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1867 LEVANT Mi.3 I, Franz Joseph, rough print, horizontal strip of 3 on small cut-square, 2x complete CDS JAFFA 24.12.; sought by specialists U:A5
1867 LEVANT Mi.5 I, Franz Joseph, rough print, fragment red pmk PLOESTIE 4.6.(!); interesting U:A5
1867 LEVANT, 3 cut-squares with mixed frankings V. and VI. issues 3Sld+25Sld, 5Sld+25Sld, 15Sld+25Sld, CDS CONSTANTINOPLE and one illegible (evidently Bukarest Recomandirt); cat. min. 1.100€ U:A5
1867-1905 LEVANT compilation of 34 stamps, contains Mi.1-3, 5-7, 8-13 (3 pcs of color shades), 15-16, 19, 30B, 32-40, 43-45, 47-50; Mi.2 I.- rough print, cat. over 300€ U:A5
1867 LEVANT, letter to Genoa, with 3+10+10Sld rough print CDS SMIRNE, additional over-printing plate also on stamps!; very nice quality, cat. 225€ ++ U:A5
1912 LEVANT 2 letters addressed to Italy, 1x as Registered with 2Pia, Mi.58 with CDS SMYRNA 23.IV.12, 1x ordinary letter with 1Pia, Mi.57 with CDS SMYRNA 10.V.12, both at the back arrival postmark ROMA; good condition U:A5
1910 LEVANT comp. of 3 used entires: a) PC abroad 20P, Mi.P26, CDS CONSTANTINOPOL/ 23.VIII.10, supplemented with commercial pmk b) Ppc (Jerusalem) with 20P, CDS JEERUSALEM/ 1.V.; c) card from Syria with 20P, CDS BEIRUT/ 2.I.10, commercial correspondence; as compilation nice U:A5
1914-16 SERBIA Ferch.1-21, stamps Bosnia 1H-10K Franz Joseph, with horiz. Opt "SERBIA"; complete mint never hinged set, cat. 650€ U:A5
1917 ISSUE FOR MONTENEGRO, ITALY compilation of 19 stamps with better variants of perf, contains i.a. MN - Mi.2B *, Italy Mi.23B** etc.; cat. for * min. 440€ U:A5
1917-18 ISSUE FOR ROMANIA Mi.1U-17U, imperforated Charles 3B-4L + Mi.18U-34U imperforated without values; interesting, larger part **, cat. for ** 300€ U:A5