1944 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA, red Opt "Czechoslovak Post." on/for Hungarian stamp. 1f-2P, comp. 15 pcs of various stamps in blocks of four, mostly marginal /value 70f str-of-4/, total 60 pcs of, all exp. Blaha; interesting offer, on/for plate A4
1945 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, selection of 31 pcs of, overprint "We thank the Allies for Liberation 5.V.45", i.a. A. Hitler. 30K and 50K , 2x 5 years Protectorate (rare), Birthday A. Hitler. 44 (rare); several minor gum fault; in addition on/for 10K A. Hitler. with gutter (very rare, the first square known piece), all sign. Straka, rare selection of!
1945 CHEB, black Opt "1CZK / Czechoslovakia / Pravda wins" on/for German stamp. A. Hitler. 6Pf - blk-of-18 with lower margin + blk-of-35 stamp. A. Hitler. 4Pf with lower margin, with upper row stamp. without overprint!
1945 LÁZNĚ BĚLOHRAD, comp. 14 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. with overprint "Pěticípá star" (4 pcs of *) and 1 letter + RUMBURG, comp. 12 pcs of with overprint on stmp Deutches Reich A. Hitler., values TESTER - 80Pfg;
1945LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, comp. 4 pcs of unissued imperforated miniature sheets in/at blue, red - 2 shades and black color, on paper with gum; all existující 4 variants, interesting!
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem" complete set of 23 pcs of stmp with overprint on/for original destičce with additional-printing Pardubice 1945, supplemented with 3 pcs of commemorative sheets
1945 POLNÁ, selection of 24 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. 10h-30K + St. Vitus 1,50 Koruna and 2,50 Koruna with black and red overprint "Czechoslovakia/ Nár. committee ....."; rare
1945PRAGUE, Lion trhající swastika, printing sheet 20 stamps !! in light red color, design V. Pressiga; on chalky paper without gum, 20ti-kusový printing sheet rare!
1945 PRAGUE, Lion trhající swastika, design V. Pressiga, printing sheet 8 stamps in red color on chalky paper without gum, supplemented with 2 pcs of bloks of four on common paper
1945 PRAGUE, comp. of 2 commemorative sheets with revolutionary overprints on stmp A. Hitler. 4,20 Koruna + PRAGUE - SMÍCHOV comp. 7 pcs of stamp. with red overprint, complete set
1945 PROSTĚJOV, PLATE PROOF stamp design Professor. Kameníka in red color, on stamp paper with gum + BUČOVICE, semiofficial issue, joined printing 2 values 60h blue and 1,20 Koruna red, on stamp paper with gum; print original gravures
1945 selection of 21 pcs of various sorts overprints on stmp A. Hitler., St. Vitus Newspaper stamps, i.a. overprints PLZEŇ, sought ŽAMBERK "Pravda Vítězí", 3 pcs of newspaper (*) with atypical overprint "NEWSPAPERS/ Czechoslovak Post./ 1945"; interesting
1945 FRÝDEK, LIBČICE N. V., KOSTELEC N. O., comp. 7 pcs of Un Bohemian and Moravian PC and 1 card with mounted stamp., various overprints and PC; good condition
1945 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, selection of 35 pcs of stamp A. Hitler. 10h-50K, 2x set St. Vitus., Smetana, 5. years Protectorate (rare), Birthday A. Hitler. 44 (rare); used on 7 envelopes, all with CDS BUDWEIS 3/ 5. to. 10. 5. 45, rare offer revolutionary overprints in/at autentic the shape of!
