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1939 [COLLECTIONS] PŘETISKOVÁ ISSUE accumulation stmp with overprint in/at full small stockbook, contains incomplete basic set, in addition 4CZK and 10CZK 2x with coupons, lot of stamp. in blocks also single issue Coat of arms, Plzeň 50h, T. G. Masaryk 1 Koruna and 1CZK, 4 pcs of bloks of four values 2CZK Zvíkov, c.v.. ca. 6.000CZK U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] nice semifinished basic collection in/at 15-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. complete Overprint issue, then values 5h-50h in blocks of four, Pof.19KD, Pof.18KL, variants of coupons and horseshoe various issue issues Towns, A. Hitler, then blocks of four, i.a. complete Official (I.) 2x etc..; supplemented with about/by mainly complete Generalgouvernament; very good quality, high catalogue value U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] remaining selection of bloks of four, miniatures, i.a. Pof.122, coupons etc.., various sets, then nominal complete set corner pieces stamp. Postage due stmp with plate number etc.., supplemented with about/by several bloks of four Slovak Rep.; good quality, on 3 full cards A4 U:O4
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET selection of 27 pcs of sheets and parts of sheets, contains i.a. Heydrich (small spot in perforation), 50 pcs of and sheets of 100 Landscape, A. Dvořák, Paržské, fairs, Mozart, Wagner, 5. Anniv Protectorate, B. Smetana, Linden Leaves; incomplete set, part allowed in perforation, various quality U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of parts of sheets and blocks various issues as Linden Leaves gutter, Landscape, German Red Cross, Official, A. Hitler. etc.. U:K
1939-43 [COLLECTIONS] remaining selection of bands, horseshoes, coupons etc.., issue Country, town issue II 20K dark brown the bottom band with margin counter sheet, then 10K the bottom and upper band from margins counter sheet, Pof.48, 49, etc.., suitable to examination, good quality, in cardboard box U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 55 pcs of entires with various frankings Bohemian and Moravian stamp., from that 34 pcs of as Registered, 1x Ex, 1x money letter, overprint issue, Official, commercial printed matter, memorial postmark, postal-agency, returned mailing etc.., interesting U:O5
1939-44 comp. 2 pcs of PC, 1x forerunner Czechosl. PC 50h Coat of arms, sent as Reg, uprated by. Czechosl. stamp. 2x 1 Koruna T. G. Masaryk, CDS KROMĚŘÍŽ 15.VII.39 + German PC A. Hitler 6Pf with additional-printing sent from supplies from Plzeň to Brno, MC PLZEŇ 5.IV.44, usage German p.stat was/were in/at Protectorate tolerated; good condition U:A5
1943 Pof.CDV6/12, pictorial PC Pernštejn sent as Registered, uprated by. i.a. Surtax stamp. German Red Cross, Pof.112, 84, 83, CDS ZLONICE 7.XI.43, provisional R postmark, on reverse arrival CDS PRAGUE 17.XI.43; good condition, decorative U:A5
1939 Pof.CTÚ1a; Mi.T1/02, Telegram with printed stmp 40h Linden Leaves brown, incl. confirmations, 1. printing, rough perf 5¾;; 1x light vert. fold, c.v.. 1.500CZK; Michel 350€ U:A4
1940 CUP1, double unfolded PC of Social Insurance General Office, superb, c.v.. 900CZK U:A4
1940-41 comp. 4 pcs of decorative telegrams incl. envelopes, Lx7, 8 1940 and 1941, 10, Us, good condition U:A4
1941 commercial telegram to Hungary, fee 30,60K paid on reverse form postal stamp. values 20K, 10K and 60h, Pof.49, 48, 30, cancelled by postmark PRAGUE TÚS (Technical Services) 30.V.41; very sound condition, rare usage! U:A4