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1996 BENEŠ, TOŠNEROVÁ: Post in ghetto Terezín 1941–1945, issued PROFIL, Prague, 343 sides, perfect condition, without insert, as new U:Z
1997 P. Horka: Czechoslovak air post 1918-1939, issued Trojan; as new U:Z
1998 MONOGRAFIE ČESKOSLOVENSKÝCH ZNÁMEK, 5. part, Stmp SO1920 (overprint), author O. Tovačovský, issued Pofis Prague; as new U:Z
1998 HAUPTMAN Miloš: Butterflies PB 1217-25, incl. black print, issued by Glen Beauty Prague; as new U:Z
1998-2011 POFIS: Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, 232 sides, little povolená binding, issue 2010 + ERVO CATALOGUE SLOVAKIA 1939-1945 / 1993-2005, very good condition + Butterflies PB 1217-25, without black print, issued by Glen Beauty Prague; very good condition U:Z
2010 POFIS: Czechoslovakia 1945-1992, 302 sides; very good condition U:Z
2011 POFIS: Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, 232 sides; good condition U:Z
1970-2007 DENMARK comp. of 12 specializovaných catalogues, contains AFA 1995, AFA 1987-88, 1981-82, specialized catalogue on/for blocks of four Danmark Fireblokke 2007, special on/for letters Danske Breve 1851-1979 I. and II. part, etc..; overall good condition U:Z
2003 EHEMAHLIGE DEUTSCHE (German) KOLONIEN UND AUSLANDSPOSTÄMTER, Stempelkatalog, 16. issue; good condition U:Z
1986 MICHEL - HANDBUCH-KATALOG DEUTSCHE (German) FIELD-POST 1937-1945, specialized catalogue German field post, 393 sides; very good condition U:Z
2006-2012 MICHEL comp. 15 pcs of catalogues Michel, contains i.a. complete group of Europe 1. -7. part, year 2012/13; Deutschland (Germany) 2011/2012, South - and Zentralafrika 2011/2012, Südasien 2010/2011, Grossbritanien 2009/2010 etc..; good condition U:K
2011 SASSONE I + issue II, 2011, Staroitalské states basic, Sardinia specializovaně, Italy and territory WWI., WWII and colony/-ies also specializovaně; biggest přínos this catalogue spočívá especially in/at valuation entires, then blocks of four, printing and perf specialties etc..; nejdůležitější catalogue for sbírání Italy! U:Z
2012 SASSONE issue 2012, Antichi Stati Italiani - Regno Italia 1850-1900, specialized catalogue Staroitalských states, Lombardy-Veneto and Italy to year 1900; description and valuation veškerých specialities, superb picture elaboration; nepostradatelný zdroj information; as new U:Z
2011 STANLEY GIBBONS Stamp Catalogue 2011, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970, nejdůležitější catalogue for sbírání Britain and colonies; in addition SG. issue 2003 U:Z
1983 WEILL A., Alphonse Mucha, Toutes le Cartes Postales; catalogue all Ppc A. Mucha; Uppsala 1983, as new, rare offer! U:Z
1968-94 [COLLECTIONS] MONOGRAFIE ČESKOSLOVENSKÝCH ZNÁMEK 1. - 5. part, 13. - 17. part, (16. and 17. part both volumes); very good condition, without black-prints U:K
1988-99 [COLLECTIONS] STUDY HANDBOOKS - HRADČANY, Chainbreaker, PIGEON ISSUES compilation of guides for collectors of typography issues, contains issue guides issued by Společnost sběratelů československých knihtiskových známek SČSF and SČF; good condition, in cardboard box U:K
1929-47 [COLLECTIONS] collection old issue philatelic journals and revue: TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ complete volumes 1929-1943; ČESKÝ FILATELISTA annual volumes 1940 and 1943; ZPRAVODAJ PHILATELY 1946 and 1947; ČESKÝ FILATELISTA 1940, SLOVAK FILATELISTA 1940; TOPOGRAPHY CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and II. part; in good condition condition, placed in box U:K