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1935-38 BAAROVÁ Lída (one's own name Ludmila Babková, 1914–2000), Czech actress; own photo postcard with signature, atelier Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1904 BENONIOVÁ Hana (1868-1922), important Czech theatre actress, členka činohry ND; autograph on portrait photo postcard, atelier Langhans; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1908 BOBKOVÁ Amálie (1874-1956), important Czech opera songstress, soprano, členka ND; signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Fiedler; very good condition U:A5
1920 BUDIL Vendelín (1847-1928), important Czech actor, film director, theatre historian and translator, autograph on own photo from theatre games Merry paničky Windsorské; bend in corner, interesting U:A5
1925-30 COMPSON Betty (1897-1974), slavná American actress němých also zvukových filmů 20. and 30. years; signature on portrait photo postcard, very good condition U:A5
1935? DIETRICH Marlene Magdalene (1901–1992), světoznámá German - American actress and songstress, signature on B/W photo postcard; very good condition U:A4
1935? DOVE Billie (1903-1997), slavná American actress 20. and start 30. years, autograph on own photo postcard; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1959 DVORSKÝ Rudolf Anthony (1899-1966), Czech composer, kapelník, pianist, singer, actor and publ., own photo postcard with signature, atelier Ströminger, superb condition U:A5
1904 DVOŘÁKOVÁ-DANZEROVÁ Ludmila (1859-1917), important Czech actress, členka ND, authoress; signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Langhans; very good condition U:A5
1930-35 FERBASOVÁ Věra (1913–1976), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, autograph on photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1942 FREJKA George (1904-1952), important film director and theatre teoretik, in years 1930-1945 member činohry ND, 1945-1950 director and film director Theatre on/for Vinohradech, handwritten text on letter; good condition, interesting U:A4
1941 GOLLOVÁ Nataša (1912–1988), known Czech actress, handwritten written dedication with signature "Natáška" on/for portrait photo; atelier Blesk Prague, rare, very good condition U:A5
1905? GRÉGROVÁ Isa (1879-1962), important Czech actress, signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Maloch; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1964 GROSSMANN George (1941-1971), Czech comedian, humorist, singer, textař, theatre author - režíjní scénář to performance Šimek - Grossmann "Special school" with various scénáristickými notices J. Grossmanna incl. signature, incl. rozvržení rolls etc..; exceptional set, rare offer, very interesting! U:O4
1935? HAAS Hugo (1901-1967), important Czech actor and film director, autograph on portrait photo postcard; atelier Balzar, very good condition, interesting U:A5
1961 HAKEN Edward (1910–1996), Czech opera singer, dlouholetý member opera National theatre in Prague; autograph on photo postcard from games Rusalka; decorative U:A5
1990? HOFFMANN Dustin (1937- ), slavný American actor, holder Oskara; autograph on card on/for autographs, interesting U:A5
1923 IBLOVÁ Ann (1893-1954), important Czech theatre and movie actress, členka činohry ND; signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Schlosser, very good condition U:A5
1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; atelier Ströminger, on reverse hints of mounting, otherwise good condition U:A5
1939 KEJŘOVÁ Naďa (1899-1983), opera singer - soprano, členka National theatre (1925-39), autograph on photograph, as "Madame Butterfly"; nice U:A5
1905 KORECKÁ Ann (1880-1938), important Czech baletní dancer in/at set ND, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Langhans; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1883 KRASTEL Friedrich (1839-1908), important German theatre actor, film director, libretista; autograph on cabinet photograph, atelier Székely; very good condition U:A5
1930? LA JANA (Henriette Margarethe Hiebel) (1905-1940), slavná inter-war Austrian actress playing mainly in/at German filmech, autograph on portrait photo postcard; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1904 LAUDOVÁ-HOŘICOVÁ Mary (1869-1931), important Czech actress National theatre, photo postcard with signature, atelier Langhans; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1935-38 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; less frequent samostatný autograph, atelier Ströminger; very fine U:A5
1963 MARVAN Jaroslav (1901–1974), Czech actor, signature with dedication on portrait photo postcard U:A5
1900? MATĚJOVSKÝ Francis (1874-1950), important Czech theatre actor, member ND; signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Friedler, very good condition U:A5
1955? MOREAU Jeanne (1928- ), one of nejslavnějších French hereček all period; signature on portrait photo postcard + MORGAN Michele (1920- ), legendary světoznámá French movie actress, signature on portrait photo postcard; very good condition U:A5
1950-60 MORGAN Michele (1920- ), legendary světoznámá French movie actress, signature on portrait photo postcard; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1900? MUŠEK Charles (1867-1924), important Czech theatre actor, film director, member činohry ND (more than 500 rolls), portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Friedler; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1976 NEDBAL Miloš (1906-1982), important Czech actor and pedagogue, dlouholetý member member činohry National theatre (1945-76) excepting years 1970-72 (Theatre For/Behind branou), in years 1949-1982 učitel and later Professor on/for DAMU, national artist; pre-printing acknowledgments to životnímu anniv. with autograph, sound condition U:A5
1930 NEDOŠINSKÁ Antonie (1885–1950), Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Langhans; very good condition U:A5
