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1919 Mi.1x-10x, National Symbols, set of 10 values in blocks of 30, with margins, all with CDS BAGOUT 26.10.19, total cat. 2.700€ U:A3v–
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set; cat. 150€ U:A5
1961 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet World Championship in table tennis, issued without gum; small flaw - several small browny dots, sought, cat. 2.200€ U:A5
1961 Mi.602-603, 40. Anniv of Mongolia, cat. 400€ U:A5
1961 Mi.604-605, Military museum, cat. 260€ U:A5
1963 Mi.741B-743B, Monkeys, complete imperforated set, all stamps marginal; cat. 150€ U:A5
1964 Mi.824-826A, strip of three 15. Anniv of Peoples Republic of China, small perf faults between 1. pair, cat. 300€ U:A5
1898 SHANGHAI, postal stationery cover for local usage 1C, with red CDS SHANGHAI, uprated 1 Candareen with hand-made cancellation, sent via US post off. in Shanghai, here then uprated with tricolor franking 1C+2C+5C issue 1895 CDS U.S. POSTAL AGENCY SHANGHAI and sent via San Francisco and New York to Teplice (Bohemia - Austria-Hungary), arrival postmark TEPLITZ STADT; signs of age, unique mixed franking and entire! U:DR
1927 MANCHURIA Reg letter from Harbin to Czechoslovakia, franked with overprint stamps - local issue for Kirin and Heilungkiang, Sc.1,7,11, Junk 1C, 5C (block of four) and 10C with Chinese Opt "to usage in district Ki-Hei", CDS HARBIN, transit Via Siberia; very nice letter U:A5
1937 1. FLIGHT CHINA - USA comp. of 2 airmail letters sent to USA, various franking, CDS CANTON 28.4.37, arrival postmark SAN FRANCISCO, added-print to first flights HONG KONG-SAN FRANCISCO and CHINA-USA U:A5
1953-57 comp. 11 entires to Czechoslovakia and USA, all from one sender from Czechosl. Embassy in Beijing, LLD. Paul Winkler (member Repatriation committee in Korea), from that 3x Reg letter, remaining as Ppc, interesting multicolor frankings of postage stamps issue Gate, supplemented with 1 Ppc sent from Japan from same sender; good condition U:A5
1898 SG.52a, Victoria 96C grey-black with Opt "1 DOLLAR"; without Chinese marks, very nice piece, cat. £2.750
1941 SG.163-168, George VI. - Motives; complete set, cat. £90 U:A5
1975 Mi.268-281, Elizabeth II. 10C - £20; complete set, cat. 160€ U:A5
1876 Sc.15, Persifila 13, block of four Heraldic Lion 1 Shahi grey-black; part original gum, very nice block with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Pers. $350 U:A5
1878-1879 Sc.36, Pers.30, Heraldic Lion 5 Krans violet, pmk SCHIRAS; very nice piece at top with close margins, exp. M. Sadri and oths., cat. Scott $350 U:A5
1878-1879 Sc.37, Pers.31, Heraldic Lion 5 Krans gold, pmk SCHIRAS; lower closer margin, otherwise very nice piece with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Scott $750 U:A5
1878-1879 Sc.40, Pers.28A, Heraldic Lion 1 Toman bronze red on blue paper; very nice quality, exp. Thier with certificate M. Sadri, cat. Scott $8.000, very rare stamp with edition only 500, today preserved max. 80 pieces! U:DR
1887 BRITISH (INDIAN) POST V PERSIAN GULF, port Bandar Abas, postal stationery cover 2A blue uprated with Indian stamps Victoria 1 Anna and 2 Annas, CDS and port framed pmk BANDAR ABAS, to Vienna, via Italian BRINDISI and then by train, rare entire in perfect quality U:A5
1892 BANDAR ABBAS - post off. of East Indian Company Hormus channel, telegram to Diego Suarez (Madagascar) sent via Aden as Reg letter franked with Indian stamps SG.Z57, Z64, with pmk "B", Bandar Abbas type Z10, rare letter and interesting destination! U:A5
1921 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. 5 coloured franking of postage stamp issue 1913, CDS KOBE 25.6.21; good condition U:A5
1935 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with multicolor franking of airmail and postage stamps, CDS; decorative U:A5
1938 commercial airmai letter sent from Tokyo to Prague, franked with five-coloured franking stamps 5, 7, 10 and 25SEN, CDS TOKIO 13.9., on the back side arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 22.IX.38; passed through censorship, decorative U:A5
