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1940 Reg and airmail PC to Germany, franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. German red cross (I.) 1,20 Koruna + 80h, Pof.51 with coupons!, CDS BRNO 4.VII.40, arrival postmark.; without attributes of air forwarding U:A5
1940-42 selection of 27 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with Landscape I. also issue II., incl. end value 20K, 10K, 8K, 6 Koruna etc..; good condition U:A5
1940-44 selection of 22 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. letter franked with. gutter German Red Cross, 3x Reg letter from that 1x to USA, 1x court letter franked with. Služebními stamp. issue II., 8 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with A. Hitler etc..; good condition U:A5
1941 Registered and Express letter with Towns I. and II., values 4 Koruna, 3 Koruna and 80h, CDS PRAG 1/ 1.III.41, on reverse cancel. MAIN TELEGRAPF OFF. PRAGUE 1.III.41 U:A5
1942-44 comp. 12 pcs of cuts parcel cards, franked with. i.a. koncovými values stamp. A. Hitler. 10K, 20K and 30K, Pof.96-98, various CDS; good condition U:A5
1943 leave card, format A4, in front mounted 3 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. 1 Koruna, Pof.84, cancelled cancel, on reverse mounted fiscal stamps for holiday, issued Městským office Lázně Bělohrad; filling holes, otherwise nice quality, illustrated in/at c.v.. Pofis page. 201, rare blank form U:A4
1944 comp. 4 pcs of larger parts C.O.D. dispatch-notes franked with. i.a. koncovými values stamp. A. Hitler. 10K, 20K and 30K, Pof.96-98, various CDS, rare usage U:A4
1945 comp. 2 pcs of entires with A. Hitler. values 4,20 Koruna, Pof.122, commercial Reg letter with CDS LIBOCHOVICE 4.IV.45, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 5.IV.45 + cut parcel dispatch-note franked with. i.a. same stamp., CDS PRAGUE 1/ 23.III.45; good condition U:A5
1943 Pof.NV10-NV18, Newspaper stamps issue II., selection of 47 pcs of bnd-of-20 with all plate number; fold only in value 10h 2-43, cat. according to owner 9.160Kč U:A3v–
1939-40 comp. 2 pcs of newspaper wrappers franked with. newspaper stmp I. vydání: 1x stamp. 5h (2 pcs of), Pof.NV2 with additional cancel. ZDARMA and CDS ČESKÁ ČERMNÁ 4.X.39; 1x with 9h and 2x 2h, Pof.NV4, NV1 2x, CDS OLOMOUC 26.X.40 + envelope as commercial printed matter, with 10h with overprint OT, Pof.OT1; good condition U:A5
1941 whole journal "Věstník...." with address label, franked with. newspaper stamp. 5h I. printing, corner piece with plate number 24-40, frame railway-station cancel. ROKYCANY 2.V.41 U:A4
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.NV1-9, Newspaper stamps I. 2h-1K, accumulation 90 pcs of bloks of four with plate number, contains i.a 6x 5h with plate number 2-39; high catalogue value, more than 10.000CZK U:O4
1939 Pof.DL1-14, 5h - 20K, nominal complete set 2-stamps. trhaných gutter, contains i.a. 30h with plate number 2-39 and 2A-39; 50h with plate number 2-39 and 2A-39; 20K with plate number 1-39 and 1A-39; c.v.. 3.700CZK U:A4
1939 Pof.DL1-14, selection of 21 pcs of cut bnd-of-20 with plate number and various margin, does not contain these item/-s 10h 1-39 y-x; 30h 1-39 x-y, 2-39; 50h 2-39 and 3-40; 60h 2-39; 80h 3-40; 2 Koruna 1-39 x-y; all superb, c.v.. 14.870Kč U:A3v–
1939 Pof.DL2, 10h red, UL corner blk-of-4 with upper dividing line!; evidently unique rarity, exceptional offer U:A5
1939 Pof.DL6, 50h red, 2-stamps. detached gutter with plate number 3-40 and 3A-40; c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
Pof.DL10-14, values 1,20 Koruna - 20K, imperforate horiz. 4 stamp. gutter in pairs, with plate number 1-39, 1A-39; resp. 3-40, 3A-40; highest value, mint never hinged, c.v.. 2.160Kč U:A4
1940 comp. 2 pcs of check orders and 1 pcs of cut parcel dispatch-note, all with fee paid Postage due stamps., values 40h, 50h and 1 Koruna, Pof.DL5, DL, 6, DL9, various CDS; good condition U:A5
