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1861 Mi.18 (2x) + Mi.19 (2x), Franz Joseph 2+2+3+3Kr on small cut-square, whole CDS NEUGEDEIN 11.MÄRZ; from old collection, nice quality U:A5
1861 Mi.18-22, Ferch.18-22, Franz Joseph in oval 2 Kreuzer, new gum + 3 Kreuzer with part original gum, sign. Kovařík + 5 Kreuzer part o.g. + 10Kr without gum + 15 Kreuzer with new gum; part quality should be inspected, cat. ca. 1.300€ U:A5
1861 Mi.18+19, Franz Joseph 2+3Kr, on small cut-square with whole CDS JÁNOSHÁZA 22.12.; good quality U:A5
1864 Mi.19 (2x) and Mi.34, small cut square with stamps 3+3+15Kr, mixed franking of various issues, CDS TRIESTE worse readable U:A5
1861 Mi.20, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer red, 3 stamps, all with red registry pmk., from that 1x small cut square with oval CDS BRIEF-FILIALAMT RECOMANDIRT/ WIEN/ 25.1. + black CDS O-GYALLA 13.10. (= Hurbanovo), 1x line CDS VERONA and 1x fragment CDS HERNALS; interesting U:A5
1861 Mi.20, 5 Kreuzer Franz Joseph red, vertical pair, in the middle omitted 2 perf. holes, so-called. "joined bridge", complete 2-lines railway pmk "K.u.K.. FAHRENDES/ POSTAMT N. 6"; good quality U:A5
1861 Mi.20, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer brown-red, complete red oval CDS BRIEF-FILIALAMT RECOMANDIRT/ WIEN/ 25.1. + black line WEIDHOFEN A. D. THAYA; sought by specialists U:A5
1863 Mi.21, 10Kr brown, red CDS RECOMMANDIRT/ WIEN/ 21.7.64 + framed pmk "von/ CRACOW/ retour" !; sought by specialists, over UL corner stamp folded U:A5