamps, sets and its parts on filled card A4, for example Mi.539-540, 564, 582-583, 645 etc.; larger part stamps ** U:O4
1937 Mi.558A-565A, Standard 460-467, Architecture of Moscow 3K-50K, complete set, 5x marginal piece; very good quality U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet Air exhibition in Moscow, luxury, cat. 350€ U:A5
1939 Mi.698, Standard 589, Opt 30K on 4 K, block of four with lower margin; MNH U:A5
1939 Mi.698, Standard 589, Opt 30K on 4 K, block of 8 with lower margin and controlling marking point in margin; MNH U:A5
1940 Mi.745A-748A, Standard 640-643, Majakovskij 15K-80K, complete set, blocks of four, perf 12½; all signed Soviet philately, mint never hinged U:A5
1940 Mi.749-752, Standard 644-647, Timirjasev 10K-60K, complete set, blocks of four; mint never hinged U:A5
1940 Mi.780A-785A, Standard 681-686, Anniv of storming the Perokop fortress 10K-1R, complete perforated set, blocks of four, 2x marginal; MNH U:A5
1941 Mi.821-824, Museum of Lenin, complete set; 45k dark green perf A and C, cat. 215€ U:A5
1941 Mi.823C, Standard 717A, Lenin Museum 45K dark green, luxury marginal block of 4; rarer combined perforation, cat. Mi.260€, Standard 120€ U:A5
1943 Mi.876, Standard 772, Marshall star 3R, UR corner block of 4; mint never hinged U:A5
1944 Mi.892-894, Standard 788-790, Stratospheric Flight, complete set of bloks of four with margins, Mi.894 LL corner block of 4!; mint never hinged U:A5
1944 Mi.899-900, Standard 800-801, Airmail overprint 1R on 30K, complete set, UL corner blocks of four; mint never hinged U:A5
1944 Mi.918-921, Standard 823-830, Krimskij - Korsakov 30K-3R, complete perforated and imperforated set, blocks of four with upper margin; mint never hinged U:A5
1945 Mi.972-980, Standard 896-904, Soviet aircrafts 1R, complete set in blocks of four, 4x outer; in blocks of four rare, excellent quality U:A4
1945-49 compilation of used stamps on 2 cards A4, contains i.a. Mi.990-991, 1131-1136, 1301-1308, 1357-1364, 1371-1380 etc. U:O4
1946 Mi.1014-1022, Soviet aircrafts 5K-60K, complete set in outer blocks of four; in blocks of four rare, excellent quality U:A4