1940 R service letter to Prague, fee chosen stamp. Postage due stmp 1,20 Koruna, Pof.DL10 and corner pair 60h with plate number 1A-39!, Pof.DL7, CDS ČESKÝ BROD 20.VIII.40 and arrival PRAGUE 1 U:A4
1939-43 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.DL1-14, NV1-NV9, NV10-NV18, POSTAGE-DUE and NEWSPAPER STAMPS accumulation bands, gutter and bloks of four with plate number, contains Postage due stmp 5h-20K with complete group of cut bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number!, supplemented with i.a. about/by 5 pcs of dubletních bnd-of-20 80h and 5 pcs of 1,20 Koruna, then 3x counter sheet (14) value 80h, 5x value 1,20 Koruna etc.., then 2-stamps. detached gutter with plate number, in addition complete set of bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number stamp. Newspaper stamps the first issue., value 5h with plate number 7-39!, 11-39 and 12-39; very interesting selection of, good quality, cat. min. 17.000CZK, suitable to examination U:K
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.DL1-DL14, selection of 36 pcs of bnd-of-10 and 3 pcs of 5-pásů with plate number from 50 pcs of sheets, incomplete, but contains also several better items, cat. according to owner 7.850Kč U:O4
1941 Pof.SL1-12, 30h - 5 Koruna Official I., selection of 33 pcs of bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate numbers L or vpravo: and) plate number "1-41": values 30h (2x), 40h (2x), 50h (2x), 60h, 80h (2x), 1,20 Koruna (2x), 2 Koruna (2x), 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna; b) plate number "2-41": 30h, 40h (2x), 60h (2x), 80h, 1 Koruna, 1,20 Koruna (2x), 2 Koruna and 5 Koruna; c) plate number "3-41": 1,20 Koruna (2x); nice quality, cat. over 1.400CZK U:A4
1941 Pof.SL1-12, 30h - 5 Koruna, Official I., complete set of R and L the bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-41; c.v.. 1.400CZK U:A5
1941 Pof.SL1-12, 30h - 5 Koruna, Official I., complete set R and L the bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-41, value 1,20 Koruna with plate number 3-41; cat. min. 1.940Kč U:A5
1941 Pof.SL1-12, 30h-5K Official I., complete set, upper corner blk-of-10; mint never hinged, on/for plate A4, cat. min. 740Kč+ U:A4
1941 Pof.SL1-12, Official I., selection of R and L corner pieces with plate number 1-41, values 30h, 50h and 1,20 Koruna with plate number 2-43 U:A5
1941 Pof.SL1-12, Official I., selection of R and L corner pieces with plate number 1-41 (only value 30h plate number 2-43) U:A5
1941 Pof.SL1-SL12, Official I., selection of R and L corner pieces with plate number 1-41, values 30h, 50h and 1,20 Koruna with plate number 2-43 etc.., some values both plate number; good quality U:A5
1943 Pof.SL13-24, Official issue II., complete set of sheets of 100 with plate number 2-43, luxury; only folded in perforation, cat. 2.400CZK U:A3v–
1943 Pof.SL13-24, Official issue II., selection of 45 pcs of L and P corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-43, 2-43, complete set values nezávisle on/for plate number, mainly 2-43, supplemented with in addition about/by blocks of four values 60h, 1,20 Koruna, c.v.. ca. 1.400CZK U:A4
1943 Pof.SL13-24, Official issue II., selection of R and L corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-43, part 2. printing, 1. printing i.a. value 1 Koruna, value 4k with plate number 1-43 U:A4
1943 Pof.SL13-SL24, Official issue II., selection of R and L corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-43, larger part 2. printing, 1. printing i.a. value 1 Koruna U:A4
1943 Pof.SL16, Official II., 60h violet, whole vertical bnd-of-10 with R margin with plate number 2-43 and with wide protective frame; rare U:A4
1943 Pof.SL23, Official II. 4 K violet, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate number and with 2 coupons!; evidently unique rarity, exceptional offer U:A5