1945 FRÝDEK, LIBČICE N. V., comp. 3 pcs of Un Bohemian and Moravian letter cards with overprints, Frýdek 2x rúzný overprint, CDS FRIEDECK 2.V.45 and LIBČICE N. V. 9.V.45; good condition
1945 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, letter to Vamberku, franked with. 6 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. 10h-2,50K with red overprint "Pěticípá star", bilingual CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ / KÖNIGRÄTZ 1 5.V.45
1945 KOSTELEC N. O., first day sheet with 3 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. 60h, 80h and 1,20 Koruna + Reg letter franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler.; all with overprint "5.V./ ČESKO-SLOVENSKO/ 1945"; nice
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem" complete set of 23 pcs of stmp with overprint mounted on/for big envelope with one print overprint, nationalized CDS PRADUBICE 5/ 9.V.45
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem", 2 pcs of Us Reg letters, 1x franked with. 4 pcs of stmp with overprint with CDS BOHDANEČ U PARDUBIC 9.V.45, 1x franked with. 3 pcs of overprint and 2 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp. without overprint with nationalized CDS PARDUBICE 5/ 9.V.45, incl. arrival postmarks and certificates of mailing; good condition
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem", 2 pcs of Us Reg letters, 1x franked with. 8 pcs of stmp with overprint., 1x franked with. 7 pcs of stmp with overprint., posting nationalized CDS BOHDANEČ U PARDUBIC 9.V.45, envelope/-s supplemented with always 2 print overprint in/at black and red color, both letters incl. certificates of mailing; good condition
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem", 2 pcs of Us Reg letters, 1x with A. Hitler. 4,20 Koruna with overprint and 1x with A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna and 3 Koruna with overprint; both letters with nationalized CDS PARDUBICE 5/ 9.V.45, envelope/-s supplemented with print overprint, incl. certificates of mailing and arrival postmarks; good condition
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem", Reg letter franked with. 8 pcs of stmp with overprint with nationalized CDS BOHDANEČ by/on/at PARDUBIC 9.V.45, envelope supplemented with 2 print overprint in red and black color, incl. certificate of mailing and přiloženého dedication with signature E. Kalmana; good condition
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem", comp. 2 pcs of envelopes with additional-printing Pravda wins! and print overprint + 3 pcs of commemorative sheets, from that 1x with vylolmeným CDS PARDUBICE 5/ 9.V.45, 1x print overprint on/for volném paper; all good condition
1945 PARDUBICE, Kalmanův overprint "Bohemia - Moravia / Byli we are and budem", comp. 2 pcs of envelopes with with overprint, envelope/-s always with two other print overprint in/at black and red color, posting nationalized CDS PARDUBICE 5/ 9.V.45; good condition
1945 PÍSEK, PRAGUE, FRÝDEK, comp. 4 pcs of envelopes with mounted overprint stamp. with appropriate postmarks, 2x Frýdek, without addressed; good condition
1945 Reg letter addressed to to Lužné, franked with. 4 stamp. A. Hitler. 30h, 40h, 1,5K and 2 Koruna with overprint "CZECH REPUBLIC/ SLOVAKIA/ 9.V.1945", nationalized CDS RAKOVNÍK 1/ 10.V.45, arrival postmark and certificate of mailing; nice quality
1945 Reg letter addressed to to Prague, franked by complete set A. Hitler. 10h - 50K with Prague overprint, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.V.45; recipient known dealer with stamps
1945 Reg letter sent to Smíchov, franked with. 7 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. 10h-1,50K with Smíchovským overprint "SVOBODNÉ/ ČESKOSLOVENSKO/ VE/ SVOBODNÉ/ EVROPĚ", CDS PRAGUE 33/ 5.V.45
1945 Reg letter to Tábor franked with. 4 stamp. A. Hitler. 40h, 80h, 1 Koruna and 2 Koruna with overprint Czechoslovakia 9.5.1945, nationalized CDS MILEVSKO 11.V.45, incl. certificate of mailing
1945 ŘÍČANY U PRAHY, Reg letter franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. with revolutionary overprint, Pof.82 and 85 (3x), nationalized CDS ŘÍČANY by/on/at PRAHY/ 17.V.45, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 55/ 18.V.45; in the middle lightly vert. fold
1945 comp. 2 pcs of dopisů: 1x to Zašové, franked with. 3zn. A.H.60h with Hranickým provisional + letter with A.H.8K with Jičínským overprint in red color, envelope open from 2 sides
1945[COLLECTIONS] accumulation more than 1.900ks "Kalmanových" overprints PARDUBICE, from collection of tiskaře A. Žáka from Pardubice Contains all values, blocks of four, bands, coupons, horseshoe, combination colors, plate proofs and several commemorative sheets, supplemented with kopií article K. Holoubka in Philately; all placed in full older stockbook, rare estate, suitable not only to sale, but also to/at studijnímu elaboration!
