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1849-82 compilation of 71 classic stamps, contains i.a. Mi.8 II 3x, Mi.9 2x, Mi.12 3x, Mi.19, Mi.2 quality should be inspected - not counted; various quality cat. 3.000€ U:A5
1851 Mi.3, Neuenburg 5Cts; repaired at top, otherwise nice, black linear pmk, exp. Richter, sought classic stamp, cat. 3.800€ U:A5
1850 Mi.4, Winterthur 2½Rp; repaired margins, complete FP, exp. Richter and oths., sought classic stamp, cat. 3.800€ U:A5
1852 Mi.10, Mi.12, RAYON III. 15Rp, small and big numerals, certificate von der Weid; cheap Mi.12 right with filled margin, exp. Div, cat. 780€ U:A5
1920 Mi.130-132, 143-144, 175-178, 185-188, 209-212, 218-221, compilation of used stamps and sets Pro Juventute; on card A4, cat. 530€ U:A4
1943 Mi.Bl.9, Bl.10, 417-418, comp. of 2 souvenir sheets, 100 years of Swiss stamps + souvenir sheet GEPH + 2 stamps from souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.8; cat. 250€ U:A5
1945 Mi.Bl.12, souvenir sheet 100 years of Stamp in Basel; mint never hinged, cat. 160€ U:A5
1951 Mi.Bl.14, souvenir sheet LUNABA; mint never hinged, cat. 280€ U:A5
2000 Mi.1726Kl., 4x 5Fr, Embroidery; cat. 220€ U:A5
1919 ZÜRICH - BERNE, airmail letter, franked with 1st airmail overprint stamp 50c, Mi.145 and postage stamp 3c, CDS ZÜRICH STATION 11.VI.19 and on the back side air mail postmark SCHWEIZER FLUGPOST 11.VI.19; envelope from left side cut, erased recipient, after all interesting early airmail entire! U:A5
1924-25 comp. of 3 air-mail entires: 1x air-mail day in Solothurn - Grenchen - air-mail card with additional-printing of special label 40c transported by flight ZURICH-LAUSANNE, franked with i.a. airmail stamp 25c, Mi.180 and postage stamp 10c, CDS GENÈVE POSTE AERIENNE, supplemented with red cancel. of air-mail show, at the back arrival INTERLAKEN + sight-seeing flight ROMANSHORN and next flight ROMANSHORN - ZÜRICH, Ppc franked with airmail stamp 45c, Mi.183 and Surtax airmail label 30c, posting violet cancel. FLUGPOST ROMANSHORN - ZÜRICH 9.VI.24, supplemented with oval cancel. FLUGTAG ROMANSHORN 9.VI.24 and arrival ZÜRICH FLUGPOST 9.VI.24 + decorative first flight GENÈVE - MILAN, airmail letter to Italy, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps i.a. Mi.213, violet cachet of 1. flight, posting air-mail cancel. GENÈVE 3.X.25 and arrival MILAN POSTA AREA 3.10.25; good condition; nice U:A5
1924-26 comp. of 2 airmail letters and 2 uprated postcards sent by airmail, from that i.a. 1x first flight BASEL-LUZERN, all franked and uprated with i.a. airmail stamps issue 1923 and 1925, Mi.179, 180 and 213, various CDS and commemorative postmarks, i.a. FLUGPOST STERNFELD-EPLATURES; good quality U:A5
1924-26 comp. of 5 air-mail entires, contains i.a. first flight GENÈVE - MILAN, airmail letter to Italy, franked with airmail stamp as pair Mi.179, violet cachet of 1. flight, posting air-mail cancel. GENEVE 3.X.25 and arrival MILAN POSTA AREA 3.10.25 + first flight STERNFELD-ÉPLATURES, airmail letter franked with. postage stamps 3x5c + 10c, and alos airmail letter to Hannover, franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.213, CDS BASEL 15.V.26 + uprated p.stat 20c sent by air mail to Bavaria, uprated with airmail stamp Mi.189, CDS FLUGPLATZ CURICH 1.IX.24 + airmail letter of small format to Curich, franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.179, special postmark CENTENAIRE DE PESTALOZZI YVERDON 17.FÉVRIER 1927; interesting compilation U:A5