1941-42 comp. 3 pcs of letters, 1 greater part dispatch-note and 9 pcs of cut-squares franked with. service stmp the first issue., Pof.SL1-12, 1x Reg letter, 3 pcs of cuts with mixed frankings official and postage stmp., high franking values 5 Koruna, 4 Koruna and other; good condition U:A5
1943-44 comp. 5 pcs of official letters franked with. service stmp I. and issue II., contains 2x Reg letter from that 1x with 5 Koruna the first issue., Pof.SL12, multiple franking Pof.SL13, 16, 1x mixed franking I and II issues with stamp. Pof.SL3 and SL13 - rare usage, parallel validity was/were maybe only one and half month!; as multiple nice U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín, complete CDS BRÜNN 1/ 20.IX.43; c.v.. 7.500CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp Terezín, perf line perforation 10½;, with lower margin, hint on margin and partially to corner stamp. with part/-s přilepeného white paper (used on/for formuláři?), c.v.. 2.800CZK U:A5
1943 Pof.PrA1a, promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in brown color, evid. number "129"; very good condition, c.v.. 14.000CZK U:A5
1996 facsimile Terezin miniature sheet for Red Cross 1943 - insert book/-s Post in ghetto Terezín, superb U:A5
1940 cut parcel dispatch-note with mounted poplatkovou stamp. 1 Koruna on reverse, Pof.PD1, CDS PRAGUE 55/ 15.X.40; good condition U:A5
1939-1941 comp. 10 pcs of entires with cancel. various postal-agencies, GROSS BOR, OSTROV N. O., DOLAN BEI KLATTAU, PUSTEVNY A. RADHOSCHT, VRANOV U./B., PRACHOVNSKÉ SKÁLY II., GROSS CHYSCHKA; good quality U:A5
1938-40 meter stmp VICTORIA, CDS PRAGUE 16.12.40, value 80h, nice print on envelope with commercial additional-printing + card with Czechosl. meter stmp MC TRNAVA, CDS BRATISLAVA 3.9.38 with value 20h after/behind Printed matter U:A5
1939 forerunner Czechosl. meter stmp Wichterle - Kovařík Inc., PROSTĚJOV 20.10.39, superb print on/for commercial envelope addressed to to Slovakia with franking 6CZK, Us customs control; on reverse torn flap, decorative piece U:A5
1943-45 comp. 8 pcs of envelopes with meter stmp, 1x Reg letter Chrudimská bank, Bayer - Kolín, Prague K&D, Rudolf Hermann, National work, Novina, School publ., I. N.O.Ú.Z.; nice print, good condition U:A5
1944 service letter franked print meter stmp 30h, PRAGUE 1/ 19.2.44, doslaný with new franking stamp. A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna with CDS ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ 20.II.44; good condition, interesting U:A5
1939-42 comp. 9 pcs of various commemorative sheets with commemorative postmarks, i.a. Birthday of Hitler 1942, Mozart 1941, Jindřichův Hradec on/for post. stamp, Opening theatre in Kolín etc..; well preserved U:A3v–
1939-43 comp. 5 pcs of first day sheets and 1 memorial envelope/-s, contains 3 various version Postal exhibition in Zlín, 100 years Plzeňského Prazdroje and envelope with additional-printing 50. birthday leader A. Hitler., supplemented with first day sheet Prague with flags with stamp. R. Heydrich with CDS PRAG 1/ 28.V.43 - first day issue funeral zn.!; well preserved U:A3v–
1940 NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK/ 10.XI.40 (last day usage), Pof.PDR1, CDS used as special in/at green color on envelope, supplemented with other cancel., Pof.PR36 and PR34; good condition U:A5
1941 first day sheet II. JAHRESTAG DER ERRICHTUNG DES PROTEKTORATS BOHEMIA UND MÄHREN 1939-1941 with special postmark, mounted 3-zn.; interesting U:A5
1941 large commemorative sheet PRAGUE, 4 side/party with stamps and commemorative postmarks, 37 pcs of, Prague, "V", Slatiňany, Zlín, Hlinsko, Ostrava, Nelahozeves, Piísek, Jihlava - Kriegsmuttertag and oths.; very fine, very attractive! U:A3v–
1937 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT pre-printed PC with thank for parcel, with A. Hitler. 60h, CDS PRAG 2/ 28XI.44; overall good condition U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT, 2x card to Wien (Vienna), Poděkování for parcel, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 30h, resp. 60h, MC PRAG 2; good condition U:A5