1961 letter sent from Japanese Science station "Syowa Base" in Antarctica, with Mi. ... (2x), red special postmark SYOWA BASE/ 30.1.1961 + ship CDS SOYA SHIP/ 36.1.30 (= 30.1.61), addressed to Germany U:A5
1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps in 6-sheet stockbooks, from 1960 unused, also several blocks; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100€ U:Z
1946 USA GOVT. before 1948, Mi.2-6, provisional overprint issue on Japanese stamps 5Ch/14 Sen- 5W/17 Sen, 6 stamps from each values, cat. 216€ U:A5
1959 Mi.187-190A + Block No.1, International book exhibition, cat. 150€ U:A5
1953 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.52, 53, CDS GAISUNG (Kaesong) 19.10.53, sender member of the Repatriation committee in Kesong; good condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between 2 military units on the occasion of 5. anniv of Korean Peoples army (8.2.1953); 2x field post CDS, in upper part printed promotional text about fight against imperialists from USA!; interesting document, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between 2 military units on the occasion of 5. anniv of Korean Peoples army (8.2.1953); in upper part printed promotional text about fight against imperialists from USA!; in dark brown color, interesting document, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between 2 military units on the occasion of 5. anniv of Korean Peoples army (8.2.1953); in upper part printed promotional text about fight against imperialists from USA!; in red wine color, lower different inscription, interesting document, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST FP card of DPRK army, format 14,8x10 cm, used, in front lower date 8.3.1953; interesting offer, sound condition U:A5
1953 FIELD POST FP card army DPRK, format 15,1x9,8 cm, used, at the back lower hand-made date 10.3.1953; interesting offer, sound condition U:A5
1953 surtax propagandistic view card with imprinted stamp 5+5W, uprated with stamp Mi.49 2x, CDS from 18.12.53, sent by airmail to Czechoslovakia by member of Repatriation committee Col. LLD. Paul Winkler in Kesong; decorative good condition U:A5
1953 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.73, 52 2x, CDS GEAISUNG (KOESON) 20.11.53, sender member of Repatriation committee in Kesong; decorative, good condition U:A5
1954 decorative Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.46, 52 2x, CDS KOESON 20.2.54, arrival PRAGUE 9.III.54, sender member of Repatriation committee in Kesong; decorative, good condition U:A5
1954 airmail postcard to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.46, 52, 73, CDS from 11.1.54, sender member of the Repatriation committee in Kesong; decorative, only small tearing in margin U:A5
1954 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.46, 49 3x, 53, CDS GEAISUNG (KOESON) 11.1.54, sender member of the Repatriation committee Col. LLD. Pavel Winkler in Kesong, on reverse note by censor; decorative, good condition U:A5
1953 airmail letter sent to USA, with Mi.75, 142, 143, 160-162, CDS SEOUL 30.12.53; interesting franking, rare occurrence, good condition U:A5
1951 SG.439-449, Portraits and junks, 1Avo - 5Pat; several dots, otherwise perfect set, cat. £690, rare offer! U:A5
1932-1958 Mi.53-54, 56-58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 99, 115-117, 128-129, comp. of stamps on card A5, incomplete sets; MNH, several small gum flaws, cat. ca. 580€ U:A5
1932-46 Mi.55-58, 67, 68, 70-74, comp. of stamps on card A5, incomplete sets incl. highest values; Mi.55-58 + 67 *, cat. ca. 360€ U:A5
1951 Mi.76, Lenin 3T, block of four; mint never hinged, luxury, cat. ca. 240€ U:A5
1953 Mi.98-99, 1. Anniv of death Choibalsana 3T and 5T; highest values in blocks of four!, MNH, cat. ca. 420€, interesting U:A5
1955 Mi.111, Lenin 2T blue, strip of 10 with L margin!; mint never hinged, cat. ca. 160€ U:A4