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1958 Mi.2068A-2069A, B, Standard 2047-2050, Exhibition Brussels 10K-40K, compilation of bloks of four, imperforated and perforated, values 10K with plate flaw "broken letter K in the word SOVETSKII"; mint never hinged U:A5
1958 Mi.2106-2108, 2169-2171A, B, Airmail 60K-1R and 20K-40K, two complete sets in blocks of four, perforated and imperforated; MNH U:A4
1958 Mi.Bl.25, Standard Bl.28 (2), 2x MS 100 years of Russian stamps, violet frame + blue frame; 1x hinged U:A5
1958 Mi.2138, Metallurgist 60k red-brown, die-stamping ; complete sheet of 150, CDS MOSCOW, cat. 1.950€ only as single stamps U:A3v–
1958-59 Mi.2138, 2198, 2231, Professions 20K, 25K and 60K, compilation of block of four!, 25K and 60K outer, die-stamping, all line perforation U:A5
1959 Mi.2235, Sea fleet USSR, sheet 1Rub block of 25 common with CDS MOSCOW and ditto with significant printing flaw - pink violet band in 4th column (defect of printing grid), rare, still unknown printing error! U:A4
1961 Mi.2541, 22. congress of Communist party 1R, complete 16-stamps sheet, partial with oxidation in left part, at least 6 stamps perfect; cat. only stamps 640€, cat. Soloviev 40.000Rb U:A4
1962 Mi.Bl.30, souvenir sheet North Pole with Opt; cat. Michel 120€, Standard 140€ U:A5
1962 Mi.2634-2636 A+B, Flight Vostok 3 + Vostok 4, complete perforated and imperforated sets, in pairs with red special pmk "Pervyj Gruppovoj Polet" in ministerial booklet; rare! U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.33, souvenir sheet Tokio, nr. 001026, small edition; luxury, cat. 300€ U:A5
1982 Mi.5235, Standard 5286, New Year 1983, perforated and IMPERFORATED stamps; Mi. doesn't report, Standard 1.600€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1983 Mi.5246U, Standard 5297, 65 years of Soviet army, perforated and IMPERFORATED stamp; Standard 2800€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1983 Mi.5255, 500 years of Raffael birth, 50K, complete sheet of 24 + coupon, CDS MOSCOW; sheet with interesting original paper crease at top U:A3v–
1990 Mi.6135-6137, Nobel price holders, blocks of four and TCP - print gravure Pasternak in black color on chalky paper U:A5
1952-1991 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of sheets and PB, also joined printings, coupons etc. in big album; some interesting - Mi.1659-1662 in complete sheets, Mi.1717, Basketball 1Rubl in sheet 6x5 with plate flaw, etc., high catalogue value U:Z
1915-1959 [COLLECTIONS] chosen compilation of stamps and complete sets, mainly in blocks of four also blocks of 6, contains i.a. block of 6 Mi.589, also Mi.262-266, 1318-1324, 1809-1821 etc., part marginal pieces, stmps with overprint etc.; on 6 cards A5, very good quality, high catalogue value U:O5
1943-48 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets in blocks of four!, contains i.a. Mi.885-889, 922-924, 930-931, 959, 971, 968-970A, B, 988-989, 990-991,1066-1070, 1116B, 1179-1182 outer blocks of 6 etc.; excellent quality, high catalogue value, on 5 full cards A4, interesting offer U:O4
1945-1963 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 20 used souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.14, Bl.15, Bl.24, Bl.25 etc.; cat. Mi.356€, Standard (market price) 196€, on 4 cards A4 U:O4
1955-56 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets in blocks of four, contains i.a. Mi.1797A, 1801, 1805-1806, 1807A, 1808, 1822, 1823-1824, 1825, 1829, 1830, 1831-1832, 1833, 1834A, 1836-1838, 1839, 1840, 1841-1842, 1843-1844, 1875-1881, 1891, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1906, 1872-1873, 1874 etc., many outer pieces, several plate flaws and others.; excellent quality, high catalogue value, in blocks rare U:O4
1957 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets and single stamps in blocks of four!, all issues from 1957, contains i.a. Mi.1914, 1919-1921A, 1924-1929, 1930-1933, 1935, 1945A-1949A, 1962-1966, 1967-1972, 2042-2045A etc.,many marginal pieces, several plate flaws and others.; excellent quality, high catalogue value, on 6 full cards A4, interesting offer U:O4
1958 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets and single stamps in blocks of four!, all issues 1958, contains i.a. Mi.2046, 2048, 2053-2057, 2058, 2059, 2064, 2077-2079, 2071-2073, 2146-2154, 2174-2179 etc., many outer pieces, several plate flaws and others.; excellent quality, high catalogue value, on 6 full cards A4, interesting offer U:O4