1943-57 TEREZÍN, GESTAPO PRAGUE, C.C. AUSCHWITZ selection of correspondence and documents one Czech prisoner, certificate of zatčení on/for pražském gestapu, 7 various cards from Small Fortress - Terezín, 2x pre-printing letters from C.C. Auschwitz, confirmation from year 1957 about/by work mission prisoner in/at I.G. Farben Werken in/at Auschwitz; worse quality U:A4
1942 COLLECTION CAMP larger part parcel of dispatch-note to cikánského camp in/at Hodonín by/on/at Kunštát, franked with. 2 stamp. A. Hitler. 3 Koruna + 1,50 Koruna, CDS NAPAJEDLA, on reverse off. cancel. COLLECTION CAMP II. V HODONÍNĚ U KUNŠTÁTU U:A5
![171069 - 1941-45 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING AKCE VIKTORIA / SPĚŠNÁ](https://g.burda-auction.cz/img_load_b.gif)
1941-45 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING AKCE VIKTORIA / SPĚŠNÁ ZPRÁVA collection documents/attributes advertising action Victoria contains 150 entires, 10 Ppc and other 10 pcs of various documents/attributes from territory Protectorate, several pieces from Generalgouvernementu and England; převážnou part of collection composes documents/attributes nejrůznějšího character with big lot of various propagandistic postmarks also labels from them mnohohé are already today težko dasažitelné unikáty, contains i.a. also proof die proof machine postmark Victoria and nulls frankotype Victoria - Baťa; the second part of collection SPĚŠNÁ ZPRÁVA composes 27 pcs of entires, 4 postcard and 4 other documents/attributes with relation to spojeneckým náletůn in territory of Protectorate and Germany, collection i.a. contains unique provisional Express messages on/for p.stat PC A. Hitler. 60h and typologii blank forms Express stamp message; collection are saved in/at superb album for entires Lindner, components/parts collection is catalogue postmarks Victoria issued community ARGE Bohemia and Moravia; all in very good quality, rare multiple containing unique item/-s missing also in/at těch greatest collections postal history Protectorate! U:Z
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in 2 older stockbooks, contains 1x overprint issue, from dalšich issues blocks of four, gutter, coupons, horseshoe, plate number, bnd-of-20 big Krajinek etc.., all in perfect quality, according to owner c.v.. ca. 22.000CZK U:Z
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in big older stockbook, contains 1x overprint issue doplněnou about/by several bloks of four, from other issues blocks of four, gutter, coupons, horseshoe, plate number, bnd-of-20 big Krajinek, horseshoe large A. Hitler. etc.., all in perfect quality, according to owner c.v.. ca. 34.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on/for more than 100 hingeless album pages, contains Overprint issue, i.a. blocks of four values 20h and 25h with omitted "u.", KD, KH values 4CZK, ditto values 10CZK with plate number 1, KP and postcard values 5CZK, then variants of coupons issues Towns I-III with variants * and dagger, other issue incl. several bloks of four, complete counter sheet Pof.72-73, variants of coupons A. Hitler. 10K-50K, Propouštěcí stamp. Pof.PrA1 (viewing of quality recommended), Newspaper stamps Pof.NV10-NV18, lower corner bloks of 4 with plate number, Official Pof.SL1-12 and SL13-24, corner pieces with plate number, Postage due stmp Pof.DL1-14, i.a. nominal complete 2-stamps. detached gutter and nominal complete bnd-of-10 with gutter, i.a. 20h with plate number 3-40x-x; overall very good quality, cat. according to owner ca. 50.000CZK U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] nice specialized collection in/at one 32-sheet stockbook, contains all basic set, a lot of coupon comp. (TESTER), gutter, horseshoe, miniatures, plate mark, plate variety, absolute major-part stamp. mint never hinged only highest values overprint and cut postage-due gutter hinged, c.v.. ca. 22.000CZK, profitable offer! U:Z