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1960 ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922–2000), Czech sportsman, 4-tuple Olympic champion; signature on own photo in military uniform U:A5
1930? HUDEC Alois (1908-1997), slavný Czechoslovak gymnasta, Olympic champion in Berlin in 1936, 3x signature on B/W fotoreprodukcí from various training/exercise; placed on exponátovém sheet, interesting U:A4
1950? FOOTBALL/ BICAN Joseph (Pepi) (1913-2001), nejslavnější Czech footballer all period; signature on paper slip with B/W newspaper photos in/at dresu Slávie Prague U:A5
1956 FOOTBALL/ football national team Czechoslovakia 1956, selection of signatures on Ppc sent from Rio de Janeiro, match Brazil - Czechoslovakia O:1, signs: Pluskal, Kolský, Sigmund (journalist), Moravčík, Masopust, Feureisl, Dolejší, Kraus, Molnár, Rýgr, Urban, Pazdera, Přáda, Hertl, Novák, Schrojf, Hledík, Borovička; interesting U:A5
1960 FOOTBALL/ football national team Czechoslovakia 1960, selection of signatures on Ppc sent from Marseille from turnaje Pohár nations (forerunner of Championship Europe), where Czechoslovakia obsadila 3. place, with signs: Novák, Tichý, Vojta, Pluskal, Pavlovič, Dolinský, Šafránek, Masopust, Popluhár, Bubník, Molnár, Schrojf; interesting U:A5
19555-60 FOOTBALL/ MASOPUST Joseph (1931- ), Czech footballer, holder Ballon d'Or, signature on portrait photograph in/at dresu Dukly Prague U:A5
1948-61 FOOTBALL/ comp. of 2 picture-postcards: SPARTA PRAGUE 1948 - signatures of players on Ppc from Zagreb, i.a. Koubek, Vedral, Cejp, Kokštejn, Senecký etc.. + Sports club ČKD PRAGUE - BOHEMIANS 1961, postcard sent from Brussels, signs: Mizera, Rubáš, King, Sedláček, Kokta, Mareš, Trčka, Miškovic, Fiktus, Mottl etc..; good condition, interesting U:A5
1908 FOOTBALL/ selection of signatures on face-side postcard from year 1908!, signs: Joseph Loos - footballer Slavie Prague, European champion in/at ice hockey 1914, bronze olympic medailista from year 1920 + John William Madden (1865-1948), skotský footballer, participant first zápasu club Celtic Glasgow in 1888, representative Scotland, later coach Slavie Prague + Francis Koželuh (1887-1969), hráč AC Sparta Prague + Otto Bohata, hráč Slavie Prague, amatérský European champion from year 1911; addressed to F. Váchovi, správci playground in Prague - Letná, interesting, very good condition U:A5
1938 FOOTBALL/ FIFA WORLD CUP postcard with signatures of players Czechosl. national team, i.a. Plánička, Burkert, Říha, Zeman, Nejedlý, Puč, Košťálek, Kolský, etc., total 17 signatures on/for postally Us postcard, in addition with official label FIFA!; interesting also as postcard, including card with identifikací all signatures U:A5
1939 HOCKEY/ paper slip ca. 8x11,5 cm with 11 signatures kompletního týmu USA on/for World Championship in r. 1939 in Switzerland, incl. trenéra; rare offer, including card with identifikací all signatures U:A5
1968 HOCKEY/ postcard sent from hokejového zápasu Czechoslovakia - Sweden from Stockholm from year 1968, signs: Jiřík, Kostka, Farda, Suchý, Golonka, George Holík, Jaroslav Holík, Nedomanský, Machač etc..; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1955-58 HOCKEY/ comp. of 2 Ppc with signatures of sportsmen 1955: i.a. Fako, Starší, Vidlák, Pantůček, Bartoň, Sedlák, Hajšman, Gut, Zábrodský etc.., 1958 - signs: Pantůček, Sventek, Bartoň, Vlach, Bacílek, Starší, Fröhlich, Schwach, Nadrchal, Tikal, Gut, Volf etc..; interesting U:A5
1995? CHESS/ KARPOV Antatolij (1951-), world's chess Grand master, signature on memorial postcard U:A5
1978 CHESS/ official envelope international šachového turnaje velmistrů in/at Mostar, with commemorative postmarks and with signatures 11 participants this turnaje, i.a. Karpov, Talj, Hort, Miles, Kněževič, Byrne, Portisch, Ljubojevič and other; interesting, very good condition U:A5