1935-38 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera singer and movie actress, for example. in years 1935-1956 sólistka Metropolitní opera in New York, autograph on photograph smaller format; sound condition U:A5
1983 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera singer and movie actress, for example. in years 1935-1956 sólistka Metropolitní opera in New York, autograph on back side photo format 15,5x13cm, with date 23.9.1983; in/at right the bottom corner fold, otherwise sound condition U:A5
1950? OLIVIER Lawrence (1907-1989), slavný Brit. actor, holder Oskara, film director, dramatist, povýšen to šlechtického status, handwritten full signature on photograph from games Hamlet; interesting U:A5
1930? ONDRA Ann (Ann Sophie Ondráková 1902-1987), known Czech movie actress, own photo postcard with signature, atelier Balzar; very good condition, rare U:A5
1942 PTÁKOVÁ Mary (1873-1953), Czech actress, in years 1909-41 členka Vinohradského theatre, autograph on portrait photo postcard, on reverse obsáhlý vlastoručně written text; sound condition U:A5
1905 SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), important Czech theatre and movie actress, interesting photo postcard from child roll with signature; very good condition U:A5
1935? SCHEINPFLUGOVÁ Olga (1902–1968), Czech actress and authoress, wife Karel Čapek, handwritten dvoustránkový letter with signature; folded, otherwise very good condition U:A4
1940? SCHEINPFLUGOVÁ Olga (1902–1968), Czech actress and authoress, wife Karel Čapek; handwritten dvoustránkový letter + photo postcard with signature; interesting U:A5
1900? SCHMORANZ Gustav (1858-1930), theatre director, artist and director National theatre in Prague; signature on card, mounted on/for exponátovém sheet, interesting U:A4
1965? SCHOBEROVÁ Olga (one's own name Olina Bérová, * 1943), Czech movie actress, sex-symbol 60. and 70. years, autograph on photo postcard; sound condition U:A5
1945? SULANOVÁ Zdenka (1920–2004), important Czech actress and songstress, signature on portrait photo postcard; very good condition U:A5
1952 ŠEJBALOVÁ Jiřina (1905-1981), Czech opera singer and činoherní actress, členka National theatre, signature on portrait photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1935? ŠTĚPNIČKOVÁ Jiřina (1912-85), important Czech actress, autograph on own photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1948 ŠTERCL Jaroslav (1919-1996), comedian and kabaretiér, autograph on front side invitation-cards on/for premiéru revuálního pásma "Head in smutku"; sound condition U:A5
1900? URLUS Jacques (1867-1935), světoznámý opera singer, tenor, one from the best interpretů oper Richarda Wagnera at all, member Metropolitní opera in New York etc..; signature on portrait photo postcard, very good condition, interesting U:A5
1915? VACHKOVÁ Paul (1891–1978?), important Czech opera singer, signature on photo postcard; atelier Schumpeter, on reverse hints after sticking in exhibit, otherwise very good condition U:A5
1933 VEVERKA Frederic (1894-1960), important Czech actor, autograph on photo postcard; atelier Ströminger U:A5
1930-40 VÍTOVÁ Hana (1914–1987), slavná Czech actress and songstress, signature on own photo postcard, photo Ströminger + SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), Czech theatre and movie actress; comp. of 2 photo postcard with signatures U:A5
1938? VÍTOVÁ Hana (1914–1987), slavná Czech actress and songstress, signature on own photo postcard, photo Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1931 VOJTA Jaroslav (1888–1970), important Czech actor, photo as "Náš Mr. farář" with whole signature; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1939 VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981), Czech actor, handwritten text with full signature on/for směnce The Bank of Athens Trust Company New York with heading WERICH&VOSKOVEC; interesting, very good condition U:A5
1906 ŽELENSKÝ Charles (1865-1935), one's own name Charles Drápal, important Czech theatre actor and film director, signature on cabinet portrait photograph, atelier Fiedler; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1930-40 ACTORS/ comp. of 10 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures known, mainly prvorepublikových herců: Francis Filipovský, Zdeněk Štěpánek, Wenceslas Trégl, Jára Kohout, Ladislav Boháč, Gustav Nezval, Ota Rubík, Zvonimir Rohoz, Joseph Rovenský, John Wenceslas Speerger; i.a. 5x atelier Ströminger, 2x Langhans, very good condition U:A5
1930-40 ACTORS/ comp. of 10 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures known, mainly prvorepublikových herců: Zdeněk Štěpánek, Ladislav Boháč, Rudolf Deyl, Otomar Korbelář, Charles Lamač, Jaroslav Marvan, Edward Cupák, Jaromír Spal, Frederic Vrbský, Theodor Pištěk; i.a. 2x atelier Ströminger, very good condition, interesting selection of U:A5
1930-50 ACTORS/ comp. of 12 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures known, mainly prvorepublikových herců: Jaroslav Vojta (2x), Eugen Wiesner, Charles lamač, George Plachý, Joseph Kemr, Zdeněk Štěpánek, Otomar Korbelář, Gustav Nezval, Joseph Vošahlík, Joseph Wenceslas Speeger, Edward Kohout, Joseph Vinklář; i.a. 4x atelier Ströminger, very good condition U:A5
1950-70 ACTORS/ comp. of 8 portrait photos with signatures known, mainly postwar herců: Joseph Kemr, Radovan Lukavský, Charles Höger, Radoslav Brzobohatý, Martin Růžek, Vlastimil Brodský, John Tříska, George Sováka; very good condition, interesting offer U:A5
1930-80 HEREČKY / comp. of 9 photo postcard and photos known hereček with signs: Mary Glázrová, Emilie Vašáryová, Růžena Šlemrová, Jaroslav Skorkovská, Olga Scheinpflugová, Slávka Budinová, Theresia Brzková, Iva Janžurová, Blanka Waleská; i.a. 4x atelier Ströminger, very good condition U:A5
1930-60 HEREČKY / comp. of 9 photo postcard and photos known hereček with signs: Mary Glázrová, John Brejchová, Mary Rosůlková, Blanka Waleská, Andula Sedláčková, John Šulcová, Olga Scheinpflugová, Zdeněk Sulanová; i.a. 2x atelier Ströminger U:A5