1959 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets and single stamps in blocks of four!, all issues 1959, contains i.a. Mi.2195A, 2206-2207, 2208-2213, 2216, 2217-2218, 2232-2235, 2242-2243, 2259-2261, 2297-2298 etc., many outer pieces; excellent quality, high catalogue value, on 6 full cards A4, interesting offer U:O4
1960 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of complete sets and single stamp. in blocks of four!, all issues 1960, contains i.a. Mi.2312-2313, 2315, 2317-2321, 2330-2335, 2336-2337, 2347-2351, 2352-2355, 2365-2368, 2369-2378, 2390-2391, 2407-2411, 2433 etc., may outer pieces; excellent quality, high catalogue value, on 8 full cards A4, interesting offer U:O4
1987 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.5711-5713, Standard 5763-5765, Wild animals, 175 sets in complete sheets, Standard 560€ U:Z
1925 airmail letter to France, franked with, overprint airmail stamp, Mi.267-270, CDS MOSCOW 11.9.25, supplemented with pmk SAMOLETOM, on reverse transit BERLIN FLUGPOST, vert. fold U:A5
1941 comp. of 5 letters, 3x airmail from that 2x Reg + airmail, all to Protectorate, various frankings of postage and airmail stamps., CDS MOCKBA, 3x censorship, arrival postmarks; overall good condition U:A5
1953-55 11 entires sent by airmail to Czechoslovakia, from that 6x uprated p.stat PC, all from the visit of Korea from one sender - member of Repatriation committee Col. LLD. Pavel Winkler in Kesong; good condition U:A5
2001 Mi.Bl.38 and MH5, VIP gift album Symbols of Federation with souvenir sheet, certificate of gold used for Coat of arms 100R stamp; in addition stamp booklets with Mi.913, 914, 916 and also with certificate, cat. 90€ ++ U:A4
2002 Mi.976-978, 994-998, Bl.46, Old Coaches, 300 years of St. Petersburg, both issue in VIP gift booklet, 2x certificate, cat. doesn't report U:A5
2002 Mi.1061-1062 and Bl.52 in joined printing in VIP gift album Davis Cup, with silver certificate used for album, Mi. -.- U:A4
2004 Mi.Bl.69, Amber chamber, in VIP gift booklet, cat. doesn't report U:A4
2006 Mi.1320-1324, printing sheet 200 Anniv of Creml Museum, in VIP gift booklet, cat. 120€ ++ U:A4
2006 Mi.1320-1324, printing sheet 200 Anniv of Creml Museum, in VIP gift booklet, cat. 120€ ++ U:A4
2006 Mi.Bl.90, 4-stamps souvenir sheet, imperforated; interesting combination printing on carton paper, in VIP gift booklet, cat. 110€ ++ U:A5
2008 Mi.Bl.115, Printing-works Goznak (190 years), stamp booklet; cat. 80€ U:A4
1920 ARMENIA - Russian issue House of Romanov, blocks of four 4 K red and 10K/7K brown, with ARMENIAN Opt " 5 R ", this Opt is rare, this is so-called. UNISSUED stamps! U:A5
1912 KITAJ Ppc to Austria, franked on reverse and also on front side with 4 stamps with overprint 1k, Mi.1 4x, CDS KITAJ ZAGRANIČNA POČTA 2.2.12; good condition U:A5
1899-1917 CHINA comp. of mainly bloks of four with Opt KITAJ and dollar currency; placed on card A4 U:A4
1865 LEVANT, Mi.2, Eagle and steamship 2 Pia red / blue; small thin place (usual); very nice quality and rare stamp, exp. Kohler, certificate Stolow, cat. 1.500€ U:A5
1899-1917 LEVANT, KITAJ compilation of stamps with overprint of Russian Empire on full two-sided card A4, contains i.a. Mi.4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13 etc. U:O4
1917 propaganda Ppc "Land of freedom" issued for Revolution 1917, sent by FP to Jalta, violet bicircular pmk IZ DIZVUJUŠČEJ ARMIJI with eagle, arrival postmark JALTA 2.10.17, good condition, decorative U:A5
1857-1964 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of Russia Empire and USSR on hingeless sheets in spring folder and 2 ring folders A4, contains classic issues - Coat of arms, many complete sets, strong 1930´s and 1940´s, i.a. used Mi.1 (exp. BPP), 2, 5, 7, 9, 12-17, 19y, 22y, 82-98, 390-391, 397-400A, 402-404A, 410-411, 429-449, 453-455, 462-466, 483-487, 494-498, 499-508!, Levaněvskij with Opt Mi.527 etc., also several souvenir sheets, i.a. mi.Bl.6-8, 9 ( part quality should be inspected) etc.; major part of stamps and sets used, high catalogue value, by estimation 10.000€+, it is worth seeing U:Z
1913-64 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Russian Empire, R.S.F.S.R and USSR in full 12-sheets stockbook A4, contains various complete sets and its parts, also single stamps, i.a. Mi.82-95; 98 1383-1384A, B; 1450-1458; 1646-1647; 1664; 1669-1674; 1756-1758; 1809-1821; 1849-1862 etc.; mint never hinged, also hinged, higher catalogue value U:Z
1956-63 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps in full 12 sheets in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains single sets and stamps, incl. several souvenir sheets U:Z