1945[COLLECTIONS] big collection revolutionary overprints, estate after/around tiskaři A. Žákovi from Pardubice, which/what získalvýměnou with other tiskaři. Total more than 1.000 pcs of stamps (!) with overprints, from more than 40 various destinations, i.a. NÁCHOD, SKŘÍPOV, KONICE, LIBČICE, ŽAMBERK, MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, DEJVICE, UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ, ROKYCANY, miniature sheet Liberated Prague - May 1945, NUSLE, PŘEROV, PODĚBRADY, SVITAVY, BOJKOVICE, CDS ZBRASLAV - FINIS GERMANIAE, ROVENSKO, PARDUBICE, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, ŽDÁNICE, CHOTĚBOŘ, VYSOKÉ MÝTO, DAČICE, FRÝDEK, DOMAŽLICE, DOBRUŠKA, HOŘICE etc.., all marked also with names tiskařů, in/at one older stockbook; very good condition, quite rare collection suitable also to/at studijnímu elaboration revolutionary overprints!!
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of revolutionary overprints on/for two-sided filled card A4, contains ca. 60 pcs of stamp., i.a. Říčany, Konice, Pardubice, Plzeň + ca. 50 pcs of with overprint ÚSTÍ N. L. (without gum); various quality
1945 comp. 12 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, from that 10x as Registered, 1x cash paid, contains i.a. this postmarks PERNŠTEJN N. O., STARÁ ROLE, DOLNÍ POUSTEVNA, MALÁ MORAVIA, ZAHRÁDKY U ČESKÉ LÍPY, UHERSKÝ BROD, MOR. TŘEBOVÁ, HOJSOVA STRÁŽ, DALOVICE etc.., mainly incl. arrival postmarks; good condition
1945 comp. 13 pcs of letters, mostly Reg and with broken out cancel., addressed to on/for Directory state tracks, i.a. nepřeškrtnuté Bohemian and Moravian Reg labels WARTENBERG, BENATEK AN DER ISER, ALTPAKA, ZLIECHOW etc..
1945 comp. 14 pcs of entires sent from Slovakia, from that 8x as Registered, 1x bilingual Reg label PRESSBURG 8, provisional postmarks as GELNICA, SEČOVCE, SOBRANCE, STREDA N. BODR., KOMÁRNO etc..; good condition
1945 comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters on/for Directory state tracks, with London-issue and Portraits, all with color provisory postmarks, FRYŠTÁT, P.Ú. CHOMUTOV, PODMOKLY, POST OFFICE M. OSTRAVA and rare LIBKOVICE V KRUŠNÝCH H.; good condition
1945Pof.354-356Ms(4) + Mv(4), from that 1x Pof.356b, 4-stamps. horiz. and vertical gutter, from that horiz. 2 Koruna with plate number A1; c.v.. 3.100Kč
Pof.353-359, comp. of more than 160 pcs of, contains set corner or marginal block-of-4, various color shades, etc., suitable also to research; on 2 cover A4, index inserted, cat. over 1.700CZK
1945 Pof.353-359, selection of 21 pcs of bloks of four, i. e. 12 complete sets; only 1x by/on/at 2 Koruna minor gum fault, some with production flaw, c.v.. as basic stamps ca. 1.200CZK, nice research material