1925 first flight BASEL - MANNHEIM, airmail letter to Germany, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.180, 156 2x, oval blue postmark FLUGPOST BASEL - MANNHEIM 28.IX.25; good condition, decorative U:A5
1925 first flight GENÈVE - MILAN, airmail letter to Italy, franked with mixed franking of air-mail and postage stamps, Mi.213, 156, 202, violet cachet, posting air-mail cancellation GENÈVE 3.IX.25 and arrival MILAN POSTA AREA 3.10.25; good condition, decorative small size U:A5
1925-27 international air-mail day in Geneve and followin flight GENEVE - BASEL, Reg and airmail letter franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.213 and Surtax trigonal labels, values 2x 50c, posting special postmark and air-mail pmk GENÈVE POSTE AÉRIENNE SUISSE 1.VI.25 and at the back arrival ZÜRICH and HÖNG 2.IV. 25 + 2x official postcard, from that 1x INTERNATIONALE EXHIBITION FÜR BINNENSCHIFFAHRT UND WASSERKRAFTNUTZUNG BASEL to Zurich, franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.213, additionally mounted special exhibition label, CDS BASEL 23.VII.26, special postmark + 1x Ppc to Basel, franked with i.a. airmail stamp Mi.179, additionally mounted special label PESTALOZZI GEDENKFEIER 1927, frame airmail cachet and round pmk CENTENAIRE DE PESTALOZZI YVERDON 17.FÉVRIER 1927 U:A5
1927 first flight LAUSANNE - LA CAUX DE FONDS - LE LOCLE - LAUSANNE/ 30.5.1927 black and violet postmark on air-mail p.stat envelope and PC with additional-printing of air-mail association NHORA, envelope sent as Reg, both p.stat with arrival CDS LAUSSANE POSTE AÉRIENNE SUISSE 30.V.27, low edition, only 300 pcs (!); decorative good condition U:A5
1928-31 3 air-mail p.stat Ppc, Mi.P134/02, P139/01, P140/02, all airmail ZÜRICH-BASEL 1.8.28, 1.SCHWEIZ. SEGELFLUGPOST BACHTEL 31.8.30, ZÜRICH - ST. GALLEN 1.8.31; good condition, cat. 260€ U:A5
1929 2 private postal stationery covers with printed stamp. Tell 10c, resp. 20c and additional-printing, uprated with airmail stamp. Mi.179, and Mi.180, posting special postmark Philatelisten Kongress BERNE 22.VI.29 and CDS BERNE LUFTPOST 24.VI.29, addressed toZurich with arrival airmail cancel. ZÜRICH FLUGPLATZ 24.VI.29; good condition, decorative U:A5
1932-33 comp. of 4 air-mail letters + 1x postcard, all to Czechoslovakia, from that 2x Reg, express and airmail and 2x Reg and airmail, various interesting frankings of airmail stamps, i.a. Mi.181, 189-191, 256-258, various CDS etc.; high catalogue value only as used stamps, nice compilation U:A5
1944 Reg and airmail letter to Germany, franked with airmail stamp Mi.435-437 and 438, CDS ZÜRICH 1/ 20.IX.44, transported by airmail on line Zürich - Geneva, transit pmk GENÈVE 1/ 20.IX.44 in front, more often censored, on reverse arrival MITTWEIDA 29.9.44; good quality U:A5
1930-39 [COLLECTIONS] interesting compilation of 29 airmail entires, i.a. Reg and airmail letters, uprated p.stat, postcards etc., various frankings of airmail stamps mainly from 30. years, i.a. Mi.182, 189-191, 256-258, 285-286 etc., various destinations, part with added-printings etc., censorship; it is worth seeing, high cat. as used stamps, overall good quality U:O4